
Posts Tagged: 'sheriff+graham+%28the+huntsman%29'

Jan. 10th, 2013



[Locked from Les Amis]

Has anyone here ever killed someone before? A friend?

It's a matter of waiting until he dies, but watching Joly, every day, hearing him breathe like that, when he's the one of us who has always been so easily sick and knowing not only that I've put him there, that I've sentenced him to die as easily as if I'd held a gun to his head is something for which I don't think there are any words. He's going to die, and then the others are going to get sick and I am going to kill them too, and to make matters so much worse, they're putting things into quarantine and he cannot even have his L'agile or 'Chetta with him to give him any comfort.

I put him in this place. I put him here by letting him come to help me, and to see me here, and I'm the reason he's going to die. I don't have reservations for myself. Well, I'm afraid to die, but if I must, I must, and I only hope I've done some good in the world, somewhere along the way.

I accept my own mortality. What I don't accept is mortality for my friends, and myself being the cause. I'm the one who is responsible for all of this. I'm the one who should be saving them. Not doing this. Never this.

I don't know what to do.

Dec. 27th, 2012




Ruby Lucas: scaring boys away since 1990.

I should really just make myself a shirt that tells guys not to bother. Nothing to see here! Move along!

Once upon a time I was really good at flirting with boys and getting them wrapped around my finger. I lost my touch somewhere along the way. It's probably best for all involved.

Dec. 25th, 2012




I'm still amazed by all the snow we've been having. And we had a white Christmas! I know my students must have been thrilled when they woke up to that. I made a couple of snowmen, myself.

Nov. 10th, 2012




That Skeeter woman is horrible.

And I don't know which is worse, what she says or that I actually read it. Ugh.

Nov. 4th, 2012




((cut for muns but your characters won't see a cut at all!. Warning for glitter text))

Read more... )


Nov. 2nd, 2012




Bailed out tonight, and the judge and everyone involved seemed to think I could probably plead Reckless Endangerment and get out of a Assault With A Deadly Weapon under the circumstances. Apparently a lot of people have been dealing with this kind of thing so it might be something they can push for lesser on.

So, there's that.

My social group is probably extremely skewed and I need to spend more time with someone else's. Any takers?




I know I've seen this posted about fifty bajillion times on the network, but.... I think I know what everyone's talking about now. I just had the weirdest dream.

Nov. 1st, 2012




Hey, Valarnet lawyers, I've got another legal thing to run by you. This is actually relating to a real situation, and it's probably obvious which one, so it's less statement of intent, and more of a general question as to how screwed the situation is.

...I was kind of accidentally assaulted last night. By which I mean, the person who shot me shot me accidentally, and wasn't in his right mind at the time. I wasn't in mine either, actually. And it was just with a children's arrow. Which meant I still had to be put under for them to dig it out, and had to get the wound dressed and everything, and I don't get to come home until tomorrow, but he really didn't mean to do it.

Is there any point in trying to tell the legal authorities that I don't want to press charges? I mean if they were present for the aftermath, but not the actual event and it was really just two idiots fucking around here, and it sort of seems stupid to possibly put somebody in jail for this? I know that technically, once they're made aware of some crimes, it becomes necessary to report, but this was seriously not on purpose, the insanity defense isn't gonna work because you have to have been unable to distinguish right from wrong at the time and...

I don't know. But I really don't want Barton to go to jail because he shot me while he thought he was Robin Hood either. Is it worth trying to explain that at this stage, or should I switch back to the old campaign contributions thing my parents used to do?

Oct. 31st, 2012




My daughter thinks she's a flapper, my ... girlfriend? Kasumi is having little red riding hood moments, and my best friend thinks she's a pirate captain.

Whatever the hell this is, I'm declaring it worse than the goddamned meteor and fuzzy things. I picked a hell of a place to settle down and build a residence.

Oct. 29th, 2012



Only Monday and it's already been a week. Is anyone else having a week like that?

Oct. 28th, 2012



Ooh de Lally!

You suppose if I turn myself in, I get to keep the gold? Not a chance, Sheriff. Not a chance.

Oct. 27th, 2012




If I see one more girl dressed as a slutty little red riding hood or slutty snow white or something I think I am going to lose it. Why do these girls feel the need to show everything and leave nothing to the imagination? I learned my lesson the hard way Grow up. No one wants to see that. Show yourself a little more respect.

Halloween is the worst.


I swear to God if the UC Irvine kids don't quit having their zombies vs. humans nerf wars spilling into the residential areas, I'm going to flip my lid.

One more old lady calling and saying 'the end is nigh' is going to make my hair fall out.

Oct. 20th, 2012



Dear Valarnet, I need your help in settling a dispute with a work colleague.

Marvin the Martian: obnoxious or hilarious?

As you can see, it's very important.

Oct. 18th, 2012




Has anyone else found objects that pertain to their dreams? I've found three, so far, and I know others have as well. I'll take the risk and share.

A charred spacehelmet.
A vehicle. Mako no!

Oct. 9th, 2012



RSVP here for the Stark Tower Halloween party

Just leave a note, people!

Oct. 8th, 2012




My God, what a bitch.

Oct. 4th, 2012




Note to self: Taking an impromptu post breakup trip to the East Coast is frowned upon when you've only been working at your job for a couple of weeks.


Anyone know of any place that's hiring?

Oct. 3rd, 2012




Hello, internet! My name's Amy Pond, and I love you all!




I'm entertaining the idea of going to this Halloween party, but I have no idea what to go as. I'm far better at picking out costumes for others.

What are the rest of you going as? Perhaps it will help inspire some creativity on my behalf.

Sep. 22nd, 2012


Failed PM to Clint Barton. Open to everyone.

Well, it's wonderful to know that wherever I am, a constant remains: I'm heartless and terrible with women.

I know this is out of nowhere, but I need a drink and a chance to throw sharp things at an inanimate object that can't be hurt. Game of darts at that place with the decent draft beer?

Sep. 15th, 2012



I've this overwhelming urge to go camping. A fire in the yard just isn't the same.

Sep. 10th, 2012




Why is it, if you're a girl in your twenties or thirties, everyone and his brother has to ask you "oh are you getting married, do you have a boyfriend, don't you want kids?" What if I don't want a boyfriend? What if I don't want to get married? What if I *gasp* don't want kids? Am I not allowed to be happy with myself and my dog, or my mom and hers?

I'm 27. Stop telling me how I should live my life.

Also? I hate Mondays.

Sep. 5th, 2012




I got my first paycheck! Oh, look, my first paycheck is already spent. Boo.

Sep. 4th, 2012



I'd be a terrible sheriff, but there are days when I wish I had that sort of authority.

Aug. 26th, 2012




So maybe some of you aren't crazy.




People tell me the French are bad but a lot of Americans are just as bad when it comes to no patience with non-native speakers. I get that my accent is annoying and makes me hard to understand and then they get frustrated if on occasion I misunderstand them. I also get told to "go home back to my country" or to learn better English if I am going to to stay. At least I speak some English. I could not know any English, though I am guilty of pretending not to know English sometimes on purpose.

So, they question is are accents attractive or just annoying? Or does it depend on the accent?

Personally I find them to be a rather attractive quality.

Aug. 21st, 2012



So, the worst part of making bets is losing them. My cheeks have not seen unfiltered daylight since 2007. I foresee some interesting sunburns in my future.

Clearly I didn't think this wager through.



In the vein of Queen's post...

But completely not related because it'd be a disaster if it was both of us alone...

I need a running buddy. Someone who is loud enough I'll be able to hear them if they're on the wrong side of my head and we're really going, and preferably not allergic to dogs since I'm in the process of waiting for that paperwork to go through and there'll be a service dog who'll want to come along by next spring probably.

Someone versed in other stuff besides bows and guns would be amazing too. Diversify my strengths a little, build up other areas, you know? Anybody interested in helping a guy out?

Aug. 19th, 2012




I just landed a job at Bloomingdale's! It's not exactly what I wanted, but at least I'll be able to save up some money for my own place closer to everyone. Fighting for women's rights will just have to wait a bit.

Aug. 12th, 2012



I've never understood the allure of celebrity gossip. Why are we, as a culture, so interested in what people get up-to in their private lives? Fabricated or real, all of this gossip, it's the business of the people involved and no one else's.

Aug. 10th, 2012




Okay. It's official. I'm a lazy bum who does lazy bum things. I haven't even started looking for a job yet and my resume needs so much work I'm not even sure where to start. I've been so distracted working on my mad weapon and krav maga skills that I think I lost sight of what's important. Putting aside any weird things that have been happening lately, vampires aren't real. I don't need to learn how to behead one. Thanks, dreams, but I think I got this.

Now. Anyone want to hire a women's study major? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Jul. 21st, 2012



I think my friend is hurt.

Jul. 20th, 2012




... hamsters everywhere... some of my fish tanks are cracked...

Is everyone okay? ... the pet shop is a mess.

Jul. 19th, 2012



Well, that solves the mystery of how dream-me became sheriff. Worth a try, I suppose: Emma Swan or Mr. Gold?

And because that will utterly fail, hello to the rest of Valarnet. To save this from being a completely wasted post, a fact that I've learned today: male platypi have a venomous spur on their hind legs. Just when you thought they couldn't be any stranger, right?

Jul. 18th, 2012



Trend of dreams correlating to reality seems to be continuing. Interesting.

Jul. 11th, 2012



...so, Valarnet, we seem to have a high collective tolerance for 'strange.' If anyone is about with a little patience left for dream-related oddness, I'd like to run my mouth a bit. Comment below and be forewarned: when I say 'strange,' I mean it.

Actually. Instead, open question: have any of you dreamed about people you've never met, and then caught sight of them in person while you're awake? Because that's happened to me and I think I might be mad.

Jul. 6th, 2012




Maker why would you god god damn it I have MAGIC why can't I bring her BACK?!

Why would someone do something so..why..It doesn't make sense.

Jun. 24th, 2012



Oh, to be woken late by mournful howls. I'm lucky I've no close neighbours or I'm sure I'd have had death threats by now.

Jun. 19th, 2012




My sticky person is cooler than your sticky person.

That is all.

Jun. 15th, 2012




Does anybody want a souvenir from Disneyland?

Jun. 11th, 2012




My name is Buffy Summers and I have officially gone insane. No, I mean it. I'm crazy, but it's okay because this time crazy has company. I can't seem to get away from this doctor, but at least he's nice and is humoring me? And he's going to come with me to my last final today. And my graduation on Saturday.... because that's important.

I am strangely calm about this all things considered, but talking it out helped a lot. Lots of talking.

Jun. 10th, 2012




I think I need a hobby of some sort. Preferably of the stress-reducing kind.

Otherwise, I think I may actually end up throwing one of my students out a window next year.

Jun. 8th, 2012




There's so much scary on the network today, so I...

Well I found this adorable video. And I decided to share it with you all ... even though I don't know most of you.

You should watch this! ...If you want to, of course.


Oh I guess I don't know how to make the movie work here.

So here's a link instead!





Only one more final and I'm officially a college graduate! Is it bad that I want to preemptively celebrate? I'm pretty sure I at least passed all the ones I took this week and the one I didn't (Thanks my knight in white suit) I know I can pass if I just get enough sleep.

What I am trying to say is that I'm getting margaritas tonight and everyone should come get drunk/dance with me!

Jun. 4th, 2012




I got exactly two hours of sleep last night and I have a final exam in an hour. I blame you entirely, bad dreams.

Jun. 2nd, 2012



Filtered to Friends of Loki

[OOC: If you have a reason to think you are friends with Loki you're probably on this filter.]

Hello people!

I hope I've gotten everyone I think I've seen hanging around with and generally being friends with Loki. Anyway, for some weird reason he seems to have decided that I should be put in charge of planning his birthday party instead of doing it himself. Sif, also, has been tasked with some of this job. Now, I'm pretty sure his logic is that I know how skittish he can be and what kind of things he won't like, but I am totally not a one-person birthday party planner and I don't know everyone that's friends with him very well or what everyone else likes to do.

So! That is where this post comes in. With the magic of social networking, I open the floor to you all: Ideas? Suggestions? Thoughts? We have a little under a month (it's the 26th).


Fact: according to the Grimm brothers' Little Snow White, the stepmother-queen demanded Snow White's lungs and liver. The whole 'I want her heart' bit is pure Disney.

Also, my main take-away from reading was that dwarves are sensible people and know not to open doors to strangers. Why Snow White didn't listen is beyond me.

Another fact: when you Google 'snow white' you have to scroll through half a page of movie times and IMDB entries before you get to the full text of the story. Google, your mind-reading abilities could use some work.

May. 29th, 2012




The next two weeks are full of so many finals I think my brain my go all explody, but on the bright side I graduate on June 16th and then I will have a degree to do.. things with. I just sent out those save the date things my Mom made so I expect to see you guys at my graduation! It's sort of a big deal.

May. 28th, 2012



Does anyone know how to find Maurice Vincent?