
Posts Tagged: 'mr.+gold+%28rumplestiltskin%29'

Jun. 14th, 2013



Father's Day is tomorrow.

Luckily, for those of you who both are not on top of things, and still want to manage buying your paternal figure something of distinguished taste, my antique shop is opened late tonight. [address]

No, there isn't a sale. Discounts are hardly the way to show your love.

May. 22nd, 2013




Would anyone like to go get drinks with me this evening? and possibly light things on fire?

Apr. 24th, 2013




Three days and counting.

[ooc] )

Apr. 18th, 2013




Nine days until the wedding.

Apr. 16th, 2013



Spent such a large portion of the week finishing up personal taxes, shop taxes and office taxes that I completely missed out on the fact that it was my own birthday, yesterday.

Odd, how little it seems to matter after a certain number of years.

Apr. 8th, 2013




Have clothes stopped falling off of people?

I feel a bit out of the loop. My dreams have been a bit of a distraction lately.

Apr. 2nd, 2013




Why am I in a Jessica Rabbit style dress? Because I don't own one.

Mar. 27th, 2013




I need a new project. Suggestions?

Mar. 25th, 2013



Seems to me everything has gone back to a normal pace of crazy. Which is to say, almost normal. No complaints from me, of course. There's work to be done and it's hard to do when roaming around mushrooms or belting out a song. Not that I sang. Which I am pleased for -- I am starting to think that I am, perhaps, immune to the odd magic this county has to offer.

Thank goodness for small favors, hm?

Mar. 9th, 2013




Romana and I are off on holiday, and will be unavailable until at least tomorrow night. Daisy is staying with her aunt and cousins for a sleepover, and is absolutely thrilled about her new, princess pajamas.

Good luck in your recovery from the red sky, Orange County.

Feb. 28th, 2013




A little over a month to finish the preparations for the wedding. I can do this. I'm Pepper Potts, multitasker extraordinaire.

Because I don't have enough things on my plate I'd like to take this opportunity to announce a charity event Stark Industries will be throwing on March 15th. The event will take place at Stark Industries where local artists will be displaying their own personal works to be auctioned off at a live auction. All of the proceeds will go to the Children's Hospital of Orange County. There will be an official press release with all pertinent information on Saturday, but I thought I would give everyone here on the network a head's up since I know a lot of you get paid on Fridays.

If you have any questions at all please don't hesitate to ask.

Feb. 21st, 2013



Is it too cliche to simply state Curiouser and curiouser?

Feb. 8th, 2013



A couple of friends clued me in to this network thing, so I thought I'd say hello. My name is Sif. It's Norse, and please don't call me Siffy. It brings back bad grade school memories.

I'm going to be starting work at Orange City Hall soon, and I figure I ought to state up front that anything I write on this network is my opinion only, and does not reflect the opinions of City Hall. I'd like to not lose my job before it starts.

That said, speaking as a private citizen, I wanted to make you all aware of the Immigrant March. Anyone of any ethnicity is welcome, as hey, we're all immigrants except for the Native Americans, really. We're starting at the downtown university campus, and winding up at city hall as we march for the rights of undocumented immigrants and refugees. It's tomorrow, from 9 until whenever we arrive. We got the paperwork all set, so I don't think anybody will get arrested, but we'll see.

Feb. 7th, 2013



Terribly exciting things about lately, aren't there?

Anyone planning to go wine tasting this weekend? Take this as a purely non-romantic invitation to help pour me back into the towncar. I'll spring for the bottle and everything.




I dreamed about crazy aliens that no one could remember when they weren't looking at them. And I met President Nixon. It was... interesting.

Feb. 6th, 2013




Is there anyone hiring? My skillset involves shooting people training in water purification systems, shooting people vehicle repair and shooting people electronics repair.

Feb. 3rd, 2013




My boss is throwing a big Super Bowl party at work for the staff and a few of his close friends. Which means giant screen American football action, pizza, and probably a ton of other snacks and things to eat. Unfortunately he doesn't seem to be taking no for an answer, even though I've told him I have zero interest in football. I told him I'm not really interested in any sports before they could go on a rant about why their football is better than our football (including both soccer and rugby), but that didn't matter. I'm living in the States now, the Super Bowl is important (some nonsense about commercials?), and I must be there.

This is going to be a REALLY long evening.

Feb. 2nd, 2013




Does anyone see things from their dreams when they're awake?

Jan. 27th, 2013




You know, you don't have to be single to hate Valentine's Day.

But I guess it probably helps.

Jan. 25th, 2013



Good to see all that epidemic clearing up, isn't it?

I suppose I have to admit I was wrong about it in the first place. But no one is perfect, eh? I'll be the first to admit my own faults.

Jan. 24th, 2013




...Last night, I dreamt of the most hideously pink woman in, quite possibly, the entire universe.

It can't be legal (or sane) to wear that much at once.

Jan. 13th, 2013




I just used up my last paid sick day for today. If this continues on for much longer I don't know how the local economy is going to be able to bounce back. I bet half of the people out there didn't have sick time saved up and we're not exactly getting paid for sitting on our asses in our homes.




We would like take a moment to update everyone on what has been happening at Stark Industries. Normally this would be done via normal media outlets, but considering the circumstances this is the best we can manage.

Stark Industries is currently under quarantine orders along with the rest of Orange County. Luckily the majority of employees were at home or seeking medical assistance when the quarantine orders came through so only essential personnel are still within the building.

Stark Labs are working on finding a cure around the clock. We've been in contact with the CDC throughout this entire process and currently have a representative working alongside our staff to crack this thing. Currently the CDC believes that what they are calling the Blue Shadow Virus is an alien will run it's course is something they will be able to cure. We've already had several breakthroughs at both the Stark Labs and at our sister labs throughout Orange County that we've been working closely with.

We ask for your continued patience and as a token of our gratitude and sincerest apologies we have started up a relief fund with an initial donation of $1M. Money from the relief fund will go to families who have been effected by this recent outbreak, to providing inhalers for those who cannot afford them and to continued research into the phenomenons in and around Orange County. For those of you who wish to donate to the relief fund please contact Pepper Potts directly at Stark Industries.

Thank you.

Jan. 9th, 2013




Well hello there, Valarnet!

I'm Vala, just moved here from Australia and looking for some fun. What do you guys do for giggles around here?

Also looking for a house, any recommendations for good neighbourhoods?

Jan. 5th, 2013



Curious. I feel I'm possibly one of the only people to have shown up and been ready for work today. This isn't the fast food or retail, dearies. The entire political offices of the city just can't call in for a cold.

Aug. 6th, 2012



Mr. Gold? Can you make it down to the garden?

Jul. 27th, 2012



Mr. Gold? I'm sorry I didn't visit you in the hospital. It's too hard

Jul. 20th, 2012




Jul. 19th, 2012



Well, that solves the mystery of how dream-me became sheriff. Worth a try, I suppose: Emma Swan or Mr. Gold?

And because that will utterly fail, hello to the rest of Valarnet. To save this from being a completely wasted post, a fact that I've learned today: male platypi have a venomous spur on their hind legs. Just when you thought they couldn't be any stranger, right?

Jul. 5th, 2012



Bill? canipleasecomeback? I need help.

Jun. 24th, 2012



Alice? Can I stay a little longer?

Jun. 15th, 2012



Well, it's nice to find that this account still works.

Jun. 11th, 2012



Bill, can you come get me? I don't know how I got here.

Jun. 8th, 2012



Mr. Gold? Bill? Um.

How can I be so brave in my dreams, but not..

Mr. Gold?

Jun. 2nd, 2012



Fact: according to the Grimm brothers' Little Snow White, the stepmother-queen demanded Snow White's lungs and liver. The whole 'I want her heart' bit is pure Disney.

Also, my main take-away from reading was that dwarves are sensible people and know not to open doors to strangers. Why Snow White didn't listen is beyond me.

Another fact: when you Google 'snow white' you have to scroll through half a page of movie times and IMDB entries before you get to the full text of the story. Google, your mind-reading abilities could use some work.

May. 28th, 2012



Does anyone know how to find Maurice Vincent?