
Posts Tagged: 'rory+williams'

May. 12th, 2015




I'm going to need some extra coffee today.

May. 9th, 2015




I've been asking myself recently why I decided to teach teenagers. Especially after yesterday. I would prefer if they waited until after class to have enthusiastic conversations about prom.

Apr. 28th, 2015




I really wish Amy was having these dreams too so that I could talk to her about them. It's one thing to talk to others about them, but Amy would be having the same ones as me. It'd be interesting to know what she thinks of them, but since she's not dreaming, I don't know what she'd think if I started talking about a man in a blue police box and aliens. I think the strangest part about this whole thing is, in the dreams she was the one who told me about The Doctor. Now she has no idea who he is.

Does anyone else know people who are in your dreams, but aren't dreaming?

Apr. 27th, 2015




Tried to not sleep last night. That didn't really work. Felt like I was on Earth 150 years from now. It wasn't a wasteland like everyone on the space station thought. But it was still deadly. Acid fog, friends being used as bait.

The fog got someone. We had to...

I had to put him down.

Apr. 24th, 2015




It's a bit odd, isn't it? Seeing things you really never truly understood from a completely different light and then suddenly you understand them; what's more, to know that the more you hear about what is and isn't, and then to know that what is and isn't, you find that what isn't is, and vice versa, and it's really quite thrilling.

Regardless, I've just finished a bowl of custard, been craving it, but it's missing a bit of something. Not sure, I'll work on that; in the mean time, anyone catch the meteor shower? No, probably not, no one knew it happened really. Kind of sneaks by you a bit, but they're not even meteors, just tourists really.

Also, bread pudding. I need some bread pudding, anyone make it, and anyone who makes it well?

Apr. 12th, 2015




And after a week, I finally replaced my mobile, so sorry to anyone that might have tried to reach me that way.

Glad it seems people are back to themselves. Glad to be me in time for This is so awkward after

Apr. 6th, 2015




The human brain is actually quite brilliant. In the face of trauma or torture, it can create an elaborate delusion that life is normal and block out what has happened, and the person has no idea. Except there are signs that eventually start showing up to make you wake up and remember.

So that begs the question.

What's to say that all of this, the lives we feel we've lived, Orange County, all of this is real? What if it's the actual dream, and the dreams we keep having are our subconscious trying to make us wake up?

Apr. 4th, 2015




This was clearly an active week in the dream world. And it seems some family members of mine have found their way in.

The ninth Doctor who happened to look like a nephew of mine. The tenth who looked like another nephew of mine. Oh and, you guessed it, the eleventh who looked like yet another nephew of mine. It was all rather awkward seeing them as this Doctor fellow.

I can sympathize where the ninth's anger came from. Sometimes I thought the tenth was a bit overdramatic. And he did wear sandshoes. The eleventh couldn't quite catch a break there for a while.

So. These dreams can take a break now. Why does Clara keep dyi No not discuss

Mar. 31st, 2015




You know what tastes really good after feeling under the weather for a few days? Soup and bagels. That's on the menu today, and don't worry, I got checked out and I'm healthy, just had a cold for a day or two. Totally skipped working.

I'm still grateful for the other night, by the by

Mar. 28th, 2015




I really don't understand wearing your trousers so low that your pants hang out. I know where it supposedly originated from, but how did it become a thing outside of that? I saw two guys today at Starbucks, one whose jeans were practically around his knees. How is that even remotely comfortable? I just don't understand.

Mar. 10th, 2015




And my sister shoved a cupcake in my face.

Feb. 25th, 2015




I really do love how honest the kids in my class are at times. Just to find out what they'd say I asked them all what they liked most about school and for the most part I got the answers I was expecting - recess, story time, art, the fun parts of the day. I wasn't expecting one of them to say nap time and I most definitely wasn't expecting the reason they gave "Because my little sister isn't here screaming and waking me up!"

Feb. 23rd, 2015




Well, looks like the dreams have gone from the mundane to a bit more adventure-y. First some orangisation that was uploading peoples' consciousness or something onto some sort of data cloud. Very creepy. And then the next one which involved going to a ring system of Ahkaten for the Festival of Offerings and ending up saving it and the people because it was actually a parasite and not an old god that wanted to eat the soul of a little girl.

Feb. 16th, 2015




Pillow fights. PILLOW fights. Apparently a girl couldn't finish her homework over the weekend because she got into a 'pillow' fight with her boyfriend and managed to twist her arm during it. I didn't even think it was possible, first I thought the myths of girls and pillow fighting was just that, a myth; what's more, isn't that the purpose of fighting with pillows? So one doesn't get hurt?

Apparently it began over an argument over something about who was better. Kirk or Picard, which, I was informed meant Star Trek or something like that. It's a crying shame, and it was such an absurd story I had to assume it was true and gave the girl an extension.

It's absurd is it not? I'm not being an old fuddy duddy am I?


Anyway, just found a place that sells Jammie Dodgers. Wonderful place, bought their entire stock. I've eaten a full box since Valentine's Day.

Feb. 12th, 2015




It figures, Amy leaves for New York and I have dreams about her. Well, a dream that she was featured in. it was an extremely weird dream too. We were living in Leadworth and I was a nurse and I started seeing some of our coma patients out and about. I even took pictures of them on my phone to show the head doctor. Then there was this eccentric man, who called himself The Doctor and Amy seemed quite taken with him, with I was rather jealous over. It turned out there was an alien, yes an alien, which was disguising itself as the coma patients so that another alien couldn't find it.

I was pretty sure that this was brought on by Amy being away and the take away I had last night before bed, but then I found a pair of scrubs, folded on top of the dresser. And the cell phone. My cell phone from the dream that I took the pictures on. Now I'm convinced that I've gone mad.

Jan. 31st, 2015




Hello, California! My name is Harold Saxon, and I’m rather new to the area. A co-worker of mine told me about this network, and it seemed like a grand idea to post a little greeting to you all.

I’ve just moved in to a wonderfully cramped little flat in Anaheim, although I’m working out at CalTech.

If any of you happen to be making the trek out there too as students, you’ll probably run into me at some point or another. I’m teaching European History I, and will be offering my services as advisor to anyone in the humanities programs.

If you haven’t signed up yet and are thinking about it, just be warned that I require a great deal of reading, the majority of it being primary sources. Nothing quite like learning about history in the most immersive way possible, don’t you think?

Jan. 25th, 2015




My vacuum broke, and now I'm fixing the belt... I had to hunt down the proper size, understand how their sizing worked, and numbers, and now am trying to install said belt. I have snapped my fingers three times, smashed them once, and managed to cause the belt to spring up and hit me in the eye just now. I've added tea to my arsenal, and it's managed to calm me, myself, but unfortunately I've also not actually tried re-installing it since bringing out the tea. So I don't know if that really counts as helping.

Jan. 18th, 2015




Does anyone know how hard it is to live out of boxes? I need to find time to unpack the rest of those boxes. And yet I'm finding time to look around this place.

Thought I would listen to my friend and check this thing out. Hello, I'm Amy.

Jun. 19th, 2014




It's always a little strange at the end of the school year when I realize that I don't need to wake up early in the morning for a couple of weeks. I can stay up if I want to, but then I find that I get bored pretty quickly. I think I need to get out and do something this summer. I've been here for about four years now and there are still a lot of things I haven't seen. A lot of things I haven't done.

So, because of that, I'd like recommendations to places and things I should go to and see and I'll tell you if I've done it yet.

May. 29th, 2014




Today I actually had to consider what shoes would go best with my skirt that Elena made me put on for work. Luckily, she actually owns a few pairs of flats. My students have decided that 'Mrs. Black' is kind of a bitch, but knows her stuff.

This is so wrong.

May. 27th, 2014




Strike one.

Don't sign up for internet dating if you're married and looking for something on the side. It's gross.

May. 26th, 2014




I was late to work because the fucktards at the coffee shop kept getting my order wrong. I was so irritated I was extra perfectionist and poor Chandra kept missing one step on her routine and I made her keep at it until she got it right. I might have made her cry

But she got it right so I got her lunch.

May. 25th, 2014




The ranch is currently in a state of controlled chaos as we transition over. It's not too bad, Wrex and Shepard ran this place so well my job is going to be pretty easy.

May. 23rd, 2014




These are extremely creepy. I can't decide which is the creepiest, but I might have to sleep with the light on tonight now.




Well apparently I'm now a dreamer too. The first few I've had are not pretty at all. I'm not sure if I want anymore, not that I'd be able to stop them.

May. 19th, 2014




I don't understand that new reality/dating/whatever show, I Wanna Marry Harry. These woman don't realize that isn't actually Prince Harry? Has anyone else seen the commercials for this show? I just don't get it.

May. 6th, 2014




I hadn't realized that today was National Nurses Day too. It's also National Teachers Day, which is ironic, because in real life, I'm a teacher, but in the dreams I'm a nurse. Both professions appreciated on the same day. I got some baked goods and cards from my students today, which was nice, but I don't do this job for that reason. I teach, because I want to help kids, but it's a nice perk.

Apr. 30th, 2014




I was sad to hear about Bob Hoskins this morning. Who Framed Roger Rabbit has always been one of my favorite movies. It was one of the movies I used to watch over and over again when I was younger. Even now, I could put it on and know almost all the lines. In fact, I think I may watch it this weekend.


ugh I have the worst summer's cold.
and my period.

please kill me. or send cake and cough drops.

Apr. 29th, 2014




Does anyone have any plans for next weekend? I apparently need to make friends and do things. Because I don't have any. According to my mother and brother, anyway. I'm 45 and they rule my life. It's not fair.

Apr. 27th, 2014




Come to Baxter Bakery for sandwiches this week! We just purchased a third panini press, and can make more sandwiches than ever! Half-price sandwiches if you order a Sparkling Latte. Just mention Valarnet for special pricing on sandwiches, cookies and espresso drinks!

We'll be doing a school supplies drive all summer. Bring in unused school supplies to donate, and Baxter Bakery will be putting together backpacks filled with supplies for Foster Kids in our area. Ask for Audrey if you need a donations accepted list, or other details!




So much happened in my dream last night. I had died then wound up a Roman Centurion, but Amy didn't remember me because I had been wiped from existence when I died. Amy eventually remembered me as I was forgetting myself, because I wasn't really myself, but plastic or something like that. I had a gun in my hand and accidently shot Amy. The Doctor appeared from the future and gave me a set of instructions. I found our Doctor and we put Amy in the Pandorica, which would revive her, but it took two thousand years. Because I technically wasn't alive, I stood watch. Amy came out of it in the nineties, in a museum and The Doctor and I saved her from a Dalek. Her and her younger self, because the Pandorica needed her DNA blueprint. The TARDIS was exploding and the only way to save the world was for The Doctor to fly the Pandorica straight into the explosion. I didn't really understand it in the dreams and still don't understand it now. Time went by as normal after that. Amy and I got married, but we forgot The Doctor. We forgot him until our wedding when Amy remembered, which triggered my memory I guess and he came back. Of course we left with him after that. How could we not?

The best part, aside from having Amy back was when I punched The Doctor. I guess he was making sure I was really myself and saying that we needed to leave Amy after I'd shot her and me punching him proved I was really myself.

I also woke up to two items from the dreams. My centurion outfit as well as the top hat I wore at our wedding. I suppose they're better than the cell phone I got before, but I'm not entirely sure what I'm going to do with them.




This cartoon illustrates why I carry a parasol everywhere. Not that I'm a sexist ginger bloke, but nevertheless. The struggle for we pale folk is real.




My father's broomstick showed up in my bedroom. I wonder if it flies.

Apr. 26th, 2014




Dude. Easter might be over but check these out! They just put these babies out. Look at the flavors! Didn't know Peeps came like this.

Cut for image of crazy Peeps flavors )

Apr. 10th, 2014




I'm normally pretty okay with the seasons and trees and stuff, but let me first to say: SPRING SUCKS. No, seriously, I just sneezed so hard I popped my back and I have a headache and my nose is stuffy and runny at the same time how is that possible just leave me here to die.

Go on without me, guys.

Mar. 23rd, 2014




After those 'dreams' I'm more tired than before I actually slept. Officially very ready for my vacation time.

Mar. 8th, 2014




Well, I do believe I'm apart of this special dream club. I had a dream last night that, when I woke up, made me feel like I had just stepped out of another life. It had felt so real. But it was the most peculiar dream. I was just sitting on top of a cloud, as if I hadn't a care in the world! How does one sit upon a cloud? Laws of physics tells me it's impossible, yet upon waking, it seemed only natural that one would sit upon a dense matter of liquid. That was all I dreamed about, fairly short. Powdering my nose. And I felt like I was waiting for something. There was something in the wind, but I woke up before that sense of knowing turned into fact.

Feb. 28th, 2014




Oops, I'm sorry this is a bit late! But better late than never, right?

So, if you missed me mentioning it a few days ago, my sisters and I are hosting a clean up at [beach tomorrow at 2pm. Just as a way to get all the weirdness off everyone's mind and have some fun!

Well, the fun bit is more that afterwards, we'll be having a bonfire at our private beach afterwards, at sundown. There'll be hot cocoa, delicious food and things, etc etc. Even if you can't make it to the clean up, you're more than welcome to come to the bonfire! (I'll private message you the address.)

I hope to see lots of you there!

Feb. 22nd, 2014




Just when you think things can't get worse, you have a dream.

There is nothing more frightening than a child with a gas mask on, walking around and asking 'Are you my mummy?'

Filtered to John )

Filtered to Jack )

Filtered to Martha & Mickey )

Feb. 17th, 2014




I have been fortunate enough to find a nice job at a local elementary school here in Anaheim. I'm currently teaching 5th grade and while most of my students are wonderful, I cannot believe the behavior some of them show! I've been a nanny in the past and have never allowed any of my charges, regardless of their age, to utter a word of vulgarity! I can only imagine these children pick it up from home or their schoolmates, but why must they be taught these words at such a young age?

And don't even get me started on their use of technology. Is it really necessary for a ten year old to have an iPhone that they try and sneak texts during class? Who are they texting??

Feb. 11th, 2014




My students are all excited for Friday, because we're having a little Valentine's Day party at the end of the day. I like to set aside the last half hour to have little parties and the kids are looking forward to passing out valentines and candy. I know a lot of schools and classrooms don't do things like this anymore and that's a little sad. I say, let the kids have a little fun. They also get an early dismissal on Friday and no school on Monday. I say they have it pretty good.

Jan. 13th, 2014




To think, The Jetsons was set only 48 years from now. And Back to the Future II was only set in 2015. Part of me wonders where the flying cars are at, but then, I still remember life before the internet, so...wow.

Jan. 11th, 2014




Now if I thought the first dream I had was crazy, these recent ones were even more so.

So, Amy tried to kiss The Doctor the night before we were supposed to get married. The Doctor took us to Venice in 1580. I wasn't the least bit surprised that the TARDIS was bigger on the inside, which annoyed The Doctor. We all almost got killed by what we thought were vampires, but were really aliens. I yelled at The Doctor when I thought Amy was in danger and we eventually defeated the aliens. The Doctor was going to drop us off at the Leadworth Registry Office so we could get married, but Amy was reluctant about it so I just told them to drop me off where they found me, but instead Amy asked The Doctor to let me come with them and he agreed.

Dream me was right about one thing; there is something about The Doctor that causes his companions to want to put themselves in danger, which Amy proved, and I don't understand what it is.

Jan. 8th, 2014




It's only been about three days, but I can already say that having a student teacher is kind of nice. I've never had one before and I wasn't sure how it'd work, but my students already love Valerie Ms. Frizzle. I've heard some horror stories about student teachers so I'm glad I got one that's 100% committed to what she's doing.

Jan. 3rd, 2014




I accidentally made a third place setting at our table on Christmas. John and I were having a nice meal--he cooked, I watched--and I found myself putting three plates out. Without even thinking about it, and accidentally. I didn't understand why.

Then I dreamed last night. In my dreams, living with my dream-husband, I made a place at our dinner table for The Doctor on every special occasion. I suppose I'll always be the girl who waited, both here and there, whether I'm conscious of it or not.

There are certainly worse things to be in this world.

Dec. 31st, 2013



I just want to say that Cybermen are some of the creepiest things I've ever seen. Yes, the dreams are back, annoyingly. I stayed over in the parallel universe fighting Cybermen until they decided to break through into the current world. I will say that Torchwood Institute is a nice place to visit, but apparently they don't do strong background checks if I managed to sneak in among them. And fighting the Cybermen has really changed me and made me more of a BAMF than I was before in these dreams.

Unfortunately even that kind of training doesn't prepare you for when the Daleks decide to come out of the void. Cybermen vs Daleks was one of the more entertaining things I've seen since they both think they're the dominant species. But luckily with the combined smarts of everyone, especially The Doctor, we manage to save this world but Rose/Jackie/and I have to stay in the parallel universe in order for it to happen. A depressing end to a victory.

I'm truly sorry about you and Rose.

Dec. 22nd, 2013




This picture. I don't even know what to think of it. It's me and Amy from my dream, although you can only see the side of her face and there's a baby and I'm kissing her head. If it weren't for the dream I had last week I'd think this whole thing was mad. Actually, I still think this is mad. I'm not entirely sure what to do with this.

Dec. 14th, 2013




Fairly certain I had one of those dreams everyone talks about. Either that or I'm just having extremely odd dreams now.

I was a nurse at a hospital back home and watching over some coma patients; however, I had started seeing these coma patients outside of the hospital when I knew that was impossible. I took photos of them with my cell phone to try and show the doctors, but before that happened I was told to take a break. I was also dating this Scottish girl named Amy and I ran into her in the park with this man who called himself The Doctor. I don't know what he was supposedly the doctor of, but Amy seemed to know him and it turned out that there was an alien race orbiting the Earth, looking for another alien. In the end, The Doctor defeated the aliens or got them to leave or something and that was that.

Oh and I also found the phone from my dreams next to my current phone. Is that also a thing that happens? Mad dreams and random objects showing up? How is that even possible?

Dec. 8th, 2013




Bloody hell! I think my laptop has a virus. I don't know how I would have gotten a virus, because I don't download things, but it keep shutting down on me every time I get to the desktop. This wouldn't be so bad if I didn't need my laptop for work. Luckily I don't need anything off it tomorrow and I have the upcoming Science test on a flash drive, but I am going to need things off it before Christmas break. Can anyone help?