
Posts Tagged: 'yukale+ravenwing'

Apr. 13th, 2013



I just received an invitation to this network, and thought I would say hello. My name is Oyama Yuriko - my first name is Yuriko. I come from Japan, but now I live in Santa Ana. I am an interpreter at the Asian Pacific American Immigration Center downtown. If anyone ever needs a Japanese to English interpreter or translator I would be happy to help.

Mar. 26th, 2013




So, I went in to see my PR rep on Friday. We were going to discuss the whole singing thing, since during the week of the sing-along in the OC, I'm convinced that recording an album is not the answer for me. We talked about my options, and discussed maybe acting. Cameos, walk-ons, that sort of thing.

Yesterday, when I went back, I was surprised to find a half dozen casting agents there to meet me. And acting coaches. This is turning into quite the operation. Today I went and had new head shots taken. It's moving kinda fast, but I love it! I'm excited!

Also, I think Artichokes are my favorite vegetable ever.

Mar. 17th, 2013



unlocked voice post

"My dreams were strange last night. The world was different. Older, full of magic and wonder. My skin was purple and I had very long ears.

I was trying to find my way. To be the person I was supposed to be. I wasn't a soldier, or a cleric. My skills were better suited to subterfuge and sneaking.

I dreamed I walked a path of no path. And then I dreamed of war.

There were demons that fell from the sky, and a great battle for our holy mountain. I fled but then I came back

I made friends, after. The first humans I ever met. One of them left to go home, because something was blighting the land. Some kind of plague, that raised bodies from the dead. But as she walked away, she sang this song."

"Untamed in darkness in Shadow fall
lost to shining light
Answering the Siren's call
What once was wrong made right

Under shining moon footsteps fall
The sky eternal night
Across great seas the homeland calls
The land is scarred in blight

Shoulders squared and standing tall
Blue sky as far as sight
Grey gulls cry out their call
For there are wrongs to make right."

Mar. 9th, 2013




Why am I up so early on a Saturday morning? Ugh. Things were strange yesterday, and now I'm hung over. I really wish I could be sleeeeeeping. Booooooo. The screen's too bright.

Mar. 6th, 2013



I'm having a geode, crystal, and lodestone sale at my shop, the Magick Shoppe out in Tustin! Please, come by and visit me, I'm bored as can be. Nothing ever happens in Orange County, I swear. So beautiful, so tedious.

Mar. 5th, 2013




Haven't been doing too good about talking on here.

Seems like work has been really busy since the blue flu thing went away. And even though Wonderland made the servers turn into ducks, that just made the bosses buy new equipment when the ducks, in the river, changed back and sank. Brand new servers and trunk equipment. It's pretty sweet to get to play with, er, I mean, work on. Heck, working on these things is play to me. They are awesome!

Went to the first D&D game I've been to in years yesterday, and it was fun, just like I remembered it. Somehow, it feels good to get the old dice out again and just play.

My therapist thinks things are turning up, recently and the work situation is helping, so that's good.




Newsflash. Apparently my sister is perfect. Fucking perfection.




Is this the apocalypse or something out here? I mean, work's starting to feel like I need to be legit armed with my real bow and trick arrows just in case, instead of the one I shoot with when I'm doing normal people shooting. You know, just in case the shit seriously hits the fan and I've got to protect my kids, and lead them in, I don't know, defending the castle.

Look, everybody's had that fantasy at least once in their life, and it's better than seriously thinking about a world ending cataclysm. Then again, in the OC, it's starting to feel like that kind of thing happens about as often as holidays. I wonder if there's some kind of statistical analysis thingie for how often weird shit goes down here. One of you science people ought to compile it. I'd offer to, but...dumbness.

I just need to know if I should be making my peace with Crom or something here, I guess. Thoughts on the creepy?




Hello, everyone! I'm Yukale (better known as Ravenwing), and this is my first time in the United States, and I'm visiting my cousin Sadako while I'm here to shoot some videos for my next album! It's been a lot of fun, just yesterday I was walking on the wing of an airplane. In the air!