
Posts Tagged: 'ghost'

Jun. 11th, 2015




I was wandering through a very eclectic store, which is always my favourite kind. They had a section of signs, both metal and neon, that you can hang on your wall or your window, or wherever you wanted to. I almost got the one that said TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT, SURVIVORS WILL BE SHOT AGAIN with a couple bullet dents in it, just because the old south in me was tickled. (A close runner up was TRESPASSERS WILL BE FED TO ALLIGATORS)

In the end, I got this one for the store. Not entirely accurate, but I fell in love with it nonetheless.




So this is the thing, is it? Tink's been on and on about it forever. This is the place to go to keep up with all the weirdness. Yes? Good, I can't wait to hear all about it.

Oh. I'm Nux. That's not my name, it's just what people call me, but it's practically my name. I work with Tink. Obviously.

Jun. 10th, 2015




Anyone else feel like these insane dreams make the night feel longer? And with less rest? I dreamed all freaking night, man, and I woke up exhausted.

May. 28th, 2015




As things continue to escalate, please know that my store has supplies for those practicing magic. It is also currently warded, so it can be a safe spot that is open to anyone in need of one, provided there is space.

You can find my shop at [address].
Tags: ,

May. 13th, 2015




I think I've seen a few posts about vampires, here. Or by vampires.

Would any be willing to tell me about themselves? Either here or in person.

Apr. 22nd, 2015




I almost feel stupid having missed this network, for how long I've been in Orange County now. A client of mine pointed me in this direction. Apparently it's supposed to appeal to my love of things out-of-the-ordinary. I hope it's not a waste of time.

As it is, my name is Stephen Strange. I own Sanctum Sanctorum in Costa Mesa. I look forward to what this network has to offer.

Apr. 17th, 2015




More and more dreams. About the dark haired boy, as always, but then there were a few that were new. And this one felt... deeper. Not deeper in the sense that it was more meaningful, but like.

If your mind is an apartment building, and thoughts and dreams are kept in the rooms there. This dream is something you might stumble across in the basement, covered in cobwebs.

I'm not sure I want to think about it anymore. Those poor boys. Their pain, even through my dreams, is like barbed wire around my heart.

Mar. 31st, 2015




I don't think I'm ever going to understand people. Honestly. In what world is it considered acceptable to berate the person behind the counter for not putting cream and sugar in your coffee when you ordered it black? And continue doing so while they're remaking your drink?

I was standing right behind the person in line and they never said a word about cream and sugar, even when asked, until they were given their coffee. I don't think I could have handled it as well as the employees did. I know I couldn't have kept a smile on my face as I remade their drink and thanked them for coming.

I can understand children behaving that way to a degree - they're still learning how to act in public after all but not adults.

Mar. 24th, 2015




I dreamed about a boy with raven black hair.

We met at school. I got glimpses of our childhood together. Growing up, mostly at my grandmother's house. Eating in diners in high school. Planning to form a band together.

When I woke up, I felt like there was a part of me missing.

I wonder if I'll meet that boy some day.

Mar. 18th, 2015




Between Friday the 13th and Saint Patrick's Day, I'm completely out of good luck charms. I mean, completely. I do not have a single rabbit's foot, four leaf clover (pressed <I>or</I> iron pendant), nazar, hasma, or charm bag left.

Apparently there's been a run of bad luck around the place, so I lit a candle for everyone who's experienced it. I hope your luck is better, this week.

Mar. 14th, 2015




So one o' my bookkeepers suggested I get myself a phone and tablet to better keep track of sales, clients, projects, whatever sorts of things you keep track of are.

I'm a bit old fashioned and keep things in unorganized piles on my desk at the bar, seems to work well enough, but she's convinced it could be better. So, I write today to ask everyone here, what the hell is a tablet, and what do I do with it? I've got a nice enough phone I figure, it makes calls, but she thinks it's gotta be something far better than that.

Feb. 14th, 2015




Tomorrow is Valentine's Day, and I'm having a sale on love charms. Please keep in mind that these aren't voodoo or anything like that, they're just simple little charm bags to attract more love into your life. They won't work on any specific person, just as a general boost.

Also because tonight is Friday the Thirteenth, keep your favourite good luck charm on you. Just in case.

Jan. 28th, 2015




I don't know why people can't seem to get that 'herbal remedies' don't mean marijuana. It doesn't mean I'll have it next week, either.

When I say I sell homegrown things, it means I have an herb and vegetable garden. I'll sell you a tomato, or some mint, but that's all I have.

Please stop asking. Especially grabbing me after I close up for the night, that just makes it uncomfortable for everyone.