
Posts Tagged: 'john+blake'

Aug. 29th, 2013




Can't believe I'm turning to the damn internet for this

Looking for anyone in the local pd, detectives or anybody involved in a gang or narcotics unit. Can be former or currently employed. Been chasing a lead all the way from New York, figured it's about time I asked for some help.

Name's Ana Lucia.

Aug. 27th, 2013




Spent the better part of today clearing out a storage unit of my crap I've had since the academy. Kind of incredible how much stuff you can wind up keeping if you never look at it.

Did find some old embarrassing pictures though. So that's either a plus or a minus, haven't decided.

Jul. 19th, 2013




It's good to be home.

Can I go back to work yet?

Jul. 17th, 2013




I'm getting married in two days. Is it normal for a guy to be this nervous?

I don't know how Michiru handles it, honestly...

Jul. 14th, 2013



I don't think I've ever been ordered to take a vacation before.

Jul. 6th, 2013




Now we have to save Vegas; my girlfriend just proposed to me and made me squeal like a ten year old girl getting a Polly Pocket Playset. (Which I always wanted as well, if only because the allure of tiny objects has long been strong within me. It's like the Force, which is also strong within me, but only for hoarders.)

Got my Lightsaber, I'm ready to go whenever someone else is. Master, you coming?

Jul. 4th, 2013




In the middle of the crazy, managed to squeeze in a non-Stark wedding.

Maria Hill made me the happiest man on the planet, period.

Jun. 27th, 2013



I passed the test. I'm going to be a police officer. I start on Monday.

Thanks to everyone who helped me study or was just there for me in general. I appreciate it.

Jun. 26th, 2013




I grew up in Portland, Maine, but somehow, I never became aware of the North American Wife Carrying Competition that was annually held in Newry, about two hours away. Apparently a couple wins the wife's weight in beer, and five times her weight in cash.

I do accept that that's a substantial weight of cash. It might be the only sport I can see a point in, though I'm not sure I'd try it myself. ... I mean, I have no wife, but still.

Jun. 25th, 2013




If you don't stop giving me shit about the purse I'm going to end you.

Jun. 17th, 2013




I hate waking up sore. Dragons or not, Office Blake is getting old.

I don't get how Auron and Tyreal keep going some days.

Jun. 1st, 2013




Weird week.
I think, probably, it could have gone worse. Considering.

Violet? Are you -- around?

May. 2nd, 2013




Back to work.


Anyone who wears sneakers with a suit deserves to get soaked in the rain. Just saying.

May. 1st, 2013



I'm thinking I want to get a motorcycle. Don't know what kind yet. Anyone know which ones are good?

Apr. 28th, 2013




Mentions of dream violence )

Honestly, how much crazier are these dreams going to get?

Apr. 22nd, 2013




So few calls on the beat lately that if I didn't know any better, I'd call Irvine a sleepy little town.

Which just means things will go crazy sooner or later.




Ladies in the workplace: this little trick really works. Men are remarkably easy. They won't even question why your tampons are in the fridge.

Apr. 17th, 2013




Hawke is trying to force me to be more social. This can't possibly end well.

Apr. 6th, 2013




Well, shit.

Wish I could say I didn't see that one coming.

Mar. 29th, 2013




These dreams are such a pain in the ass.

Mar. 28th, 2013




And the dreams are back. This one wasn't so bad. In fact it was kind of interesting. I wound up in a city called Gotham and there was an earthquake, which leveled most of it and it was cut off from everything else. I was working with a group of people to keep the citizens safe. I wound up saving the life of a man who was the Commissioner of the city then I became a super hero. They called me Batgirl.

The really strange part about the whole thing was that the woman who was in my dream, do I was working for, is the same woman I ran into while walking Ginger the other day. So now I'm not sure if it really was one of the dreams or just any other random dream.




Well... I guess sneaking into places and doing things performing vigilante duties are very common in my dreams. And the performing at a party.

Also. The Messiah? I still don't quite understand it all.

Mar. 27th, 2013




Are you an actor? Would you like to be? I actually have a great need for voiceover talent for speaking parts in films. ... also the other parts, but even just the speaking parts would be of a great help!

Simply let me know!



Parental Updates!

Today, I had a letter, cosigned by their lawyer, informing me that I have been formally disowned, with the agreement that tuition for the next semester (and following) "will be covered, provided that you manage to pass the semester, and contingent upon your remaining free from academic probation status".

My family name and fortune may be retained if I "return to Massachusetts to complete (your) course of study at an approved university, agreeing to a position within the firm upon (your) graduation" and "cease the antics learned in California and grow up".

There's even a form for me to fill out and sign and date to indicate my decision, along with a place for a witness to sign it for me.

I shouldn't be surprised. I really shouldn't be surprised and it's exactly what I wanted but I can't help hating them a lot right now. It's not the money. It's the way they decided to do it that...

I guess I shouldn't have expected more, but I'll survive. I took two pairs of shoes, my boots (yeah I was a little teary there. I'm man enough to say it) and some clothes in to sell today and I've emerged okay for all the major expenses, dropped off some resumes, and I've been taking a look at my expenses this afternoon. It's kind of shocking and depressing and disgusting really:

Courf's Monthly Budget Attempt (Current) )

So, clearly, I've got some big decisions to make, even once I've GOT a job, considering this is what I'm doing AFTER rent. Dropping lessons isn't an option I'm remotely entertaining and if that means I'm getting shampoo at the dollar store, cutting back on the coffee, stopping with the clothes, and making some changes, I'm willing to do it.

There are a lot more important things to consider, sure, but for now, it's a start?

I am so very, very, overwhelmed...

Mar. 26th, 2013




So, bachelor parties. Or specifically, mine.

Before you ask, no, there won't be strippers (unless Thor gets drunk and loses his pants, which I put the odds at 50/50) but I fully intend for it to be an awesome night. Renting out Disneyland for the night, starting at Midnight and going until dawn.

Men, women, whatever. Gender friendly and I am going to personally buy you all mouse ears, all right?

And you will wear them.

This Friday. Be there.

Mar. 10th, 2013




Finally feeling 100% after that virus bullshit. It took way too long to feel completely normal again.

Nobody likes feeling that low for that often.

Feb. 14th, 2013




There's a jackass singing to his girlfriend. He's standing outside, and her place is right next door.

I am trying to enjoy a beer on the balcony.

One moment...

....There, handled.

Feb. 11th, 2013




Yes, I have a black eye. No, it doesn't hurt. Yes, it'll go away eventually. Stop asking me questions. Jesus.

Feb. 6th, 2013




No leads on Michiru. What a pain.

Are police so incompetent? Not all, just the ones working on this case.

Feb. 3rd, 2013




Loving that my first week back on duty is one of the worst for DUI amateur nights.

If we pull you over for driving drunk, there won't be warnings. That shit is unacceptable when you could come on here and there's seven people who would offer you a ride home. Don't.

Jan. 30th, 2013



Dear 2013,

If you are planning to make a repeat of everything that happened in January in February let me just stop you right now. We are prepared to make you a very good offer to have an 'off' month and let everyone feel normal for a little while. Please contact me to discuss the details.

Thank you for your time,
Sydney Bristow

Jan. 29th, 2013




I finally talked to my dad today. I didn't want to talk to him until after I talked to my coach, to find out whether or not he was going to stick with me after this whole thing with my parents is finalized and I'm happy to say that I won't have to look for a new coach. We're going to use a different gym though, otherwise my dad will just be able to come down whenever I'm training and that's the opposite of what I want.

So, yeah, my dad. He's definitely not happy and says he's going to fight this. I told him there was nothing to fight, because legally there's nothing he can do to stop me from taking control of my life.

There are still so many other people I need to talk to, but once this is all taken care of, I'm going to sit down and decide exactly what I'm going to do as far as competing goes. I do plan on going to the American Cup in Boston in March, but after that, I'm not sure what I'm doing.

Jan. 27th, 2013




I've never been sick like that before. No one tells you about how long it takes to get to feeling better.

Pretty damn awful, you ask me.

Jan. 15th, 2013



If I live through this, I'm going to do my best to give up smoking. It's sort of put things into clarity for me, this sickness, and I don't want to be an idiot and look a gift horse in the mouth.

Jan. 2nd, 2013




Anyone else feel kind of gunky?

Dec. 27th, 2012



Just checked out Lincoln finally, if Daniel Day-Lewis doesn't win an Academy Award for his portrayal of President Lincoln, then I give up on the Oscars.

Dec. 26th, 2012




I did it. Somehow, through some miracle of whatever power that be that we want to hold responsible, personally I prefer Cthulhu because who doesn't love him and wish to gain enough favor to be eaten first but you try bringing that one up in open court, so we leave it open and say Act Of God there, but never specify which ONE, I managed to pull off Christmas.

There were no fires. No ER visits, no horrible family drama sneaking around to rear its ugly head. It was actually a decent couple of days with family members who I actually don't want to kill, I got books and scotch, and a demented new years eve tie that flashes and plays music, and my house is actually still standing.

I'm kind of amazed it all went off without a hitch.

Nov. 26th, 2012




Some days are good.

Some days make you wonder just how much trouble you'd get into if you slapped a coworker upside the head.

Nov. 1st, 2012




I am posting this from the HOSPITAL because I was rushed there earlier tonight because someone felt the need to SHOOT ME IN THE ASS. So I'm laying here in the ER waiting for someone to do an MRI and make sure they can get the entire thing out. ...29 inches of love from Barton. You know, if I knew you CARED that much...

...Should've gotten that insured.

Oct. 23rd, 2012



An official statement has already gone out through the company, but to remove any doubts:

Barbara Gordon was not involved in the murders of my parents, Thomas and Martha Wayne. I have no suspicions of her involvement, and she has not been asked to leave the board of Wayne Enterprises. There is freedom of the press and then there is defamation of character. I'm no lawyer, but I can say that none of Ms. Skeeter's claims about Ms. Gordon are true.

As the trial is ongoing, I will not be commenting further.

Oct. 14th, 2012




You can all blame Lulu for this idea, but I want to do a sexy lingerie party. She'll be designing the underwear.

Ladies only.

Oct. 11th, 2012




...Who knew jail had so many RULES?

Oct. 10th, 2012



That party thing...

Uh, can anybody teach me how to do elaborate eyemakeup on myself? Also, where do drag queens buy their wigs? I'm not interested in the cheapy stuff I can find in the stores.

...This looks terrible. It's for Halloween, I swear.

Oct. 9th, 2012



RSVP here for the Stark Tower Halloween party

Just leave a note, people!

Aug. 20th, 2012




Back on duty.

Thank God.

Aug. 14th, 2012




Huh. It's been a while since I've had an actual dream, let alone a nightmare.

Aug. 7th, 2012




It's always a fun morning when you open your closet to get dressed and there's something there you've never seen before. Especially when that something is a jumpsuit.

Aug. 5th, 2012



On the hunt for a decent cup of coffee and the only thing to be found is a Starbucks on every goddamn corner.

Proof that the greater majority wouldn't know decent coffee even if it bite them in the ass.

Aug. 3rd, 2012




I swear to god I feel like someone has been following me, but every time I look over my shoulder no one is there. Am I just being completely paranoid here?