
Posts Tagged: 'legolas'

Jun. 1st, 2014




I was supposed to fly out this morning until this freak snowstorm hit. Now we've been delayed, and I've been sitting in this airport for the better of my morning.

May. 20th, 2014




Some of you know already, but Frodo and I are expecting again!

And it's twins this time!

May. 17th, 2014




It's probably just me and this is extremely silly, but I'm extremely happy that Starbucks has the Mocha Cookie Crumble Frappe back! I fell in love with that last summer and then it was gone. I don't know what it is about it that I love, but it's ten times better than any other frappe.

Did a bit of secret planning today for something secret and it's shaping up to be extremely fun.

May. 11th, 2014




Only a couple of weeks now before I go to Europe. It will be nice to stop in and see my father before I get back into last minute training and head to Bulgaria. The IOC has also released the qualifications for Rio 2016, so it looks like I'll have a busy year next year if I want to make the team.

As happy as I was to take some time off, it'll be nice to get back into it.

Apr. 26th, 2014




I find that since all this dreaming business has started, I sleep less, and not because of the nature of the dreams but because I simply feel less and less like I need to. When I do go to bed at night, I mostly just lie there in this strange state that's not quite waking but not quite sleeping. And it's very relaxing, surprisingly rejuvenating. Now and then I have repeats of my dreams during this time (can it be called "dreams" if I'm not really asleep?). This time, I'm afraid it wasn't so pleasant.

I don't think mines are any place for an elf. At least, personally, I like trees and nature and plants too much, and the idea of being underneath a mountain unsettles me. These mines were burdened with so many things, and I'm afraid that I dreamt the loss of a good friend. I haven't been able to shake the sadness all day.

Apr. 14th, 2014




I can't believe today is my first full day of work. I have had different jobs before, but none that I moved across the world for. Director Fury has high standards to live up to in order to keep me hanging around this job.

Anyway, my name is Peggy and I just moved here from England a couple weeks ago. I have been laying low and trying to get a feel for this new place. I think I have experienced as many touristy things as I can, but I may still be missing things. Anything else I should make sure to check out?

Apr. 13th, 2014




I'm so happy spring seems to be here and sticking around! I know we have very mild winters, but now everything is in bloom and it's lovely.

My little backyard garden is coming along quite well, I'm very pleased. Perhaps I'll get some fake flowers from the craft shop and make myself a spring time crown!

Apr. 12th, 2014




Oh no

I think it's happening. The ear thing. They certainly seem more pointed than they were yesterday. This is terrible.

Mar. 27th, 2014





That was an odd dream? I blame it on being ill! Whoever Mr. Boggins is, we ate all of his food, drank all of his ale, threw all of his dishes, and chatted about something to do with doors. That all happened with a lot of other friends and family there, and a very, very, very tall old wizard fellow with a stick and a pointy hat.

We were short compared to him. Maybe he put a spell on himself to make himself bigger? Although that's sort of unnecessary and rather inconvenient, considering he kept having to duck to go through the doorways.

Oh well. I must've had a fever while I was snoring away, trying to get over this cold or flu.

I'm sorry, Dani! I kept feeling under the weather so much that I've been coming in later than intended. I'll be in right on time, tomorrow!

Later Edit for Dani: I suppose I'll be getting dragged into the doctor's soon, so I'll bring a note if I need to be off work. Promise!

Mar. 15th, 2014




I was on Skype with my coach, who is planning on leaving England shortly to come over to help me get ready for June. Half way through the video-call, I noticed he was looking at me with absolute confusion. I asked him what was wrong and, in turn, he asked me if I was learning to speak Finnish or something.

And then I realized I'd been chattering at him in Elvish for probably two or three minutes.

[Private to Tauriel]

No bows or arrows yet. I got clothes, though.

Mar. 8th, 2014



[Filtered Away from Merrill]

It's been two weeks now and there still hasn't been any sign or word from Frodo. I keep hoping that he just got sent somewhere else by accident, but if he did wouldn't we know by now? I don't think that Merrill would keep it from me if she did hear something, so I can only assume that she hasn't. I feel like it's my fault. I feel like I failed. In the dreams, Gandalf told me not to lose him and so far I've risked my own life to keep him safe, but I couldn't do that here when it really mattered.

Mar. 6th, 2014




I suppose it's time to introduce myself. I'm Boromir, and I'm running as an Independent for the 46th congressional district. I hope this network will prove valuable in getting to know my constituents.

Mar. 5th, 2014




Hello. I'm Terra. It's nice to meet everyone. I figured that joining this social network thing was probably a good idea. And a fun way to meet people. As long as you're careful about who you talk to, I suppose.

Someone tell me something interesting about themselves.




I'm pleased to announce that Lu Qing will be putting out its new line this summer. It's a great time of year to enjoy the night, do a little stargazing and breathe in the summer air. Why not add a little sparkle?

Our Cosmos line will include pieces that evoke images of the stars above us, the night sky, and some of our artists' favorite constellations. I'm very excited about it myself, because I got to craft quite a few of the pieces on my own. I hope you'll enjoy them as much as I enjoyed them - and the range includes quite a few affordable selections.

Why should the rich have all the fun, mm?

Mar. 1st, 2014





Sorry. Caps lock. Still, that's fitting? My family's a bit on the loud side of things!

Anyway. Right. Valar net! I've heard quite a lot about it and anyone seems able to post on here. Takes all types, doesn't it? So I'm going to post and ask if there's anywhere to find work. Before my mother really does kick me out on my bum, since I had to bust through the front door when my brother and I lost the house key again.

Most specifically, my brother took out the window and I did in the door. He did tell me that it was easier to fix a window, but I didn't listen. I DID almost bust my hand to bits in the process, before I finally kicked it just so. I think my way was the less messy way, since I would rather clean up splintered wood than a whole lot of glass. That stuff's cutty.

Again. Jobs. Are there any out there? Ones that aren't incredibly boring? I tend to take matters into my own hands when I'm bored and no one wants that!

Feb. 22nd, 2014



[Locked from those Opted-Out]

I know everyone's been advised to stay inside. It's probably for the best, of course, but ... It just so funny. Like my friend and I were compelled to go out and stop roving bands of orcs. And I have to say, it was fun ... Well.

I've never shot like that before, ever. And seeing as I do archery professionally, that's a bit of a feat. My bow's never handled nearly so well, and all I can think of is how much better it might have been if I'd had the bow and the arrows from my dreams.

Feb. 21st, 2014




Dude. I think I just ran over an orc with my Hummer. Or is it a goblin? I dunno but no more milk and ice cream runs for me!

Feb. 15th, 2014




I've had more dreams. I didn't get the closure I'd been anticipating, since it seemed that they just ... Jumped ahead several years. Decades, even, I think. But seeing as I'm still alive and well, I suppose that, whatever I was going after in my last dreams, I made it out all right.

But now it seems my dreams are going to take me on quite the journey, with something of a motley crew. Sam Gamgee, did you know when we first met that I'd dream these things? Though you're not the only name I've come to recognize when it comes to this network.

Feb. 7th, 2014




Well, this country is very dirty! I made a stop at Chicago, Pittsburgh, and finally LA and every airport I arrived at was filthy! With so many persons moving back and forth between states and cities, I would think there would be better hygiene for their guests.

Apparently I'm wrong in that fact as my new flat is not quite up to my standards. There was dust on the mantel and it had this particular smell of...well, age. But not to worry! Once I set to cleaning, I'm sure it will be practically perfect.

So! I must make my apologies for not introducing myself straightaway! My name is Mary Poppins and I have just come to this god forsaken wonderful place from London England.

Feb. 2nd, 2014




I'm not sure I understand the fuss behind this Super Bowl? It looks like a dull sport.

Jan. 12th, 2014




Has anyone ever dreamed of Orcs?




I've had the most peculiar dreams these last few days. At first, I passed them off as nothing more than that, but they're persistent. I am starting to wonder more about all this dream talk posted here, and I think I may be experiencing whatever everyone is. As much as I would love another explanation, I'm not sure I'll find one.

Jan. 8th, 2014




Apparently I've been invited to compete at the European Grand Prix event in Bulgaria this June. Normally I wouldn't put things like that here, but it seems pointless to have an account and not use it.

I suppose I'll go. It's really my only chance to compete for the year, unless I go to the world championships. It might do well to keep in practice so I can maintain a strong standing come 2015.

Tauriel, now we'll have to go to the range some time.

Dec. 29th, 2013




I've been keeping to myself the last few weeks I've been here, but I've grown sort of fond of this place. I am, however, still getting used to American culture, so now it seems a good time to venture into it.

One question, though. This place - it's not really known for snow, is it? Do such anomalies happen often?