
Posts Tagged: 'chuck+bartowski'

Apr. 12th, 2014



Ugh. Gross mouthbreather guy at work found out that I'm single. I didn't know what to say when he was all HEY LET'S GO OUT and was breathing garlic on me so I sort of panicked and walked off. I didn't even say no, I just went AUGH and walked away.

... that counts as a no, right? I hope that counts as a no.

Apr. 8th, 2014



[Locked from Non-Puncturable Muses]

Cut for Cap 2 spoilers? I don't know. Do throw away characters with no meaning to the story count as spoilers? I don't want to spoil anyone. That's a dick move. Look. The point is. I'm sorry if this spoils you, but I think you've been pretty warned. So don't go around being all Man That Chuck Guy Is A Dick. I'm not. Just. I'm not. )

Apr. 3rd, 2014




If my boyfriend keeps turning into a teenager, I have the feeling that man from Dateline is going to show up at my house with a camera crew very soon.

Mar. 3rd, 2014




Well, I suppose I'm not the only "newbie" to be posting on here lately. I'm Ellie Bartowski, and I've just taken a position at Irvine General. Looking forward to meeting people and making a home here in Orange County.

Also, I hear my kid brother Chuck is around here somewhere. Pretend like I just told you some really embarrassing story about him from our childhood.

Feb. 5th, 2014




Wow. The last week or so has just been like ... Dreamageddon over here. Just nonstop. But last night I didn't have any, so, I mean, I guess that's it for now? I'm sorta glad, to be honest. It was a lot.

It's all kind of jumbled, but, safe to say that dream-Chuck's life is pretty much never going to be normal ever, and I think he just needs to stop hoping for it. His ex-girlfriend who is the bad guy is actually sort of a good guy. It probably wasn't the best idea, but, he let her escape anyway. You know. For reasons.

Turns out my father - my dream father - is the guy that built the Intersect. I wish the reason for him being absent my whole life was as cool as him being a spy, but. You know. He does manage to get rid of the Intersect in dream-Chuck's head, though! And then dream-Chuck puts it back later. And then the new intersect has physical properties? Like, it's not just, you know, flashing on information anymore but suddenly - Boom! Fighting skills. Super cool.

But. Uh. Bryce? Just as a heads up, I'm sorry. I mean it. You'll understand when it happens.

Feb. 3rd, 2014




These dreams like to punch you in the balls, don't they? Even if you don't even have any.

Edit: I'm looking for someone good with computers. Like really, scary-nerd good.

Jan. 10th, 2014




Apparently I've been doing this dating thing wrong my entire life.

According to this article: http://www.buzzfeed.com/robinedds/a-28-step-guide-to-falling-in-love-as-written-by-two-8-year

Not sure how reliable 8 years are (and they apparently know a lot about sex) especially since they left quite a few numbers blank. But I definitely laughed this morning. Sounds like the plot to a soap opera episode.

Visible to all - just wanted to put the picture in the post as well for anyone )

We missed some steps?

Jan. 5th, 2014



So I just dreamed about meeting Chuck for the first time at Stanford. Not quite the same way it happened in real life, but apparently I'm going to go off and be a spy in a few years and fake my death so I'm guessing anything similar to my real life is coincidental.

And I miss Zork.




I haven't had a dream in months and months. Maybe even a year. And all of a sudden, I have a crazy one where my best friend is out with some douche and I just showed up to ruin it. Or maybe save her. I couldn't really tell.

I can be kind of a jerk sometimes. At least I had a decent reason.

Dec. 23rd, 2013




DUDE. WHAT. I'M AN ELF. Like a Tolkein elf, not the Christmas kind!


This is Hurley btw.

Dec. 22nd, 2013





My god.

Cut for image. Safe for your viewing pleasure. )

Dear Orange County. Not funny.

Dec. 19th, 2013




Um, hello? Not quite sure what to say here, but this man I met yesterday, Chuck, told me that I should look up this network. I guess I should introduce myself and see what happens?

My name is Sarah and I'm the manager over at Orange, Orange frozen yogurt shop in Irvine. I don't hope to keep that job forever, but it's a decent job for the moment. I've recently moved here from New York to spend more time with my mother and a change of scenery. I love gymnastics and martial arts, so if you ever want a trainer in either of those I have some experience in training people and I make a great sparring partner.

And that's about it. I'm just enjoying my declared snow day because only strange people want frozen yogurt when there was a blizzard last night. And I don't want to deal with them.

Dec. 18th, 2013




Stark! You owe me five grand and an embarrassing gif as promised. Pft, and you said I couldn't hack your precious new firewall.

Kids stuff, man.

Dec. 10th, 2013




Stayed home from work today on account of these wicked bad headaches I just started having. Yeah, okay, it sounds like a teenage girl problem, but for real. It feels like my brain is oozing out of my eye sockets or something.

Basically, I spent most of my time on the couch in an aspirin-induced haze, which I guess makes good dream fodder. Dream!Chuck almost got his normal life back, but now there's this rogue band of CIA agents who are trying to make their own Intersect. Things were going super good with the blonde love interest until someone (you know who you are) showed up. And tricked me into upgrading my current Intersect.

Oh, but, hey! Dream!Chuck saved the world from a possible third world war via an old arcade game, then hooked up with his old girlfriend who totally digs his whole secret agent thing. Well, the sort of secret agent thing. Like, more of an agent. He's not great with the secret side of it.

Back to the original conundrum, though, best cure for what feels like imminent brain implosion? Anyone? Bueller?




Dudes. What.

Jupiter Ascending Trailer

I think everyone lost a bet being in this flick.

Dec. 8th, 2013




Dudes. So I kinda had a dream, like what everyone is talking about on here sometimes, and it was kinda a crazy one.

I was on some tropical island, and I think we survived a plane crash. Like, me and a bunch of people. And there was this guy...Jack I think his name was? Running around trying to help people, and it was all kinds of chaos. And later I was helping hand out what was left of the plane food to people, and there was this really pregnant chick and I gave her two meals. Cuz you know, eating for two.

And THEN, at night, we were all kinda chilling out by the pieces of wreckage waiting for help to come, and this crazy noise comes from the jungle, and the trees start moving like something out of Jurassic Park.

Also, Charlie, I think you were in my dream too.

Edit: Does anyone think I should play these numbers: 4 8 15 16 23 42?
I kinda won the lottery in my dream too and won a ton of money with 'em. Mom says I should, but I dunno.





As an avid reader of these boards, I can't help but noticing a lot of us are shameful flirts. To this end I ask: does anyone else ship people on this board or am I just crazy? Like, there's some of you who aren't dating but I just want to smush your faces together and be all NOW KISS.

cut for image, viewable to all. )

Like that.

I swear to god, you guys are going to make me go all Fiddler on the Roof on your bottoms and start randomly setting you up. Which would turn out badly, since I'm sure some of you are like me and are taken but can't turn off the flirt.

I guess I'm just saying augh, Valar, why so cute?

Dec. 5th, 2013



How could I have forgotten how great California is? I went to college here in California, which seems like ages ago now but I didn't really appreciate how great everything is here. In fact I think I spent most of my time between classes playing pool and video games or doing whatever other nerdy thing we could think of. If I had known that I was going to spend the next few years wintering in New York and other places with snow I think I would have spent all my time outside just soaking up all the nice weather.

Anyway, hello everyone. I'm Bryce. I'm new to the OC and am the new computer science and software division manager of the Aliso Viejo branch of SFD Technologies. But please, don't hold my incredibly nerdy job against me, I swear I only speak Klingon when provoked. If anyone has any recommendations when it comes to places to eat or see or things I absolutely need to do, nerdy or not, I'd really appreciate it.

Nov. 22nd, 2013




[posted later in the evening]
i passed the bar exam!!!

anakin took me out bto oa fancy dinnjer tonight and i had quite a bit qof champagne. it wafs so sweet obf him because yi am so xhappy taht i'm an actual lawyer now. si am sro hapyp and relieved that i may have ecird when i read my name non the pass list.

Nov. 14th, 2013




To go along with this truth-spouting weirdness, I got a new string of dreams. Hoorah. I guess it's not so bad. I continue to have problems staying in the van, and the whole CIA database living in my brain was apparently sent with good (but still mysterious) intentions. Broke up with my incredibly good-looking fake-girlfriend to pursue an incredibly-good looking real girlfriend (yay, go dream!Chuck), then got dumped by said real girlfriend for assuming she was working for terrorists (boo, dream!Chuck). Kissed the former fake-girlfriend - for the record, she kissed me - because we thought we were about to be blown up.

Let's see, what else ... Oh. The guy who destroyed my life to protect it is actually my former fake-girlfriend's ex-boyfriend, my little spy team gets in trouble but we save the day anyway, things at the Buy More continue to be just really messed up.

I'll say this, my dream life? Is never boring.

Probably because I don't stay in the van.

Oct. 14th, 2013




Okay. So what does one wear to their first boss-run Halloween party? I keep coming up with things I think are funny but then I realize maybe they're actually not.

Also if anyone wants to be my date, that'd be great.

Oct. 13th, 2013




You'll forgive me for this eventually. Or not. Whatever's good for you, really.

What does the Fox Say? )

Oct. 5th, 2013




My thoughts have started appearing above my head in those white bubbles. I know this as I stood up and whacked my head against one. After clearing that I was not indeed hallucinating nor having some manner of stroke, I have attributed this as either the start of a psychotic break or Orange County's bizarre nature. Needless to say, I'm somewhat at a loss as to what to do about all this.

My head hurts.

Sep. 25th, 2013




So. I get the whole "dream thing" now.

Cause I think I had them? I mean, they could have just been normal dreams cause they seem sort of on par with what I usually dream, but these felt pretty real.

So, I was me. And I lived in Burbank which, you know, story of my life. But I got this ... I dunno, government project imbedded my brain and then I got these flashes of top secret information? So theh sent in the CIA and NSA to keep an eye on me, and the CIA agent is a total fox and her cover is my girlfriend, so, worse things. Oh. Except that I work at a big box retailer and I am the supervisor of the Nerd Herd (think Geek Squad).




I feel like I haven't been around in ages, but I've been bouncing between school and conferences, and now a new job! I'm officially doing research work with Tony Stark at The Irvine Company, which is incredibly exciting.

I hear there are quite a few of us, so I look forward to meeting all of you.

Sep. 22nd, 2013





The Greatest Debate! Which side are you on? )

Sep. 17th, 2013




So. No one warned me that this place is weird. But I'm a forgiving guy, so, it's all good. In case some of you were worried, I mean.

But I decided that weird is actually really cool doable, so, have no fear, Orange County. I'll stick around. :)

(If I get too scared I'm driving to Burbank to crash on my sister's couch.)




Seems to me there is too much negativity in the air... So since it's no longer Monday (because that is always a downer) how about you tell me the best clean joke you got?

Sep. 10th, 2013




List of things I need to buy:
- Alarm clock
- Coffee pot
- DVD player
- earmuffs

I am apparently a Jedi with a penchant for destroying electrical things. At least I can't destroy this bottle of vodka. Seriously, how does the world exist without coffee?

Sep. 5th, 2013




DUDE. Did anyone else pick up the new Star Wars comic, "The Star Wars"?? It's based on George Lucas' original draft of the movie.

It's so different, man...so...cool...I kinda wish Disney would make this into their new movies instead of the sequels they're planning on. I mean, everyone's doing the reboot thing, right?

Longer ago, in a galaxy even further away... )

Aug. 31st, 2013




So uh I met this really awesome chick lady woman person at Target, Merrill, and she said that she posts to this really cool community. Figured since I'm new here and all, it might be a good place to say 'hey'.

So uh, 'hey'. I'm Hugo, but everybody calls me Hurley. I just kinda moved here with my mom so yeah. Um, I like scifi stuff (Star Wars hell yeah) and comic books and all sorts of geeky stuff. I kinda won that reality show thing

So yeah. Anybody know a good fried chicken place around here? I mean, besides KFC. I mean some place good.

Aug. 30th, 2013




Okay Net people...

Who wants to go on a field trip? Halloween is coming... We need to petition to do one of those ghost hunting things. See if it's real or garbage. I want to go to Alcatraz.

Aug. 29th, 2013




So, has anyone ever Googled themselves and found something embarrassing on the internet?

(I don't mean porn. Though that would be pretty embarrassing.)

Because I definitely just found this from my "Finally Chuck Got A Real Job" party. And they thought they could keep this from me.

Aug. 25th, 2013




So, I guess this is like, some sort of OC secret club or something? Awesome.

I'm Chuck. Charles, actually, but people just call me Chuck so, that's good. Just moved here from the Hollywood area, getting ready to start a job at Stark Industries which never ceases to make me squeal like a little girl. A little about me: I'm 27, I'm a huge geek, love Chinese food, sort of a big computer nerd, allergic to cats and very hairy dogs. On that note, where's the best Chinese place around here? Kind of a big deal.

And now that I've successfully made myself sound like a massive loser, I think I'll just wrap this up.