
Posts Tagged: 'rey'

Jan. 3rd, 2021




My dreams left me confused and disappointed and engaged in a plan that's both suicidal and idiotic.

I think my dream self is a touch more idealistic than she should be.

Dec. 4th, 2020




I spent so long living in Las Vegas that getting snow in December is still such a wonderful treat!

Oct. 23rd, 2020




So...either someone thought it was funny to dump a crap ton of metal in my backyard overnight or the dreams just gave me the parts to a speeder. I'm guessing the one I used on Crait.

Weekend project?

Oct. 18th, 2020




Wow, so got some more dreams and A LOT happens.

We made it off of Crait and have been hiding out on another planet, slowly gathering weapons and supplies and trying to find allies again. We got some intel from a First Order spy that of all things Emperor fricking Palpatine is alive and has this massive fleet he plans on using against all the free worlds in less than a day. No pressure right?

So we head off to another planet where Luke Skywalker had last been when he was looking for this Sith wayfinder thing which will lead us (hopefully) to where Palpatine and his fleet are hiding so we can strike first.

And of course the First Order finds us but guess who helps save our skin? None other than Rebellion hero GENERAL LANDO CALRISSIAN himself! Like what??! He points us in the right direction to an abandoned ship in the desert and there's running, and ships, and shooting and after all that we end up in quicksand and it does not look good.

I've lost count how many times I've nearly died now.

And also, Poe...Lightspeed skipping?? Seriously bro??

Oct. 13th, 2020




I love going out to the park and stuff with BB8. The kids are always fascinated and want to know how I'm controlling him. I always just say it's magic. BB also attracts a lot of dogs who seem fascinated by him. I've said it before and I'll say it again, I love having a droid.

So I'm thinking about maybe having a Halloween party. Would it be cheating if I dressed as my dream self? Thinking I could wear my flight suit.

Sep. 27th, 2020




So...guess who didn't die in the dreams when he thought he would?


Guess who nearly killed himself in some stupid attempt at being a hero?


At least before that I finally kicked Captain Phasma's ass. That was satisfying as hell.




Certain people who shall remain nameless are very lucky I arrived in the Falcon when I did. Seriously, Poe? Finn? I leave you alone and get tortured for awhile and this is what happens?

Sep. 26th, 2020




Oh my god, why am I not at all surprised that I staged a mutiny, in my dreams. Like I'm intrigued, but also I can't help but laugh at myself. For someone as smart as I appear to be, I'm really kind of an idiot. So after Leia was incapacitated, a woman named Admiral Holdo took over and I didn't like her idea for getting away from the First Order so I staged a mutiny, which included a secret mission that Finn and Rose went on. Of course things go wrong and in the end, Leia wakes up and kriffing fucking shoots me with a blaster. It was set to stun, but still.

If you've never been stunned by a blaster, let me tell you, it fucking hurts. My body still hurts from it.

Aug. 26th, 2020




Things dream me learned that one might consider common sense except she's a bit of a naive dunce at people, include never meet your hero and that creepy fascist is in fact creepy.

Except he's the son of someone she respects and she hopes he can be turned back to the light.

Not exactly sure how that'll work, but as I said dream me is really bad at peopling. Even worse than I am awake and that's saying something!

Aug. 16th, 2020




That's it. I'm done. I want a vacation from this place. A LONG ONE.

Jul. 20th, 2020




Dreams are back, which, you know, is always fun.

So we jumped away from the First Order and thought we were safe. But before we can form a plan for what's next, who finds us? Yep. The First Order. We don't even know HOW they can track us through hyperspace but not much time to think about it as we're being attacked. And JUST when you thought it couldn't get any worse - they managed to blow up the command bridge and nearly the entire command structure gets blown out into space - including General Leia.

Only...she survives. Like, the Force or something must have saved her, because she flies herself to a hatch and we bring her in. WHO SURVIVES SPACE???

Then dream me finds the tracker bracelet Leia had that matches the one Rey has and I figure, I'm out, I need to find Rey and peace out of this galaxy for good. But I get stopped by a mechanic named Rose who is totally fangirling over me for some reason who tases me for trying to take an escape pod.

Woke up this morning unable to feel my teeth for about an hour.

Jun. 25th, 2020




I love the snow.

Fog, not so much.

Giants? Well they haven't really bothered me!




So now we got Earth Giants. Because the scary mist, blackout, and tremors weren't enough, now I gotta hope I don't get squished just driving to a crime scene.

Jun. 24th, 2020





nope. nope. nope.

snow in california in june. nope. i'm not doing it. i'm staying in, i am not going out to die because someone left the giant freezer opened and we became a stephen king novel/movie. nope nope nope.

Jun. 21st, 2020




Turns out dream!me can be a real idiot sometimes.

So after we blew up Starkiller Base, the First Order found our base on D'Qar and we had to mak a hasty exit. I suggested a plan where I would distract The First Order while the others got off the planet, which was all well and good, right? And while we did manage to blow up the Dreadnought, I got extremely cocky and got most of Cobalt Squadron and our bombers killed we suffered enough casualties that Leia demoted me to Captain since she had technically told me to come back once we pulled off our initial distraction and I hadn't listened. Am I surprised that I didn't listen? Nope. Cause it definitely sounds like something I have done in the past. I just never got an entire squadron killed in real life.

Considering how bad I am at listening to authority figures, it's a wonder I lasted as long as I did in the Navy.

Also, for someone Leia's size, she packs a mean slap.

May. 28th, 2020




Why can't I get the dreams in small batches? I pass out in a food coma and here comes an avalanche of dreams. Kylo Ren took Rey after the battle of Takodana. Solo, Chewie and I got a rescue plan together to go get her (well, okay, for the Resistance it was to shut down the shields on Starkiller base), we all find each other and then Solo decides to go try to talk Kylo freakin' Ren out of being evil and that didn't end well at all.

There's a lot of yelling and blasters and explosions and then we're headed to the Falcon in the woods and SOMEHOW Kylo got there ahead of us. Before I know it he's Force tossed Rey and it's just me and him squaring off with lightsabers. I'd never fought with one before but I managed to hold my own...until I couldn't.

Thanks for epic scars, Dreams. I'd have been happier without them. No idea how I'm going to explain this in the locker room at work.

May. 4th, 2020




In my dreams I used to live in an old abandoned AT-AT.

Now there's one stomping about outside.

I swear this isn't my fault.




When you see your life in boxes it's easy to think 'oh, I don't have that much'. And then you start unpacking.

It took three hours to unpack the kitchen and I don't even cook, it's not like I have the latest gadgets or anything. There's a coffee maker and a slow cooker and the rest is just random kitchen stuff. How does that take three hours?

My bedroom still isn't unpacked and it's been four days.

I just needed to see people, and that led to a beach for surfing, which led to recommendations for local stuff. So here we are, avoiding more unpacking.

Apr. 16th, 2020




So got a ton of dreams. Some repeats, some new ones. And now my head feels like it wants to explode.

Where do I start? The creepy death meatball monsters known as Rathtars? Almost got eaten by one! Not fun.

Meeting an old smuggler and his Wookie co-pilot? That was interesting. He ended up telling us the Force is real, so are Jedis, and then we go to this crazy alien bar on Takodana because we gotta get BB-8 to the Resistance and Solo knows where to hook us up. Then this little orange alien lady calls me out and I'm all "Hell yeah we should run from the First Order!"

And then I just...left. Which is really not cool. I mean, I get it, the First Order won't hesitate to wipe us out, but bailing out on Rey like that just sucked. Wish I could yell at my dream self.

But you know what? Dream me was right. Cuz who shows up? THE FIRST ORDER. And it's bad. Like really bad. They're blowing up the bar and everyone's firing at everyone else, and then Maz tosses me this crazy laser sword and suddenly I'm squaring off with an old First Order squadmate "Nines" who has a sort of electric axe and one helluva grudge. And it's not looking good. Me, Solo, and Chewbacca are surrounded and are just surrendering when who shows up to the rescue but Resistance Pilots! It was freaking amazing! They kicked some serious ass, especially this one pilot - I mean like, damn it was some fine flying and shooting!

Apr. 12th, 2020




So, I'm not the only one with a mystery Easter basket? And what's with the glittery rabbit tracks? I called my Grams thinking it was her but nope. Then she asked if I was coming over for Easter dinner and it was all "Sorry Grams, gotta go!"

I love my Grams but the twenty some odd cousins that show up for the holidays? Not so much...

Apr. 7th, 2020




Alright, this thing has gone on six days too long. I can safely say that not once in my life have I ever wondered what it would be like to be a woman and I'd really like my own body back now. I would like to be able to go back to work and I'm pretty sure BB-8 has been recording me so that he can show Rey and Finn how amusing he found this the next time either of them comes over.

On a completely different topic, I woke up this morning to find part of my X-Wing in my backyard. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to do with this, but if I got part of it, something tells me I'm gonna get more or it and I'm going to need a place to keep it. I'm also going to need to figure out how to put it together. I can do maintenance on a jet, but I don't know if I can actually put an X-Wing together.

Mar. 22nd, 2020




My dreams are amazing! After we escaped the First Order we discovered the ship we stole originally belonged to this super famous smuggler! I read all about him on some of the databases I scavenged! He did the Kessel Run in 12 parsecs!

Then there was a situation with some people he owed money to and there were these scary rolling alien monsters and then we escaped by jumping to light speed from the shuttle bay and it was exciting!

Mar. 10th, 2020




I don't know about the rest of you, but I am absolutely living! I've always WANTED to be in a video game! Anyone want to join me in cosplaying while we hit all these boxes? It doesn't matter if you don't have a costume, I'm using my compact to disguise myself and I don't mind using it on you as well.




HAPPY MAR10 DAY EVERYONE! Hahaha man thank you whoever figured out how to make these Mario coin boxes float. Livin' the dream right now! I shoulda cosplayed for this đŸ˜‚

Mar. 1st, 2020




I just got woken up by an incessant beeping sound and at first I thought it was my phone or something until I got out of bed and this droid from my dreams rammed itself into my fucking calves. In the dark! Seriously? He seems really happy to see me, but I have no idea what he's trying to say.

All I know is that he's called BB-8 and is my astromech from my most recent dreams and somehow I can understand him in my dreams, but I can't here.

Now what do I do with a droid?

Feb. 18th, 2020




Seriously dreams?? SERIOUSLY???

Why is it everyone else gets badass stuff and I get THIS Cut for Image )




I'm pretty sure my new droid is a wanted criminal, but we made another friend Finn?! who was also a wanted criminal and stole my boss's junky old space ship to escape an attack from something called the First Order.

So now I'm a wanted criminal too apparently.

At least things are getting exciting!

Feb. 12th, 2020




I dreamed I saved a little droid from another scavenger. He was really cute and I tried to maintain a serious face but he just rolled his head at me and beeped and my heart melted.

Jan. 20th, 2020




Am I completely mental or are things from our dreams actually showing up?

Jan. 16th, 2020




Okay, so it's definitely not the water. Cuz I've been drinking nothing but bottled just in case and I GOT DREAMS. What. Is. Happening.

I was some sorta soldier for something called the First Order, and I'm not 100% sure, more like 101% sure we are bad guys. No man left behind is definitely not their thing.

And that village on that desert planet...

Who names a planet Jakku??

Jan. 11th, 2020




Is that dream thing contagious? How come I get to be an orphan on some shitty desert planet and not something amazing? What kind of rubbish is this?

Dec. 30th, 2019




I'm not used to snow and my first week here we get over 60cm of snow, I don't even have a jacket and my new flat's heating is terrible and I'm second guessing my decision to move.

But I'm here and I don't want to go back, so ... Anyone looking to hire a mechanic?

Oct. 19th, 2018




I was in Autozone picking up some parts for a job and I literally had a man try to explain spark plugs to me.

For those of you not car savvy, that's a bit like explaining what a keyboard is to a computer geek.

I'm just... and he wouldn't let me get a word in edgewise, I was about ready to hit him!

Oct. 16th, 2018




Ah, isn't this the perfect season to be here in your United States! Even though this warm area of California has nothing to do with warm apple cider or pumpkins... nor is it really spooky enough looking for witches and spiders and scary things. Still! Your Starbucks has all of the pumpkin spice coffee and for the first time I actually get to enjoy it instead of reading about it on the social media sites.

It is delicious, I may have spent half a monthly salary on stocking up. Who decided this was not an appropriate flavor for coffee? Verdammt, have you ever had the pleasure of drinking the coffee at an aid station? Along the front lines? Or honestly even just the so-called coffee they often cook up in hospital break rooms? You should be so lucky that there is flavor at all in any of those - or that you can drink them instead of chewing on them.

I think I will take all of this pumpkin spice that you may not want, Orange County. Send them to my flat, care of Dr. Ziegler. I am kidding, of course, I know better than to put my address here on the internet. At least not until I set up a real place of business.

Sep. 29th, 2018




We never really celebrated Halloween when I was growing up. It's more of an American thing.

But I have the strangest urge to decorate the Falcon this year.

Maybe paint her orange.

Sep. 18th, 2018




Tony has the COOLEST STUFF EVER. He has this super secret lab with all this cool stuff in it and an iron suit and there's a ship from Wakanda! I want to fly it but he said I can't because I'm too little. That's okay, i found these super cool gloves and I can go wherever I want! I went to a park and then a bakery but I didn't mean to but I wanted cookies. I also went to DISNEYLAND ALL BY MYSELF!

OOC: He popped into Baxters at random then disappeared a few minutes later. Anyone is welcome to have seen or talked to him lol

Sep. 5th, 2018




More dreams. Seems like I followed in my mom's footsteps and became a pilot too.

I have to admit flying planes after dreaming of flying spaceships isn't quite as exciting ;)

Aug. 14th, 2018



Weekend, day off, training is tiring. That said I did get to fly my helicopter again for a few hours.

Aug. 13th, 2018




It's time to admit we are a generation of murderers!!!!!

How Millennials Killed Mayonnaise.

But I do have questions - What are "Identity Condiments"? And is mayonnaise "the most American of foodstuffs"? Really? Really?

Jul. 23rd, 2018




I've heard this is the best, and generally secure means to getting in touch with the local community, which is not something I've done so much in the past. I'm Leia Organa, and I've recently moved to the area.

I'm involved with the Legal Aid Office in Santa Ana, and the Center for Human Rights and Constitutional Law. They've both got a pretty healthy social media presence already, but I thought it might be another way to reach out.

I've heard that also .. using this network is, just the done thing around here.

It’s definitely a little strange

Jul. 10th, 2018




I think my dreams are done for now. They feel it, anyway.

TLJ spoilers )

Jul. 8th, 2018




Well, shit. I went to check in on how my ship was doing, as someone had offered a while back to put it together for me, and I find she's up and gone and my ship's still mostly in pieces, abandoned.

I don't know where or how I'm gonna move all this and sure and hell don't know how to assemble this big ass jigsaw puzzle.

Jul. 3rd, 2018




Man, being friends with Mulan is TOUGH! I mean, everyone wants her autograph, she always has to have the perfect smile for pictures...it's been HOT too! I hope that girl gets some well deserved time off!

But seriously, I know it's the summer and Southern California, but DOES IT HAVE TO BE SO HOT? I'll be someone's best friend if I can borrow their pool.

Jun. 27th, 2018



Filtered away from Poe

So, how do you tell the guy who's your best friend in the Dreams, that he's your best friend from the Dreams?

I mean, he just got here and hasn't had any dreams yet and I don't want to scare the guy off. I already hugged the dude before realizing he didn't know who I was.

Jun. 25th, 2018




Time jumps in Dreams are kinda crazy. I was just being elected Queen and now here I'm sitting with a war starting to brew. It reminds me a lot of the political climate we have in this world right now though. There's a Trade Federation that's have a trade route dispute with the Galactic Republic and they've decided my planet is the one they need to have a blockade around.

A lot of disagreements and then those jerks decided to invade my planet! They tried to kidnap me, but I had one of my handmaidens step in as a decoy queen before some Jedi Knights appeared to help us escape the planet. I'm currently still pretending to be just a handmaiden on this trip and it's definitely a motely crew. There's an adorable astromech called R2D2 and an odd Gungan called Jar Jar Binks and we're on our way to some planet called Tatooine.

Jun. 22nd, 2018




So this is Orange County huh? Seems nice.

Any recommendations? (Other than joining this net and Disneyland since they seem to be everybody's suggestion)

Poe Dameron by the way, commercial pilot at your service.

May. 15th, 2018




Okay. Hey, my name is Anakin Skywalker.

By show of responses, who else here dreams and my name is somehow significant for them? Like that other world I'm supposed to dream about? Who else dreams about that world and somehow knows me or that other world me, who or whatever he is?

Apr. 19th, 2018




It occurred to me. I'm such an idiot. Here I am, with a robotic prosthetic arm, and I'm doing nothing but learning how to use it, or get used to it. Depends on which physical therapist I see during my session... Or what I remember from session.

The point is, I should be doing more with it.

New plan: installing motion activated, audio chips that play machine and hydraulic noises when I move my arm and the joints of my hand.

Best plan, I've already thought it out. It's gonna work. My coworkers will love me!




How do you know if a dream of meeting someone was one of those dreams that people on here like to talk about so much?

Mar. 23rd, 2018




All right dreams, enough's enough. My backyard and now my front yard is full of pieces of my ship. Looks like a damn junk yard.

I got cited an' need to clean this up. Anyone interested in figurin' out how to assemble this jigsaw puzzle? Preferably someplace else?