
Posts Tagged: 'bela+talbot'

Jan. 7th, 2014




I think my New Years Resolution is to lose 15 pounds. Starting now.

My girlfriend says I need to take up jogging again, so.

Jan. 5th, 2014



That was the stupidest, most ridiculous dream ever. But it felt real enough where now I'm a bit worried.

These dreams are a thing, right? Does anyone dream they're not human?

Jan. 2nd, 2014



Ugh. Ugh. I just had terrible dreams. I was born in England, like in real life, but my parents there were ... horrible. Cold and distant, never said two words to me. I wound up in my room, lost and alone.

I'd like to get rid of them with something fun. Any parties going on, any excitement? Or do I have to go to work on my off day and pretend to be busy?

Dec. 29th, 2013



So, the snow's going to go away, right? I thought half the draw of this place was the bloody good weather.

Dec. 28th, 2013



Thank God that's over. Holidays are torture in my family. Terrible food - no one actually eats figgy pudding anymore - and the endless whinging about 'so, when are you going to get a boyfriend.' I don't know, Auntie, I'm not a clairvoyant.

Going back to work has actually been delightful, compared to that.

Dec. 23rd, 2013



Hello. My name's Bela. I just got an invite to this network, though I've lived in Huntington Beach for years. I work in journalism, and if a celebrity has an estate sale, I'm usually there. It's become an interesting hobby. I look forward to meeting you all.