
Posts Tagged: 'reid+garwin'

Jan. 26th, 2020




Ugh, woke up with a massive headache and some bruises this morning thanks to my dreams. Dream!Me decided to have a swim race with the asshole new kid and I smacked my head on the end of the lane when we finished.

From there it looks like I've convinced Pogue that he's a sketchy dude and we went to investigate on him at school - turns out he's one of us, but his family was exiled back in the day. Also, cue a fun scene of us floating in the air over a security guard and stopping a bunch of papers mid-air with our Powers.

We also have a massive secret cave library with a giant circle full of fire for meetings. Would be kind of awesome if that showed up here, but thankfully we had a meeting with all of us so I could tell everyone what I learned. And of course Chase decided to ramp up the shenanigans - he put Sarah under a spell, used a spell to look like me, and glamoured a image of Sarah to lure me into the room. And like any typical big bad guy he told me all about his plan and I got the crap beat out of me because he has more power than I do. And now we're going to have a big show down - this'll be great...

Dec. 8th, 2019




I thought cliff jumping was fun, turns out a full on cop chase and going over a cliff in Tyler's car in a Thelma and Louise type deal with three of my closest friends is definitely way more fun.

Amazing what power can do when it's combined.

Also, Caleb, I totally met the dude (Aaron) at the party and I do not feel bad about the whole puking thing.

Nov. 22nd, 2019




Watching yourself as a teenager flirt with a girl you don't know in real life is super awkward especially when the dreams shift into you getting a phone call in the middle of the night from your boyfriend in real life. It didn't help that I also had to watch myself make out with said girl in the car.

So, not only is someone using powers that they shouldn't be I've also got to deal with becoming "friends" with the new kid Chase. Apparently his parents gave a lot of money to the school and I get to be his new bestie by order of the Provost. But all that pales in comparison to the creepy ass "darkling" that keeps appearing. You haven't lived until a spirit of a dead kid watches you while you sleep.

Nov. 19th, 2019




So, for the record, cliff jumping without a parachute and using powers alone? Awesome.

Literally best thing ever.

Nov. 18th, 2019




We still have Halloween candy? I'm still eating it. I should just throw it on the table at work and let it be a free for all, but I like the candy. Oooh the dilemma. Take it or keep it for myself?

Does anyone else still have some or am I just a hoarder?

Oct. 12th, 2019




So my dad bit it in my dreams.

Couldn't have happened to a nicer guy.

Aug. 7th, 2019




Living through my crappy childhood was bad enough the first time round but now the dreams are doing a groundhog day and just circling me back around.

Looking forward to when the cool stuff starts happening.

Jul. 2nd, 2019




I have a special treat for you this Saturday. You will not want to miss it. An auction will be held at Lux at midnight to win a date with yours truly. One night only. Dinner and a show…the definition of a show could be I’ll show you mine if you show me yours. So save your pennies, darlings. Bidding begins at midnight and ends when the gavel falls. And oh yes, the proceeds will go to a charity of your choice.

Jun. 26th, 2019




I have seen this a few times now, and I am somewhat confused.

I wish to preface this with saying that I am not attempting to lessen anyone's courage. However, I feel like this may be a part of American culture that I am somehow not understanding.

Are there cultural reasons behind the announcements of sexual preference? I understand that in this country this month is used to champion the sexual spectrum and those across it who have faced prejudice, I took a gender studies course last year and we discussed Stonewall, I am aware of the ramifications there.

What I am struggling with is the reasons behind these things. Can anyone explain them? Is there such a way to do that?

Jun. 16th, 2019




It's a bad sign when you can't remember what you did the night before, right? I mean, I remember the bar, the music, and definitely the alcohol but... that's kind of where things start to get a little fuzzy.

I also have the bruise the size of somebody's face on my side so clearly I must have pissed somebody off but yeah can remember literally nothing.

Only upside I can see is that I woke up in my bed and not in a jail cell or in the middle of Tijuana.

Jun. 4th, 2019




Well, fuck

Pretty sure I left my phone charger along with my swimming trunks in Singapore

It's not like I can get them Fed-ex'ed

Guess that means I gotta brave the mall after all
