
Posts Tagged: 'carmilla+karnstein'

May. 1st, 2015




It would seem with these dreams I grow nocturnal. Or perhaps it is merely my mind believing I should be, and so I am. Regardless, I find myself awake much more at night than I had previously.

I have dozed a little and in that time I've learned my dreams are far from over. They seem to have reset, and it does not seem to match with my former dreams. I dream now of being Vlad ÈšepeÈ™, as he has come to be known, but I am not the man I know from history. This set of dreams seems to paint him more agreeable than I think the original namesake to be. Certainly the impaling of bodies upon stakes is not out of blood lust in this case. Yet I fear I cannot escape the inevitable. There is something lurking in the mountains near Castle Dracula, and I will not be surprised if this somehow plays into what I am to become.

I have also received new gifts. One is a ring with the seal of the family Dracul. The other is an a cross placed upon a rosary, and I find this particularly cruel. The sight of it was unwelcome, and the experience of moving it out of sight and mind was even more unpleasant.

Apr. 13th, 2015




I always enjoy seeing my photos. I was thinking about hanging these 'darlings' up in my store...perhaps in the changing room area? Or would it be a bad decision? I am far too comfortable with myself, it's my fatal flaw but not really.

I suppose some feedback would be nice. Whether or not I will let it influence my decisions, well...don't expect any miracles! Haha!

Cut for NSFW images )

Apr. 6th, 2015




Okay cupcakes, anyone know where one could get a magical sheathe capable of holding a sword that can destroy ultimate evils but also kill the wielder in the process?

Asking for a friend.

Apr. 4th, 2015




Hi, I'm supposed to be Kevin Flynn and apparently I'm a vampire today. Complete with eastern European accent.

at least I don't sparkle

Mar. 24th, 2015




A very important question has recently crossed my mind, and I just can't help but ask: What do people without cats do with the extra tuna juice when they eat canned tuna?

Alistair )

Mar. 6th, 2015




WHAT IS WITH YOU PEOPLE AND DREAMS? Did I stumble onto some weird cult site or something? Don't sacrifice me, I'd be awful at it. Even though I'm an awesome screamer, good lungs, no asthma or anything.

Seriously, it's weirding me out.

But, in good news, it's almost Friday which means I have my favorite class (Database Systems, in case you were wondering) with the hot guy. Mmmm, hot guy. He kinda just sulks in the back and runs off after the bell so I can't ask him out. Stupid hot guy.

Mar. 5th, 2015




I feel as though my dreams were trying to operate under the saying "save the best for last." Today what I feel I have been dreading most has happened. My teeth have always been, I admit, naturally pointed, but now they are quite sharp and very noticeable. And of course we must mention that one of the interns at the office was wearing a cross around her neck and it was the oddest sort of pain to be near it. I do think I'll be taking the rest of the week off as sick days.

If nothing else, my dreams have come to close. The most horrible of things of course happened near the end, and yet, to dream of dying - of really dying - seemed equal parts horrible and blissful. After four centuries it must have been good to finally welcome the end.

Feb. 22nd, 2015




So, Buffy update, round 2! I'd come up wither another game like twenty questions, but all the ones I can think of are kind of difficult to fully accomplish in text mode. Kinda sucky, 'cause that was fun-like! Making internet friendsies, I'm totally living in the now... which is good 'cause... In my dreams I'm pretty sure it's still the nineties and I actually went to school sans a cell phone. Horror of all horrors.

I kid. Mostly.

Oh hey, I know! Challenge! Tell me one good thing that happened to you today. Think a roundhouse of positivity could go a long way with all the bad going on.

Feb. 15th, 2015




I do wish that I would stop dreaming about being pulled along behind a horse in chains, and being woken up by a woman wearing armour kicking me in the head. At the very least, if I could stop waking up with a splitting headache, that would be nice. Though, maybe that's a hangover...

Feb. 8th, 2015




I am going slowly growing accustomed to what is occurring because of these dreams. I would say, even, I am growing to sympathize with my dream self. That is perhaps not an appealing notion to most, but it is an interesting history to dream. I dream of being a man who is heralded as a folk hero in my home country, and yet I am not that man at the same time.

And I have now received a gift it would seem. I walked into my home upon returning from work and found a pungent order met my nose. In my kitchen was a create, which was filled with a dark soil. I know from my dreams that I must take this soil with me where I go, so I may rest better, because it is Transylvanian soil and that is my home. Upon relocating from my castle to England, my dream counterpart shipped many boxes of this to be buried in his new home. I am not a superstitious man by nature. This place has made me think of things differently. I think I will find a way to carry a bit of this earth with me, lest I be caught somewhere and unable to rest. Perhaps a vial I may keep in my wallet, or in my pocket.

Jan. 24th, 2015




I need the number of a good psychiatrist. Those dreams are not normal.

Jan. 21st, 2015




So which date is appropriate for putting out?

Jan. 20th, 2015




Anyone have dreams about being royalty?

Jan. 18th, 2015




There's really no fathoming how much I hate Valentine's Day.

Way to ruin a perfectly good color.

Jan. 15th, 2015




I am, if nothing else in my dreams, a man who accomplishes what he sets out to do. Though one may perhaps use the term "man" lightly. It is a funny thing, to be dead for so long. Even now in the waking world I find that the idea of death does not bother me as it used to. In my dreams, the lives of others are hardly worth thinking about, I feel he delights in it, truly. Even just last night I dreamed of bringing misfortune upon the house of a charming young woman.

I have learned of a new trait I've picked up, in light of this. Garlic repulses me. A secretary at work brought a very pungent dish for lunch and I perhaps was too harsh on her found I had to excuse myself and leave early.

Jan. 8th, 2015




I don't know what's creepier, that I dreamed about being tied up, or that I kind of liked it. Well I didn' t actually like it because my captors are the most useless, stupid ... dimwit squad I have ever had the pleasure of encountering.

If I try to analyze that dream I'm drawn to some conclusions I'm not too happy about. Being tied up sometimes means you're letting your heart guide you against your better judgement and fuck why is that accurate

Blocked from Laura H

I can't believe I'm going to ask this, but are there any vampires on the network?

If, hypothetically, one were a vampire, where would one get food supplies?

Dec. 24th, 2014




I fucking hate Christmas. And now someone keeps putting mistletoe up everywhere. Sexual harassment much?

Nov. 30th, 2014




So Thanksgiving is totally over and it's ALL Christmas from here on out! I've got the decorations up in the foyer - it was way harder to do that this year with a bump in the way omg. And Lara's probably gonna kill me with all the Christmas shows I've got on!

Cocoa cups in my Keurig, all my favorite Christmas sweets in the house... And I'm already checking my Christmas list twice! I picked out an ornament and some other things for blueberry, since she won't be around until next year. Retroactive presents!

I almost wish we could go back to London for a bit. All the snow and the holiday decorations... Orange County is super awesome fun to live in but that one magical week of snow we get isn't nearly enough. It needs to snow all month!

Nov. 24th, 2014




I feel like I just had an acid trip. Not safe for work if you even care about that kind of thing.

Nov. 15th, 2014




Strangest. Dream. Ever.

I was going to some university I'd never heard of, which apparently had a goat sacrifice as part of homecoming events (?).

But my room mate was nice. Not really into the school part of university, but she was nice. And dragged me out to a party. Mainly I went because she said the cute TA was going to be there

The next morning, my room mate had disappeared. There was an officially looking note saying she no longer attended...and a pile of really weird goo.

The video project I was working on in the dream seems like a good way to document any furthers dreams. And it might be useful as an actual class project someday. I just can't film it when Carmilla's around

Nov. 12th, 2014




I have two wine coolers and no class tomorrow. Ladies only need apply.

Oct. 29th, 2014




I have. The worst. Room mate. Ever. She never cleans. And I think she keeps borrowing my things. She definitely steals my food. I'm going to set up a camera and catch her in the act.

I don't know what I'll do after that, but I'll think of something.




May or may not have just bought a farm.




Note to self: next time you commit to dressing up as Rapunzel for Halloween, remember that extensions cost more than the actual costume.

What's that sound?

The sound of my bank account. Weeping.

The college struggle is super real, guys.




I always found it strange when instructors attempted to use technology and I can only hope that I am still young enough to get away with it, even though I'm a professor now too. I've never really used things like this, but I very much like the idea of it.




Well cupcakes. Fall semester has been going on for about a month now. One of my classmates said I could sign up for this network, but then I couldn't be assed, so she signed me up anyway. Life is short, might as well find more ways to procrastinate.

When I'm not tormenting my new roommate.