
Posts Tagged: 'joan+watson'

Dec. 15th, 2017




For the last two years I haven't been able to even go for a jog and suddenly I get up this morning feeling like I could run a marathon. Nice. Good timing, body. Now we can finally go on that 6 mile run away from all of our problems.

Nov. 30th, 2017




Hello! I'm Pyrrha and I'm new in town. You might have seen my face or body on billboards and tv ads.

I'm an athlete and I'll be training here for the foreseeable future. Where's the best place to run?

Nov. 9th, 2017




I should know better than to work in a public space, even if my kitchen is getting a little too crowded and familiar.

People tend to be nosy though, and getting shunned in a library because they keep looking at the crime scene photos on my laptop is a little rude.

Oct. 31st, 2017




The moon exploding is usually kind of a bad thing, right?

Oct. 25th, 2017




It's not every day that I get hired by the same couple, each to find out if the other is cheating on them.

Probably a total cliche, and I tend not to take these kinds of jobs for this reason, but it's highly amusing that they're both so concerned they'll hire a private investigator rather than just talk to one another.

The things people will do.

Oct. 24th, 2017




Hey guys... my birthday's right around the corner!! WOOOO

Sep. 28th, 2017




sooooo if this week was totally not already awful because someone shot me, i would probably make more of a funny out of everything that was happening. only like shit is trying to seriously fuck with me.

protip: do not get shot. it hurts.

pro-protip: learn magical healing while you can. benefits are great.

Sep. 14th, 2017




It's hard enough dreaming of relationships with people. These intricate and complex relationships where the feelings just ... creep in.

And then watching them die because of something you did, someone you crossed. I've never wanted to internet stalk someone this much before.

Aug. 27th, 2017




For the next week, all money from sales of my albums will go to hurricane relief.

It's easy to fight a demon. It is much harder to fight a storm.

Aug. 18th, 2017




Apparently, Stark Tower is hosting an eclipse viewing party on Monday morning. I've just been told to invite my closest friends.

Done and done. Come by and have a mimosa, enjoy the view.

Jul. 29th, 2017




Apparently in order to find the otter, we have to go visit this guy Manchas, who was driving the car when Emmett Otterton went crazy. He lives in the Rainforest District and is a Jaguar. I don't ask too many questions about these things. I just go with it.

So we go to talk to him and the otter fucked his face up pretty bad. Or at least his right eye. I don't know what kind of shit an otter's got to go through to do that, but it had to be something serious. The best part of this story? Well, I convinced him to let us in so we could talk to him about the "Night Howlers" whatever those are. So he goes to let us in and then suddenly he goes just about as crazy as the otter must have gone, because he's trying to kill us. Basically, we're about two seconds from being dead if we don't think of something, so what do we do? Actually manage to think of something. Go team or whatever. This involves a lot of running and a lot of rain and trees. We almost escaped when Carrots nearly fell to her death. I think I actually care. Ugh. That's annoying So I distract the dangerous jaguar while she gets up and then cuffs him to a post. Once that's happened, we go to escape, only to have me nearly die and Carrots saved me...even if she did eventually get us both trapped in vines by the end of it.

Then the police, show up. Obviously. Supposed to be a good thing. Only of course it's not. The Chief's an asshole, which is no surprise. She tries to explain what happened and he doesn't believe her. So he demands her badge because you can't believe a fox. Surprise surprise, folks. Not a trustworthy witness. So naturally I told the guy to fuck off and reminded the Chief that we still had ten hours to find the missing otter. Seriously, fuck that guy and the rest of them. And this is the shit I face, only the shit I faced was 'you can't trust a criminal' more than 'you can't trust a fox'

Jul. 25th, 2017




I had the strangest dream last night. I was a child, but I could make ice and snow. Anna and I would play together. It could be the hottest summer and it didn't matter, we could always go sledding.

Jul. 21st, 2017




You know what I've never stopped and thought? 'I need a nemesis.'

Thought never crossed my mind, not once. And yet... I suppose when in the business of ruining career criminals plans, these things will happen. At least I didn't sleep with her.

Jun. 24th, 2017




A rather substantial question, when considering theories on multiple worlds, is the question 'can signals be exchanged between worlds?' In some theories, no. Some even go so far as to say that alternate worlds are so far away that information signals cannot be exchanged between any two worlds. Individuals are bound to the 'parent' world and even though we have copies of ourselves in other worlds they are only counterparts of the individuals in whichever the parent world is. Though that begs the question, which is the parent world?

I think we all know that interaction, however, is possible. The dreams we experience are genuine pieces of knowledge about other worlds - we can safely say we know what our dream selves are thinking, correct? It's something I've been considering more and more as I attempt to couch my current research within previous findings. I'm always curious about how dreams play out for others as well, so if you have particular insights when it comes to interpreting the thoughts/actions of your other self, please, do share!

In other news, who knew you could send a Nutella bouquet to a friend or loved one? Whatever world we do live in, it is incredibly strange and fascinating.

May. 29th, 2017




I'm of the belief that the dreams are attempting to punish me. Or at least in the dreams the universe at large is attempting to punish me by trapping me in the rain with Hal. I believe that I detest the rainy season and its habit of making cliche 'trapped in the rain with the person you have feelings for' situations. Honestly, it's hardly original. And yet, I get to live through it anyway.

I wish I could say that I hadn't acted out similar situations outside of my dreams in films I've been in. I'm sure I will do it again sometime. I almost think being stuck with my nephews and niece would be less trying to me at this moment.

Apr. 24th, 2017




It seems that my brother's wife is as delightful in my dreams as she is outside of them. Which is to say not at all. Of course, ruining the table by cracking it in half was perhaps not the right way to handle the situation, but my emotions got the better of me. Luckily, my brother was understanding and I offered to buy him a new table.

Apr. 9th, 2017




I have roosters.

I have the plague and I have roosters.

This is not what I was expecting. Why can't I get Angus? Or the locks? I will even take the murder mystery doll house. Why do I keep getting all the animals Sherlock has ever had the notion to run across. If I get his bees, I'm selling them.

Mar. 13th, 2017




The house feels pretty empty.

Feb. 15th, 2017




Of all the things to wake up to Clyde was not what I was expecting. And as much as I'm sure he appreciates his little shell cover, I would've appreciated his vivarium.

I think my vegetable grocery bills just went up. But at least it's a little company.

Nov. 28th, 2016




Between Black Friday and Cyber Monday, I am done shopping for Christmas. This has never happened to me before. Usually, I'm still trying to buy up until Christmas Eve. I'm sure all this free time will give me plenty of time to reflect on the dreams I've been having.

The most recent dreams I've had are really intriguing. One dealt with rituals that has peeked my interest to learn more about it. Plus my first ex-wife made an appearance too, which I had not been expecting. Then another dream started with a supposed death twenty years prior to the death that happened in the present. Turns out that the woman everyone thought was dead, was still alive. And the best part of my dreams had to be seeing my little girl looking all grown up and going to prom (though I'm not at all ready for her to be a grown up and not needing me).

Oct. 31st, 2016




So I'll admit I'm a little curious.

Does anyone else have dreams that very closely mirror their actual life?

Aug. 26th, 2016




When your professional life takes a very sharp left turn, and you just have to knuckle in and get on with it.

Strangely, this stuff never seemed to happen in New York. At least I'm getting used to the strange looks at bookstores and libraries.

Aug. 24th, 2016




I... I think I watched ten hours of Netflix today. I can't tell if I'm proud of myself, or a little embarrassed and ashamed. Either way, I think my butt's asleep.

Jul. 25th, 2016




Who's all seen the new Ghostbusters film? Is it worth it? Date night on Friday, have to decide where we should go.

[Private: Bubbles]
That is, assuming you want to go to a movie with me this weekend.

Jun. 7th, 2016




Okay, there's only so long I can spend in a hotel before I feel silly.

Are there any places around here that do short-term leasing? I'm really not looking to go through Craigslist and wade through the crazy people, but I can't stand living out of a suitcase for much longer.

Jun. 19th, 2014




So that's official, I've given up on dating.

In any case, I helped to capture a serial killer in my dreams. It was kind of surreal. Me helping on a case. But then Sherlock went and got himself kidnapped by some other deranged psycho. We seem to run into a lot of them, but I guess that's because we're helping the police.

It's actually kind of fun? I know this sounds kind of awful, but it's more exciting than being a doctor. Dream me seems to be waffling between three jobs. I don't think I envy her.




Pardon the interruption, but I am trying to locate a woman on here by the name of Joan.

Jun. 16th, 2014




This is where I'm supposed to help find a date for my excellent friend, Sharon. Except it looks like she's found a date.

Regardless, Sharon is a wonderful woman. She's got a lot of things to give to someone. And she's hot. She's a lot of fun to be around. She's got a sense of humor, and she's not shy. Really she's kind of perfect. Makes me wish I was kind of gay.

This is her:

May. 27th, 2014




Strike one.

Don't sign up for internet dating if you're married and looking for something on the side. It's gross.

May. 18th, 2014




I'm starting to think that most of my time as a sober companion is going to be solving murders.

I feel like Angela Landsbury. How awesome is that?

Also I have an online date. I mean I signed up for one of those online things and now I have a date. I have no idea how this is going to go. Wish me luck.

May. 14th, 2014




What kind of stupid name is Sherlock Holmes?

I had a dream I was his sober companion. And not a doctor. He solves crimes.


May. 9th, 2014




I've had a bit of a day. Well, a bit of a week, really. I think I could use a drink this weekend.

With friends, I mean. I'm not trying to fish for dates of anything, really. Just friends and that. Which must sound sort of awkward, now that I think about it. Really, this is why I stay away from this sort of thing, but there it is.

May. 3rd, 2014




Hi, Valarnet! For you new people, I thought I should introduce myself. I'm Penelope Garcia (you can call me either name, I'll respond to either!) and I'm your resident tech goddess.

Also, I blatantly ship all of you. Whether you want me to or not. Sorry, not sorry.

SO. I'mma play lonely hearts here and help all you singles find people who're ready to mingle! Single folks, reply down here, and we'll get you mashed the hell up. It'll be scandalous fun!

Seriously, scandalous fun. )

Or send me cat gifs.

I'm bored waiting for my boyfriend to get off of work. :(

May. 1st, 2014




Did you hear George Clooney is engaged? There go my chances.

Apr. 29th, 2014




Does anyone have any plans for next weekend? I apparently need to make friends and do things. Because I don't have any. According to my mother and brother, anyway. I'm 45 and they rule my life. It's not fair.

Apr. 22nd, 2014




It is going to be a very long week.

I'd had a very nice couple of days off. Then it all went to crap.

At least baseball is on. Anyone else watch baseball? Or am I the only weird one?

Apr. 16th, 2014




So, it seems like the majority of my friends are married, getting married or in serious relationships and I'm over here, single again and bored. I propose going out to party Friday night. I'm thinking we start at a strip club. Male or female, doesn't matter to me. I don't have to work Saturday, so I can stay out all night too. Who's in?

Apr. 12th, 2014




I almost forgot what having a night off felt like. I've just been kind of sitting here and watching tv.

I clearly need to get out more. Use my night off properly.

Anyone want to do something? Warning, I have no idea what.

Apr. 2nd, 2014




I guess I should introduce myself. My name is Joan Watson. I work as a surgeon at St. Joseph's. I like baseball and good beer.

I hear there's some odd things going on about dreams? I've noticed a lot of weird things about Orange County, but I think that's just always been that way. I'm kind of sad I'm not a kid. It would be nice to be taken care of and not pay bills for a while.