
Posts Tagged: 'anna+milton'

Jun. 4th, 2012




I've found myself in the midst of a moral conundrum.

How can I simplify it: Is it wrong to bet on a horse you know is going to win? Or a against a fighter you know has been paid to throw a fight?

Whether I'm musing aloud or actually looking for answers, I'm not sure... No, wait. I'm actually looking for opinions on this one.




[location encrypted; having an ex who was good with computers was useful]

I'm looking for a therapist who doesn't think pills and padded cells are the best way to deal with perfectly lucid people. Any takers?

[private to Castiel]
I think we're running short on cash. I don't really have any ideas yet. You?




I got exactly two hours of sleep last night and I have a final exam in an hour. I blame you entirely, bad dreams.

May. 30th, 2012




My parents are coming to visit this weekend. I don't want them to. I don't want to see them. I don't want them to see me. I really just don't want to deal with this at all.

If everyone on the network is having crazy dreams except me, does that make me more crazy than everyone else or less? And to think, I was perfectly normal a year ago.

May. 29th, 2012




It is too gorgeous a day to not be outside. Summer jobs are dumb! Someone save me!

May. 24th, 2012



So I uhm ... I have a pet shop.

... And it's a nice pet shop! I was really blessed to get a location that is clean and neat and doesn't look like scary people are going to pop up out of nowhere and mug you and steal your pets and wallets.

I know I wouldn't want to buy a pet from a place like that!

It's over in Huntington Beach, and it's called Fluttershy's Menagerie. Oh, Fluttershy is... I guess... kind of a nickname of mine.

I'm bad at this. I'm Minerva, hello internet. It's a lot easier to type here than it is to advertise and make commercials and things.

Anyway, I do a lot of the breeding myself, and I sort of made the mistake of getting a bunny friend for my rabbit, Angel...

And now I have ... well... a whole LOT of bunnies for sale. SO many bunnies for sale. They're all adorable and need love and happy homes, won't you come by and take some of these bunnies off my hands?

I would really appreciate it... if you know, it's not too much trouble.


Look at this stuff?
Isn't it neat!

Mango Forks )

May. 22nd, 2012




I am disappoint

No one ever dreams of me.




If I hear one more damn person talking about their dreams I'm going to likely scream and wake the neighbors who will call 911 and tell them that the tiny, angry man is having a seizure.

You would think everyone was rehearsing Hamlet, Act 3.


I know they're following me. I don't know where to go.. Police are no good, and home is worse. I think I saw.. Trust the bank, where the gold is. I have to find it.
Are they tracking these? Better throw it away, just in case



The only way to do laundry.



strange new world

Avocados = Disgusting

Why do you Californians put them in everything? I mean, I saw avocado gelato the other day.

May. 21st, 2012




Reply to this if you've ever spent time in a hospital for mental issues. I'm starting a club. Nutters only may apply. We'll have weekly meetings with tea and cake, as long as we leave a space for my ghost.


When the weekend's over, I can't wait to go back to work. And when the week is over, I can't wait for the weekend!

May. 19th, 2012




Hiding behind doors... apparently it only works once.

My butt hurts and the words are getting fuzzy. Anybody else curious why my therapist keeps letting me steal his phone? Makes very little sense to me.


I'm supposed to socialize more. But not with the 'voices' in my head. I keep trying to tell them that most of the time I don't understand what they're saying, but nobody really listens. It's such a tragic part of society these days, nobody listening. Such a shame.

But I don't want them to get angry, so I'm writing this post while the nurse watches; I think she's taking notes on my emotional state. Isn't it funny how when a person is perfectly at peace, something must be wrong with them? I know it seemed bad before, but everything is fine now.

Hello, net.

May. 18th, 2012




So what do people do for fun around here? I haven't been around long enough to know the best places. Tell me your secrets, valarnet.





May. 17th, 2012




Starting to honestly feel like I'm running mad. Normal blokes don't get this bothered by dreams.

And the whole dream wife thing is supposed to just be a turn of phrase.




"It's the way of men to make monsters, and it's the nature of monsters to destroy their makers."

Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.

May. 16th, 2012



Lay off the Ambien, darlings.




What kind of therapist takes away a girl's art supplies? This is crap. This whole thing is crap. I can only get online under strict supervision for half an hour every other day, I've got no art supplies, and they think music therapy is going to help me. No, it's not. It's pissing me off. You know what else? Don't put your phone where the crazies can pickpocket it.