
Posts Tagged: 'tyrande+whisperwind'

Jul. 28th, 2019




I dreamed those green "orcs" started chopping down our trees. As I expected, we fell upon them with unmatched ferocity and pushed them from our forests.

They did not go quietly, and they fought well. I doubt that is the last we shall see of them.

Jul. 16th, 2019




I've found it useful to continue to write these Dreams down as soon as I can after waking from them. In this one tonight, I dreamed of ten thousand years of living.

Once we'd stopped the demons, our society settled into new roles. While many of the men slept in the Emerald Dream as part of a pact with a demi-god, we women, warriors and priests and hunters, took up a long vigil, to be ready should the Burning Legion return.

The use of arcane magics was forbidden, as that was thought to have led to the corruption of the highborne caste, those who had formerly ruled us. Those that insisted upon practicing it were exiled.

But the worst threat in that ten thousand year watch was the insectoid Silithid. We fought a war against them and barricaded them behind a magical wall.

I expect that one day they may find a way around it, but until then, that is one less threat to worry about.

When I woke, I had been hearing reports of strange green warriors at our borders. Whatever they are, my sentinels are sure to make short work of them. Those who enter the forests of Ashenvale with ill intent do not emerge.

Jul. 15th, 2019




I'm so done with these dreams. Like really.

Magic and the fairy tales I can deal with, being sucked into another realm all because I stopped someone from killing the Evil Queen is not okay. What the hell is a reaper anyway? I thought that was just for the people who were dying?

End up sucked through a portal, transported into another realm where we're in like the olden ages or something and we can't get home.

Worst part? I wake up with hair that's been brutally set upon by humidity. Took way too long to shower and get it sorted, I had to skip breakfast just to make it to work on time and I'm grouchy and can't show it.

Not amused Dreams, not amused.

Jun. 24th, 2019




Nothing like waking up in the morning and finding that the reservoir for your coffee maker has decided to spring a big fat leak and spill water all over your counter and floor.

Happy freaking Monday to me.




I am very old in my dreams. Three thousand years of life when the war came. It was not the first war our world had seen, but it was the first war I saw.

I dreamed my people had a Queen. Queen Ashara, beautiful and terrible and despotic. She tried to summon a legion of demons to our world and we fought her. Not just those of our people who resisted, but others. Great dragons and other beings fought with us against Ashara's loyalists and the Burning Legion.

And we won, but at such a terrible cost. The well that granted us so much power exploded, shattering the continent of the world into many.

I do not know how I survived it, or how we will all recover, but with my high priestess dead, my people look to me now.

Jun. 9th, 2019




I think I may have joined you dreamers. It felt as though I was actually there, in that place, being this person, and when I woke up I could see the moon through my curtains and felt as though I was floating in a haze.

My Dreams, I'm ... not human. We call ourselves the Kaldorei, which means Children of the Stars. I'm very tall, with pinkish-purple skin and very long ears. We worship the Goddess of the Moon, Elune. I spent my childhood playing in the woods with my friends, learning how to hunt, before joining the Priestesses in the beautiful city of Suramar.

At least somewhere, I still have faith in something.

May. 31st, 2019



Filtered away from minors - NSFW content in here

Cut just because some NSFW discussion of vibrators, but viewable to all adults )




I hear so many people complaining about their jobs.....makes me feel so lucky to have my store.

May. 30th, 2019




Dreams seem to be a common conversational topic on this network. You've all seemed to have been drawn together. It's interesting to witness.

I never remember my dreams. I haven't since I was very little. So perhaps I'll live vicariously through you all.




For anyone who's curious about how to photograph the Milky Way, a photographer laid out how to do so. If I had a larger home with more wall space, I would most certainly have a photograph of the Milky Way hanging on it. Along with other images that the Hubble Space Telescope has taken.

May. 28th, 2019




Poll: “A Whole New World” is Disney’s most euphemistic song, Y/N.

Lyrics for consideration:

“I can open your eyes
Take you wonder by wonder
Over sideways and under
On a magic carpet ride”