
Posts Tagged: 'claire+farron+%28lightning%29'

May. 12th, 2014




Wednesday at Eve is going to be a special event. Waving the cover charge, a couple new bands will be showcasing.

Ladies only, as always.


You're invited. Special guest.

May. 11th, 2014




I can appreciate my sister for trying to cook today. Since it's what our mother used to do. But she's not very good at it. Her heart is in the right place. I still had to save the kitchen from disaster.

There are things I can't always talk to her about (and things she can't always talk to me about) but most of the people I'd talk to have left. I need to get out more, I think.

May. 9th, 2014




Has anyone else dreamed of magic?

And then...done something while awake?

May. 6th, 2014




Just wanted to let people know, if you've got PTSD, either from being in the military or from something else, go ahead and drop me a line. I'm willing to listen, and believe me I'm not going to judge.

May. 5th, 2014




In the grand scheme of things, draining that tequila last night wasn't one of my brightest ideas.

Apr. 20th, 2014




So what've you lot been up to since I've been gone?

Apr. 13th, 2014




I already miss my sister being younger than me.




I just realized now I've been here just around two months. It seems much shorter than that. Now that everyone at the shop's settled in, I think it's time to have a somewhat belated opening party. Tentatively, I'm setting it for the first weekend in May. If anyone out there has a venue they'd like to offer up, or if someone would like to cater or provide music, it would be most appreciated. Beyond that, everyone is invited (details will be updated on the shop's website) with a donation.

On that same note, to thank Orange County for all the business we've gotten already in the last eight weeks, on April 27, we'll be doing tattoos by donation. We'll have a set sheet of flash, and you can get any one of them in any size and color, anywhere, and pay whatever you'd like. We haven't decided yet on what charities to put the money to, preferably something local, so if anyone has recommendations please let me know.

Apr. 8th, 2014



Because my foster daughter keeps pushing me to get on. Here I am. I know she's been making a few friends around here since the move from New Orleans.

Happy, Davina?

Apr. 7th, 2014




I just came home to find my front window broken. First the letters and now this. Someone is really obsessed with Zevran and really doesn't like us being together and it's really starting to scare me, because it's even more obvious that this person knows where I live.

Apr. 6th, 2014




I am not mentally ill. I am not mentally ill.

Apr. 2nd, 2014




April Fool's Day in an elementary school is an adventure....

Mar. 22nd, 2014




So that's a hangover.





I think I may have joined the dreamer club. They're not...pleasant.

Mar. 19th, 2014




Remind me again why I agree to do charity events for my old job? Oh. Right. They like pulling us retired veterans out of our happy retirement, shove us in our old uniforms and parade us around to get money. sigh.

That's not to say I don't like my old dress uniform. I do, I love it. But man, charity events are exhausting.

Which is probably why the OC threw a new Dream at me. This is utterly fascinating, truly.

I think I might actually be more useful to you than previously thought. And I know I was damn useful.




Well. Never expected to see a priest's suit show up in my closet of all places.

Mar. 14th, 2014



[ locked from Serah ]

I can't sleep at night and when I do, I dream about strange places and my mother or people dying all around me--

Physical therapy. I thought I'd hate it but it's exactly what I needed. We work until I bleed and then we take a break, it's nice to have a therapist who pushes me that hard and isn't a pussy about it. At this rate I could have been back in the field by the summer, at least. All my friends are in the sandbox without me. They better not be getting themselves into trouble.

My sister's birthday is coming up. I think it's the first we've celebrated while I've actually been home. I don't know what to do about it. She seems a little old for slumber parties. Which is good, because I don't think I could handle a gaggle of girls in my house. Still... I should do something. We're a family again. I guess I'm open to ideas.

Mar. 5th, 2014




Dear fellow military and ex-military personnel,

Pretty sure we can manage to get laid without needing these.. I promise, regular ones are fine.




Working around all this ice makes me think of going somewhere warm. Where would be the best place? Maui? Jamaica? The Sahara Desert? Not that I've ever been anywhere warm, save for the beach here during the summer. And with that recent volcano it made the weather a little warmer than usual, although not as pleasant as a sandy beach. Still, everything seemed to work out alright yeah?

Mar. 2nd, 2014




Wow that was a really vivid dream! Claire and I were living in this big...well it's kind of a closed off world called Cocoon. Like we're inside a big egg or something floating in the sky.

And everyone called Claire Lightning because she hates her name so that wasn't too different.

Mar. 1st, 2014




Sisters can be so stubborn, sometimes!




What kinda fool builds a fuckin' flyin' city. Hallelujah my pasty white ass.

Feb. 26th, 2014




I started playing with my imagination and then things got really intense.

Feb. 24th, 2014




That was a hell of an earthquake yesterday. I guess that's something I'll have to get used to now that I'm living in California.

At least the ash is gone. The hospital seems to be returning to normal.

Feb. 22nd, 2014




Stuck inside. Again. Someone should play twenty questions with me.

Feb. 21st, 2014




They locked the hospital down and this actually got kind of suddenly scary.




I've collected several of each type of these creatures for my partner to study. I'm sure he'll be delighted to dissect them. Messy organic things aren't really my forte.

Now the ones I've collected for the test chambers are being highly entertaining. They can't even figure out the button to advance to the next chamber

Feb. 20th, 2014




Really weird dreams And wtf with the costume, and then it's Volcano Doomsday. Can we get a do-over?


You okay over there?


Stay safe.


Might want to call in tonight.

Feb. 19th, 2014




I finally get to do the TA thing. The teacher is really nice. Her name is Miss Poppins, and she's sweet and very proper, which is kind of cute. One time I caught some of the kids making fun of her behind her back and I scolded them. I think they might be scared of me.


In other news my sister is back! Which will be really nice. You can only be alone for so long, you know? It gets depressing being alone, but you pick yourself up and you push yourself forward and you look to the joys you can find. But it's really nice to have her back, so we can be a family again.

I might have rambled there, I'm Serah, hi!




You'd think getting shot once wouldn't be enough for the army, but apparently I've bled enough for my country. Recovery would be too long, they said. Three to six months, maybe more. I'll do it in one. Those military doctors just don't know who they're dealing with.

But I'm stuck here, I might as well do whatever it is everyone else does when they aren't patrolling in the desert. The nurse signed me up here. I have no idea what I'm doing.

Hello, strangers on the internet. I'm Lightning. I'd say it was nice to meet you but the jury's still out on that one.