
Posts Tagged: 'hela+odinson'

May. 27th, 2014




Upon waking, I was rather concerned that this all had something to do with the gender change in my dreams. I see now it appears to be an Orange County phenomenon. Alarming how relieved I am at that.

Of course I have absolutely nothing to wear. I may not be very large normally but even my usual clothes drape a bit. I'm going to have to alter a few things, I feel. At least until I find something proper to wear.

May. 1st, 2014




It would appear my dreams aren't actually over at all. In fact, they've taken a rather peculiar turn and aren't even remotely similar to what I've been dreaming of this last year. It's like an entirely different world.

A world where Asgard exists in the middle of Oklahoma (I kid you not), where we've all been scattered through out the world and it's up to none other than our shining champion to call us home, and where I've been summoned home as a woman. Okay so I stole someone's body but There are many familiar faces but many new ones I've not dreamt before.

Also, it should be noted that now in comparison, my former dream self wasn't even all that bad. This new dream me is far more evil and malicious than I might have expected. It's sort of delightful.

Apr. 22nd, 2014




At long last, Spring has arrived and, for once, I could not be more pleased-- not pleased enough to switch to pastel colors-- but enough to have retrieved and waxed my board in anticipation for riding the morning surf again.

I am also proud to announce permits for this season's hunting trips have been at last obtained. Now we will see, Thor, if you can best the bear of which you have boasted. Sigrun, you did not specify what game you wished to hunt or if you wished to join my brother and I on our bear hunt. Of course, Dani Moonstar, I extend an invitation to join us on this little endeavor. I would hazard you may welcome a change of pace before long.

Mar. 27th, 2014




I had the most amazing dreams last night.

Mar. 23rd, 2014




I picked up a new book.

So shoot me, I was curious.

It's not terribly awful so far, but I do find the "first person" voice to be a bit lacking.

Mar. 22nd, 2014




I am never going on a date again.




I have been forced to tender my resignation from roller derby stemming from developing physical complications thanks largely in part to those damnable dreams and temporary suspended from acting position at the medical examiner's office until matters are resolved.

With so much free time on my hands, for the time first time in nearly a decade, I find myself at a loss.

Mar. 16th, 2014



Hello and god dag to everyone. My name is Sif Magnusdottir; I'm a vice consul at the Norwegian consulate in San Francisco. I've been asked to visit this area to scout out sites for a future mission in Los Angeles, and I'll be staying for some time, so I have decided to put down (at least temporary) roots. I look forward to meeting you all.

Mar. 2nd, 2014




Mm. Fascinating. This place leaves me with the most interesting presents.

Oh, you'll want to see this toy that the OC left ever so thoughtfully on my bed this morning.

Dear friend, I seem to have acquired an object from my Dreams, it's probably too dangerous to play with but oh I find myself unable to truly avoid that.

Thank you, again, for helping me dispose of the bodies. They were causing quite a stink, weren't they?

Mar. 1st, 2014




S'just not a good day until you defeat the Lovecraftian God of Fear, yeah? My dreams are at least twenty kinds of fucked, but I can't say I don't stumble into my fill of adventure, I suppose.

In vast tonal change: thank fuck all that volcano mess is over with, I'm tired of persuading Q to be the only one to give Chas baths. Even I run out of excuses after a week.



[ locked from Lara ]

Okay guys I don't usually talk about my dreams because... duh? Who wants to talk about that crappy Island or being kidnapped or whatever. Not me! Not usually.

But uhm...

Has anyone ever had that feeling like some part of their soul kinda went missing? After a dream, I mean.

I think I died a little bit last night, and not because of great sex. Which we all know is the only acceptable way to die a little bit.

Feb. 23rd, 2014




If I had wanted volcanic activity, I would have made my home near one. Consequently, this is not the beginning of Ragnarök; however, this dark world is enough to give one pause.

Earlier a band of Orcs decided to tromp through my property on their way to the lake for provisions. Garm, who takes his duties as guard dog serious, naturally attacked. The Orcs obliged to take their best a swing at him with swords, so I was break his neck and kill the others before they could injure him further. It was deeply satisfying. I admit before today I did not realize how greatly my strength has increased or the level of aggression I could possess. Although I'm certain my Valkyries teammates would claim otherwise.

Corpses now litter the side yard. No matter how hard I try I cannot convince Garm to abandon the one as he has dragged off under the porch to eat. This is just as well. The less I will have to bag and tag later the better.

An additional side note, I have taken an Orc sword for my own. It is crude, ugly thing, but surprisingly balanced with a good heft behind it. I will keep it handy should another band decide to stray this way. If anyone has been injured, please let me know. I will come to treat them regardless of the hour or dust.

Feb. 21st, 2014




Apparently, tomorrow is Ragnarök. How fitting.

Feb. 14th, 2014




Ugh, every idea I come up with of something to do tonight quickly turns into the worst idea ever in my mind. Go to the bars and drink until I drop? Nah, don't do that - it'll be full of gross guys who will hit on you. Go to the gun range? Nah, don't do that - it'll be full of gross guys who will hit on you. Go down to the beach and do some late night surfing/swimming? Nah, don't do that - it'll be fun of gross guys who will hit on you.

It sucks when the guy you like is all zombie-fied So, I'm debating between some wine and netflix or just sucking it up and hitting up some of the Greek parties nearby.

Feb. 13th, 2014




I was invoked by a little girl today. She didn't exactly say it all correctly but apparently her mother had the alter to me set up properly so I heard her. She couldn't have been more than five or six but she was earnest and adorable so I popped in to talk to her.

Her name was Lyra, she had the cutest little braided pig-tails and a big vocabulary for her age. She said there was this boy in her class that she liked but wasn't sure if she wanted him to be her boyfriend. I asked her if she thought she was too young for a boyfriend and she gave me this really perfect no nonsense sort of stare and announced that she already had two other boyfriends and needed a third. After that well, I had to help her.

I don't generally go around playing matchmaker for kids but I gave her a pink mini-rose for her hair and told her that it was a magic rose. That it wouldn't make him love her but if she wore it the next time she talked to him it would tell her if he was right for her. I then also had a talk with her mother about leaving her books of invocation lying around.

I do love Valentine's day, even if it's so commercialized and fake. When it goes right it really is the best holiday.



filtered away from Loki Odinson

For as much of a romantic as I am, and the sort of reputation that I have, I've just realized that I've never been with anyone on Valentine's Day before.

In other, somewhat related news, the house is positively freezing. I think Valentine's will be spent under a mountain of blankets.

Jan. 16th, 2014




I don't own a dog. Not even a little bit.

I also don't live here.




This is certainly not at all where I intended to be. But isn't that the story of my life, as it were, and, hey, I think I'm getting pretty good at this whole other universe/dimension/weird world thing although I'm not entirely certain it's because of Miss Chavez that I'm here. It seems normal enough here. Except for Fandral being entirely Midgardian, he remains hopeless as ever, so I take heart, and I don't think anything here will suck out my soul and disintegrate my flesh. (Fingers crossed!)

Having scrolled verily through this message forum, I see many familiar names. I should like to get to know this County of Orange, I think.

Unless you're all actually soul suckers and flesh disintegraters, in which case perhaps I'll stay indoors until such a time as I can return to worlds more friendly.

Jan. 15th, 2014




Knee's healed and at 100%, this is a good week.

Canaan, Shepard, Hela, Loki, other friends etc [all Separate]
So the paperwork came back. Officially retired from the MP. Again, for good finally. Up for retirement dinner?

Jan. 8th, 2014




Because I need a head count for my own, personal reasons... raise your hand if you've had a Dream, and if you're acquainted with me in said Dream.

Jan. 6th, 2014




Happy sixth day of 2014, valarnet. How long 'till the new year stops being a talking point, huh?

Dec. 29th, 2013




I've been keeping to myself the last few weeks I've been here, but I've grown sort of fond of this place. I am, however, still getting used to American culture, so now it seems a good time to venture into it.

One question, though. This place - it's not really known for snow, is it? Do such anomalies happen often?




Those of you who know me, know that I severely dislike this time of the year; however, in attempt to be a more sociable and in lieu of a long overdue housewarming, I will be hosting a New Year's Eve party. Consider this an open invitation to my family, friends, and roller derby teammates and others lost on this our Island of Misfit Toys, whom have no place better to spend the countdown to midnight.

Party begins at 9 o'clock in the evening. You may bring a food stuff or liquor (Note: Those of you who are underage will not be imbibing alcohol that evening under threat of having activated charcoal pumped down your throat and into your stomach). Do dress for the occasion and should you have dog allergies or a dog-based phobia-- better luck next year.

Please RSVP below so I can have an accurate headcount.

[This intention for this open invitation party is for characters, both old and new, who might not normally meet to encounter and make connections. It does not matter if your muse knows Hela, she's feeling welcoming this night.]



blocked from Aurora

How do you know when it's a date or when it's just friends hanging out?





Dec. 15th, 2013




I would like to have it noted that traditional American Christmas music filtered through the morgue's audio system takes on a less than festive air. We have lost two interns last two weeks. I, however, have developed a new-found appreciation for Perry Como and Dean Martin.

With ten days to go, I suppose I should start shopping. Oh, dear friends, Valkyries, beloved family, and Nolan, do we have our holiday wishlists ready? I will be coming for them. Do not make me wait. You may choose leave your list below if you deem it appropriate.

Nov. 23rd, 2013




A little bird got into the lab today.




I was jostled out of bed early this morning to discover my most of the glassware, mugs and dishes cracked and scattered about the kitchen, and now I can't seem to coax the dog from the main bath's bathtub to take my shower, but otherwise no lasting damage.

So a big thank you to Orange County for granting me the perfect start to another working day. How did everyone else make out?

Nov. 22nd, 2013




I should have known that my restlessness as of late would lead to this (no, not earthquakes). I suppose I was curious to see what happens next, but I was getting used to no dreams. As always, Odin's idea of mercy is the worst punishment. At least I look good in chains.

That said, I'm acquiring quite the Asgardian wardrobe.

Nov. 19th, 2013




My trip to Kabul is settled. I look forward to going but I find myself strangely looking forward to returning here. I suddenly have more things on my plate than I have in a very long time. Perhaps this place isn't all weird and bad crazy. After all it's given me some great friends.

Haven't found work yet but I'm pretty convinced it's time to walk away after the New Year at the latest. I cut myself in the Armory today, while doing inventory for something, and I didn't notice. I got done, walked out, passed my secretary and she practically had a heart attack. Apparently I'd sliced my hand open well enough to need sutures, but by the time I trudged to med, they just wrapped it in gauze and sent me home shaking their heads.

I think before I get shipped to Kabul we should have that coffee. When is good for you?

How are things going? Had another dream. Discovered there are physical changes going on too. I am not loving this.

I'll be back from Kabul hopefully on the 3rd but they're letting me keep my laptop this time, so I can check in while I'm gone. Let me know how things progress?




I guess I'm part of the club now.

Nov. 17th, 2013




Anyone know of any good children's health or protection charities? Like one that really helps kids and doesn't just take ten percent of what you give them.

Nov. 15th, 2013




Sigrun and I got to chatting the other day and feel we have been snubbed for our age from the forming roller derby team so in that spirit, we have decided to create our own.

Do you want to try something new and become a part of an awesome community? Whether you're looking to get in shape, meet new people or take out some aggression, and have some fun, you'll be hooked on roller derby!

The Valkyries are recruiting women from the ages of twenty-one to thirty-eight. You will need quad skates, elbow and knee pads, wrist guards, helmet and a mouth guard.

Practice should run into the late afternoon and evening hours.

We also need a head coach and I'm told we wouldn't say no to a handsome male cheerleader or two.

Nov. 14th, 2013




I twisted my damn ankle chasing after a bounty today. Right on the stairs, like a damsel in a 60s monster movie. I think I flailed.

It's never happened before...damn, am I getting old? Is Irisa going to have to start feeding me with a spoon and changing adult diapers?

Nov. 10th, 2013



Good afternoon. My name is Kreia. I come from England, but I spend my winters here in Orange County. The cold is better for my arthritis.

The young woman who set up this account for me seemed astonished that I knew what a "listserv" and a "security key" were. Just because I appear to be an elderly lady does not mean that all my brain cells have died off. For those of you who can accept that and not talk to me like an old fool, I am pleased in advance to meet you.

Nov. 9th, 2013




Required immediately: entertainment.

Tell me a joke!
Suggest some music!
Send me a picture! (nudes totally acceptable, thx)

I might get bored.

You wouldn't like me when I'm bored.

Nov. 8th, 2013



So, are there any ladies out there that would be interested in joining a roller derby team?

Nov. 6th, 2013




I've been restless for the better part of three days, and now suddenly that's gone and replaced by a splitting headache. At the risk of sounding twice my age, I'm going to blame that the weather is starting to change. Though it's a poor excuse when you live in Orange County.

If anyone can offer something besides rest and tea, I'd be most grateful.

Nov. 3rd, 2013




With my voice returned, it's done and it's gone. The house is truly mine once more.

My dreams are growing all the more steadily unnerving. The recurring dream has transmuted. The monstrous woman no longer looks angry, but insidiously amused when she looks upon me. Again, I awake before she can grasp me, but this time I glimpse something odd. A fire burns behind her and heard that same horrible shrieking from the night when I burned the doll, but she makes no motion to extinguish the flames or end the soul's torment. I believe the ritual has worked, the others have been brought to heel, and the house is peaceful again, but at what cost?

Natasha, you can bring Garm home now. Thank you and Thor for watching him while I resolved this matter. Thor, if you want to see them I can make them safely manifest.

Nov. 1st, 2013




Thank God I can talk again. I think I might have gone completely off the wall if I had to sit through another day like that. Miraculously, the show last night went perfectly. To everyone who was there, I hope you enjoyed it, and we were all very humbled by the impressive turn out. (Zelda, by the way, you were wonderful, thank you again for your assistance.)

Sidebar to that, I was going to make the announcement last night, but not having the voice to do it seemed pointless, but the official opening of my show in Los Angeles will be January 17, 2014.

Oct. 31st, 2013




I've decided to stay in tonight. Perhaps that makes me some sort of Halloween-loathing old man, but the truth is I've never enjoyed. Never enjoyed the fireworks, never enjoyed the ridiculous dignity-destroying costumes, never enjoyed children rapping my door at night. The fireworks are particularly loathsome, a series of bright lights that makes idiot stand and gawp like chimps.




On the fifth day, I have to admit to am beginning to enjoying the relative silence.

Two hours, two cups of tea, five carved pumpkins, and one freshly sown costume later, and I'm feeling pretty good about Halloween's arrival. Even the activity in the house has become eerily quiet- the whispering, footfalls, and knocking has stopped-- even as my dreams are becoming significantly worse. I admit, I don't sleep much anymore.

Regardless, tonight is Loki's magic show. John, if you're reading this I need to know if you planning on accompanying me. If I get my voice back tonight I'll be performing the ritual. With luck, it'll be gone by morning, the others will fall into line, and then at last my house will be in order.

Natasha and Thor, thank you for agreeing to take Garm for the evening. I'm sure he'll be a great help fending off the more adamant trick or treaters. I'll send him with a bone. He'll be preoccupied and more passive for your sanity.

Happy Halloween to the rest of the Orange County community. May your night be filled with more treats than tricks. Unless you like that sort of thing...

Oct. 30th, 2013




I think I'm getting better at figuring out what Loki is trying to say. It's been a bit of an extended game of charades, the past few days, and I think he was about ready to kill me the first day, for not understanding his meanings fast enough.

I did try giving him a notebook so he could write things out, but he didn't think that was being helpful.

Thank god for text messaging.

Oct. 29th, 2013




This eerie silence of voices is an odd thing to me. I do not like it. The world should be filled with joyous laughter, sobs of sorrow, hopeful cries, and simple conversation. Not this. Listening to it's lack is a thing that could drive a man mad.

I hope this one is over soon.



Urdnot Ranch Announcement

Shepard will be taking over as owner and primary person in charge. Dani Moonstar will be placed in charge of the horses, cattle and other animals, and all that other naturey...stuff.

Scott Summers' role will be unchanged, and there'll be no one let go.

PM me for any questions.

This old Kroger just needs to retire.

Oct. 25th, 2013




I'm getting very excited for Halloween! Not just because it's an enjoyable holiday, but because my best friend is having a magic show. I haven't been to one of his shows in far too long, I'm very much looking forward to seeing it.

Does anyone have any favourite Halloween movies they could recommend? I feel in the mood to watch something a little scary, to get myself ready for the big day.

Oct. 24th, 2013




What costume can I dress up in to best embarrass my daughter?




I suppose I've never really understood the tradition of Halloween. Where I grew up, in Lithuania, November First was our day of mourning those who had past, and the night before was more of a preparation than a celebration.

The closest thing I can think of would be Užgavėnės, which is the day before Lent begins. All the young children go door to door, and are given coins or our version of pancakes.

I think in America, you call it Mardi Gras, and it's celebrated very differently.

Oct. 17th, 2013




Bloody fucking Christ. I take back any and all fucking curiosity about those dreams.

Never again.

Oct. 12th, 2013




Lately, I have been waking up from these recurring nightmares. I know they can't be true, but they've felt so real that I can't shake this lingering sense of dread afterwards.

And why is the house so damn cold? (Brienne, have you been playing with the thermostat?)

I think this place is beginning to mess with my head.