
Posts Tagged: 'jake+green'

Apr. 24th, 2021




I think this is the longest stretch I've gone without dreaming. I know I'm probably jinxing myself.

Apr. 6th, 2021




Superstorms and hostage situations. Always a fun time. But hey, at least I was the inside man, and even though I did get caught eventually, I didn't get hurt for once. And there were no Wraith involved in this adventure, which is a nice change of pace.

Feb. 22nd, 2021




Great... So Jericho is gonna get hit with radiation from a damn nuke. Which means clearing out the fallout shelter under medical center. On second thought, that shelter didn't pan out. There wouldn't of been any air. So, we had to take the critical patients, which was about 11 people, to the fallout shelter under town hall and the rest of us to a mine shaft.

... Where we're going to blow the entrance to trap us inside from the radiated rain.

Of course my dream self is crazy and heading off to his best friend's ranch because there's assholes there with a gun. So, he blows the entrance to the mine up. Dad can't be found either. This is turning crazy, on all fronts.

ALSO, BEING SHOT AT SUCKS! Guess, it's a good thing that I'm a damn good shot and took care of the idiots. Now? We need to head into the storm shelter from this damn radiation rain. Luckily, we got inside before the rain started coming down.

Supposedly, it's never safe around me. You hear that, Sheppard. NEVER safe.

Feb. 20th, 2021




With all the weird weather going on in other states, it's a good time to remind everyone to have a small survival kit ready.

It doesn't have to be anything fancy. Flashlight, batteries, candles, matches, bottled water, non-perishable food and first aid supplies would be enough.

Feb. 15th, 2021




I had another dream last night. Really starting to feel like some kind of weird alt reality I'm living.

So we captured a Wraith and I tried to establish a relationship with him. Gave him the name Steve since he wouldn't tell me if he had a name. I don't even know if Wraiths use names. Anyway. We went to this planet where the scientists there were working on a blood alteration to fight off a Wraith feeding. Our doc went to help them and we used Steve as a guinea pig to test it and it seemed to work, he was unable to feed off the test subject. That guy died a little while later, but he was terminally ill so his death could have been from his illness. Except Steve died too. And by the time Carson could warn the lead scientist, half the population of these people had been inoculated, based on one test run result. So yeah, it wasn't perfected, or even close, and all those people started getting sick and dying. And their leader was like, so we lose a few, the Wraith won't mess with us. I do not understand that mindset in my dreams, and I do not understand that mindset in the real world.

Speaking of the real world, I'm running a 50% off flash sale on for flying lessons. That includes 6 lessons. Under 18 requires a parent or legal guardian signature. If you're interested come on down to [location] and ask for John.

Jan. 25th, 2021




Took a train to Denver, Colorado to get a car and then drove to Kansas from there.

So DreamJake knows sign language. Which means that is no different from what I, myself, know. But he's been gone from Jericho for five years. Told his best friend that he had been around in the Army, but was only there to see his grandpa.

Well, his mom is better at understanding than the old man. Something about money for a clean start, grandpa gave the old man control over it. But DreamJake didn't stick around, he had to leave to go to San Diego the next day or be there by then, at any rate.

ALSO, OW. DreamMe had his car hit by someone because we both saw some kind of smoke off in the distance.

Car crashes suck. Also, those injuries? Slipped through the dreams. So, even more OW.

Dream!Jake is limping around, found a school bus full of kids. Wherever he was at before all of this? He has some kind of medical training. He did a tracheotomy on a little girl and used straws taped together to help her breathe. Supposedly he learned it in military school.

He did, however, manage to get the bus back to town. Despite the injuries.


We might need a hospital.




I never thought I'd have to do this but I'm instituting a dress code for Lux. There is a very short list of old men who's naked ass I'd like to say and if you are not on it there is no reason for me to have to see with your pants hanging down so that your crotch is even with your knees. Which is where the dress code comes in - my bouncers have all been told that anyone dressing that way will not be allowed through the door.

Jan. 8th, 2021




OC's a bit warmer than Jericho, I'll give it that. Not too bad of a place either, so far.