
Posts Tagged: 'paul+rovia+%28jesus%29'

May. 31st, 2021




So I'm going to have to put in some extra teaching hours next month to make up for cancelling classes on my students. No one needed to hear me singing at random times uncontrollably. Not even me.

May. 25th, 2021




I used to love to go urban exploring in high school. Abandoned houses, stores, and even tunnels from where Sacramento was built on top of old Sacramento. And it was always interesting the kind of things you'd find left behind in old places. Or graffiti left by people who also explored it before you. My sister and Mom were always convinced that A. a tunnel would collapse on me or B. I'd run into a crazy squatter living in one of those places.

So today my sister sends me a video out of the blue with urban exploration in the hashtags. Two people opening up one of those bomb shelters from the cold war? I've never been in one of those. Anyway, they open it up to be greeted with someone having an Elmo hand puppet peek around the corner.

Do I know that was most likely staged for the video? Yes. Am I still glad I never came across someone with a hand puppet peeking around the corner at me? Also yes.

Apr. 12th, 2021




I had a blast with my family, but it's great to be home, back with Simon and Jace!

Cath, hope you are well, I will be in tomorrow to get right back to work!

So tell me what I missed?

Apr. 6th, 2021




So dream me is maintaining this blackmail the cop thing. I just have a really bad feeling about that. But it's not like I can sit my dream self down and have a chat. All I can do is wait and see how it plays out. Even if I have a feeling it's all going to blow up in my face.

Mar. 26th, 2021




I feel like taking a bike trip this weekend.

Need to feel the wind in my hair or something.




I'm starting to wonder when I'm gonna have another dream. Not that I'm too fussed about it. Aside from hoping Rick gets his act together and that baby survives, I ain't too keen on knowing what happens next.

Mar. 23rd, 2021




I'm guessing wanting to get drunk and forget everything is a common reaction to the dreams? Yeah. That's where I'm at today. I actually called off work, which I have never done for myself. The sad thing is, I only just started dreaming and I have a feeling it's going to get a lot worse than this.

Feb. 27th, 2021




For an old, blind and deaf dog, Buster can run like the wind. Little demon ball got out this morning and took off. Had me chasing him all up and down the street, and when he was worn out he made his way back home and collapsed on the porch.

he's fine. Just wore himself out.

Feb. 10th, 2021




By the Angel the Institute feels emptier without Izzy here So...either Simon or I are going to have to learn how to cook. I'm voting him.

Jan. 23rd, 2021




Seems like the kid from my dreams was probably kidnapped. We had a possible sighting of him, though. At Benny's Burgers, stealing food from the kitchen. Problem is, Benny killed himself. Which is...It doesn't sit well. Benny was a friend, and maybe we weren't super close or anything but it just feels...off.

Things like this don't happen in my town. Last kid went missing 60 years earlier. Last suicide was in the 60s. Now both have happened in the same week. Same day. It doesn't make sense. I have this feeling of foreboding. I woke up with it in the pit of my stomach, and I'm not sure what to do with that feeling now.

Jan. 17th, 2021




I knew them prisoners we found was gonna be trouble. Rick made a deal, half their food stash and we'd help them clear out a cell block. First thing, they broke ranks and surged at a pack of walkers. Somehow survived, next time one of 'em got bit. The leader, me and Rick already talked about keeping eyes on him, attacked the guy. Moving on, asshole tried to get Rick killed by shoving a walker at him.

He won't too happy to see Rick didn't get bit, and the two had a standoff. Rick...machete'd his head. One of the other prisoners took off, Rick went after him. Me and T-Dog stayed with the other two. Rick came back alone, and we took the two surviving prisoners to their new cell block.

Meanwhile, Glenn and the girls was trying to keep Hershel alive. He stopped breathing, Lori did CPR and he survived, woke up, ain't turned. So at least there's that. Ain't sure he's gonna be all right, but at least he ain't a walker.

I got a feeling life in the prison ain't gonna be sunshine and roses.

Jan. 2nd, 2021




Had another action packed dream. We ransacked a house, but there was walkers outside, so we couldn't stay. It's been like that for a while. We try to find a place to hole up but it's not long before we gotta move on. So Rick and me was out hunting and we saw a prison. Perfect place, right? With the fences and such.

We cleared the yard and spent the night there. And then we cleared out closer to the building and worked out way inside. Everyone claimed a cell in Block C, cause it was clear. I slept in the perch, ain't sleeping in no cage. Next day we were gonna clear out more, but we got surrounded, and Hershel got bit and we managed to hole up in the cafeteria. Rick cut Hershel's leg off since we know the bite infects, but it's the dying that causes a man to turn. So maybe we can save his life.

Ain't sure how he's gonna survive without one of his legs, but I reckon we'll deal with that if he survives at all. And then, shocker of all shockers, there were people in the cafeteria. Prisoners, probably. ZThey wasn't turned. So...that's interesting. But that was the end of the dream, that's when I woke up.

Dec. 26th, 2020




Looks like I'm going to have to get a license to drive a motorcycle. Nice of the dreams to gift me with the bike, and the vest to make me feel like a real biker. A half dozen handmade bolts for the crossbow were also in my room this morning, and a pair of shoe laces. Sounds odd, I know. but I use them in the dreams to tie the bottom of my pants so they're not flapping around and makes it harder for the walkers to grab hold of me or something. So it makes a lot of sense really. The part that doesn't make sense is how these things are real outside of the dreams.

Dec. 22nd, 2020




Well I know what I'll be needing to get through the day today - more coffee than is safe for anyone to have ever. I have an almost nonexistent relationship with my birth father but that doesn't mean I want him dead. Or that I want the knowledge from the dreams of watching him get killed by demons.

I'm not going to sleep any more tonight.

Nov. 22nd, 2020




There is absolutely no rhyme or reason as to when I get these dreams. I had a new one last night. Blessedly free or torture, for a change. Bellamy actually trusted me a little. Not much, but. Gotta start somewhere, right? I led them to the grounder camp, and one of the grounders was wearing Clarke's watch around his neck. I drew him away from the others, Bellamy knocked him out, and they dragged him to an underground shelter Finn knew about. They coerced information out of him, and then we went off in search of Clarke and the others from the drop ship who are missing.

I have a feeling the village the grounder sent us to isn't going to pan out. But I guess we'll see when I have another dream. Could be tonight, next week, next month. Sometimes thehy happen in clusters, sometimes there's weeks between new ones.

Nov. 19th, 2020




Last sale on all bake goods at Izzy's will end on Tuesday.

Pick ups order will happen on Wednesday!

Than Izzy's will be closing, won't be gone, just moving and merging, you'll see soon!

[Simon, Jace, Clary, and Jesus]

Jesus and Clary, if you would like to join us, Thanksgiving at three on Thursday.

I'm going to talk Alec and Magnus to come in for it, Mom and Max will be there as well.


Can we Christmas in New York this year?

Nov. 7th, 2020




There's a kid missing, and the cops are looking for him, and my dream self knows my best friend did it. I confronted him, he didn't even bother to deny it. Apparently he has a habit of killing privileged white boys. I don't even know.

Anyway, that was a fucked up dream. I'm going to go take my frustrations out on a punching bag.

Nov. 5th, 2020




These dreams are going to drive me to drink. The kid I tortured in the last one? Seemed like he slipped the cuffs and went on the run. Only he had help. Shane, the wild card in our group, took him out and killed him. Snapped his neck. And he turned. Without getting bit. I got no explanation for that. Shane led us on a wild goose chase to find the prisoner, knowing full well he was dead. Glenn and me, we were tracking the kid. When we found him, it didn't take long to figure it out. Shane was luring Rick out alone so he could kill him. We heard the gun shot, and that's when I woke up.

If Rick's dead, our group will fall apart. Hershel let us move into the farm house, but we're all doomed if Shane tries to take over.

Oct. 31st, 2020




Does anyone else know Jace Herondale or Isabelle Lightwood? Not only were neither of them at the Institute this morning, but Simon and I haven't been able to get a hold of them all day. Jace hasn't been to the gym and it looks like Izzy never opened the bakery. If this is an OC thing, it's really not funny.

Oct. 29th, 2020




I know it's a little last minute, but, if you don't already have plans for Halloween, we're doing a murder mystery show at The Cellar. Yours truly is starring as the seductive songstress and the food will be to die for. I hope to see at least some of you there, it's definitely going to be an epic evening.

Oct. 25th, 2020




I saw the most amusing thing earlier, while I was out. There was an SUV with a plastic skeleton attached to it's spare tire. I wish I could have taken a picture of it, but he was too far ahead of me to get a good one. I love when people get creative and decorate their cars for holidays. One time around Christmas I saw a car in a parking lot with lights on it. I wish I could have seen it when the lights were on.

Oct. 17th, 2020




Another dry spell is over. I had another dream last night. Picked up right where the last one left off. Apparently the others at the dropship managed to create fire and kill the grounders who were attacking them. Only Raven was left there, injured and unable to move. I'm the one who shot her.

The one asshole who was tasked with guarding me survived. And the dumbass took me to the dropship. Raven killed him. She tried to shoot me too, but she was out of ammo. I tried to help her, but then some others showed up, people from the Ark who came down and survived the landing. And Bellamy was with them. He tried to kill me, and got arrested and told he was no longer in charge here.

Dream me was really happy about that. They carried me and Raven back to their camp on stretchers. So, hey. At least I didn't get tortured this time. But I did get punched a few times. Thanks, Bellamy. And I lived another day. Hopefully Raven survived too, even though in the dreams she hates me. With good reason.

Sep. 23rd, 2020




Dreaming about being in prison. Well, that's fun.

Sep. 9th, 2020




It's definitely easier to tell a boss you don't like that you need to cut back on hours than one you do. Especially when it's your third job.


Izzy is on my case about having you over more when the world isn't coming to an end. You definitely made a good impression on the family. In case you had any doubts about that. Want to get me out of the doghouse with her and come over for dinner at the Institute again this weekend?

[Izzy and Simon]

I'm upping my training again. I registered for the upcoming competition season. Those paradooms made me realize how much I missed doing that.

Sep. 7th, 2020




Honestly, whenever I think my dreams can't possibly get any worse, they do. We decided that we're going to try and take out Negan and the Saviors on our own so we tried to recruit another community that we had recently found out about. We figured they would join us mostly because Negan had already terrorized them by killing all the men in their community, but their leader refused. We took their guns though, because Negan had taken most of ours. We promised to bring them back.

Then of course, when it came time to put our plan into action we were betrayed by another group we had recruited and Rick and his son were almost killed by Negan, but luckily, at the last minute Maggie and I and the rest of Hilltop as well as King Ezekiel and The Kingdom showed up and we helped run Negan and the Saviors out of Alexandria. Of course there were some casualties and our ultimate plan failed, but we survived. I just know that Negan is going to retaliate even harder now. And I still don't trust Gregory. He'll sell us out in second if it means saving himself.

I honestly don't see this fight ending for awhile. I can only pray that we don't lose anyone else either to Negan or the walkers. But what are the odds of that happening?

Aug. 31st, 2020




Wrapped up work on a movie this weekend. It's been awhile since I've been on a movie set and I've gotta say, it felt good. It especially felt good to be doing legit stunts again. I coordinated a couple fight scenes and jumped through a window a couple of times plus some slightly more dangerous stunts that they wouldn't let the lead actor do. I'm hoping to get some more stunt jobs soon. I like teaching at the gym, but stunt work is my passion.




FFS - these dreams, I swear.

It's just basically some vague-ish dreams about growing up. There's a very prominent moment when I give this girl, Katniss, that I have a crush on some bread. My mother smacked me for burning the bread and when I went outside to dispose of it I saw her out there and decided to throw the bread towards her instead of the pigs. I've heard rumors of how her family wasn't doing well after her father died and she looked on the edge of starvation.

Then more of a fast forward to being 16 and we're at the reaping ceremony for the next Hunger Games. And of course my name and her name are picked. Of course. I feel like I basically blacked out as I made my way to the stage for the cameras. I don't remember much except my mother telling me that she thought District 12 may finally have a victor and she didn't mean me.


Aug. 23rd, 2020




There really is nothing better than getting to take my motorcycle up and not have to worry about running into anything in the sky.


By the way - your friend Cath? I like her. Even if she did threaten me with a knife when we went by to make sure she was okay during the paradooms.

Jul. 22nd, 2020




Honestly, unless we get rid of Negan, things in my dreams are not going to get better. The Saviors showed up Blocked from Daryl Dixon ) and they took our doctor, leaving us with a crate of aspirin as a trade. Yeah, that doesn't really seem like the best trade to me. We're better off with our doctor.

After that we realize that Sasha and Rosita are missing, which can't be good at all. Even worse, I'm pretty sure Gregory has made some sort of deal with the Saviors. He basically threatened me when I accused him or deliberately trying to split up our groups to protect himself. I just hope that we're able to stop Negan before it's too late.

One interesting thing that I learned about my dream self in this recent dream was that dream me grew up in group homes, which is somewhat similar to my real life since I spent time in a few foster homes growing up.

Speaking of my real life, I've been working with the stunt team of a new tv show, which has been a lot of fun. I love teaching my classes at the gym, but it's stunts that I really love doing so this has been nice.




Weirdest thing. I didn't have another dream, at least not a new one. Rehashed some previous ones, I guess, I don't even know. it was weird. But when I woke up, there was a letter from a dream friend's father who in the dreams was like a father to me when I was younger, at least more than my own dad ever was. And there's a key too, and apparently the cabin is real, and it's here, or at least not far from here.

Jul. 14th, 2020




Still ain't haven't found the little girl, Sofia, in the dreams. Went looking for her in the middle of the night, in the woods. Found some poor sap who opted out, hanged himself. Wasted an arrow to put him out of his misery. Wasn't even anything worth scavenging in his camp.

By morning, we moved on, heading up to the farm where Rick was with Carl. I went out again, looking for Sofia. Found a farmhouse, looks like she might have been there. I took a Cherokee Rose back to her mother and tried to give her hope, but fact is I'm not sure how much more hope I've got. I ain't giving up on that girl, but it's been three days now. Her chances ain't looking so good.

Woke up feeling like road kill. So that's fun.

Jun. 20th, 2020




The CDC was a dead end. There was one guy left. He let us in, gave us food, a place to sleep, hot showers. And then he locked us in, and sentenced us to die. One of the guys went nuts, they think I'm a loose canon but he's out of his mind. Rick talked him down, and Rick got through to the doctor and he let us out with less than five minutes to spare. Turns out the glass at the CDC isn't entirely unbreakable. Rick had a grenade, and that was our way out. We ran, and then we watched the whole place blow sky high. It was pretty damn impressive from my dream perspective, and I guess we all lived to fight another day. I guess I'll see how that works out when I have another dream. I'm still holding out hope that my brother is out there.

Jun. 9th, 2020




I just want to know why now he wants an actual relationship that’s more than phone calls at Christmas and birthdays. And where the hell he gets off introducing himself to anyone as my dad. He’s not my dad. He lost that chance when he bailed on me and mom right after I was born leaving my aunt and uncle to help her out raising me while he was doing what the fuck ever in England and not giving two thoughts to his son and ex in New York. He’s not my DAD.

My DAD is Michael Wayland. The man who stepped up and married my mom and helped raise me. Who did everything he could to build a friendship with my aunt and uncle and to let me know that he wasn’t trying to replace ANYONE. Who actually started the thing of me calling Stephen at Christmas and his birthday. Don’t just show up in California out of nowhere claiming something you've never been. And sure as hell don’t show up at my job doing it.

[Family - includes Simon]
I know that punching him in the nuts next time I see him doing it will be a bad idea. I just can’t remember why exactly right now.

Chance you’d be up for sparring after classes are done for the night?

Jun. 7th, 2020




Had another zombie apocalypse dream last night. Didn't find my missing brother, but found proof he's alive.

And the crossbow I use in the dreams was propped up against the wall beside the bed when I woke up.

May. 15th, 2020




So. This is a network of Dreamers. Guess I'm one of you now.

Dreamed up the zombie apocalypse last night. Me and my brother (what?) were part of a group of survivors outside Atlanta (what the what?). I was tracking a deer, my brother went into the city with some of the others. He's a loud mouthed bigot, and he got left behind, handcuffed to a roof. The just left him there, and I? Didn't handle it well.

I didn't grow up with my brother, have had little to no contact with him my whole life. Never felt like brothers, really. He's from my father's first marriage. But in this dream, there was something more familial between us. As intense as the whole zombie apocalypse is, the fear I felt for my brother chained up on that roof was very real.

I'm really glad I have the restaurant grand opening this weekend to distract me.

May. 9th, 2020




Who has seen the video of the preying mantis eating the murder hornet? That might just be the craziest thing I've ever seen and I've seen people eaten by Walkers, in my dreams. I've always heard that female mantises eat the heads of the males after mating, but I've never actually seen anything like it before and someone posted that video on facebook and I couldn't look away as it devoured the hornet's head.

Apr. 29th, 2020




I was totally unprepared for the amount of sunscreen a person needs while living in this place. I will have to revamp my skin care regime.

Apr. 19th, 2020




After an 80hr bus trip and three changes I am vowing to learn to drive and never travel via greyhound again. Now I've been able to put my stuff in the closet, sleep and eat something that's not greyhound station food I'm feeling slightly more human.

What's up OC? I'm Christy.

Apr. 1st, 2020




So, not only is my boyfriend suddenly sixteen again, which is extremely weird, but when I got to the gym today, there was grass growing in my keyboard. I distinctly remember there being no grass when I left last night and my office is locked when Jace and I leave, so it's not as if anyone could have gotten in there.

I'm really not a fan of April Fool's Day around here.

Mar. 29th, 2020




Tonight, cuz I feel like it, the Nightcrawler is offering $1 beer off the tap.

Mar. 10th, 2020




Just heard someone outside scream, why is it always me? Why is it always fucking me? He did not seem happy in the least. I kind of wish I knew what he was yelling about cause I have so many questions. The first, of course, being why are you screaming outside in the middle of the night? I might not have been sleeping, but I'm sure there are other people around who are trying to sleep.

Mar. 1st, 2020




So, you never did tell me how the rest of that Uber trip went, spill.

Think we can get away for a couple days in the next few weeks, think I could do with a break from Orange County for a bit.

So, how's the PA job going?

New club opening tomorrow night. I have a plus one, you interested?

Feels like a while since we last hung out, we should remedy that - what you up to this weekend?

Thanks again for the other night, I definitely needed it and it was good just to forget.

Feb. 23rd, 2020




in the midst of recovering from my latest idiocy which happens to mean not doing more dumb shit.

looking for netflix recommendations so i don't pickle my liver instead.

Feb. 16th, 2020




Nothing like spending Valentine's Day weekend in Chicago.

Wasn't too cold and it did snow, which I do enjoy and miss from NYC. I have such a great husband. ;)

Feb. 15th, 2020




So the arrival of a piano now makes sense, seems it's the only thing that helps me deal with the crap in my dreams. You know being forced out of the closet, being attacked for it, and feeling pretty fucking worthless as a result.

The joys of being the President's kid where everything you say or do is under a microscope.

Got a few new interesting scars

Can I unsubscribe from these dreams?

Feb. 13th, 2020




I really wish my dreams didn't take months to happen. Especially not when in a lot of them we're in legit life or death situations. I hate not knowing what's happening to my friends in them. I finally found out what happened to one of our friends. Negan had taken him earlier and was keeping him captive so I went to try and infiltrate Negan's hideout, but I ended up getting there more or less exactly when Daryl was making his escape. So we went to Hilltop and not long afterwards Rick and the others showed up; they'd had a rather unfortunate visit from Negan at Alexandria and Rick wanted Hilltop's help to take him down, but of course Gregory said no. He's such a coward.

So then I decided it was time for Rick and the others to meet King Ezekiel. Yes, I said King. He calls his location The Kingdom and oh yeah, he's got a tiger. A legit tiger. I kind of forgot to tell Rick and the others about Shiva though and their reactions were pretty amusing. In the end Ezekiel didn't want to risk the deal he had with Negan and the Saviors, but he let Daryl stay at The Kingdom where it was less likely that Negan would find him. So things aren't looking that great, but we're trying to stay as optimistic as we can.

Now lets hope it doesn't take another six months for me to have another dream to find out what happens next.

Feb. 12th, 2020



I have concluded that late night television is in no shape or form a suitable companion for insomnia.

Highly frustrating.

Jan. 31st, 2020




Something I just noticed, when did they start calling them Big Game commercials instead of Super Bowl Commercials? Was there some reason they needed to change the name? I mean, everyone is still gonna call them Super Bowl commercials. So what was the point? This middle of the night question was brought to you by my inability to get to sleep tonight.

Jan. 22nd, 2020




Anyone else hear that Planters killed Mr. Peanut? I haven't seen the commercial yet, but I just saw the twitter post on it. The best part of it was other corporate twitters responses to it. I wonder what made them decide to kill off an iconic mascot like that.




Today is my first shift at the police station. My new partner is a bit of a grump, but I've dealt with worse. This is slower than back home, but could be cause I was in the speacil unit there.

Anyways, can anyone recommend a great place to get lunch at? Something quick and easy that's not fast food?