
Posts Tagged: 'malia+tate'

Jan. 21st, 2015




My mom always told me that eating cheese before bed results in weird dreams.

That would explain the freaky car accident, coyote, and baby doll dreams I've been having lately. Right? You guys are starting to get me paranoid about stupid dreams.

I can't believe I am actually posting this

Jan. 20th, 2015




Someone tried to mug me today.

But I'm too poor to mug - the jerkoff didn't even want my phone, it's that shitty. So he kind of just stood there, watching me empty my pockets, and I think the most expensive thing I had were two cigarettes and a pack of gum.

I felt kind of bad for him.

Jan. 18th, 2015




Does anyone know how hard it is to live out of boxes? I need to find time to unpack the rest of those boxes. And yet I'm finding time to look around this place.

Thought I would listen to my friend and check this thing out. Hello, I'm Amy.

Jan. 17th, 2015




My kingdom for an In-N-Out burger.




After a conversation recently with my Prodigal Brother I've decided to upgrade my living situation. This network has been quite useful in the past. I'm wondering if it can help me find a trustworthy real estate agent?



Filtered to those who have yet to start dreaming

So I've been seeing a load of stuff about crazy dreams. Past lives, or some of that sort of rubbish. I never much bothered paying attention to anything on here until recently when my job became so soul rending I needed to reach out for friends, is that pathetic? Yeah, kind of is.

Is this something that happens to everyone? It seems like it from what I've been reading, but it sounds fuckin' mad to me. Any theories from those of us that, like me, still have a full grasp on reality? I personally can't decide if I believe what these people say, or if I'm just lucky I drink bottled water rather than anything from the tap.

Jan. 16th, 2015




Last family photo before the new addition.

Jan. 14th, 2015




What is it with young people and having to socialize via a non-personable machine like a computer? What is the point of letting your eyeballs melt out of your head from staring at a screen for hours on end? There's a huge world out there full of people you can spend your time talking to in person. You know, if that's your thing. If you don't like people then I suppose you can simply sit there behind your computer, continue typing into that machine and let your eyeballs melt out of your head. Either way, no skin off my back.

I suppose what I'm trying to say is hello, this is pointless.




I'm sitting here listening to oral reports.

I'd rather engage in a good debate, have an existential crisis, or whatever. I'm trying not to fall asleep. This is my purgatory.

Jan. 13th, 2015




Well crap! Apparently yesterday was International Kiss a Ginger Day and I totally missed it!

Jan. 12th, 2015




I'm just gonna leave this here.

You're welcome.




People of the interweb, I am looking for a place to stay. Hotels are just too damn expensive but apartment hunting is a bitch. Anyone else looking for a roommate? I'm clean, and don't come with anything but a few suitcases so I wouldn't take much room. Just need something reasonably priced.

Also I have a questionnaire filled out about basic roommate qualities if you'd like a copy for reference.

And for good measure since all the crime stuff is wonky, I am not a criminal. So no worries there.

Jan. 11th, 2015




Hey, I need a pricing for patching up bullet holes in my van. There's mechanics on this thing, right?

Also, people, please be armed, as nothing is ever sacred anymore.

[Private to Elizabeth Comstock]
Are you home? There's a safe in my closet, [combination number]. I know you've got your portals, but Aunt Flo's in there, and I'd rather have you be armed with something nowadays.




I feel like a whale!!




Don't you just hate planes? I mean, I like the stewardesses. But getting through airports and wasting all that time sitting around and then sitting some more. I mean, thank god I fly first class at least, right? But hello, Orange County, here I am! Have you missed me? I can't believe it's been almost five years, but, well, time flies when you're having fun.

I thought I'd check this thing out. My brother's mentioned it before. You people are entertaining if nothing else. Now, who thinks it's time for my welcome home party? After this whole crime wave gets under control. Obviously.




Let it be known that John Smith X is a horrid brute who taunts those who are shorter than him by holding things out of their reach. Don't be fooled by his charms and easy going personality. He's a right git.

Jan. 8th, 2015




I was going to go to Oxford in my Dreams. God, I should just-

Anyone else give up on their New Year's Resolutions already? I only half-heartedly made one, and I think I'm about ready to give up on it.

Jan. 4th, 2015




So, two things happened today.

1) My boyfriend broke up with me.

2) My Jeep from another universe was waiting for me in the driveway.

This leads me to conclude that the universe(s) is telling me that cars are better than significant others. Maybe they're right.

I took Roscoe for a drive, and he still drives like a piece of shit, but at least he won't hook up with his old high school boyfriend whose family just happened to also be vacationing in Hawaii over Christmas break.

Cut for image )

Anyone know any mechanics who will work for cheap on a 1980 CJ-5?




With it being the new year and new semester starting, it's about time I start looking for a job around here. I am a masters student at UC Irvine, I already have my bachelors degree in zoology and I'm now studying Wildlife Biology and getting my specialization in coyotes. I did loads of waitress gigs in high school and uni but I prefer something more, reliable. So if any of you on this site are interested or know somewhere I should go, contact me please.




Looks like I forgot this site existed again. Oh well. New quarter starts tomorrow, but I've also signed up for a new project once the school year is done since Lydia's back and I can focus to go build in Hungary, so at least there has been productivity? Or something.

Dec. 29th, 2014




If you could bring back the dead, would you? Is it wrong?

Dec. 28th, 2014




I kind of want to stay in and not get drunk this New Years.

Neena! Lina! kick me, I think I've lost my mind.

Dec. 24th, 2014




I fucking hate Christmas. And now someone keeps putting mistletoe up everywhere. Sexual harassment much?

Dec. 22nd, 2014



Mom's been insisting that I need to spend Christmas with my family. I don't mind spending it with her, but my father, that's a different story.




I'm done Christmas shopping, and it isn't Christmas Eve.

I am also making Christmas cookies, and they don't look bad.

Who wants one of these )

I have way too much time on my hands.

Also, Christmas cuts and colors are on sale at the salon. Let me know if you want an appointment.

Dec. 21st, 2014




As with Halloween, Ciao Bella will be having Christmas specials. Please note we will be closing early on Wednesday, and will be closed Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, because I actually want to give my employee's time with their family for the Holidays.

But come by and try our Gingerbread Booze. And really, how did I not know this existed before now?




Looking for Christmastime activities that a solo person can do on his own without turning into the creepy alone guy everyone fears and/or pities. Any suggestions?




I must say I have not been in America during the holidays before, so this Christmas shall be quite the experience. I have only recently moved here, so I have not even had the time to unpack much! Though I suppose I should make an effort for my daughter, hm?

Considering my status of being new here, I should introduce myself. Hello, my name is Helena Wells. I moved here from Hamburg, Germany. Moving half way round the world is not recommended, it is rather stressful.

Dec. 20th, 2014




I've not been away from home for but a day or two and I already miss it like crazy. Everything here is so different than I expected, I'm not sure I'm going to be able to get used to it all. I just wish I could go back home.




This recent blizzard, wow that's weird to type considering I'm in California, has given me plenty of time to paint my living room. So now I'm almost done unpacking and setting up that room and was even able to do a little bit of Christmas decorating. Nothing too big. No tree or anything since it's just me, but a few strings of lights and garland. Despite the fact that I'm not really looking forward to Christmas this year.

So, speaking of snow, anyone know exactly why it's been snowing in only one part of California?

Dec. 15th, 2014




You know, when I came to California from London, I was expecting something distinctly warmer than this. Certainly not a blizzard.

But while I'm stuck inside for the day, I might as well give this thing a try. My cousin says it's a good way to meet people in the area.

So hello, my name is Monty Navarro. I've recently moved over from London, and am currently crashing on my cousin's couch. I have no job prospects yet, so if anyone is in need of a business major, I'm available.

Pleasure to meet you all.




Ever since I've gotten to the United States I can't help but but notice things that are different here, than back home. Like your toilets are too low down and the stalls have massive gaps around the door so that people can see in. You can put a man on the moon but can’t design a setup whereby I can use the lavatory in comfortable privacy? Sort it out America.




Enzo and I went out to cut down a tree for casa Salvatore.

Best Friends for Life - And Partners in the Hunt for the Perfect Tree )

Dec. 14th, 2014




I'm bored! Someone please help!!




I could have sworn my dreams were over. Has anyone else had dreams that felt different from their previous dreams? Does that make sense?