
Posts Tagged: 'r'

Nov. 17th, 2016




There's so much talk about who's going to be at the December 2nd premiere of Swan Lake! Apparently a lot of wealthy people who contribute regularly to the ballet will be in the audience. No pressure, right? Anyway, I'll be dancing my best for every single show.

Jan. 20th, 2015




Someone tried to mug me today.

But I'm too poor to mug - the jerkoff didn't even want my phone, it's that shitty. So he kind of just stood there, watching me empty my pockets, and I think the most expensive thing I had were two cigarettes and a pack of gum.

I felt kind of bad for him.

Mar. 1st, 2014




Remember how I said my father was incompetent? That's not limited to him. His generals are too.

They spent month and years laying siege to Ba Sing Se and I bring the city down from the inside in a day.

Feb. 6th, 2014




I'm not a super romantic girl, but I must say this: I will marry and bear about five thousand children to the man that takes me to this event:

Cut for image, open to all. )

What's more romantic than that? It's allegedly in North Carolina, and I have no idea where that is. Someone's going to have to start driving. I'll pay for petrol.

Jan. 4th, 2014





It was nice being back to normal. Even if it was short. Had a good Christmas. It was nice.

Dreams are back. Got new polaroids, too. Not a zombie family this time. Bonus. Dreams are getting pretty serious. I am a ballsy zombie. Going into human territory to win back the girl. Who did not like that I ate her boyfriend.

Should have seen that coming.

Dec. 18th, 2013




Oh my god.

I woke up this morning and I was fine? I am fine. I mean, I look like a real person again. I don't know what happened, or why, but I'm not complaining.

Dec. 16th, 2013




Alright, so I am officially on Winter Break since finals are over. Thank fuck God for small favors on that one. I almost strangled one of my roomies who decided to voice recorded her notes and listened to them on an endless loop in attempt at studying. SO, because of that I need something fun to do this week and it hit me.


It was mentioned to me and I have to admit that I've never been to Disney before, so I want a group of people to come with me. I need guides so I don't die or get lost on some random ride. I was thinking of going on Thursday in hope that I may avoid a bit of a crowd (I know I'm not going to completely avoid a crowd).

Anyone up for joining me?

Let me know when you want a campus tour this week. I'll be around!

Dec. 9th, 2013




Well, this is just weird. I don't think I've ever been on a message board before. Yeah, I know, I sound like I just ran away from my Amish community, but this is what happens when you were sent to boarding school. We used the internet, but you don't get a lot of downtime to just putz around on it. I wasn't the type of teenager that would post to message boards anyway. But, now I'm older, not much wiser, and I was told this is where the cool kids hang out. So, what do you guys do with this?

Nov. 16th, 2013




Got some pictures. Of my zombie family.


These dreams are some weird Romeo and Juliet story. I mean. Zombie falls in love with girl after eating girl's boyfriend's brains. I think girl is falling for zombie, too, though.

But these pictures. Really. Not nice.

Nov. 13th, 2013




How many of us here dream of being vampires? I feel as if I should start some sort of support group. Feel free to answer me privately if you like, I don't want to make anyone here uncomfortable.

I'm Eli Howlett, if we've not met.

Oct. 15th, 2013




I kind of want to throw a Halloween masquerade for my birthday. You know, a completely over the top monster-movie-monster's ball. Is that too cliche? I'd just have to find a ballroom somewhere...

Oct. 14th, 2013




Actually excited for Halloween.

Sep. 10th, 2013





Good News: Avoiding this current weirdness.

Bad News: Dreams. And I think I'm dead dream stuff.

Sep. 4th, 2013




I love candy. Really, I do. If I had my way I'd live on pixie sticks and chocolate bars. I know you wouldn't think it looking at me, but I'm a bit of a candy junkie. But this is just too much. Too much.

Aug. 25th, 2013




I don't know what causes these dreams, but it was like it knew that today was my birthday and that we had just gotten home and gave me the most sucktastic dream ever last night. Way to ruin my good mood and my birthday.

Aug. 24th, 2013




When did I get so pale?

I mean. I've never been tan or anything, but this is a whole new level of pale. Not cool.

Jul. 23rd, 2013




This whole royal baby thing is ... A little out of hand? I think?

I mean. Congrats, and I get (sort of), where the cheer comes from? But literally every newspaper and news site and every other facebook post is, well. Royal baby based. I get it. The kid was born, he's a boy, everyone's happy.

How long do you think until it passes?

Jul. 9th, 2013




I love my current work.

Jun. 25th, 2013




I'm feeling a little better today, so I figured I'd, uh, elaborate a little on my last post. Since it wasn't really getting across everything.

The zombies in my dreams have a real community. We do ... Community-ish things. Really. We have a "church." And friends, and we get married then we get placed with zombie children and. Well. That's your zombie family. And we only hunt ... Maybe once or twice a month? Brains are coveted.

Brains are sort of like ... What happens here? You have this weird dreams and visions about that person. So I'm dreaming about me dreaming about this guy. Perry, I think his name is. It's bizarre, but zombie-me likes it, because zombie-me wants to be human. I think.

So. Yeah. There's that.

Jun. 12th, 2013




More dreams. Zombies living at the airport. Lots of us. Have friends, got married. Zombie weddings are strange.

Guess zombies eat brains to see memories? Dreamt I had the memories of some guy. Weird.

Feeling really ... Thinking just fine. Hard to connect thoughts to words though. Easier to just sit here and do nothing.

Jun. 4th, 2013



Okay, people, my curiosity has gotten the best of me and I have to ask.

What's with everyone talking about dreams? Is there some sort of dream interpretation group on here or something? Not that I'd mind if there were or anything, but there just seems to be a lot of it and it got me wondering.

Aaaaaand that's all!

May. 19th, 2013




Oh my God, we cornered a kid -

In my dreams, I -

Woke up this morning and got sick. Still feeling pretty gross, actually. I don't even have an appetite and thinking of eating makes my stomach feel woozy all over again.

And I'm so tired, but I don't want to go back to sleep.


((ooc: Warning - Possible talk of child death in comments.))

May. 14th, 2013




So, I started a new job last week. And it's great and all, this isn't really about the job anyway.

But I wear suits. And, you know, I have a few different ones, so I don't look like a slob all the time. And today when I got home I realized that I was wearing a suit and tie identical to the ones I died in my dreams? And, you know, subsequently was wearing when I woke up again in my dreams.

My real suit is less blood stained though.

Thank God.

Anyway. Does this happen to people a lot? Like, subconsciously you just put these outfits together without even realizing it?

May. 11th, 2013




I don't think I'm going to be getting back to sleep after a dream like that. I've never had one quite so...disturbing before.

May. 1st, 2013




Holy shit.

I'm engaged. And it's not even April Fool's.


I considered quitting school but I graduate so soon I guess I might as well stick it out.

No idea what to do after though. No way I can stand more school. Anybody know any jobs for a computer nerd?

Apr. 10th, 2013




Guess who's got two thumbs and got a promotion?

... me. And everyone else who got a promotion, in theory. Unless they lost a thumb somewhere, in which case, I'm sorry.

Apr. 4th, 2013




The zombie saga continues. I don't know what sort of strange zombie-ism is going on in my dreams, but it's definitely not like what I'm used to. It's like zombies in whatever world this is aren't completely devoid of mental process? Who even knows.

In any case, the new developments I've discovered are: like us, zombies apparently have that little voice that tells you what's good or not. This voice is more like a flesh-crazed brute than, you know, a normal conscience, but it's there. Also zombies can't actually eat anything but people? I tried eating a deer. It didn't go so well.

Dream-me is literally the worst zombie ever.

Apr. 1st, 2013




I got my sister so good for Dyngus Day...

Mar. 11th, 2013




I lied. My dreams are terrifying me and I hate them.

I'm never sleeping again. Even having Giles here isn't helping me sleep better.

Mar. 6th, 2013




We need to find a new radio station to play in the shop. I've got this song stuck in my head... but only the chorus. I don't know the rest of the words... it's irritating. But catchy.

Mar. 1st, 2013




So. Finally had one of those dreams everyone's having.

I was dead. And by dead, I mean undead, but dream-me definitely didn't realize that I was lying in the wake of a zombie plan crash.

So, you know, that was fun.

PS. Learning how to walk as a zombie is painful. And not because it hurts, but because it takes, apparently, hours.

Feb. 26th, 2013




Does anyone dream about Hell? Like ... literal, demons coming to get you and tear your flesh from your bones Hell? Or am I the only lucky one?

Feb. 25th, 2013




Hello, I'm Sybil. I've just moved here from England. Still jet-lagged, I think. I wish we'd had more time in New York on the way in, though. I would've loved to see the Statue of Liberty up close.

How far are we from the Golden Gate Bridge?

Feb. 17th, 2013




I haven't had any dreams here that most seem to have but just listening to people talk about them make me wonder... Wonder what it is like to have them, to wonder, to question. It brings me back to one my Uncle's favorite quotes which paraphrased asks are we the masters of our fate, or are the stars? It is the age old debate destiny vs free will.

Maybe it is just me. Though sometimes, especially here, things seem fated to happen.

Feb. 16th, 2013




I signed up for match.com.

Go me.

Though I'm thinking maybe if there's enough interest, I might try some matchmaking on my own? Like I'll write up a very small questionairre. Then all the singles fill it out and send it to me. Then I will match people up. They can go on one date, and then take it from there.

Anyone interested? I'll make sure no one's a psycho, don't worry.

Edit: Bah forget matchmaking. I'm off to go marry Christoph Waltz. Like right now. I know where he is, he's doing SNL. Two seconds on this show and I just want to squish him.

Feb. 14th, 2013




There should be some sort of opposite Valentine's Day where we tell people we hate how much we hate them and give them awful gifts like sweaters. I could get behind that.

Feb. 13th, 2013




This totally made my week! If a cat and a lizard can find true love in a windowsill then I shall be alright tomorrow home alone with the television and a stack of books.

Feb. 9th, 2013




So. Has the OC always been this weird? I don't think I remember it being weird when I was younger. Is this a recent development?

Also, this whole maybe ghosts thing is really creeping me the hell out.

Feb. 6th, 2013




Does anyone here maybe know a good place to buy records? I mean, old vinyl, not the new stuff.

Feb. 4th, 2013




Geez - I never know what to say on these things. Um. My mom told me about this place and thought I'd try it out. I'm Roger. I just moved back here from Seattle after getting laid off while I figure out what to do with my life.

Hi, I'm Roger, and I used to live here.

Hey all. I heard about this place through the grapevine and figured I'd come see what it was like. It might help time pass a little more, at least, right?

Anyway, I'm Roger, and I just moved back home after living in Seattle for a bit. It's good to be back. I sort of missed this place.




I know a few people had posted looking for jobs, and I actually have a few openings around my shop. I need data entry people, three customer service agents, three shop people, and two floor managers. If you think you'd suit, please e-mail me your resume at lulu.webster@fayth.com. Please let me know your intention to do so here, simply so I know who to expect.

Opening a men's branch of my clothing line is much more effort than I'd thought, but I must admit, I'm enjoying myself. Even the flu wasn't too much of a setback - my co-designer Jefferson is a genius, and I had plenty of sketching time myself.