
Posts Tagged: 'eliot+spencer'

Feb. 22nd, 2021




I'm seriously considering taking a leave of absence from my work. With these dreams and everything, and Jesse getting older, I feel like work is suffering. Maybe it's time to consider a change of career.

Jan. 26th, 2021




I think it's a sign of growth or something that dream me is taking to living in the prison.

Meanwhile, the restaurant is doing great. Dreams aside, I'm glad I opened the location in the OC.

Jan. 19th, 2021




Looks like dream me knows quite a bit about horses. Nine horses dead, only one surviving.

And I know the girl, Aimee. That's an interesting turn.

He also knows how to ride a damn horse.


So, do you have the same fear of horses that dream you does? So, I know what not to do if I take you out anywhere.

Jan. 4th, 2021




These dreams are absolute bullshit.

Dec. 4th, 2020



Network -- Parker

Personal Entry )

Nov. 7th, 2020




I'm looking into getting a psychiatric service dog, and wondered if anyone had experience with one?




So in the dreams, the last job should've been the last. I mean... there had been a big payout on that one. Dream version of me was in Berlin when I got a call from Hardison. Some job dealing with a congressman and the military. One specific military personnel who was in rehabilitation due to a blast.

This whole dream thing? It's really showing a lot of shit.

I'm a fighter, hate guns, can disarm someone with no problem, know a lot about the military, can tell what type of gun something is just by the sound of the gunshot, can dismantle a gun with precision, and can speak French. Seems I can throw a rock from a few feet away and break things too. Very specific things, but it's like this deadshot type deal.

Also, everything seems to be distinctive to me. What the hell is that about?

Oct. 7th, 2020




I didn't need another chefs knife, but it looks like I've got one now. It just randomly showed up. As did a guitar. Far as I know? I don't play guitar. Might as well learn, I guess.

Sep. 29th, 2020




So I've heard my brother, Diego, and a few other friends talk about this place so I figured I'd see what the big deal is. So what is the big deal? It seems like just a message board to me. I'd ask Diego, but he'd probably just make shit up. He's been known to do that.

While I'm doing this, I should introduce myself. I'm Ben Hargreeves and I'm a chef and fun fact, I have six siblings and we all have the same birthday and before you ask, no, we're not septuplets.

Sep. 27th, 2020




These dreams get more and more strange as they happen. I never want to hear the name Miguel ever again.

[Lydia Martin]

Have you figured out what you are yet?

Sep. 5th, 2020




Well, that's interesting. Looks like my dream self works for a man named Nathan Ford. Wasn't there someone who mentioned him a bit ago?

Either way, it's a bit messed up. My dream self has an interesting way to live.

Aug. 11th, 2020




I'm definitely counting it as a win even with all the conditions they're putting on it - my parents agreed to buy me a bike instead of a car. Frey's taking me to pick it out this weekend. I'm not sure which argument finally convinced them but I'm not going to question it too much.

We've already got one shop we're going to check out. Any other recommendations?

Aug. 7th, 2020




Since I haven't introduced myself yet, might as well. I'm Eliot Spencer. Grew up here in the OC, ran off to take care of business, and now I'm back home. I'm a restaurant owner and head chef at The Silent Dragon. I figured it was about time that I had a place here in the OC too.




I've been told I should introduce myself. I'm Diego. Grew up here, and now I'm back. There isn't much else to say.

Feb. 28th, 2016




Everyone alright, then? No other inexplicable mishaps, monkeys of slightly unknown origin lurking about?

Feb. 26th, 2016




Good discovery: blood does not stain slate to the point of not washing off.

Bad discovery: the same cannot be said for wood decking, plants cannot live in blood puddles and this place is utter nonsense.