Whoever they are they've been beating me senseless for 10 hours.
Also, dream me is a kinky son of a bitch. That's just...
weird. Dream me is also of the mind that no one will give a shit about me and won't come to get me and/or find me.
Ben's a ghost. I hate Ben being a ghost! There's also a ghost there in the room with me and my torturers. Some Russian lady.
(Dream me is also having a fit that the bad guys are destroying his drugs.)
Ben keeps telling me to be strong.
Also, that sucks! It showed me when I was younger. Dad had left me in a mausoleum or something, in the dark for WAY too long. "Have you mastered your fear of the dead, Number Four?" (This only came about because I was trapped in a damn closet while the bad guys were gone for hours. Pretty sure he's also going through withdrawal but it's mainly the claustrophobia)
Dream me is sober. So, I can see the ghosts better. Talking to a Zoya, who was a victim of my kidnappers.
Their names are Hazel and Ca-Ca.
Shit. Diego, I'm sorry!
Also, WHAT THE HELL WAS IN THAT BRIEFCASE, IT ZAPPED ME... SOMEWHERE! (Also, the lady on the bus was oogling Dream!me, but then again, I was still only in a towel.)