
Posts Tagged: 'apollo'

Mar. 26th, 2013




So, I went in to see my PR rep on Friday. We were going to discuss the whole singing thing, since during the week of the sing-along in the OC, I'm convinced that recording an album is not the answer for me. We talked about my options, and discussed maybe acting. Cameos, walk-ons, that sort of thing.

Yesterday, when I went back, I was surprised to find a half dozen casting agents there to meet me. And acting coaches. This is turning into quite the operation. Today I went and had new head shots taken. It's moving kinda fast, but I love it! I'm excited!

Also, I think Artichokes are my favorite vegetable ever.

Mar. 25th, 2013




I am not sure about anyone else but I always found the Easter bunny a little scary. Or maybe it is just the creep people in the suits.

Mar. 24th, 2013



I forgot how much I like American hamburgers in the last year. Europe's lovely, but it's just not the same, though there's a distinct lack of chaos over there. My mother wouldn't shut up about all the insanity over in the States.

Anyway, now that I'm settled in after my trip, I'd like to start offering piano or voice lessons to anyone who's interested. College kid needing extra money and all that. Price would depend on level of skill.