
Posts Tagged: 'axel+miller'

Apr. 24th, 2021




Been about a week since my last anxiety attack. Having a service dog has really helped. I just wish people would stop slapping the 'emotional support animal' label on companion pets. It gives the true working dogs a bad reputation. My dog is trained to respond to any fluctuation in my mood, and he intervenes and keeps my anxiety from spiking. I need him by my side when I go into new situations, he is literally the only thing keeping me from falling apart at times. I need to be able to take him into a shop, or a restaurant.

I know I'm not cured. I know the panic can still blindside me without notice.

But I feel a lot less on edge. Which can only be good for my wife and my daughter.

Apr. 3rd, 2021




Just when I start feeling like I've made a break through...

I had another dream.

If I had any lingering doubts about the effectiveness of a service dog (I didn't), they'd be gone now.

Mar. 26th, 2021




Having this service dog really has made a difference. I never really bought into the whole emotional support dog thing, but I'm glad I looked into it. Since he's been with me, my anxiety has been reduced at least by half.

Mar. 24th, 2021




New dreams last night. It was my 13th Earth birthday and we all got together to celebrate, but then Alex had to leave cause she had plans with her girlfriend. I ended up getting upset cause I felt abandoned and of course we didn't talk about it until way later. I also realized that I might actually have feelings for Mon-El and of course I was too late, because when I went to actually ask him out he had already asked someone else out.

On the Meta-human/alien front, before all of that a scientist tried to turn some of my friends into super soldiers. Found out that friends were doing their own vigilante thing and even though I didn't support it, I wasn't going to stop them. And there are aliens that can take on anyone's appearance, but we took care of them in the end.

So as usual, everything worked out in the end except for the part where I may have missed my chance with Mon-El.

Mar. 23rd, 2021




I heard on the news that a father decided that he needed to take his two year old into an elephant enclosure the San Diego zoo to get a selfie. Watching the video, you can tell that the elephant is enraged causing the man to flee the enclosure and dropping his two year old very close to the charging elephant's feet.

Thankfully the child is fine, the father has been arrested and charged and the elephant faces no consequences of this man's actions. The lack of common sense people have is astounding.

Mar. 18th, 2021




My daughter told me that her teacher told the class that 4 + 4 equals 8. And 5 + 3 equals 8. And 6 + 2 also equals 8.

Livvy has informed me that she no longer wishes to go back to pre-school until such time her teacher makes up her mind.

Mar. 13th, 2021




Most people seem to respect the service dog. Many, I've noticed, give us a wide berth when they see his vest. But there are always, every time we go out there's at least two or three, who refuse to respect the vest and insist on petting him.

Don't worry, Ozma, I'm not talking about people at work. I haven't had any issue there. It's when we go out to the stores and what not. When we're walking down the street.

Feb. 25th, 2021




I swear, I really hate the dreams. At least we weren't harmed in this one. So, dream!Me went off with her big brother to find a way into Mount Weather because that's where 47 of our people are. While we were off trying to find a way in, we were accompanied by a couple of guards from camp.

I'm not a fan of bugs, but there was a ton of them. They were running away, though. Come to find out they were running away from the acid fog. So, dream me followed them and found some moss/tree covered door and had Bell along with one of the guards get it open. It's basically a garage full of old vehicles. Makes you wonder how long ago those vehicles had been used.

So Scott, the guard, hands big brother a gun and decides HEY, WE LOST ONE GUY SO LETS THE FOUR OF US SPLIT UP. Him with his guy and me with my brother. Except that not too far in we heard screams from Scott. Follow the screams and well... Reapers got a hold of them. One of the Reapers was Lincoln. See why I hate these dreams now?

So, myself and Bell found a hiding spot in the garage and used me (my idea not his) as bait in order to get Lincoln's attention. When he came for me Bell used the baton to basically zap him. We've got every intention of taking him home and trying to fix him.

Feb. 12th, 2021




Is it really that hard for grown men to execute a contract for a job that they bid on without me having to constantly be on site making them work? We're months past when I wanted to open and they still haven't corrected half of what the inspector said had to be redone before I'd be allowed to open. I might not have been the height of maturity myself when I screamed at the foreman today but I've had it with the excuses and delays.

I hired skilled contractors and electricians, I made sure of that. But I'm starting to think that I need someone to actually be on the sites making them do the jobs right if they're ever going to be finished and I just don't have the time to do it myself right now. Anyone on here good at lighting a fire under crews asses and looking for a job?

Feb. 3rd, 2021




Now that things have settled down around the house some with the holidays done I can announce that we’ve added another animal to our growing herd. Regulus’ mare foaled a beautiful pony that I’ve decided we’re going to keep. She represents the best of both of her parents. And has done wonders for calming down Shadowdancer just by being born. He’s a rather doting father on his little one. And the girls can now stroke his nose and feed him apples without Regulus or I having to watch him out of the corner of our eyes to make sure he doesn’t get spooked. We still have to be nearby but progress is still progress.

Jan. 22nd, 2021




You'd think by now I'd be used to the weird terror that my Dreams always have me waking up with. At least this time Eren was already home so I was able to immediately reassure myself that he wasn't in that weird fugue state that he got stuck with in the Dreams. He was supposed to be using his Titan form to move a boulder to block a hole in the wall when he just...ended up incapacitating himself. I don't know what happened but when I made my way across the city to him he was just in some type of trance and I...did the only thing I could think of to get his attention. I stabbed him in the shoulder and reminded that he had promised to defeat the Titans, to kill them all. And then about the promise he'd made me to explore the world outside the wall. To go see the ocean.

Jan. 19th, 2021




Looks like dream me knows quite a bit about horses. Nine horses dead, only one surviving.

And I know the girl, Aimee. That's an interesting turn.

He also knows how to ride a damn horse.


So, do you have the same fear of horses that dream you does? So, I know what not to do if I take you out anywhere.

Jan. 2nd, 2021




Seems like the hospital is where we stayed. Makes sense, actually. Even if I'm kind of isolated from everyone else.

We heard a voice near the entrance. I went to investigate, Axel followed and then so did a bunch of people that had been there. We found a man covered in blood.

There is SO much shit going on in these dreams. Supposedly the feeder isn't a feeder anymore and I'm being blamed for that. Then one of the guys, their wife was taken by those things that wanted me. I was going to give myself over, then John decided he was going to give me to them. But Axel stopped it.

These dreams are giving me a damn headache.

"If I don't come back it's been nice staring at your naked body for three years." (Really, Axel? Or dream!you.)

Yay for sub-basements and crazy adventures to get a generator back on.

We ended up in a shipyard or something. Axel had to go underwater and handing me a gun. Ferals showed up while he was in the water and I killed one of them, and should've been dead.

All dream me wants to do is find her daughter, even if there's the possibility, now, that she could be dead.

Whatever I am. Whatever dream me is, she's something. Even if she doesn't want to be.


This shit is getting crazy on us. Dream me went into the cage with Doc and I offered her my blood. I mean it was dream yous idea. Doc didn't want it or anything, so I bit her. What the hell?!? I don't like this. Not one damn bit.

Dec. 5th, 2020




So... donating blood for money. Dream me is completely jobless.

Got into a fight with a guy named Tommy. Had him pick a fight with me instead of his... girlfriend, I guess she was. A girlfriend who happens to be my best friend. Susan is her name.

Dylan is so much older in the dreams than what I'm used to. Her dad is a piece of crap in the dreams. Luckily, it's not Axel in the dreams.

Went to find Dylan so I could cheer her up, since her dad ditched her on her birthday for some random chick, and this volcano stuff.

Also, I'm glad that she was hiding when the intruder came in. Or, had been. Fuck. This dream shit is crazy. And the intruder killed me. Dylan was there.

Really? All of this shit is crazy.

Nov. 7th, 2020




I'm looking into getting a psychiatric service dog, and wondered if anyone had experience with one?

Nov. 5th, 2020




Sometimes being a nurse is a thankless job. However, I get to come home to my husband and little girl. So, that makes my day so much better.

Oct. 17th, 2020




So, these dreams everyone has been talking about. I finally had one and it's... interesting. Definitely a doozy on top of it. I'm not even sure how to handle it. Seems like being... bit woke me up. From a coma. How does being bit wake someone from a coma?

Dream me was worried about Dylan and didn't even know who Axel was. Or whoever was with him. Which is understandable.

Also, some chick wanted answers that I couldn't give and I'm pretty sure she wanted me dead. And being told that your daughter is dead, that just...

I'm going to go hug my daughter now.

Also, Axel's trying to keep me there and the other marine is trying to get me out of there. All of this is just downright crazy. And THAT hurt. Like a bitch.

Oct. 6th, 2020




I feel ridiculous writing on this thing. Like some emo teenager. Which I am not, and never was. Name's Axel. My wife and I decided to give this network thing a shot. Maybe it'll be a good thing. I hope so.