
Posts Tagged: '%21malfunction'

Jan. 26th, 2017




I keep seeing people mentioning dreams all up on this network. Like it's some trendy thing to do or whatever. Did anyone stop to think that maybe they're putting something in our water, huh, to make us have these fucked up dreams. Like, ain't it weird? I think it's weird. Please tell me I'm not the only one that thinks this shit is for the birds.

So last night, as long as we're all in a sharing mood, I had a dream that wasn't as fucked as my first one, but still... whatever. I don't even know where my brain is coming up with this stuff. I met a tree. A living tree. Now before you get all smart with me and say "all trees are alive", this tree could walk and it had arms. And it could talk. Well, it wasn't that good with talking because all it kept saying was "I am Groot." But like, I understood it? He said those three words over and over, but it translated as long ass sentences in my head.

I'm supposed to go to work in a few, but all I can think about is this damned talking tree. All I gotta say is there better not be any bomb threats today otherwise we're all up shit creek because my headspace ain't in it.

Dec. 17th, 2016




I'm pretty sure this has been a three day marathon of awful dreams. Basically, I don't know what dream me is trying to do, but I'm not exactly thrilled about any of it. And now he has a weapon that can kill not just demigods, but regular mortals. Why? Why did that sound like a great idea?

I have a feeling I'm not going to like the majority of what is about to happen.

Jul. 31st, 2016




Goddesses, it's been forever since I've posted on here - I was preparing to make some advertisements on different networking websites but I figured I'd extend the offers to my favorite corner of the internet.

In preparations and launch off in regards to the American branch of company, I've been drowning in paperwork and clients though I'm finally beginning to see the end of the tunnel. Some staff hired from the beginning didn't pan out (living in a place that has a penchant of throwing demons your way will do that to you) so I'm in need of administrative assistants! And a personal one for myself, actually.

I'm a fairly dream-friendly employer. Days taken off work are not held against you if they're OC-related: from switching bodies to dream injuries and so forth. Benefits are included after a trial period. We've also built a bunker for environmental emergencies, should apocalyptic weather come our way or zombies attack.

I can also work around certain college schedules for you student-folks.

Jun. 6th, 2016




Huh. Looks like I got a dog now.

Mar. 18th, 2016




I've had a song stuck in my head for the last few days thanks to my dreams. I couldn't remember all of the lyrics, thank you YouTube for helping me, since it was driving me bonkers to try and recall them from memory. Now I'm annoyed that it's still stuck in my head, and no matter what I listen to I can't shake it.

Mar. 6th, 2016



Watching the news makes me think about all the important things I should be out trying to do.

Currently, I'm thinking about how I want to dance like Uma Thurman. I hear dancing is an excellent form of exercise which leads to a longer, more fulfilled life. Mostly I hear it leads to better rhythm which leads to better sex which is simply better all around.

Oh. Right. The news. I'm fucking with you about that. I only turn it on to see what the anchorwoman is using to accessorize with her new breasts today. They are fabulous, by the way, and she is currently the best advertisement for the Catholic church I have ever seen since if it meant I got to look at that crucifix up close and personal? I'd go to Mass every time they said it.

Feb. 11th, 2016




Since my inquiry for baked goods was well answered the last time, I thought I'd try again. I need something sparkly for my Valentine, where does one get...baked goods that are glittery? I assume there is such a thing, yes?

On the dream front, it's been a whole metric tonne of things. Snow queens and spells where we all hated each other and the newly-formed Triumvirate of Evil (that didn't stay a threesome for very long, mind you), and dragons and alternate lives - good god. But in terms of 'gifts,' I also hope someone on this network is a botanist of some kind. I've a sort of strange plant that should be studied and contained it killed my brother, since it can be dangerous - well, the thorns are, I should say. Then again, no one should be getting themselves scratched with poisonous thorns unless you're Charming and stupidly manage it somehow.

Jan. 15th, 2016




I don't really do the whole "forum/network/we're all connected through the internet" thing, but I figure if it saves me time pounding the pavement, why not?

Anyone know of any jobs open in the area? You name it, I've probably got experience doing it. And if you're really hung up on something fancy like a resume, I can work that out.

Dec. 15th, 2015




Hi! My name is Sakura and I just moved here with my dad! 米^-^米 I am new and heard here was good to meet new people and i would like that very much. .。゚+..。゚(〃▽〃)+.。゚+..。゚ It is nice very to make your akway a kea meet you. Thank you!


Aug. 10th, 2014



failed lock from Elsa

Say you're planning something really special for your SO. Money isn't an object, and you can charter a private jet anywhere in the world and you don't want to know what this ring cost.

What would be the absolutely most stunning location you can think of?

Aug. 9th, 2014



[FAILED lock against Asami Sato]

Okay so uhm... Is it normal to be kinda touchy with your female friends? I mean... Cuddly and stuff? I've pretty much been straight my entire life as far as I'm aware, but we end up hugging and snuggling and none of that feels all that strange either.

I'm just a little confused, I guess.

[Locked from Lina and Ganon, Lock FAILED]

Ok, seriously, how do I make these dumbs dreams stop?
I don't want to be in your fucking dream club anymore!


And if all this shit is supposed to come true, how do I keep that from happening?

Is there like a rule book or a sensei with training under waterfalls and fighting bears? I don't give a shit. Just teach me how to stop it.

Aug. 8th, 2014




You know, watching Sharknado might be the dumbest thing ever, but let's face it: out of any other location in the entire damn world, we'd be the ones getting hit with something ridiculous like that.

Then it gave me an urge to go to Home Depot and buy this baby:

I'm ready to dive into a shark and cut him open from the inside. Are you?