
Posts Tagged: 'christie+mccawley'

Jan. 30th, 2016




So National Chocolate Cake Day was on the 27th, and I only found out about it at the end of the day which was disappointing. Today, however, I fixed that and grabbed a couple of chocolate cupcakes from a bakery on my way home from work. Now it's time to relax with a glass of cold milk, my cupcakes and something to watch on Netflix. Anyone have any good recommendations? I tend to prefer romantic comedies, or just comedy in general.

Dec. 31st, 2015




Happy New Years Eve everyone! Be safe out there, drink responsibly, but most importantly I hope everyone has a fun one.

Nov. 30th, 2015




I really wasn't ready for break to be over with. At least it's not much longer now to a new semester, although I'm dreading finals already. I'm fairly confident that I'll be fine, but there's always that worry that I'll mess something up royally. Oh well, not much time to concern myself with it now, the only thing that I can do is study and hope that I'll be alright.

Oh even though it's over with I hope that everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving!




What's a better cure for a "Monday" than to go to the beach?

Gonna enjoy the sun, the waves, and the sand! Company is more than welcome.

Nov. 29th, 2015




Court reopens for business as usual on Monday. I thought I'd feel better about that. Right now? I feel as if I could use a holiday to recover from the holiday.

Oh well, such is the life of the working stiff.

Nov. 27th, 2015




Thanksgiving is a strange holiday for me because I wasn't born in this country yet I consider it my own now. I worked hard to become a citizen. I feel as if Thanksgiving is especially important to people like myself who aren't native to this world country since it gives us a chance to really look at what we've gained by coming here.

I've gained a chance to have a future doing what I love and met the woman of my dreams.

For me?

I couldn't imagine being anything other than thankful to be an American.

Oct. 27th, 2015




I survived New Age Weekend at Open Artist Market. It had its good points. I met a potential new business partner who I hope I impressed at least a little.

This weekend? I'm spinning for the Howloween Freakers' Ball. The party will be open to the public. As long as you're in costume? You're in. Party starts at 10 PM at [address]. Tell them Alak sent you and they'll half your cover charge.

Oct. 13th, 2015




Hello, everyone my name is Christie McCawley, and I'm new to this network but not to the area. Hopefully your Tuesday isn't that bad, or at least better than Monday. I'm hoping that mine is better, since it was one of those days when Murphy's Law reared its ugly head. It's okay, I'm trying to go at today with a positive attitude and if that doesn't help I'm going to curl up in bed once it's over with and watch puppy videos.

With that, I'll leave you one of my favorite puppy videos.