
Posts Tagged: 'bernie+rhodenbarr'

Oct. 21st, 2012



I assume everyone is already aware Ms. Skeeter is a lying cun- ill-informed. I'd like to think our police force is slightly more competent than an idiot reporter. Maybe not too competent, though.

Barnegat Books is open again, by the way. Let me emphasize that the owner has been cleared of all charges. Hopefully that's good for business.

Frodo Baggins )

Mr. Bruce Wayne )

Aug. 29th, 2012



I swear somedays I feel like board meetings are neverending and then I realise they actually are.

I'm sure I was supposed to be cutting back the work hours to actually have a life...

Jul. 28th, 2012



It's official: my insurance does not cover alien invasions.

Jul. 26th, 2012



An outtake from my paperwork today:

"Cause Of Accident/Injury: Hairy Balls"

...My coworkers, I swear.


I think Raffles is starting to enjoy this. I've seen her curl up into a ball--presumably disguising herself as one of those things to lure them in--and then she springs and eviscerates them. Much more impressive than the mouse-hunting.

Jul. 23rd, 2012



I'm sorry to say the Warehouse is going to be closed until further notice due to quake damage.

Now I need to find something to do with this mysterious 'free time'.

Jul. 19th, 2012



You know, every time a fella says something like 'now I've seen it all,' life comes along to make him look like the damn fool he is. Word to the wise? Don't jinx yourselves. Just don't. You'll be thanking your stars when some other idiot has to corral an ostrich on the freeway at three in the morning.

Jul. 18th, 2012



Maybe the internet actually has a use after all. Come on free marketing, show me what you can do.

Barnegat Books is having a sale this weekend. We stock rare and used books. [Address] Plenty of comfy chairs for browsing. No coffee on tap, but there's a Starbucks next door. You're welcome to bring a cup over and steal their WiFi while you look around the shop.