
Posts Tagged: 'sherlock+holmes'

May. 14th, 2016




I am the proud owner of a lifetime supply of hot sauce. Thanks dreams :) Now I just need to find a place to keep it all.

Apr. 30th, 2016




Hello all,

My name is Jamie Moriarty, and I am the regional director of the National Organisation to Prevent Violence Against Women - or NOVAW, if you will. I will be running a new chapter of our women's shelter, which will be opening on May 15th. There will be a grand opening gala that day to which all of the public is invited. My primary purpose in making this post, however, is to encourage anyone and everyone interested to volunteer for the event and the shelter in general. We could use quite a bit of help.

Please contact me if you wish to volunteer, or just have any questions. I look forward to seeing you on the 15th.

Apr. 27th, 2016




Got my body back only to have my appearance changed. I'd accuse Leon of giving me a makeover like I did to him, if I didn't look exactly like my dreamself. No way he could have known about it.

Mar. 19th, 2016




Good God! What is with alien races and experimenting on people!

I am officially boycotting an entire science fiction genre, and anyone who knows me knows how frustrating that is. Science fiction. Space. Fun. Explosions. So much fun.

In other news, I've been informed that W-Magazine and it's sister publication are hosting a fundraiser in early May. The problem is we don't know what we're raising funds for. I need suggestions for charities or non-profit organisations that might benefit from a boost in publicity and some much needed funding.

Please don't mention PP, I've already got a headache from listening to the debate surrounding that.

Mar. 9th, 2016




I have a turtle. He does not pair well with an apiary, but he will prove most useful, inexplicable by logical conventions though he is... My first dream, my first 'gift' to be bestowed.

Nonetheless, I require a meeting. It is overdue. In the meanwhile: how many of you have received fauna (or flora) from your dreams?

Feb. 29th, 2016




How many of you consider yourself a specialist in any given field of noteworthy import?

Feb. 22nd, 2016




Does someone know how to get rid of these bloody birds?!

Feb. 18th, 2016




It is with great reluctance that I post here in this community. Message boards and the like bear very little use to me, but a little suggests a lingering and potentially quantifiable amount.

To what frequency does this county experience this godforsaken 'rain' of a gory nature?

Nov. 13th, 2015




It has been brought to the attention of my partner that this is a good way to make connections in the area and as he finds the idea 'tedious', he has decided that I should be the one to investigate this network or whatever. So far all I've seen is talk about dreams. So I'm seeing why he said it's tedious.

Mar. 8th, 2015




My dream flatmate is a complete bastard. He might actually very well be a complete bastard in real life, too.

Feb. 15th, 2015




It appears as if I am, according to the man I am in my dreams, the world's only consulting detective. Regardless of if the title is correct, I find myself attempting to solve the crime I'm dreaming of alongside my counterpart. It seems to be the only effective way to stave off boredom now.

Feb. 14th, 2015




An old colleague of mine just sent me this link. I'm not quite sure what to do beyond sigh and shake my head a bit.

Feb. 12th, 2015




Perhaps I'm mistaken and working long hours, but has anyone else noticed the little bit of snow here and there? I know it's snowed here before but this seems a bit ... Well. Random. I'd rather just hear I'm not delusional.

Jan. 26th, 2015




This seems to be the place to talk about odd dreams. Granted, what you all dream is ... A bit more involved than this. But the oddity of it struck me anyway. Or, well, the familiarity.

I dreamt about my life before the war, and it wasn't all that inaccurate, and even then the war events weren't far off. But as I'm working on packing up to move into my flat this coming weekend, it was the dreams involving post-war life that I found funny.

I guess it's not really all that peculiar to dream of people you've met. Typing all this out has made me realize I've maybe jumped the gun a bit. But it was all so vivid.

Jan. 22nd, 2015




If I have been subjected to this dream phenomenon, they seem like nothing more than simple dreams. There was little that was particularly poignant, and, having experienced at the very least four separate ones, one of them is nearly useless and another far too coincidental.

Jan. 17th, 2015



Filtered to those who have yet to start dreaming

So I've been seeing a load of stuff about crazy dreams. Past lives, or some of that sort of rubbish. I never much bothered paying attention to anything on here until recently when my job became so soul rending I needed to reach out for friends, is that pathetic? Yeah, kind of is.

Is this something that happens to everyone? It seems like it from what I've been reading, but it sounds fuckin' mad to me. Any theories from those of us that, like me, still have a full grasp on reality? I personally can't decide if I believe what these people say, or if I'm just lucky I drink bottled water rather than anything from the tap.

Jan. 5th, 2015




I am seeking a flatmate and have been informed by coworkers this may be of use. The flat is located at [Address], Anaheim, CA. I will interview any who are interested.

Direct all inquiries to Sherlock Holmes.

Mar. 19th, 2014




Well, I know what I'll be testing tonight.


Feb. 26th, 2014




Hate these dreams. Hate them, hate them, hate them. More Troy nonsense. I wasn't even supposed to be fighting, I'm the very definition of a lover, not a fighter. But, you know, Athena wounds Ares and knocks him down and I'm all sentimental so I try to get him away from the fighting. But then Hera sics Athena on me, and she hit me so hard that my heart stopped. And then she hovers over us, him gushing ichor out of his neck wound and me gasping and trying to get my heart started again, and gloats! She gloats!

I wake up to my heart having stopped and a big red mark in the center of my chest. Now I'm all achy and sore and I'm just not in the mood to deal with this shit today.

Jan. 31st, 2014




My head aches haven't slept in days because I am afraid of what

I think the dreams everyone's talking about are nothing more than mass hysteria, and quiet self-aggrandizing, if I'm being totally honest. No, if I'm being totally honest, I say they are a self-serving, cyclical delusion. Pathetic. Superheros? Vampires? Improbably accurate super-sleuths? Rubbish.

Why am I ranting here?
Then again, who else could I...?
I not only talk to myself, but I type to myself.

Dec. 31st, 2013




I don't care for riddles, but I am a fan of optical illusions. If there is anything on the internet that can distract me for hours, it is websites such as this.

Dec. 5th, 2013




Once in a while I do miss the seasons changing, even though London gets more gray, slushy Xmases than white ones. It has been cool here, but the forecasters say it won't last. The number of citizens walking around in winter coats amuses me.

Nov. 9th, 2013




Well, I just punched a cop out cold. Felt good, but should've taken a photo.

Oct. 28th, 2013




I cancelled my class today due to severe laryngitis. Now that I see some virus appears to be going around, I'm wondering if I need to cancel for the entire week. It's impossible to run a lab without being able to give instantaneous verbal feedback. Our cadavers are fragile.

Oct. 19th, 2013




Today I was asked to pass a particular student, regardless of his performance in the lab, because his great-grandfather donated a large enough sum to have his name engraved on the chemistry department building. Many decades ago.

This does not bode well.

Oct. 15th, 2013




Imagine a world where colors are the most important thing in your life. Not because you need them to put together a matching outfit, or know that a red sign means stop, but because you use them to literally read the people in your life.

Scared people are green, hungry people are greyish-blue, warm and kind people give off an orange light. People who are a threat to you are blue. Everything else in your world, most of the time, has no color at all. Color tells you everything that matters, but the real colors of things can no longer be seen.

You can't enjoy a sunset, but you know when your best friend is sad and isn't telling you. You can't take in the color of a field of flowers, but you can tell the natures of people you've never met. You can avoid a sleezy jerk at a club, because you know his intentions. But someone else will have to dress you because you have no idea what the color of the dress you're wearing is.

Is it a good trade? Is that a trade any of you would make?

Oct. 2nd, 2013




I'm not supposed to be on here, but what father doesn't know won't hurt him.

Aug. 12th, 2013




God, it feels good to be back in my own skin.

Pete? Take the next couple days off of work. I'm not letting you out of the bedroom.

Jul. 15th, 2013




My squatters rights have been revoked. Or, to put it plainly, my buddy's girlfriend is a bitch is kicking me out of the apartment. So as of right now I'm staying at a Holiday Inn Express in Cosa Mesa. And as of right now, I am looking for anyone else who is looking for a flatroommate. Who wants to help a guy?


The silence is lease appealing after a sustained duration.

Seeking a flatmate. Immediately.

Jul. 7th, 2013



The morgue at the hospital is closed until.. uh further notice.

You know though, it's all kind of fascinating. I wonder what's making them get up and go. In a purely scientific way, I mean.

Not that I am going to get a zombie to experiment on. Nope.

Jul. 5th, 2013



I need a harpoon. Now.

Jul. 2nd, 2013



Questions for the people who might know more about history than me.

1) Was there ever an Imperial Ballet in Warsaw? I wouldn't actually think so, given that I don't think it was a big deal of a city in the Russian Empire.

2) Was there ever a country called Bohemia?

Jul. 1st, 2013




PSA for Valarnet that's totally unrelated to zombie things and will likely make you go 'oooooooo':

Ping Pong Balls are Flammable as Fuck.

Impromptu 4th of July bonfire? I think yes!

Jun. 30th, 2013



I found the blasted mug.

One of those things had it, but that's dealt with. I require new employment. Soon.

Jun. 29th, 2013




First off, Twilight really needs to calm down a bit. I mean, really. Castin' that spell to make every pony all go crazy over some doll? Not sure what she was thinkin'.

And then Nightmare Night! What a groovy night for every pony involved! I'm glad it all worked out in the end--though, it almost always does, thanks to Twilight--and we were all able to have a spooky, scary good time!

These Dreams are kinda fun. Still no Cutie Mark, though.

God, I gotta stop sayin' "pony".

Jun. 28th, 2013



[Locked from Non-Puncturable Whoverse People]






I will find you and I will take every square inch of its gorgeous blue panels out of your pasty techie hide, my dear, oh yes. It was on my desk twenty minutes ago and now it's gone. AND it was filled with coffee!

I won't bow down to ransom demands, nor will I sleep until it's home with me where it belongs.

Jun. 27th, 2013




I've been saddled with intro level stats courses for the spring and summer semesters. I'm so pleased.

Here's a word of advice to all of you still in college or university: don't save your requirements until the very end. Get them out of the way. Your professors do not enjoy staring into your blank faces anymore than you enjoy listening to them. We would all rather be doing something else.

Fortunately, my TAs have far more patience than I do. It's still going to be a long couple of months.

Jun. 26th, 2013




Why is it that everyone seems so genuinely surprised at whatever fresh hell this place dishes up? I've barely lived her a month and I'm already jaded.

Jun. 25th, 2013




Starting to think this city should have just come with a warning sign. "FUCKING BOLLOCKS AND SHIT: DON'T ENTER."

It's bad enough to be lectured about smoking by trees, but what the bloody fuck is this shit, now? Excuse me while I stay in my flat and try finding the bottom of this bottle.

Jun. 19th, 2013



Oh goodness, I think I need some um.. help? Or earmuffs.

They won't stop talking. And I've got quite a number of them. But they're hurting my ears. I've asked them to be quiet, but they won't. I guess this is what I get for having too many cats. I don't think I'll get any sleep tonight.

Any way to make them be quiet?

Jun. 2nd, 2013



Does internet dating actually work?

I need to stop standing still. And I really have to stop finding certain kinds of men desirable. Any idea how to change that too?

Jun. 1st, 2013




That was something.

Apr. 28th, 2013



This county is entirely too law-abiding.

Apr. 24th, 2013




I'm usually not one for shameless promoting (all right, that's a lie), but seeing as this is for a good cause, I'm going to do it anyway.

This weekend I'm going to Los Angeles to do a bit in a magic show. All proceeds will be going to children in need, and, really, who doesn't love a good bit of magic? Most participants are members of the Magic Castle so it's bound to be fantastic.

I highly suggest you all come see it. You can find more information and tickets [here at web address].

Apr. 13th, 2013



I'm finally back on the day shift. I'm very excited to be even though it's messing with my sleep schedule. Working over night was awful though.

Also is it weird to have those kinds of dreams that feel weird where you're out on a date with someone? A totally normal date? Even though I think he was a bit gay.

Apr. 7th, 2013




If I hadn't been there, I wouldn't believe what went down myself.

Mar. 29th, 2013




Thursday night. Nearly midnight, so I guess actually Friday now. Bored out of my freakin' mind. How's that even possible? Has the internet run out? Is Tumblr down?

Quick, someone: entertain me!

I need a significant other. This is ridiculous.

Mar. 28th, 2013



It's Thirsty Thursday and I just pulled a twelve hour shift at the diner and don't work tomorrow. Who's going to the bar with me tonight?

Mar. 27th, 2013




Are you an actor? Would you like to be? I actually have a great need for voiceover talent for speaking parts in films. ... also the other parts, but even just the speaking parts would be of a great help!

Simply let me know!