
Posts Tagged: 'richie+foley+%28gear%29'

Mar. 14th, 2017




Can't believe it's that time of year already. Happy Pi Day everyone! Now who can tell me who's got the best pies in the county?




National potato chip day. I've been craving Cool Ranch Doritos like crazy. I don't think that counts as potato chips but close enough.

Also I don't do this often but thanks to everyone that came to the baby shower. And Cindy and Lina for throwing it. Logan now his work cut out for him with the nursery. Pretty sure I have Lina to thank for all the presents.

Mar. 13th, 2017




I'm down to my last case of Thin Mints.

Is it just me, or does Girl Scout Cookie Season end too soon?

Feb. 14th, 2017




Japan has all the things I want. There's a place there that makes pancake-cakes. Like giant pancakes the size of cakes.

Happy Valentines day

Jan. 20th, 2017




What do you do when you can't tell what reality and a nightmare is anymore?I used to think teas were over rated, but apparently they actually have health worth. Now if I could just get through them without burning myself to hell that'd be great.

Jan. 15th, 2017




As if watching my best friend getting shot in real life wasn't bad enough, now my dreams have to make me do it again.

In less depressing news, dream me also got to hang with AJ McLean, of Backstreet Boys fame. I think they're a little before my time, but dream me thought it was ill. I don't know how dream Virgil keeps meeting all these celebrities though. The closest I've ever come is getting stuff signed at comic conventions.

Dec. 9th, 2016




Ah the yearly holiday phone call from my dad. How would that not put anyone in the holiday spirit?..Oh right, he told me how Trump is going to make the USA a better place and those 'homos better watch their step'....figures he votes for the racist bigot. I'm sorry on behalf of him.

I might be one of them I think?
This just gets more complicated
yay. Just what I wanted.

Dec. 8th, 2016




Holy shit guys, scientists discovered part of a dinosaur tail preserved in amber. And guess what? It had feathers, not scales! Further proof that dinosaurs in general probably had feathers and not scales. This is so cool!

Nov. 20th, 2016




It's still a little weird to me to post dream related things to a bunch of people I don't really know, and yet also kind of oddly comforting knowing I'm not the only one who's dealing with them. Even if I have been a bit on the quiet side lately, I've been trying to figure out what dream me's deal is and it just seems to be a whole lot of high school repeated. Not all of it's bad, those were some of the best times with my friends but it just seems sort of uneventful to write about on here.

Oct. 20th, 2016




Ihop you had one job, make decent pancakes but you couldn't even do that. Fail.

Oct. 19th, 2016




I wonder if I should start getting into air races, but that might take up a lot more time than I'm willing to give. But my company could maybe sponsor some lucky female pilot, I think.

I've been working on another project. The problem right now is a light enough power source, but I think I can get it.

Oct. 9th, 2016




So a couple people at the station say this place is the place to be, but I'm starting to question them a little. What is everyone here on? I'd say can I have some, but I don't think I need to deal with that. But the Nick before the PD probably would have sold it

I'm Nick Wilde and I have no idea why I'm here now that I am.

Oct. 7th, 2016




Woah, I got so wrapped up reading comics again I didn't realize it's already Friday. I'm pretty sure I started Wednesday. Three days off went by in a blur.




I don't I'm not I'm sorry, Thalia. I shouldn't have left. Even if you told me to

So apparently I got dream powers? I didn't expect that.

It happened in my dreams. I already hate it.

Oct. 2nd, 2016




There's a couple making out in a booth at Chipotle. I'm legitimately waiting for them to start dry humping each other. Everyone is pretty obviously uncomfortable and like four people have left. You'd think my dreams and all the wanton public sex in them would have gotten me used to this but apparently not. Or I just don't like people fucking so close to my food.

Sep. 28th, 2016




Oh good, it seems I get to relive high school in my dreams. Not all of it was terrible but there are defiantly some things I'd rather forget. My dad hating my best friend due to his skin color for one.

Sep. 25th, 2016




I have the weirdest conversations with my dad. I really do. And half the time I can't even figure out how we got on a particular topic. Like tonight we somehow ended up on the topic of makeup and beauty products and the fact that I really need to find some kind of tutorial online on how to use an eyelash curler since the brush set I bought to replace my old ones came with one. And my dad drops this on me "Well if you lived closer sweetheart I could teach you how to use it. I taught your sisters after all."

Sep. 14th, 2016




I probably should adult at some point today and eat something other than watermelon gummy sour patch things but they're just that good.

Unless I can talk anyone into a late night Japanese place where stuff is cooked on skewers and brought to you by amazing chefs? There's an all night one I've been wanting to try.

Sep. 9th, 2016




Being out at the ranch makes me really not miss Detroit. I haven't seen this much open space in a while

Sep. 8th, 2016




Can I just say that if I never get that sick again, it'll be far too soon. Was that more dream business? I feel sorry for whoever has to dream of something that whacked out.

As far as my dreams have gone, there really hasn't been much to report. Same old, same old. Giant bacteria monster attacks the school when my friend Frieda was inside. Most popular track star in school asked me to tutour him, though it turns out he was really a bang baby (it's cool, it's cool, he got himself help in the end). Some musician who was also a bang baby went apeshit because people stole his tunes.

But last night, I dreamed of being accepted into the Vanmoor Charter School for Science! It's some school for genius kids, and I there must've been some sort of mix-up by accepting me. Everyone there was way smarter than me. And there was this real fly girl there named Daisy (who was way smarter than me) and we hit it off. Specs and Trapper, our student teachers, were trippin, but I guess that's what happens when they think they could trick us into taking on Dakota's only bonafide superhero.

Speaking of not being perfect, I was expected to keep up my homework at Dakota High too while I was studying at Vanmoor. Two full-time course loads and doing the whole superhero thing didn't lead to much free time, but you know. I think I'm glad for the experience. Both in this world and the dream world. Vanmoor ended up getting shut down (because apparently the government looks down on student teachers trying to take out superheroes), but that just meant Daisy got transferred over to Dakota Union High. Which was clearly the best way for a dream to end. Dream me might have a bit of a crush.

Sep. 1st, 2016




Whoever thought Shrimp flavored chips were a good idea, I think your taste buds are dead.

Aug. 23rd, 2016




Nothing like coming to my room and finding the warrant for my arrest from the dreams. Honestly, as if life in the dreams wasn't complicated enough to begin with.

[original edict written in French]

Translation for those who don't speak French?

"By royal edict warrant of arrest, the gypsy known as 'Esmeralda', being under suspicion of sorcery and witchcraft and the arts of hell. Anyone found harboring or helping her will be charged as well"

So that should be fun as I'm now going into hiding. All because I told someone something they didn't want to hear.

Aug. 18th, 2016




When bigots expect me to respond to them and then care when I don't because they're angry. Pathetic. I didn't realize fancy coffee made me a fag. Sorry I don't like sludge?

Aug. 5th, 2016




Sup Valarnet. My friend Virgil told me about this place, gotta admit I didn't believe it (sorry Virg). but can you blame me? I still kinda don't believe I'm here right now, Orange County is a step up from Detroit. So, what do you all do for fun around here? Video arcade?