
Posts Tagged: 'sister+mary+eunice+mckee'

Aug. 3rd, 2013




Hello. My name is Alice Morgan. I was invited to this network as a way to possibly take my mind off a recent loss. My gentleman friend was brutally killed, shot in the back, like a dog - and in Napa Valley, of all places! There truly is no place safe anymore.

But yes, I decided to return here, to where I used to live, in the wake of such a tragedy. I have a bit more money to spend, and I've just found a good job. I hope to meet and make friends with all of you in the coming months.

Jul. 27th, 2013



Locked from Dr. Arden

I got the job I wanted. I'm probably going out tonight to celebrate. Any bar or club recommendations?

Jul. 19th, 2013




It would appear my father seems to think I'm lacking in certain aspects of my life. He sent me out a book that I started reading earlier today, but, and this might say how keen I am on it, I left it an acquaintance's home and won't be able to retrieve it until Tuesday.

The book is "Proof of Heaven." I won't bore you with details, if you're interested, you can Google it.

I'm afraid my dad isn't very subtle when he's trying to hint at things.



Locked from Dr. Arden

Booooored. Bored bored bored.

Who wants to go dancing? Your drinks are on me, promise.

Jul. 13th, 2013




I'm so blessed! I've already got an interview for a job, and I found a new church, and a few places where I can help out and volunteer. I hope my good luck continues.

Maybe I could run a sober driver service for people who've had a bit too much while they're out dancing.

Jul. 9th, 2013




Hello. My name is Mary Eunice McKee, and I've just moved here from Baltimore where I was helping with food donations at Community Of Most Precious Blood. I'm a bit ... shy, I confess, and not very good at meeting new people. I hope I can do good works here as well. It feels like I was Called.