
Posts Tagged: 'minato+namikaze'

Jan. 31st, 2017




The dance workshop went quite well, and we've already scheduled another one for next month. Come out and see us on the 24th thru the 26th for another one. My friend will be doing the special choreography for this one. They did film some groups dancing and cut together a little video that you can find here of the choreography that I did.

[ooc: mad props go to the real folks here, just pretend that any time it says Kyle it says Minato instead]

Jan. 29th, 2017




Well, it seems my dream self has taken to entertaining children with war stories. My nephew was quite delighted to hear about the time the Volstovic ambassador had some bad eel and threw up all over the Ke-Han warlord's favorite niece. He was also quite impatient about getting to the Dragon Corps. At least I seem to have pulled myself out of my never-ending pit of self-loathing. I was particularly tired of waking up feeling just as tired as I had when I went to sleep the night before.

Dec. 19th, 2016




This post speaks to me on so many levels. And it's also surprisingly better than focusing on the dreams and how much of an ass Mike and the others are I'm choosing to focus on this and nothing else that's been happening.




We've been working on Christmas themed choreography at the studio for the last two months, mostly, and while I love this time of year I'm just about done with Christmas songs in general. We have one more performance then it's on to the next thing. Next month we'll be hosting a weekend dance workshop on January 20th-22nd, anyone of any level is welcome to attend, and I'll be doing a special choreography for everyone to learn. Now, it's just to figure out what song to use. I have a few that I've been wanting to use for various things, so maybe I'll choose one of those.

Just in case though I'm happy to take some suggestions of songs that you've been listening/dancing around to.

Dec. 2nd, 2016




Here I thought I was going to have to go home to see snow this time of year, and it makes me feel more into the holiday spirit. So much so I managed to get my tree up, and the inside of the house decorated today.

I think that I also needed the distraction. It seems that my dreams decided to start back on a very strange note. I was resurrected from the dead and brought into the Fourth Shinobi World War. Just in time too it seems, as they were under attack by the Ten-Tails and that Tailed Beast Ball would've likely killed them all. I woke up shortly after I teleported the Tailed Beast Ball away, so I'm unsure of what is going to happen next.

Nov. 15th, 2016




So hey guys.

I'm Hannah's super embarrassing older brother and I told her I was gonna do this so I'm gonna do this and be the obnoxious older brother that it is in my DNA to be.

So I hear she has some guy friends. Jim and Minato? And I just wanted to say HI!

Come say hi back, introduce yourselves, let's be friends.

Also all other people who are friends with Hannah Washington LET'S ALL BE FRIENDS, I want to meet all of you!

Oct. 9th, 2016




That was an AMAZING party for my bestie Caroline last night! Happy birthday, Caroline! The food was amazing. Peeta makes the best cakes ever! I danced until my feet fell off! Well, not literally, of course. Though stranger things have happened in this place! God, what a party. Whew! Won't be another one of those anytime soon! haha Except maybe for my birthday next month? Who's in? ;)

Oct. 7th, 2016




So in the dreams, apparently I got a letter from Mike telling me to give him a strip tease and I can already tell this is going to end awful without even having to see what comes next

Well, apparently things are just going to get worse and Mike's still the center of the terribleness that are my dreams. I keep hoping something else is going to happen, but then I'm pretty sure that whatever comes after this is going to be worse given what I know of the.

Oct. 2nd, 2016




Wow, just, wow. Now these hips just don't lie! And I definitely need to master that move at the end!

Sep. 5th, 2016




I guess my next move is inviting all of my brother and sister's friends to the cabin just to see Mike. I don't really know him, but I"m already tired of dreaming about him. So tired. I mean, everyone came, so I don't know? I'm assuming it was because of Josh and Beth. Who knows?

In non-dream news, I have not missed the homework, but I have missed the field assignments, so I'm not really too upset about being in school again. Plus the number of highlighters and sticky note page markers is helping. I might have spent a little too much time writing out notes carefully last night. I had notes, but they let us record lectures, so I had to fill things in and it's easier to re-write than try to figure out writing notes around the notes you've already written.

Sep. 4th, 2016




My body hates me today. Ugghhhhh hungover.


Aug. 17th, 2016




Dreaming of a childhood that has some similarities to real life is unsettling, but I think the worst part was dreaming of a pregnant wife and the birth of our son. The latter did not happen in real life, or well, I've never been married at least. I know what's coming next, a fight with the Nine-Tails and then my death again. Why I have to dream about that over and over I have no idea. I get it dreams, I die to save the village, no reason to have it go on repeat.

I think it's time to go distract myself with food, and maybe a drink or two.

Aug. 8th, 2016




Finding space for your zombie horse with a sword through its head (technically this makes him a bog 'unicorn') is a lot more difficult than one might anticipate.

But if anyone has heard of a place for dream pets? Mounts? Creatures? let me know. He's pretty self-sufficient and easy to take care of. Doesn't even eat much besides the occasional rotten apple I tend to find stashed in the kitchen by a certain someone who has a certain hidden squishy spot for the zombie horse.

private message to lina )

Aug. 6th, 2016




I wish I could sleep. I can't sleep. I don't even know why. No bad Dreams tonight, I just... can't sleep. I close my eyes and nothing. Then I open them again and... I just can't. I tried counting sheep, or whatever, and a cup of warm milk (which, by the way? Totally gross.) I dunno what to do, man. BUMMMER. :(

Jul. 23rd, 2016




How do people here know that a dream is an unusual sort of dream as opposed to a normal dream? I had a dream I've had sort of before, but also I don't know.

Unrelated, but I found this and this. I'm pretty amazed by both of these.

Jul. 16th, 2016




A college friend contacted me yesterday saying that she was coming out this way to start up a dance studio. She asked me if I wanted to be a instructor there, and I told her yes. It'll at least be a more steady paycheck coming in, and I can still do choreography on the side if I want.

This morning I woke up to find the Hokage Hat on my dresser. It's still strange for me to think that they chose me out of everyone in the village. I suppose the Third had his reasons, and I am glad that he believed in me enough to put my name out there to the council.

Also? If anyone knows of a good PI or you are a PI hit me up. I've got something that I need some help with.

Jun. 30th, 2016




This is kind of important, so I'll keep it brief and just stick to the facts rather than ramble:

1. If you happen to come across a glowing green pocket in wherever, please don't touch it. Instead, alert me via private message or here and I'll come close it.

2. What comes out of these pockets tend to be dangerous, they're demons, but they're relatively simple enough to kill. Even so, I'd recommend the buddy system until these rifts are closed.

3. If anyone can fly or has a way to otherwise achieve a birds-eye view of the county and can give me a general idea of where you see glowing green pockets, I'd appreciate it.

Fuck me Thank you.

Jun. 29th, 2016




You'll never believe it! The Anaheim Ballet is taking me on as an apprentice dancer and will almost certainly add me to the corps de ballet in a couple of months. As an apprentice I won't be paid, but that's okay. I'll still have time to work at the tea shoppe. They were really impressed with my solo, but apparently they don't usually add people to the corps right off the bat. It's routine to start as an apprentice, get some training and experience. I'm really happy.

Jun. 20th, 2016




So, Wednesday after next is my audition for the Anaheim Ballet! I've been drilling what I have choreographed like crazy but every time I dance it I find something I'm dissatisfied with. This never happens when I dance. I'm usually pretty happy with my performances once I've refined things. Maybe it's because there's more on the line this time. I don't know. It's driving me up a wall, though. I can't even sleep. I think by the time I'm through with this audition I'm going to absolutely hate Gnossienne No. 1.

Jun. 16th, 2016




Okay, Valarnet. Kind of a weird question, but. Does anyone on this network have the skill to teleport (I think that's the word I'm looking for) large objects? Like, say, a spiky throne. Or a really long, large table. To sort of pop it from one place to another without breaking backs or renting moving trucks.

I'd find some way to repay you. Whether in knowledge or pizza, or monetarily.

filtered to thedosians )

Jun. 8th, 2016




In 26 hours and 42 minutes, I'll be finished with finals! I'm very much looking forward to it! I can't wait for summer break, and to take some time off of school! I already decided not to take summer classes. I'm taking the summer off so I can play! Finally. Taking eight classes is quite the load! I can't wait to read some books for fun and go see some movies and relax!

Jun. 7th, 2016




My shoes!

Two more shows! Tonight's and tomorrow night's and then I'm done performing at UCLA! It's kind of exciting. The end of an era. I sort of hope everything goes well with Anaheim, but if it doesn't there are auditions for that contemporary company that expressed interest in August. I hope some of you have gotten a chance to see the show. I've had a lot of fun performing as Alice. I totally get what my instructor meant when she said that Alice was a role that would require some acting as well as dancing. There's a lot that goes into this ballet. It's different from when I danced Giselle. A lot different. Of course, Giselle was a heck of a lot more tragic than Alice's Adventures in Wonderland.

Jun. 2nd, 2016




Someone from the Anaheim Ballet was at last night's performance! They seem to think it would be a great idea if I auditioned for their company! They do all sorts of tours. What a dream it would be to dance with them.

May. 31st, 2016




Dreaming about your own death is jarring, to say the least. I feel the need to drink away that particular dream, but I do have to be in LA early tomorrow. Maybe Friday I'll indulge, but for now, I believe that I'll just drown myself in working on this routine.




Opening night was a hit! There will be three additional shows since it sold out. Buy your tickets for the 6th, 7th, and 8th while they last! It's a great show whether you like ballet or not.

May. 18th, 2016




Does anyone else think it's weird that KFC doesn't give you butter with biscuits, but "Buttery Spread"?

I think it's like margarine, but I have my doubts as to whether or not it's actually food.

May. 3rd, 2016




OMG I just spilled a Venti sized frap all over the front seat of my car. :(

And I don't have time to get another one before class!! I might cry.

May. 2nd, 2016




One of my classmates recommended this site so I figured I'd try it out.

Hi I'm Kurt! I'm from New York but moved out here to go to school.

I'm currently finishing up my first year at FDIM.

I have two cats, Mungojerrie and Rumpleteaser. I'm also a bit of a Broadway nerd.

Apr. 11th, 2016




I am absolutely loving the gardening that I'm doing with my sister! I'm planning to have like, hundreds of tomatoes! And peas, and corn, and peppers and cucumbers and carrots and potatoes... I don't know how to cook any of these things, but now that I'll have fresh herbs and vegetables from the garden at the Arendelle estate, I can learn! Does anyone know of a good place to learn to cook?




I've seen a lot about dreams being posted here, and I can't help but wonder why it is that we all experience them. It's strange, to say the least, but I think I might've had my first experience with them. Either that, or I ate something that I shouldn't have before I went to bed last night to dream of a giant toad whose head I was standing on, and a Nine Tailed Fox.

Apr. 10th, 2016




My body is still on East Coast time. If I were still in New York, I'd be getting up for a run right now, but I'm not about to go running in a strange place at 4 in the morning.

Since I can't get back to sleep, I'm on the internet instead, mostly just to confirm I'm not the last person on Earth. This was the first local forum that came up in my search.

Anyone got any recommendations for a good place to get breakfast?

Apr. 8th, 2016




Tomorrow we wrap up choreography on the first act! It's all going so fast! I can't wait 'til we start act two. That's when Alice dances with the Knave.

Also, this weekend I plan on baking some muffins. I'm totally going to indulge.

Mar. 30th, 2016




Saturday night, April 2nd, you are all invited to a black light paint party. Actually, think of it more like a rave. I am hosting this event with another member of this network and it will be at [address of warehouse] from 8:pm until whenever. Black light paint will be available upon arrival so you can paint yourself, have someone else do it you paint someone else.

Mar. 29th, 2016




I honestly do not remember how I found this place, but I thought it would be a good start in getting to meet people in the area. I'm Minato Namikaze, and I am new to the OC area but it seems like a pleasant place so far. So, are most of you natives or have you moved here from other places?




It has been really interesting to witness Easter here, it is not something we really do in Japan. I also cannot believe how much candy is now on offer. It is a sweet tooth dream or nightmare depending on how you look at it.