
Posts Tagged: 'audrey'

Nov. 16th, 2018




The mornings are turning super cold, and it's really starting to feel like winter. I can't wait until the Christmas music starts. Does that make me an odd duck?

Also, pies. So many pies! This upcoming week is Thanksgiving, and we'll be cooking pies nonstop to fill all the orders at BB1 and BB2. If anyone wants to order pies, now's the time! We'll have plenty for sale, too, without reservations!

Nov. 12th, 2018




Pimpernel Outreach will be hosting Thanksgiving dinner for people and families who either have no where to go or cannot afford a meal to make themselves. Anyone who wishes to volunteer to help serve the meal is more than welcome! We also plan to host a Channukah event and Christmas dinner. At both of those we will also give out gifts to those who come. So if anyone wishes to volunteer at either of those events as well, you are more than welcome to!

Oct. 27th, 2018




The lights have been flickering all night at Fangtasia and when I attempt to call an electrician to come look at it, I get different numbers. The sound system also occasionally switches songs mid way through. If this keeps up, I'll have to close early and that's the last thing I want to do.




My coffee maker is on the fritz. Churned out some kind of sludge, and then I swear to god it beeped angrily at me.

Oct. 26th, 2018




I never realized what a holiday Halloween was here in the States! Everyone seems to go all out! Parties, clubs, schools! I may have to give in to this idea and dress up myself!

Now the question is who! The possibilities seem endless!

Oct. 20th, 2018




I made these adorable Halloween cookies, and I think I've eaten my weight in them. (Okay, not really. But I've had five of them so far. I'm debating a sixth.) They'll be available in the bakery starting on Monday.

Does anyone else have a favorite Halloween confection or treat? I'm always looking to add to our repertoire. And Thanksgiving is right around the corner! We do make pies! Put in your orders early!

Sep. 22nd, 2018




Since the bakery is a Pokemon Go Gym, we had a ton of visitors today. Catching Chikoritas. And MewTwo? I haven't caught one of those yet.

Did anyone catch any shiny Chikoritas?

Aug. 20th, 2018




I love experimenting with different flavors and baking styles. I've decided that Royal Icing is the most fun to play with, though. Really gives me a chance to explore my artistic side.

Back to School cookies at Baxter Bakery! )

Aug. 3rd, 2018




Both Baxter Bakery locations are open and magically protected against these supernatural dangers. Please feel free to come to the Bakery should you need sanctuary. We have food, water, and medical supplies.

Jul. 28th, 2018




When did my children get to be so big? I don't remember being asked if this was okay. It's definitely NOT okay.

Anyone else feel like they just turned around and life flew by?




Honestly, the most unrealistic thing about TV and movies is that people pull up to places and find prime parking right in front of where they're going on the first try. Just once I'd like to see them have to circle the block like twelve times for that real estate.




I can't stop crying.  I had actually spoke to the other people in my dorm and my r.a. to make sure that they knew I was safe and my dad wasn't here with me.   I've tried breathing exercises, pretending to play a harpsichord, walking.  I guess this is my version of writing in an online diary. 

I might go to the student health center to see if they can help me.  If I can get over this anxiety of being labelled depressed or delusional - I guess that comes with the territory of being a psych student, seeing potential diagnoses everywhere.  Or maybe it comes with the dreams. 

I wish I could just be normal, only after all this time here - I'm not sure what normal is anymore.

Jul. 3rd, 2018




I may have picked up Pokemon Go again now that they've added in a bunch of new features. And it may have rekindled my obsession with the game. I've got Pokeball shaped cookies at the bakery, and not only are we a gym, but there are two pokestops across the street that you can reach from the lobby.

All Pokemon trainers are welcome, though just know that if you take over the Baxter Bakery gym, it'll be blue again within the hour. ;)

Jun. 13th, 2018




I'd say that Bea has taken to summer. She loves the kiddie pool. I just put it in the shade, and slather her with sunblock...

Picture under here! )

May. 25th, 2018




Baxter Bakery is looking to host a book club! If that sounds like something you'd like to join, please comment below. I'd like to see how many people might have interested before finding a day and time that works for everyone!

May. 15th, 2018




Happy birthday to the bestest best friend I could ever hope for! Izzy is an amazingly kind, strong, kick ass woman and I can't imagine a day without her! Happy birthday Iz!

May. 13th, 2018




Ya know, with all the traveling and adventures I have with the Doctor, I don't really seem to care how it's hurting the people I left behind.

I'm a lousy girlfriend.

May. 5th, 2018




When things get crazy, you are always welcome here at Baxter Bakery. Like Rose said, it's a safe haven here. We've got wards up for protection. And we have scones. Win-win.

May. 3rd, 2018




So. Don't go outside. You probably saw everyone else's posts about what's goin' on and think 'oh it can't be so bad, I've seen worse!' No way, these buggers are smart. And that makes them scary. I plan to hunker down and sit the rest of this out!

And if you're one of those hero types that wants to look out for everyone else, bless you. After all this blows over, come over to Baxter's and there's a coffee and danish in it for you.

Audrey )

Henry )

Apr. 29th, 2018




The 2018 Pulitzer Prize winners had some fantastic stories about the last year. The use of social media in reporting the California fires kind of reminded me of this forum. For all the strange things that happen here, this place is rather ideal for organizing resistance and relief efforts. Don't you think?




I hear there's a big movie out this weekend?

Apr. 21st, 2018




Okay, so raise your hand if anyone else had a weird dream about Sabretooths. Like, that stuff's not from my dreamworld for sure but the other day I 'woke up' or dreamt I was in prehistoric times and it felt very freakin' real.


Apr. 14th, 2018




I made a fun batch of "Tax Day" cookies! I have a limited supply, and they're only available until April 17th! Just as a reminder to get your taxes done!

Available at Baxter Bakery )

Mar. 16th, 2018




Okay. I don’t care if it is going to eat up most of my savings, I can’t stay in this house one more night. I’m renting a room here, I’ve gone along with everything the landlord’s asked as far as how the public areas of the house are kept, it’s his home. But when I come home and he’s gone into my room and rearranged my personal things to “make it easier” for me to find them... that’s way past the line of what I’m comfortable with.

I’m going to be late to work tomorrow. I’ll try to keep apartment hunting to my days off though.

Mar. 10th, 2018




I do enjoy this time of year. The Shamrock shake. Super yummy.

And I get to make mint candy cookies! And clover cookies! At Baxter Bakery we have these treats available until St. Patrick's Day. I hope you'll come and try them out!

It's so much fun to pull out these recipes once a year and revisit them!

Feb. 24th, 2018




Aww I feel so bad for the GB Women's Curling team but that last shot was very risky. It must be devastating to work so hard for years and then come away with no medal.

Feb. 4th, 2018




I am exhausted. The bakery looks like a Cupid vomited all over it--pink crepe paper and hearts and red and white balloons... It was worth it, though. Definitely ready for a Valentine's day celebration after the crazy of the last few weeks!

Who else is looking forward to pink frosted cupcakes?

Feb. 1st, 2018




First day of February and this place is still as crazy as it always is. No change there then.

Jan. 23rd, 2018




Ugh, Taxes. Not my favorite time of year. My accountant retired last year, and I should have found a new EA at the time, but I foolishly thought that I could handle it all myself! Laughworthy.

Does anyone have a trustworthy accountant or EA on the books that they might recommend?

Jan. 19th, 2018




I have a new cookie recipe thanks to the Dreams but I don’t think I’m ever going to use it. It’s just not my thing. Here at least. DreamJess is getting ready for Sam to come home when their friend Brody shows up, and despite being dressed for bed she lets him in to hang out for a while. I’ve just given up on understanding the decisions she makes.

Dec. 6th, 2017




Hey guys! In case you didn't know, Izzy and I were on an episode of Food Network's "Bakery Wars" and we're having a viewing party here at the bakery! You'll have to come and watch with us (or watch at home!) to find out what sort of baked items we made, and whether or not we won the challenge and the cash!

We're going to have a viewing party here at BB1 the day the show airs. More details are coming soon! :)

Oct. 26th, 2017




For the first time ever, Baxter Bakery will be taking pre-orders for Holiday Pies. Call, come in on, or visit our website at BaxterBakery.com to order!

We'll have all our current favorites and classics, as well as some new and unusual flavors! Pies are 10" diameter, feeding 4-6.

PS - Stay tuned for more info about Baxter Bakery's appearance on Food Network!

Oct. 25th, 2017




Tell me what you're planning to wear for Halloween! Bonus points for pictures!

Oct. 4th, 2017




More information on that fun thing I posted about wishing for luck, but couldn't say what it was??

We got it. Baxter Bakery is going to be on a Cookie War Competition show! In early December you'll get to see Baxter Bakery go head to head with other very skilled bakers and bakeries in a Christmas Cookie Making Competition!! It'll be on the Food Network. More details to follow!

Sep. 16th, 2017




My baby girl turns 1 year old today. You should see her with her cake. She's absolutely covered in the frosting. I don't know where this tradition came from of giving the one year old a piece of cake to smash into her face (and all over her body--there's even some in her hair!) but I love it.

Aug. 24th, 2017




Remember how I mentioned some big news?

Well, I received word this morning! Baxter Bakery is going to be on a Food Network competition show! After a fairly rigorous application process, we've been accepted! I hope everyone will tune in when it airs!

Aug. 10th, 2017




I would appreciate any positive thoughts and crossed fingers you can send my way. I have applied for something that I would love to get, but I can't say anything until I know for sure! Should be soon, though.

Jul. 24th, 2017




It really should not be surprising that a dark ops group that fake their recruits deaths would be prepared to completely destroy each and every one of them with an automatic fail safe. And yet, here I sit, surprised.

On a less deathy note; wtf does one do with apple trees? Someone failed to inform me that my property has about six apple trees in the damn yard and the birds are starting to piss me off.

Jul. 9th, 2017




I'm having a hard time sleeping. Too much caffeine with dinner. :(

Anyone have any Netflix recommendations?

Jun. 24th, 2017




If I was to start up a bi-weekly or monthly cooking class at Baxter Bakery, would anyone be interested?

Jun. 16th, 2017




I betcha my house smells better than your house.




I wish every time this land did something unusual it was singing. The world could use more singing, it makes it a better place.

May. 10th, 2017




Baxter Bakery (both locations) will be doing a round of hiring in the next couple of weeks. If you're looking for part-time work or a summer job, please keep us in mind! We have a training program, possibility of advancement, and flexible scheduling. We're looking for enthusiastic, self-driven workers with excellent people skills. Come by either bakery today to pick up an application!

May. 6th, 2017



Filtered away from non-punctured/able Marvels

So went to see Guardians of the Galaxy 2 last night, despite the Star Wars chaos going on around us at the moment. I won't give spoilers, but as the kids these days say: THE FEELS. SO MUCH FEELS.

And of course, the movie has a lot of laughs too. I'm a little bummed that movie me has basically started from scratch development wise. In the comics, I retain who I am and who I know, and everything so that really I'm not a 'baby Groot' so much as just a really tiny version of myself. But the movie literally has me at like, little kid age. And I'm not the brightest crayon in the box either, which, is kinda not cool.

BUT. Still loved it. I wanted to find Rocket and give him a giant hug afterwards, but I know that's not his thing.

May. 4th, 2017




Baxter Bakery (both locations) are open. We have food, drink, medical supplies, and magical shield charms over the buildings and parking lots. If you find yourself in need of safe harbor, we are here for you.

Apr. 25th, 2017




The register at the bakery isn't working. I can't even get the drawer open. The rest of the lights and things are on... Either I have a dud register, or something really wonky's going on. I'm certainly hoping this is one of those "Orange County" things that will be over in a few days?

Registers are really expensive. :(

Apr. 14th, 2017




Sorry to those who do the sparkling latte whosits (I'm still not certain what that is, or even what a latte itself is - that's not quite how we drink our coffee in Northern Ireland) but it appears you're going to be up against some stiff competition soon here. I'll bet my next paycheque that my sister will want ten of these.

At any rate, managed to give away the Shears of Destiny - to its somewhat rightful owner, at least. Now I just need to hold a yard sale for all the other junk I've received. Like a heavy black cloak from my Dark One days or a sand dollar from Neverland - they can send or receive holographic messages, which seems quite advanced for a medieval era but magic is always ahead of its time, isn't it? Though it seems kind of moot here anyway, what with the invention of mobile phones now.

Apr. 13th, 2017




I'm looking for egg-dying recommendations. I usually go pretty plain and simple with the eggs in my house, but I thought it might be fun to try something new this year. We'll be decorating eggs on Saturday. Does anyone have any ideas? Unusual traditions? I'm trying to find interesting stuff, but my Pinterest-Fu skills are failing me.





I forgive my sister everything! Even the joke duck shaped chocolate figure she sent me last Easter because this year she has fully redeemed herself. I don't even want to know how much this was to ship to me but it is glorious.

 photo hotel-chocolat-the-big-easter-egg-serious-dark-fix-ostrich-easter-egg_zps6rmwzjgk.jpg

Mar. 14th, 2017




I legit miss having my dreams. Seeing the others from them posting about where they are at...it's like, knowing the end of a really cool movie and doing all you can to not give out spoilers. I'd rather be dreaming along with 'em.

ANYHOW. Wedding plans are coming along, bit by bit. Flowers are done (of course, hello), we all know who's providing the cake :D, location's squared away. We're workin' on invitations and eventually food. And decorations. Yeah, we kinda need someone for that. Any takers?