
Posts Tagged: 'ned'

Aug. 11th, 2014




Wow. Talk about a seriously spooky set of dreams.

Though I did get this amazing pocket watch. It belonged to my dad in the dreams. Huh.

Aug. 6th, 2014



[Filtered Away from The Pie Hole Employees, Chuck Charles and Audrey]

I was wondering if there are any designers here. As you may have seen, my pie shop and Audrey Baxter's bakery are going to be having a bake-off soon and I wanted to get custom made aprons for my employees and myself for it. I want them to be unique otherwise I'd just go to some website to have things personalized.
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Jul. 19th, 2014




The Pie Hole has been doing so well and I have to credit some of that to Peeta, my new assistant baker. I always worry when I hire a new baker, but I think it's safe to say that Peeta has been one of the best bakers I've met. I definitely don't regret hiring him. It's left me with free time I wouldn't have had otherwise, which is great since I've been working non-stop since I moved out here.

I am experimenting with a few new flavors in my off time and doing a few other things. Haven't had any new dreams in awhile, but I expect that'll change when I least expect it.

Jul. 15th, 2014




Between Katherine's room and Enzo's kitchen I think I might have missed my calling as a painter.

Jul. 5th, 2014




Oh no. I just dreamed about how Ned is only allowed to keep something alive for a minute or else something else dies in its place. That means that someone died so I could be alive. :(

This is an awful feeling.

Not even sock tomfoolery can perk me up right now.

Jun. 30th, 2014




I can eat again! Thank God. I was so sick of ginger ale and saltines.




So, I'm curious. Almost every day I happen to glance at the clock at 2:29 in the afternoon, which is my birth date. I don't plan it, it just happens. What I'm curious about is, if this happens to anyone else or if it's just me.
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Jun. 28th, 2014





Jun. 19th, 2014




Oh my god. We did it. We won the Hunger Games, Katniss and I, together. I can't even believe it. I mean, I am actually still trying to process it. I never thought that was going to happen. At all.

My leg is still hurting, though, the limp isn't as bad anymore but it's there. But I'm looking forward to a weekend at Disneyland at the end of the month.

Jun. 17th, 2014




I am so glad my work doesn't have us using boxcutters near the food. I just read an article about a woman who found a razor blade in her salad at Burger King. Apparently an employee left the box cutter sitting out and it fell into the lettuce. Why wouldn't you go looking in the lettuce in the first place if you notice your blade is missing? That is so dangerous!

Anyone else have weird/gross food stories? I'm lucky, I guess, because I've never had anything like that happen to me, but fast food definitely has bad luck with these sorts of things.

Jun. 14th, 2014




So, according to my dreams, living with a guy you can't touch without dying is a really involved process. But Ned's so sweet and thoughtful. He installed a plexiglass window down the middle of the front of his car and put a glove through it so we can hold hands.

Also we solve murder mysteries with the help of dead people to get money. So that's cool.




So after taking into consideration, the suggestions I got summer pie flavors, I have two new pies debuting this weekend at The Pie Hole.

Apricot Strawberry Hazelnut and Apple Blueberry. Both pies will be available starting tomorrow for both slices and full. We'll also be taking orders if we happen to sell out, but then again, we're always taking orders for pies.

And while I'm thinking about it, we need at least two more waitresses or waiters. So, if anyone is interested please let me know.

Jun. 5th, 2014




So with the summer arriving, freak ice storm not included, I want to roll out some summer themed pies at The Pie Hole. Now I'm not talking about apple pie or blueberry pie, because those are the obvious. Anyone have any suggestions?

Jun. 4th, 2014




Wow. So much is happening right now, here and in the dreams. The good news is I think I have a chance of surviving these Hunger Games, in the dreams, which is a lot more than I could have said a while ago. Katniss Everdeen is pretty much the most stubborn person in the world, in case none of you were aware of that, but dream-me owes my life pretty much to dream-her.

[Locked from Anna]

The fever's gone. I think it was dream related. My leg got sliced open and it was super infected, and I think being sick and pretty much dying there translated to here. Except now my leg is - Well. It's not bad like it was there. It's sort of red where the wound was in the dreams, and it hurts. A lot. I'm limping all over the house and had to tell my dad I was a klutz and tripped on the stairs.

May. 26th, 2014




Between the need to promote the tea shop and I guess interact with people more, I was pointed here. Hello, my name is Christine. I'm not really good at this, but I work at [tea shop/location] and we're having a Memorial Day sale for anyone who is interested. And if not, Happy Memorial Day to those who have or do continue to serve and thank you.

May. 20th, 2014




Finally took down the banana curtains in the kitchen. It's sad to see them go, but... well, the landlord is raising the rent now our lease is up, and I'm on my own here. Either I have to find a roommate, or I have to move.

May. 18th, 2014




Ugh. I don't know what happened, but I feel awful today. I was fine last night, then I had some of those dreams last night and now I just feel ... Really bad. Nauseaus and stuff. It feels like a stomach flu. But worse.

My dad's gone out to get me some gingerale and soup but the thought of eating anything right now make my stomach do weird flips.

May. 11th, 2014




I spent so much time yesterday baking pie and eating it. I still smell like dough and fruit. I guess there are worse things in life.

Apr. 27th, 2014



[Filtered Away from Chuck Charles]

I think I finally had one of those dreams everyone is talking about. No, I know I did and it wasn't just one. It was a few. I don't know why, but I can bring people back from the dead for one minute. If they stay alive longer than that someone else dies in their place. I first realized I could do it when I was eight and my dog got hit by a truck. Later that day my mother died and I brought her back, but then that night I found out that if I bring someone back then touch them again they die for good. I'm also a pie maker in the dreams, just like in real life. I also own a shop called The Pie Hole, so I suppose it was fate.

Like Chuck said, I brought her back to life cause she'd been murdered and I couldn't bring myself to touch her again, because I'd always had a crush on her, when we were kids. We lived across the street from each other and I also couldn't tell her that her father had died, because I brought my mother back to life. It's very complicated. Or maybe it's not, but I'm just making it that way. I don't know. Either way, my dream self can't tell her that. And I know she'll dream it eventually, but I can't tell her that in real life either. Not yet.

I think it's safe to say that my feelings for Chuck aren't just in the dreams.

Apr. 26th, 2014




I've been officially working at The Pie Hole for a week! The best part is that I haven't dropped anything yet and all of the customers have been so nice! It's a fun job, I'm not sure waitressing is my dream job but I do love talking to people and Ned is great to work for x

Apr. 20th, 2014




I'd say happy Easter but it looks like pretty much everyone else already has, so instead I'll go right to it.

I had the weirdest dreams last night! I dreamt about my childhood, but it wasn't really my childhood. I mean, it was, but it was strange and disoriented and my dad died (for the record, he is still definitely alive). And then I dreamt that I died - well, I was murdered, on this cruise ship, getting ice for my ginger ale - and then. And then I dreamt that I was brought back from the dead and there was all this detective stuff going on to find my murderer.

And! Pie Guy! I mean Ned! You were there. In a weird, complicated messed up way.

Apr. 14th, 2014




It's been a month now since The Pie Hole opened and I honestly couldn't be happier with the reception it's gotten. We've been so busy lately that I've had to come in even earlier than usual to get the majority of the pies baked and prepped for the day. Plus there's the pies that have been ordered. So, I figure it's about time that I hire another baker. I'll have to put an ad out soon.

While we're still on the topic of pies, I recently made an Apple-Gruyère Pie, which was actually pretty good. I've been making a lot more pies with cheese in them lately because someone put the idea in my head. Now most of my google searches are for pie recipes with cheese.

Apr. 12th, 2014




Apparently even when it's not all that hot out, sitting outside all day will still result in a sunburn.

I had no idea.

I've never had a sunburn before! I mean, I like pink as much as any girl, but c'mon.

Apr. 10th, 2014




So I need a job. I can't keep scrounging off my brother or my savings and it might help me decide what I actually want to do with my life.

I've been told people here can be pretty handy so if you know of anything please let me know!

Oh I'm living in the Seal Beach area and don't have a car.

Apr. 7th, 2014




Apparently I'm a baker in my dreams as well as in real life.

Mar. 26th, 2014




Girl Scouts were selling cookies outside the gym.

I'm pretty sure that's cheating, but I may or may not have bought a few boxes anyway.

... okay twelve. I bought twelve. But it's for a good cause!

Mar. 23rd, 2014




I have an addiction to food reality shows.

I've been binge watching a lot of Bar Rescue, Restaurant Impossible, and Mystery Diner.

I'm not completely sure why I have this addiction, but it's just so much fun to watch. I love seeing people start to go a little crazy and I cringe when I see how nasty some of these places are. I really hope Granny's isn't like that at all because I don't think I could stand either of those men coming in here and yelling at me for things. But god, does it make good tv.




I have to say, first full week of business has been extremely good. I was worried that I wouldn't do too well, what with Baxter's and Granny's nearby, but I was very surprised with the turn out this week. I've even had repeat customers, so that's always a good thing. Suffice to say, I'm very happy.

Mar. 21st, 2014




Oh my God.

It happened. In the dreams. I finally started dreaming about the actual games. It's even worse than you'd think. A thousand times worse. The horn goes off and you run and it's an instant blood bath, and watching all those kids my age die for no reason is

It's really awful. There aren't words.

Mar. 11th, 2014




This whole Malaysian plane thing baffles me. I'm extremely curious as to what happened and how they still don't know much about what happened.

On a lighter note, The Pie Hole in Huntington Beach will be having it's grand opening this Friday, March 14th. Yes, Pi Day. I'm looking forward to see everyone.

Mar. 9th, 2014




I'm still not used to waking up and having things just appear.

I fell asleep on the couch this afternoon and when I woke up there was Anakin's Padawan bread on the coffee table. A little weird and unexpected, but kind of cute at the same time? Yeah, not completely sure how to sum that one up, but I am so very glad he doesn't have this braided rattail in real life.

But the best part was the fact that underneath the braid was a lightsaber. I have the vague memory of Anakin giving me his lightsaber to prove that our relationship is the most important thing to him. I'm definitely surprised to see it here, but I'm also super excited.

Watch out world, I have a lightsaber.

Mar. 7th, 2014




Dreams, dreams, dreams.

It's funny that I really don't feel very rested after another dose of All My Vampires.

My brother pulled one of the best moves yet by stealing coffins as a neat little revenge move against the in-laws. (Kol, Finn, Elijah, and Mummy dearest are all in them.) Klaus was a little pissed. Stefan said "To be the villain, you have to be the better villain". Bro, you are my new hero. Klaus plans on offing me if he doesn't get the coffins. I don't see that happening, but he did compel Jeremy to stand in the street in front of an SUV. That didn't work either, thanks to Ric pushing him out of the way and taking the hit. He came back thanks to a ring. I think something is wrong in the land of Ric later though. Dream me doesn't quite see it, but I do. Too bad I have zero input.

So here is the rest. I compelled Jeremy off to Denver for his safety. I also kissed my future girl on the steps of her house. Sorry, not sorry, Bro. I'm taking her. So we did fight later and she told me I cared too much, and then I did something - . Let's just say, I'm getting punched for this later. However, I also met the rest of my in-laws after Klaus got his coffins. I did unstake Elijah before handing them over, knowing he would be pretty pissed off about being put in vampire time out. Kol, you were a dick, so I had to give your neck a little snap. Caroline, sorry about your dad. Stefan, Elijah, Klaus, and I at dinner was an epic awkward moment. Stefan, you really didn't have to snap mine though, you know. I still think Elena talking to mommie dearest was a bad idea. Thus the thing I'm getting punched for later.

Mar. 5th, 2014




It looks like I've chosen the perfect time to open up my new pie shop. I've been so busy that I completely forgot it was National Pie Month. Just have to hope there aren't any set backs between now and the grand opening.

I'm Ned and in about a week, my new pie shop, The Pie Hole should be opening in Huntington Beach. And before you ask, yes, it is only pie. All homemade pies by yours truly.