
Posts Tagged: 'max+rockatansky'

Jan. 30th, 2017




Thinking about home while driving away from it is always a bad idea. A man who makes his life on The Road has to love The Road. Wanting to have a home? Means betraying the love of The Road. Can't love both. Can't have both. It's a choice for one or the other.

Don't know which to choose.

Suppose it'll work itself out.

Jan. 22nd, 2017




It can be hard to find something to smile about. With the dreams and lately with the news too. Seeing all those women marching on the news did make me smile. And when I was watching the coverage of it, there was a woman with a sign that read "Super Callous Facist Racist Exta Bragga Docious". That actually made me laugh out loud. Hannibal might have thought it rude, but he'd think of Trump as rude too.

So, O.C., did anyone else see any good signs? On the news or in person?

Oct. 9th, 2016




That was an AMAZING party for my bestie Caroline last night! Happy birthday, Caroline! The food was amazing. Peeta makes the best cakes ever! I danced until my feet fell off! Well, not literally, of course. Though stranger things have happened in this place! God, what a party. Whew! Won't be another one of those anytime soon! haha Except maybe for my birthday next month? Who's in? ;)

Aug. 22nd, 2016




Nothing new has happened dreamwise, just trying to get to Sherry still and dodging the infected. You know, normal stuff. I did get a few things from my dreams, a key and a hand crank. I have no idea why the hand crank came through, but who knows? Apparently my dreams thought it was important to have.

In real life news, since it's safe to announce it now, Dean and I are expecting. I'm feeling a bit better now, although the morning sickness hasn't completely gone away yet but I'm definitely looking forward to that finally easing up. And the exhaustion, I hate coming home every day after work and doing nothing but sleeping since I have house work that I'd like to get done and not rush around on my days off to get it accomplished.

Jun. 29th, 2016




Soon we'll celebrate freedom again. Who are the free? Who is free? Are any of us? Strange questions in a strange land. No answers here. No answers anywhere.

May. 31st, 2016




Sometimes Dreams are better than reality.

Sometimes the masks we wear there are easier to take off than the ones we have to wear here.

Not sure if should wish to be able to keep dreaming or stop so can wake up.

Neither seems like a way to a good life.

Mar. 28th, 2016




I hope that everyone had a great Easter, if you happen to celebrate it and if not? Well, it's discount candy day again! In other news, I am not too fond of having a repeat of my dreams. At least I know how things turn out this time, and I'm not left wondering what's going to happen to us next. Still, it is not something that I want to deal with again.

Mar. 27th, 2016




Happy Easter to those who celebrate it. I? Am hiding from the world for a few more days, because vacations are nice. I do love when Alucard plans such things.

Jan. 31st, 2016




Glad the fog is all gone. Glad January is leaving, too. Ready for another month. This one's been a right bellend.

Oct. 19th, 2015




I passed my driving test!

Thank you to my very good friend Max, without him it would not have been possible for me to do such a thing.

[ooc: Pretend this was posted on Saturday afternoon]

Sep. 15th, 2015




This is unbelievable. It's bad enough I have these stupid dreams, but to wake up with a freaking brand on the back of my neck like I'm some sort of cattle is just ridiculous.

Sep. 12th, 2015




Don't you just hate when a mad man finds out that you and your daughter are his descendants and wants to harvest your organs to prolong his life? Yeah, I do too. Also hate falling asleep on the couch and having dreams cause I always wake up so tense no matter what.

Aug. 26th, 2015




Someone needs to tell my dreamself that driving across the salt wastes is a shitty, suicidal plan.

Jul. 22nd, 2015




I am going to be eternally thankful once this little one decides to come into the world, which, it would be fantastic if he would. I've done so many tricks and tips to try and induce my labor, though if he's not here by next weekend I think my doctor will actually induce me.

Either way, I'm just ready for him to be here though you probably couldn't tell that by his nursery.

Jul. 21st, 2015




On a scale of one to not funny, finding the fucking rig parked in front of my apartment is definitely not funny. She drives pretty well though.

And my damned dream prosthetic was hanging off the door.

Jul. 14th, 2015




Dreams always bad. Wastelands as far as the eyes can see. Sun too bright to bear. Everyone dead or dying. Only myself standing alone in front of the empty world as the heat bakes the sand into my skin, hair, everything.

I am nothing more than the last man standing.

I am become a History Man.

Never dreamed of darkness unending. Never been in world where everything feels wrong for reasons got nothing to do with medications from doctors. Strange days. Alls need is to drive. Hit The Road. Been ordered to stay put. Cargo can't be lost due to crazed weather or a world gone mad as myself. Things more valuable than me. Do understand. Don't like it, but understand. Why this to come about now? Everything changing. Everything black. Storms upon storms yet none carrying sand. What happened to the sand? Red as blood and sharp as glass when it hits the skin. Hot. A world of fire and damnation yet this?

Nothing but blackness.

Even the lightning strikes black.

Is it a sign? Is it my sickness?

Or is it only all of us are damned?

This world is Hell and now we will know it?

Too many questions. No answers. Everything is wrong wrong wrong wrong wrong wrongwrongwro

Jul. 7th, 2015




Hi! My name is Nux!

I work for Dean Winchester so you may have seen me mowing your lawn or working on your car! And then he mentioned this network thing so I decided to check it out?

Cars are kind of my thing, I guess. I love working on them and I love driving them! I want to try being an Uber driver but you have to have your own car and I don't I just borrow my brother's car when he's not using it so they won't let me :(

But maybe someday :)!

Jun. 22nd, 2015




I think... now I'm going a little crazy. Do you ever feel that way after your "Dreams"? Even knowing a lot of people experience the same strange effects, do some of you think it may just be all in your head...?

Because... I think I heard a fish talk to me today. That's not very normal at all.

Jun. 21st, 2015




A friend of mine convinced me to join this silly little thing. Apparently it'll be fun, something he feels I need in my life. It'll be a way to pass the time at least.

My name is Hisoka. I lived in Nagasaki until I was ten and then moved here. I currently attend Newport High.

That seems to be efficient enough information for a silly introduction post.

Jun. 7th, 2015




Social workers say I should be more social. Max. My name is Max.

Jun. 6th, 2015




I kind of wish I could have normal dreams. Dreams where like I'm flying, or whatever a normal dream is.

The dreams I'm having are cool, but they make no sense. I think I have a crush on that princess, because I got jealous when a heart started going after her. My dream bro is dating a cross between a unicorn, and a rainbow. I'm pretty sure I was adopted, and that's why my brother is a dog.

Also keep dreaming about some random woman. No idea who she is, so whatevs.