
Posts Tagged: 'tiffany+maxwell'

Mar. 19th, 2014




I need to find someone who can do this to my nails. Because it's amazing. I am hella into nail art, yo!

Mar. 10th, 2014




Man, all of the Hardy Boys / Goosebumps / Babysitters Club books would be way better if they had literal titles.

This one's my favorite. Cut for image, viewable to all. )

Mar. 9th, 2014




I just realized something. I haven't had a "DREAM" in weeks. Anyone else get long breaks from them?

Feb. 19th, 2014



Was it just me or did anyone else feel a slight earthquakes at night?

Feb. 17th, 2014




All those young couples on House Hunters always annoy the crap out of me. It's always like these twenty four year olds who have been married for a year and want a house with three bedrooms and three bathrooms even though they don't plan on starting a family right away and the kitchen or yard is always too small and they get upset if the master bedroom doesn't have a bathroom. The fixtures are always wrong and the girl ends up getting emotional over something.

And it's even worse on the International ones cause no one ever seems to realize that apartments in other countries are usually smaller.

This is why Mickey shouldn't leave me alone. I end up watching HGTV at two in the morning and rant about house hunting shows.

Feb. 2nd, 2014




Football = Stupid

But beer is good.

Jan. 21st, 2014




Does anyone on this network know me? I'm having... Well I need to fill in a lot of gaps in my memory.

Jan. 16th, 2014




Anyone ever get fed up with a situation and decide to just push through to the end, no matter how painful it gets?

Jan. 6th, 2014



cut for image and video - visible to all )

Dec. 30th, 2013




I've never given a fuck about football... But this morning I woke up and there was news about the Eagles beating the Cowboys and I felt like it mattered. I mean, I was ecstatic. They made the playoffs. I jumped off the couch and cheered and spilled my coffee.

Even now, when I think about it, my heart starts pounding.

Dec. 13th, 2013




Found a strange playlist on my iTunes that I didn't make. The songs are:

Don't You Worry 'Bout a Thing (Stevie Wonder)
Fell In Love With a Girl (White Stripes)
Maria (Dave Brubeck) (And I mean Maria from West Side Story)

Really random

Wally? Did you make the list?

Dec. 1st, 2013




fuckAfter last nights dream I never want to sky dive. The scar in my side reopened when I woke up, too, but that's not so bad. I didn't freak out this time.

I'm not sure much could freak me out anymore.

Nov. 15th, 2013




Sigrun and I got to chatting the other day and feel we have been snubbed for our age from the forming roller derby team so in that spirit, we have decided to create our own.

Do you want to try something new and become a part of an awesome community? Whether you're looking to get in shape, meet new people or take out some aggression, and have some fun, you'll be hooked on roller derby!

The Valkyries are recruiting women from the ages of twenty-one to thirty-eight. You will need quad skates, elbow and knee pads, wrist guards, helmet and a mouth guard.

Practice should run into the late afternoon and evening hours.

We also need a head coach and I'm told we wouldn't say no to a handsome male cheerleader or two.

Nov. 5th, 2013




I'm starting to look like I have mange or something. Maybe it's time to just shave my head. I think I recall a certain Commander telling me she'd join me as a show of solidarity. Anyone else want to go bald with me?

Oct. 25th, 2013




I guess one of the good things about living in CA is that I can were something like this on Halloween and not freeze my ass off.

Oct. 11th, 2013



Blocked from Jessica

What do you do when you're not sure if news is good or bad but you really need to tell someone and they might freak out?

Oct. 10th, 2013




Yesterday I bought a bag of candy to give out to trick-or-treaters on Halloween.

It's half gone now.

Oct. 1st, 2013




Lets play a game.

Biggest regret from your youth.

ETA: Silly regrets! Though serious ones are welcome too!

Sep. 25th, 2013




I have officially gotten to the point where I need a new job.

[Link to Resume, which includes extensive clerical work and randomly includes dance skills.]

Anybody hiring?

Sep. 14th, 2013




Anyone know a good P.I.?




I really don't know what to think about this.

Sep. 11th, 2013




I was going to advertise, but things are weird again, so I'll wait. Instead, I have a question.

Anyone know how to house hunt? I'm terrible at this. I think I need a bigger place.

Aug. 12th, 2013




And I just got fired. Just like in my dreams. For the same reason.

u8 rjvarkldjadrqrmjkl~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's my forehead hitting the keyboard.




You know, I am normally in a good mood. Like, ridiculously so. And I tend to think that's a nice way to be. Not only is it good for the health, it's good for other people too. Being happy puts other people in a good mood, guys.

Except for apparently when it doesn't? Because someone at the store just called me stupid and annoying.

I shouldn't be upset. It's just some stranger who doesn't even know me.

But excitable does not equate to stupid. And, man, what the hell even. So rude. Feelings.

Aug. 2nd, 2013




Hello Valarnet!

I've managed to secure a room twice a week at the public library to take art classes. They will be very informal - adults and children welcome and I will be running them throughout August.

Monday 10:00-13:00 Sketching, painting with watercolour and pastels, other forms of canvas based art

Thursday 18:00- 21:00 Practical art - collages, sculpture, etc.

If you would like to let me know if you are thinking of attending so I can get an idea of numbers that is great but please feel free to just turn up too.

Aug. 1st, 2013




This dream thing is pretty give-and-take, isn't it? One minute it's great and the next it's - I don't want anymore of them.

Not so great.

I really feel like -
Anyone wanna go grab a drink or something -

I'll be at the gym late today if anyone needs me.

Jul. 17th, 2013




I woke up and there were a bunch of pill bottles by my bed. Unopened. Rx stuff.

[TW: Comments will no doubt deal with psychological issues and medication.]

Jun. 28th, 2013




trigger warning: dreams of death of a loved one )

Jun. 6th, 2013




Had a pretty amazing time at the beach last weekend. If you haven't been lately, I suggest you go.

May. 20th, 2013




Hello, Valarnet! If you are a pretty girl--please don't lynch me--and you recently had an awkward fellow named Wally spill coffee on you, he would very much like to know your name.


May. 19th, 2013




Oh my God, we cornered a kid -

In my dreams, I -

Woke up this morning and got sick. Still feeling pretty gross, actually. I don't even have an appetite and thinking of eating makes my stomach feel woozy all over again.

And I'm so tired, but I don't want to go back to sleep.


((ooc: Warning - Possible talk of child death in comments.))

May. 17th, 2013




Coffee.... Need coffee

The coffee at work suuuuuuucks

Apr. 19th, 2013




My dreams better get more interesting. I want zombies, dammit! I want to turn into a pony!

Okay, so I dreamed that I had a husband that I loved dearly and he was trying to get me knocked up. Only I wasn't ready and I felt really bad about keeping him at arms length. It... kinda sucked. It was sad.

Apr. 12th, 2013



Ever have one of those moments where things just pile on top of one another until you kind of feel like you're drowning in minutia? I'm having one of those lives, I think.

I'm going to hide in bed. Anyone who wants to shirk adult responsibilities can come with me. We can read under the covers by flashlight.

Apr. 11th, 2013




I think I'll spend today screwing Liara drinking and not wearing any pants. Because it's my birthday and I'll do what I want.

Apr. 8th, 2013




Someone actually got paid to run a study that proved that women prefer men with large penises. (Of course, this was a study of hetero and bisexual women. I can only imagine lesbians would've skewed the study somewhat.)

Speaking as a man who enjoys men, yes. Bigger is better. Everyone knows that. Christ.

And people say my job is pointless.

Apr. 4th, 2013




The zombie saga continues. I don't know what sort of strange zombie-ism is going on in my dreams, but it's definitely not like what I'm used to. It's like zombies in whatever world this is aren't completely devoid of mental process? Who even knows.

In any case, the new developments I've discovered are: like us, zombies apparently have that little voice that tells you what's good or not. This voice is more like a flesh-crazed brute than, you know, a normal conscience, but it's there. Also zombies can't actually eat anything but people? I tried eating a deer. It didn't go so well.

Dream-me is literally the worst zombie ever.

Apr. 1st, 2013




I can't wear trousers..




I got my sister so good for Dyngus Day...

Mar. 15th, 2013




Working a shift at the hospital. A few of the nurses just burst out into a chorus line. I think they're doing the Can-Can.

This is not the first time I've seen this happen today. I think there's something weird going on here, again. I don't know if it's my place to order MRIs on the nurses, though.

This definitely is not normal.
Send help.

Mar. 14th, 2013




Nope. Still can't sing a note.

My sister sounds lovely, though.




When weird things happen, my first instinct is to come check this message board. I showed up to work this morning to find the other mechanics singing and dancing around the cars while doing an oil change. Singing? Dancing? Really? Come on, Orange County, this is bizarre, even for you.

You guys don't want to know what rhymes with Carburetor.

Mar. 5th, 2013




Newsflash. Apparently my sister is perfect. Fucking perfection.




Have you ever noticed talking to some people is like talking to a wall? Except that my wall would be faster to answer me. You would think I was talking Greek or something instead of plain 'ol English.

Mar. 1st, 2013




So. Finally had one of those dreams everyone's having.

I was dead. And by dead, I mean undead, but dream-me definitely didn't realize that I was lying in the wake of a zombie plan crash.

So, you know, that was fun.

PS. Learning how to walk as a zombie is painful. And not because it hurts, but because it takes, apparently, hours.

Feb. 27th, 2013




I was thinking of starting a Drunken Bastard club. Go to different bars every Wednesday, drink a lot, go home. Who wants in?

Feb. 22nd, 2013




Well, Vala, when you throw a party...

Feb. 19th, 2013




Updating from the bus. Guy across the aisle keeps staring at me and he wants me to know it. His eyes are glued to my tits like he expects me to thank him for noticing. Dude, I know I have glorious tits. I get to look at them and touch them every day, and believe me, I do. Oh, you have no idea, guy. If you only knew.

This guy is a douche bottle. His collar is popped like it's... seriously, was that EVER attractive?

I always feel like I'm fighting my impulse to embarrass the hell out of guys like this. God, it would be so much fun. What if I just grabbed his phone out of his hands and took a picture of my breasts right here on the bus. Then I could say, "Here. Because you definitely can't jack off on the bus." Or something like that.

That would be so awesome of me.

What the fuck? I'm doing it.

Feb. 7th, 2013




Why the fuck do men think it's okay to harass women and cat-call to them out on the street? Do they think that's actually going to work? No I don't fucking want to touch you, or talk to you when you treat me like that. I surely don't fucking want to go out with you on Valentine's Day. What the fuck man?

No woman likes to be cat-called like y'know.. she's a fucking cat. Cut that shit out. Someone's going to get punched in the balls.

Feb. 6th, 2013




This looks stupid, but I'm bored at work so... Hello. My name is Tiffany.