
Posts Tagged: 'elizabeth+weir'

Jul. 13th, 2016




So with summer on the horizon, I have decided to take a bit more time for me and I've decided to start with listening to some more music. Does anyone have any recommendations for new-age classical composers? Or even just something a bit different and off the grid in other genres.

Jul. 1st, 2016




Just wanna thank those who came over yesterday for my birthday BBQ. I don't tend to celebrate my birthday but I'm glad D'Artagnan convinced me to have a get together, it was good to see you all.

Grim was also happy about all the leftovers he got to eat - by stealing them off the kitchen counter.

Jun. 28th, 2016




Some shocking scenes coming from the UK in the past couple of days. Some truly hateful and ignorant people. There's no place for racism in modern day society and I really hope they can find a way to heal the rifts.

In other news, here is a cat massaging a dog's head. I could really go for a massage right now, anyone have any recommendations?

Jun. 8th, 2016




In 26 hours and 42 minutes, I'll be finished with finals! I'm very much looking forward to it! I can't wait for summer break, and to take some time off of school! I already decided not to take summer classes. I'm taking the summer off so I can play! Finally. Taking eight classes is quite the load! I can't wait to read some books for fun and go see some movies and relax!

May. 16th, 2016




I've been told by my shrink that I need to be more social. I heard about this network on campus and figured I might as well check it out.

So yeah.

Hi I'm Derek.... and I'm not an alcoholic.

May. 3rd, 2016




Oh ho, so who wants to get drunk? No, seriously. Hawke and I need taste testers for the specialty cocktails at the tavern we're opening soon - it's called the Hanged Man, and it's a tribute to the one from Kirkwall, which is the shitter of Thedas but if there was any amazing place to go get pissed as your life flushes down the toilet, it was definitely the Hanged Man. We've also designed drinks for our gang, the ones who are here and some who aren't.

Cut for length, viewable to all )

The location's in Anaheim, a quaint medieval-themed pub right near Disneyland. We'd so appreciate your help with letting us know how things taste! Cheers, loves.

PS, I definitely recommend Sparkly Balls and King Alistair. Champion's Cock goes smoothly down the throat as well.

Apr. 10th, 2016




Today has been so much fun. I got to travel through a portal for the first time in real life. It happened in the dreams, but actually doing it is so much different. One second we were in Magnus and Alec's living room and the next we were in New York. So awesome! It's interesting though, being back in New York while also dreaming about living in New York. Tomorrow we're going ice skating at Rockefeller Center. It's the last day of it and I haven't done it in a few years cause I'd usually go with Clary.

I might have been way too happy so early in the morning )

I think I was just so excited about the portal and being back in New York and also, Izzy helped me, the other day, find makeup to cover up the Mark so I don't have to wear hats or make sure my hair stays over my forehead anymore. I don't know why I didn't think about this sooner.

Mar. 26th, 2016




I actually managed to have a real conversation with my mother this morning for the first time since I found her. Though my French doesn't really sound like hers, I guess it's text book at least. It's an improvement considering I could only understand one or two words before. Though she laughed at me a lot. I think I got quite a few things wrong since I was trying not to look at my book.

Language barriers are hard.

Feb. 3rd, 2016




...Does everyone on this network get those 'dreams' then?

Not that I have, but has anyone dreamt of not living on Earth?

Jan. 12th, 2016




Ok, so I don't often post things like this, but I find myself in a post-festive period rut which I desperately want to get out of. My Dreams have been a bit more intense lately with aliens trying to suck the life out of my second in command and human-form Replicators trying to destroy my city.

So are there any ideas out there for things to do around here?

Nov. 20th, 2015




I'm pretty sure my sciatic nerve is never going to be the same after that road trip, but at least I'm here. Seems like I have a roommate too, which is not something I planned on, but when do we ever plan on anything?

And now I have to be the new guy at the hospital. Well sure most of the rules and regulations are the same but there are interoffice hierarchies you have to worry about.

And Jim drags me onto this social networking whatever. Says it'll be good for me. We'll see about that

My name's Leonard McCoy, I work as a surgeon over at Saint Joseph's. Nice to meet you all.

Oct. 17th, 2015




It would seem the dreams have finally affected me in a most curious way. I will be giving my students quite a scare on Monday.

Sep. 20th, 2015




Well after three weeks in Europe D'Artagnan and myself are back and judging by the fact that Grim hasn't moved from our laps since we sat down I think it's safe to say he missed us.

Sep. 7th, 2015




Labor Day and Tony and I have decided to actually take the day off ourselves and enjoy the parks and beaches that we have so close.

I hope everybody has a lovely day planned too.

Sep. 2nd, 2015




If any new students would like a tour of the UC: Irvine campus before term starts, my colleague Prof John Crichton and I will be available all day on Wednesday if anyone's interested. We'll buy you lunch and/or tea/coffee too so don't worry.

Aug. 27th, 2015




Today has been a long day at a refresher course in leadership skills thanks to the UN and while I enjoyed it and met some new people. Given how tired I am however, I'm pretty sure there's going to be Dreams of Atlantis tonight. Hopefully pleasant ones.

Jul. 29th, 2015




It is well overdue I introduce myself here. Hello, I cannot say I am very new now, but the case somewhat applies. My name is Ororo Munroe. I have not decided the ideal things to post on here, but I have enjoyed glancing at some entries. I have not paid careful attention, however, which I intend to remedy in the future. As I understand it, many UC Irvine students fraternize on here. Is this the case?

Jul. 15th, 2015




I do hope whoever has stolen my car realises what a mistake they've made and returns it soon.

Jun. 30th, 2015




So I just caught up on the last part of season 2 of The Blacklist and wow! Loved it!
Possible spoilers? )

Jun. 28th, 2015




Looks like I missed out on some excitement while I was out of town. The power must have been out for a while in my area of town because the food in my fridge/freezer's all gone off. Anyone like to fill me in?

Jun. 10th, 2015




Anyone else feel like these insane dreams make the night feel longer? And with less rest? I dreamed all freaking night, man, and I woke up exhausted.

Apr. 27th, 2015




So I heard through the grapevine that this was a good way to meet people around here.

So hey, I'm Cosima. Originally from San Fran, and was that crazy person that decided spending a few years in Minnesota for grad school was a great idea. Which it was, just not many Californians would agree with me there. Anyways yes, I've recently come back to California, now I'm going for my PhD at UC-Irvine so maybe I'll see some of you around there if I'm not in the labs or in the library?

Also kind of always babbling about science, so be warned of that ahead of time? And always kind of late so I'm always kind of sorry, too.

Apr. 8th, 2015




I hope everyone had an enjoyable Easter.

Mine was wonderful.

Mar. 30th, 2015




I really miss learning a new language. Any thoughts on which I should look at next? I've got French, German, Russian and Italian under my belt and Japanese and Arabic to some degree of fluency.

Mar. 23rd, 2015




My shoes are selling well! Gosh, it's so freaking exciting! I'm absolutely thrilled! Thank you to everyone who's come by Shoegasm and purchased a pair of shoes by Rarity Designs!

I've been working on some designs for mens' shoes. I have a good friend who's getting married, and I wanted him to have something special and original for when he and his soon-to-be husband walk down the aisle. These are absolutely magnificent, if I do say so myself.

I may have found a new calling.

Feb. 24th, 2015




Someone in the office shared this commercial the Royal Dutch Guide Dog Foundation made with us today during a presentation as we were talking strategy, so I thought I'd share it here.

The veteran in the commercial could easily be me, when I first got back stateside, and the dog resembles Lucky more than a little.

If any of you out there love dogs, or love a veteran, and are willing to become trainers for guide dogs, let me know. Our partner organizations are always looking for volunteers, because there are never enough dogs or dogs in training for everyone who needs one.

Feb. 18th, 2015




So now is probably the time to admit to all who know us that D'Artagnan has agreed to tie himself to me for the rest of our lives and we're officially engaged.

He has made me ridiculously happy by saying yes and we're looking forward to whatever awaits us together.

Feb. 14th, 2015




So much going on this week! I can't remember the last time I've been this busy. Tomorrow is Valentine's day, and then we have Aramis's birthday party on Monday. I think I've got all the arrangements for that down, it should be a blast.

And beyond that, there's a new addition to our little family, which we've mentioned to a few people. But I wanted to introduce him to the group at large.

This is Mousqueton, who I'm calling Moose because that's a little easier to pronounce. He's an absolute sweetheart, and he gets along perfectly with the kitten. He likes to curl around Bazin when he sleeps, to keep him safe I think. Melts my heart.

Jan. 13th, 2015




So D'Artagnan recently surprised me with a New Year gift, which happened to be a chocolate Labrador rescue puppy. We're still working on a name for him. But I wanted to thank D'Artagnan and let everybody see him.

Puppy picture )

Jan. 12th, 2015




I know there are some college students on here, so, as a professor, allow me to offer you this bit of advice.

You are not doing yourself any favors when you email your professor on the first day of class and say that you're vacationing with your family and won't be back for another two weeks, so you'll need accommodation.

It is, of course, your prerogative and your family's prerogative to vacation while classes are in session, but I am under no directive to accommodate what is your choice. It is also your choice to stay in the course, knowing that you will be penalized for choosing not to be in class, or to drop it and retake the course at another time when you can actually devote the time required.

Sep. 24th, 2014




This is not starting out to be a good day. Woke up to find a new piece of jewlery on my finger, no less, then spilled coffee all over myself like an idiot, and my shoelace tore off while I was lacing it.

I need a drink. And it's 6am. Doesn't bode well for me today.

Aug. 21st, 2014




So I had my first dreams last night. Supposedly I was married at some time and Atlantis is real.

I have to say it was interesting, I would love to do the work I was doing in my dreams, it seemed absolutely fascinating.

So did you know that you were my boss at some point in this dreams?

So I'm dreaming of the Stargate. You were amazing in that dream. Is that what you're dreams are of?

Aug. 13th, 2014




I woke up this morning to find my medical kit on the bedside table. From the Dreams. Tools and technology from a far distant future. I thought everything had gone with the Enterprise when Jim and Hermione left. But here they are.

Aug. 7th, 2014




I thought I'd been done dreaming. But it's a little different. My childhood was different, the way my parents were killed was a little different. I never met Sam at boarding school. Instead, there's Amanda, but I lose her.

I don't like this version of myself. She's colder, emotionally distant. She doesn't care for people beyond what's necessary to get her job done. She's...a really lonely person. But she has some amazing adventures.

And after that last dream, I really want to find Atlantis....

Jul. 30th, 2014




And the cast list for Oliver! has been posted.

Are there others who use the network who will be involved?

Jul. 21st, 2014




Joanna is going to spend August with her mother. So I'll childless for four weeks. Looking forward to having a bit of freedom. And for Joanna to get to spend some time with her mother. She's been chattering nonstop about all the friends she's going to see and things she's going to do when she gets there.

Jun. 17th, 2014




So, my co-workers made me get on here. I'm Daniel Jackson a linguistics professor at the UC of Irvine as well as having a passion for archeology. I'm very much a workaholic so I doubt I will be on here often but I at least did what they said to and signed up for it.

Jun. 2nd, 2014




Can't believe how cold it is! Having not long been back from Russia I'm glad I still have my winter clothes out, I bet Sam's cursing right now!

Apr. 15th, 2014




I fully understand why Jim took the ship on his adventure. If I'd had the Dreams that I had last night before he left, I might have been more convinced to go with him.

Now I'm just waiting for the next set. Seems the current predicament in my Dreams has resolved... does anyone else feel this way? That these Dreams are episodic?

Jan. 28th, 2014




It has occurred to me that with school and work, I've neglected to check in here in quite some time. Because, I'm sure a lot of you weren't here when I last posted, I'll introduce myself again. I'm James Carstairs, but everyone calls me Jem. I'm currently attending UCI, studying Music and I work in an antiques store in Irvine. I also have a cat, called Church. I suppose that's all.

Jan. 11th, 2014




Can someone do me a huge favor and beat me upside the head until this song stops playing in there on repeat? It's driving me absolutely insane.

Then again, it's better than trying to figure out Dumbledore's Will

Dec. 30th, 2013




In order to welcome in the New Year - which will hopefully not be quite as crazy as this one though I'm not holding my breath on that - Stark Industries will be holding a party on New Years eve.

I hope everybody had a lovely Christmas and I look forward to seeing you at the party.

[OOC: Let's pretend this was posted with a little more notice]

Dec. 5th, 2013




I can't believe it is almost Christmas. All day the music show was playing Elvis Christmas Carols. All Elvis, all day long. It reminded me of Vegas.

Anyway, what is everyone doing for the holidays?

[Izzy and Alec]
I think we should have a Christmas party. We could have some friends over. It would be fun.




I don't often post on here, but I wanted to pay tribute to a great man who has passed away today. I only had the honour of briefly meeting him once, but he had such a wonderful presence, even if I only shook his hand. He was an inspiration to so many, including myself, and I believe the world needs more positivity like he showed every day.

It doesn't take much to brighten someone's day and make a change, spread a little joy, a little hope, and maybe one day we can be the world Madiba dreamed of.

"No one is born hating another person because of the colour of his skin, or his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite." Nelson Mandela, The Long Walk To Freedom, 1995.

Nov. 14th, 2013




Well this 'truth telling' thing that's going on is certainly enlightening, I'm trying to be an understanding person but some people need to accept that they should just keep quiet and go home.

Oct. 27th, 2013




This. Is. Adorable!

Oct. 19th, 2013




Halloween Costume rules for my daughter: (she's 11)
-No midriffs exposed
-No weapons
-More skin must be covered than if she was wearing a bathing suit.

Not being unreasonable, am I?

Oct. 8th, 2013




Stark Industries will be holding their annual Halloween Costume Party on Saturday 26th October, it will be open to everybody and will be fully catered.

I look forward to seeing you all there.

Sep. 10th, 2013




This...may sound weird but...does anyone here have any advice for coping with this telepathy I've had thrust on me please? I've got a killer migraine coming on because of it.

Jul. 10th, 2013




If anyone needs any extra medical assistance after the events of the past few weeks, the staff at Irvine General are working around the clock to see to everyone's needs.