
Posts Tagged: 'aziraphale'

Oct. 27th, 2013



I think, for Halloween, my big plans are to curl up with a mug of tea and some Edgar Allan Poe and spend the night in.

If I'm lucky, we'll have a nice atmospheric thunderstorm to set the mood!

Does anyone else have a favourite spooky story, to celebrate Halloween with?

Oct. 25th, 2013




I forget my contacts for one whole day, and every secretary in the department's come to fawn over my glasses. (I'm sure that's not entirely accurate, but it seems like.) They're eyeglasses. I think a lot of people still wear them.

Oct. 24th, 2013



Ok, so as a techno geek, this strikes fear into my heart. And no-one say Bing it! I mean...really people...

Oct. 17th, 2013




First dates are absolutely hellish and I hope I never go on such a terrible one ever, ever again. I think I know everything about this woman's cats and the cats' bowel habits.

Oct. 16th, 2013



All this paper work and having to jump through hoops is exhausting. Thankfully, I think it's coming to an end soon. Or at least I hope so. It seems as though there are endless forms to be filled out and signed and checked and so on and so forth.

I just want to give Adam a good home, is that so much to ask?

Oct. 10th, 2013



I wish I had my bloody license! Can anyone teach me how to fuckin drive? Think you need one to buy a car.

Sep. 28th, 2013




If anyone was wondering I went out and bought a book. Not a Nook or a Kindle or an iPad but an actual book. The binding fell apart. Yeah, I should have gotten an electronic one.

Sep. 27th, 2013



Where does one go to meet people, exactly? That isn't some sort of bar or night club, mind you. Those things aren't really my cup of tea.

But I've been wanting to branch out and make new friends, and that sort of thing, but I'm not certain where to start!

Perhaps I could start a book club? Hmm...

Sep. 26th, 2013




My daughter and I making a batch of Autumn Spice soy candles with our very own blend of essential oils, using recycled babyfood jars as votive holders. If they turn out well, maybe we'll sell the ones that aren't already designated for gift-giving in the clinic.

On the one hand, I kind of like the pie smell that seems to have permeated the house. On the other, I kind of feel cheated that there isn't any actual pie.

Might have to fix that.

Sep. 19th, 2013



I had a customer ask me the other day why I didn't serve coffee or tea or pastries, or some such thing. Do many bookshops do that, these days? I would think that there would be a concern about getting some sort of stain on the books. Or crumbs, or goodness knows what else. It seems terribly dangerous to me to have food and beverages around books, especially old ones.

(Never mind that I sometimes have tea at the shop, it always gets put under the counter when a customer comes in. And never near the shelves.)

Sep. 18th, 2013




Hi! I just moved here from New York, and I was told this might be a good place to start getting familiar with everything? I hope it is, anyway.

My name's David Nolan. I used to be working towards joining the NYPD, but I've got this memory issue so I had to leave the academy. Which is why I'm here, to start seeing a specialist about it. I guess there's not much more about me to say, but I really can't wait to settle into everything here. Orange County seems like a great place.

Sep. 7th, 2013



I think I might be getting the hang of this internet thing! I've ordered books off Amazon now, though I haven't been able to purchase one of those electronic readers. I enjoy the smell and feel of books too much.

I've also looked at that netflicks business! Quite interesting, and so many films I haven't seen! I quite like the period dramas.

What's next? Tweeter?




I love helping out and being the face and sort of man in charge of the charities I set up, but I really hate when people come up with the "let's do a bachelor auction" idea.

I really hate it when they say I'm one of the bachelors.

So, if you'd like to "purchase" me in a totally offensive, vaguely racist cattle call, Saturday the 21st at the Hyrule Hotel in downtown Irvine is your day to do it. But it does support a good cause - Helping Hands. We help kids out who were in the foster care system for long periods of time by setting them up with lots of scholarships and grants so that they can go to college for as little out of pocket as possible. Education shouldn't solely be an enterprise of the rich.

Jun. 6th, 2013



Oh my, I've certainly had some interesting dreams lately.

My husband was in them again, only this time it was the 11th century and we'd met up again, after the unfortunate incident at Eden. We'd become friends, of a sort, over the years, and we'd come to a sort of Arrangement. That is, we didn't interfere directly with one another's business. Of course, being an angel, if I saw a Wile I'd be obligated to Thwart it, but generally we just stayed out of each other's way and met up for lunch now and again. Quite nice, really.

Oh -- and I took magic lessons, at one point. I think it was an attempt at a hobby that didn't turn out well at all.

Jun. 5th, 2013




I'm happy to announce that my new show surpassed the expected ratings...it's about God, not ratings, but it's still a good thing. Much of the credit goes to the wonderful Caprica Black, for presenting such a wonderful opportunity.

trigger warning for homophobia, prejudice )

May. 23rd, 2013



So. My case-worker/therapist/whatever the fuck they call themselves said I should join this place for the transition or some shit like that. Apparently this is supposed to help? Hell if I know. Like you people are going to help me 'adjust to my new home'. You don't know me, I don't know you.

But hell, why not right? I'm Adam. Fuckin' sucks to be here.


My husband has, in his own way, mentioned this, but I wanted to confirm the fact that we are, indeed, considering the idea of fostering a child. Preferably a little older, perhaps a teenager?

It's something we've been discussing for quite some time now, but the time just feels right. We're all nice and settled in here in California, Anthony's doing quite well in his business and I can set my own hours, so I'd be able to be home whenever possible.

If anyone has any advice on raising older children, it would be much appreciated. We're both very much looking forward to this new chapter of our lives.

Arthur Fell-Crowley

May. 22nd, 2013




For the record, I had nothing to do with the Spanish Inquisition (but the M25 is a personal stroke of genius).

Oh. And also, Arthur has insisted we take in a child teenager. So there's that. Advice and consolations are more than welcome.

May. 21st, 2013




Central air is FANTASTIC.

But it's still really hot in the attic. How do I fix this?? I have things! Things I need to do up here! In the attic!

In other news.

May. 18th, 2013



I've just had the strangest dream last night.

I dreamed I was an angel. Not just any angel, but a guardian at the gates of Eden. I was there when poor Adam and Eve were forced out, as a matter of fact. I gave them my flaming sword so they could protect themselves and make a fire and whatnot.

Of course, God did ask about that. Where my sword had gone, I mean. I said, "I had it just a moment ago, I must have put it down somewhere. Forget my own head next."

I lied to God. To God! I suppose it was for a good cause and all, really. Surely He'd see that?

Anyway, it was all very strange indeed. And a bit like my husband's dream, about him being the serpent in Eden, come to think of it. But from the opposite end.

Arthur Fell-Crowley

May. 16th, 2013




I'm bored, so you get lolcats.
Click for pics )

Anyone sensing a pattern here? Jack needs some coffee and the one in the office is broken. Hell... at this rate, I'm about to send one of the interns out to get me some.

May. 14th, 2013




Oh. My word. Television is just glorious.

And Facebook.

And the two together are just completely incredible.

I'm totally taking credit for my side for this.

May. 11th, 2013



Well! According to my dear husband, I am not being nearly as social as I ought to be.

So this is me, attempting to be social. Hello everyone! The weather's been nice, hasn't it? I'm quite thrilled that spring is here, really.

In fact, I've been meaning to find a good park where I can go and feed the ducks. Does anyone know of any particularly duck-filled parks?

Arthur Fell-Crowley

Apr. 22nd, 2013




Don't you hate it when work comes between you and a good book? I've got to be up around 4AM and I'm STILL reading. It's about time, though, I've been sitting on this book waiting to read it for ages and ages. Now that I'm really excited about it, it's bedtime. Sigh.




Hello everyone!

Lovely faces all over this network, brilliant thing really. Absolutely love socializing. Which obviously means you do too if you're on it, so that means you should come to my Gala!

Of course I still don't actually have it all planned out, apparently you need to save time at the museum in advance. A bit annoying really, they weren't exactly doing anything today and I already had plenty of stuff ready to go. Still, absolutely fantastic that they said I could! May 5th, Cinco de Mayo, will be the Gala! Day and night and all of that. Well I suppose exhibit is more accurate for the day time aspects...

WHATEVER. Night will have the ballroom open for dancing and music; required quite a bit of discussion, but I was apparently able to get my University President to agree to it.

OH RIGHT! Brilliant news, I'm in the running to be hired by Stanford and the University of Southern California, as a full time professor of their History programs. Already have lists of classes I'd like to teach, proposals of all varying sorts. Just not sure which University I should truly go to.

Each sound brilliant, but each are pretty permanent, not a fan of that; oh well, such is life! I'm sure I'll find plenty of time to travel in the mean time.

What was I babbling on about--oh right, the gala! It will be fun, remarkable fun! I assure you all that you'll want to be there, and if you don't; well, I'm sure your significant other will drag you anyway.

Apr. 19th, 2013



I think I'm starting to get used to this internet thing. I've been introduced to funny pictures and videos of cats, which is apparently some sort of initiation rite?

Who knows, maybe next I'll start a website for my bookshop!

But likely not. One step at a time, as they say.

Arthur Fell-Crowley

Apr. 16th, 2013




So, from what I've gathered in my short time here, odd dreams are the norm, yes? Because I am fairly certain that I've had one, in which I dreamt I was a snake? And by "I dreamt I was a snake," I mean, of course, "I dreamt I was the snake that tempted Even in the Garden of Eden."

I haven't told Arthur yet. Likely he'll say something about it being blasphemous but I won't tell him he was there, either.

I mean. I dreamt some other things, too, but the important bit is I was most certainly a Former Angel Turned Demon/Talking Serpent. Which for all accounts and purposes is pretty bloody cool.

Apr. 11th, 2013



I think I have my shop exactly the way I want it. I think, at least.

There's one box of books that I keep bringing back and forth from the shop to my personal library and back again. Books that I don't necessarily need and probably could stand to part with, but that I might read again.

This is the peril of owning one's own business, I suppose. Any advice on letting go of possessions would be greatly appreciated.

Arthur Fell-Crowley

Apr. 10th, 2013




Trying again to see if anyone can recommend a good physician. Someone keeps nagging reminding me it's been a while since my last check-in, and I prefer word-of-mouth over looking someone up in the phone book.

I find it much less trying, in any case.

Apr. 6th, 2013



Got a letter from Mother, including a clipping about a study which shows how destructive same-sex marriage would be to British society. I'm fairly sure it's because Parliament approved a second reading of a bill which would allow it, at least in England.

It seems impossible to honor one's father and mother when they seem so ... ignorant.




Any accountants around? Or just someone who likes to do people's taxes?
Mine ain't hard to do, but I gotta say I just don't really feel like cracking down on it this year. Apparently Uncle Sam frowns on that kinda thing though?

Mar. 29th, 2013




Can I just say I love America? And I love Palm Springs. When I retire, I am retiring here. While I feel awful for leaving Arthur during Easter (ps Angel, I have internet in Palm Springs, enjoy your burgers), everything makes up for it. Everyone here has a Bentley and I'm jealous, and I played my first round of golf today ever, and I was awful, but it was bloody great fun. I've eaten a lot of food -- good food, tonight's dinner for ten cost a very pretty penny -- and had an awful lot to drink.

Oh. And in my down time? I relax by the pool.

This right here is the life.




Thursday night. Nearly midnight, so I guess actually Friday now. Bored out of my freakin' mind. How's that even possible? Has the internet run out? Is Tumblr down?

Quick, someone: entertain me!

I need a significant other. This is ridiculous.

Mar. 28th, 2013



Anthony is in Palm Springs for the weekend, leaving me all by myself in a brand new city. But when the cat's away, the mice will play, isn't that how the saying goes?

Though in this case, 'play' mostly likely means go to church on Sunday and find some place to have a really fantastic cheeseburger. I've no doubt he's indulging in all the foods he's not supposed to have while he's out of town, so I feel I might as well do the same.

That does mean, however, I need to find a 'burger joint', I think it's called, and a good Episcopalian church.

Any recommendations for either would be greatly appreciated.

Arthur Fell-Crowley


Erm. Hello. My name is Athelstan. It was suggested I join this network. I'm twenty, into my first semester of an exchange at UCLA. I'm from the north of England. I went to an all boys' boarding school for seven years in a very small town, so I confess this place is still a bit intimidating.

I like to volunteer, to read and give back to the community. Recently the priest at my church gave a long homily on why same-sex marriage is against the will of God, however, and I'm not in agreement with that view. So if anyone could possibly recommend a Catholic church with a Father who has a different view, I would be grateful.

That is ... I do worship, I do believe in God, but I wouldn't ... I don't think anyone else's relationship with God is my business. Now that I've made an absolute fool of myself, I'll be off.

Mar. 25th, 2013



Oh dear, Anthony's much better at this sort of thing than I am.

Hello, then. My name is Arthur and I'm rather new to the area. I'm the owner and proprietor of Fell's Books at [location] so please look for your books elsewhere feel free to stop in and say hello.

I think there's a way to do a smiling face but I forget what it is, so imagine there's one there.

Arthur Fell-Crowley.