
Posts Tagged: 'cotton+weary'

Mar. 29th, 2016




It's no use.

I absolutely hate everything I write.

Luckily? I'm paid for appearances not my skills as a wordsmith. Thank God or I'd be a starving artist.

Mar. 28th, 2016




Seems work and dreams have been taking over the past few days. I need fresh air.

Mar. 14th, 2016




If it's my autobiography and I choose to omit certain things, does that mean I'm not being objective enough? I have this feeling I'm going to get hate mail telling me what a liar I am due to the fact I don't want to share absolutely everything with the entire world.




Possible triggers; talk of death, blood, and violence )

Mar. 11th, 2016




I woke up the other day with a whole head of hair! I've never had this much hair before in my life, but in my dreams I do. It's pretty great, and I sure am glad that my topknot came through here. Even if it does take about six times longer to brush and wash and Raistlin would have been totally right about it clogging the shower drain if I hadn't went to get one of those nifty hair-catching things you put in the drain!

Anyway, the dreams are lucky they've given me this hair, because otherwise I would have been very annoyed at my dream last night. Everyone was having a delegates meeting with all the refuges we rescued from the Dragonarmies, and then Caramon tied me to a chair so he could go find Raistlin. My entire dream was being tied to a chair! And while that was interesting for all of five minutes, it sure got boring after a while.

Feb. 29th, 2016




I can't believe that I'm heading back to the place in my dreams where my best friend, and her twin sister went missing. It seems so surreal, and strange but I want to be there for their brother who just so happens to be my best friend here. This is so weird.




It amuses me that, now that Leonardo DiCaprio has won his Oscar, one of the big things was that the Leo memes would be over; however, now there was simply new memes about him winning. It's extremely amusing.

We had an Oscar viewing party here at the Shelter last night. It was a lot of fun cause we decorated the common room and had snacks and had an Oscar poll. Leo was highest on the poll of course. No surprise there.

Feb. 28th, 2016




With all the insanity going on, how is it possible my schedule still hasn't cleared? Who cares what I like to eat for breakfast? How is that relevant to anything at all?

If I never do another morning radio show appearance, it will be too soon.

Nov. 29th, 2015




Was I the only one working for the holiday? I don't know if most would consider a public appearance working, but let me tell you: it's work for me.

I'm glad to be able to get back to being a guy failing to write an autobiography.

Oct. 7th, 2015




I had meant to introduce myself earlier, but time got away from me. My name is Itachi Uchiha, I'm a Junior at UCI and currently work in the library as a work study. So, if you're a student or teacher there, and need help finding anything in regards to research material or what have you, don't hesitate to ask.

I am curious about something however, what's your favorite genre to read? I personally like autobiographies and will be starting on Chrissie Hynde's Reckless: My Life as a Pretender this weekend.

Sep. 13th, 2015




I'm so grateful that the last few days have been filled with writing. Writer's block sucks. Plain and simple. I tried, a couple of times, to force the words, but you just can't do that. If you force the words, then the words read forced and it can throw off the whole tone of the story. That's how I was feeling anyway, so I took some time off and got a few things done.

My house is spotless, well except for the attic, and decorated for fall now. It'll stay that way until the Saturday after Thanksgiving and then I'll pack it up and dig out the Christmas decorations from the attic. That, however, is a couple of months away, so I might try to organize my attic space tomorrow so everything is easier to find.

[Private to Cotton Weary]

How's the book coming along?

Aug. 24th, 2015




I want to send my thanks to everyone who is watching my show, Pure Cotton, in syndication. I really appreciate the viewer response I've gotten since it went onto Arendelle Network. I have to say I got the opportunity to meet Ms. Elsa Arendelle and she was one classy lady who was absolutely the nicest person I could have expected to meet.

There has been a lot of buzz about whether or not I am writing a book about my life.

Honestly? I don't know what to say. I know I don't want to make a formal statement through the media. Not yet. I've been having issues with what I want to put in the book. I am writing a book.

I guess I should say that first.

I'm writing a book.

Trying to write a book.

Writing is a lot harder than people make it out to be. Even when I'm writing about nothing more than my own experiences, I feel as if I'm not doing it justice. My agent thinks I should hire a ghostwriter. I told her I don't do so well with ghosts. She didn't laugh. I thought it was funny.

Sorry for being nearly incoherent. I meant to post something brief and smart. I guess I'm not that guy.