
Posts Tagged: 'jiang+cheng'

Feb. 15th, 2021




I had another dream last night. Really starting to feel like some kind of weird alt reality I'm living.

So we captured a Wraith and I tried to establish a relationship with him. Gave him the name Steve since he wouldn't tell me if he had a name. I don't even know if Wraiths use names. Anyway. We went to this planet where the scientists there were working on a blood alteration to fight off a Wraith feeding. Our doc went to help them and we used Steve as a guinea pig to test it and it seemed to work, he was unable to feed off the test subject. That guy died a little while later, but he was terminally ill so his death could have been from his illness. Except Steve died too. And by the time Carson could warn the lead scientist, half the population of these people had been inoculated, based on one test run result. So yeah, it wasn't perfected, or even close, and all those people started getting sick and dying. And their leader was like, so we lose a few, the Wraith won't mess with us. I do not understand that mindset in my dreams, and I do not understand that mindset in the real world.

Speaking of the real world, I'm running a 50% off flash sale on for flying lessons. That includes 6 lessons. Under 18 requires a parent or legal guardian signature. If you're interested come on down to [location] and ask for John.

Feb. 2nd, 2021



Network -- Jiang Cheng

Personal Entry )

Jan. 24th, 2021




SO... how does one handle a horse just showing up?

Jan. 17th, 2021




Couldn't sleep, didn't want to bother my roommate, so I took a jog.

Realized I was being followed. Cute guy, we hung out for awhile before I took him to his home. Now I kinda want one.

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