
Posts Tagged: 'samara'

Oct. 31st, 2012



I hope everyone's having a lovely Halloween. The kids are out trick or treating by themselves. They're too old to have their mum out with them. It's sad, but true. I've occupied my time watching scary movies though. They're not so bad.

I might be scarce for a while, I'm starting a new investigation. Everything's all hush hush of course. Wish me luck.

Oct. 28th, 2012




With Halloween just around the corner, I feel it my duty to remind everyone to stay safe.

Parents, please make sure your trick or treating children are supervised and collecting their candy in safe neighborhoods. Remember to bring flashlights with you, look both ways before crossing the street, and use crosswalks whenever available. It is a good idea, also, to fasten reflective tape to your costume or trick or treat bags so that drivers are aware of your presence. And always inspect the candy before allowing yourself or your child to eat it.

I wish that we could simply enjoy our holidays without having to take precautionary measures, but I would rather you were all healthy and whole this Halloween than the opposite.

I would also caution against the kinds of activities bored teens are likely to get up to on his holiday. Egging things, toilet papering things, and especially 'spooky trips to graveyards'. That last thing can be extremely dangerous, and the other two will just get you in trouble.

Oct. 21st, 2012




This 'Cat Lady' from London has caught my interest. Orange County seems to have no shortage of Citizens willing to go above the law and 'do good'. It remains to be seen how much 'good' is actually being done, but as my own investigation is slow, I may as well look into this more fully.

On another note, I seem to have come down with whatever this odd-dream sickness is that everyone else has contracted. That, or I need to rethink what it is I eat before bed.

The dream I've had probably should have been more disturbing to me than it was, considering I was very blue, surrounded by space aliens, and apparently capable of disturbing local police forces merely by my presence.

Oct. 18th, 2012



[Locked to Normandy Crew]

I just found this in front of my house.

Who wants a ride? )




Discussion time, Valarnet!

When is it ever right/IS it ever right to take the law in your own hands? Even if the law is wrong/right? Cause honestly, it's pretty fucking screwed up right now, and this powerless to stop it thing has got me thinking.

Oct. 12th, 2012





Safe to say the new boosters worked.

Oct. 11th, 2012




The United States Marshal Service has assigned me to this County while I search for a fugitive who has escaped our custody.

I thought it prudent to announce my presence here. There are several branches of law enforcement that I have heard frequent this network. I am Inspector Samara, and I hope that I can count on everyone's cooperation while we work to bring this person to justice. I will of course introduce myself in person after settling in.

I have noticed a great deal of ... extraordinary things seem to be happening in this place. That should make this hunt a bit more interesting than usual. It also means I won't ask anyone to report 'anything out of the ordinary' they spot. It seems that would just generate a great deal of smoke and false leads.