
Posts Tagged: 'alyssa+hamilton'

Jan. 17th, 2016




I have mixed feelings in the choices of relationships for myself in my dreams. On the one hand I think it might have been okay, but on the other hand he's getting too clingy and overprotective.

Wolverine is scary. Wolverine on fire is even scarier and I had it under control. He needs to accept that sometimes I'll be aflame, or dismembered, or shot in the head.

I get better.

Jan. 16th, 2016




Good God, my mother is worse in my dreams than she is in real life. How's that even possible?

Jan. 15th, 2016




Hypothetical question.

If you wake up from one of those dreams, sneeze and happen to blow a hole in the wall between your bedroom and bathroom, what do you file that under on the contents insurance?

Jan. 13th, 2016




Sometimes these dreams are really hard. I mean, they were going great for a while there! A unicorn with all her centaur friends made us a big feast which was delicious and there was enough food for all of us even though Caramon was there because when Caramon is around there's usually not nearly enough food for everyone. But there was, and we all got to eat it and it was delicious!

And then we got to fly on the backs of these Pegasuses and it was wonderful. I'd never flown before in the dreams and I just loved it. At least until they put us to sleep. I tried not to fall asleep, but they insisted that I did because otherwise people might panic and fall off their backs but clearly they've never met a kender before because kender don't panic about anything.

And then when we landed we saw Goldmoon's home town and it was... nothing really all that interesting. In fact, there was nothing at all interesting until we found our ways into this swamp, and Flint and I scouted ahead and we might have got a little bit drunk we ran into even more draconians! Draconians are these creepy lizard people that turn into stone when you kill them. Anyway, Flint and I jumped into the swamp but everyone else got captured by the draconians! And then I pretended to be a dragon in order to free them all, and I got stuck in it's head and because everything was on fire Tanis had to chop off the head and I was really worried that they were going to chop off my topknot but it was all still there when they finally managed to get me out of the fake dragon's head.

And once we escaped from the draconian camp, we finally found Xak Tsaroth which was where we were planning on going because of Goldmoon's magical blue crystal staff, and we found a dragon.

Like, a real live breathing dragon! I thought that all the dragons got killed by Huma a really long time ago, but nope! There was one just hiding in this well in the middle of Xak Tsaroth.

But running into the dragon really wasn't as great as I thought it would be. Cut for a description of someone melted by acid )

For the most part, I really do like the dreams. It's so much more interesting than just going to sleep at night and not really doing anything. But I wish that the bad things that happened in them... didn't happen. And I don't know why all the really awful things have to come right after really great things like flying on flying horses and seeing a real life dragon for the first time.

Jan. 12th, 2016




Fuck, I never post on this forum, do I? I think the last post I made I was a woman, then before that the bearer of bad news. It feels odd to not have anything catastrophic to say.

I've always hated that 'pink for girls, blue for boys' shit so imagine this in orange font or something. Anyway, according to the doctor's poking (which looked uncomfortable) we're having a girl and I unfortunately didn't get any 'it's a girl' biscuits or cakes or cigars, but if anyone wants to drink with me tonight, I'll be at [insert name of bar] and I'll buy you one.

Names are still being brainstormed. That one's tough, isn't it?

Jan. 11th, 2016




Valentine's Day is still a month away, but my restaurant is taking reservations already.

We'll have a special menu that night. Along with some particularly decadent desserts, we'll also have heart served four ways, for those adventurous enough to try it.




I almost feel guilty. In dreams, the Romans pushed us from the city we took. Julius Caesar had sneaked into our ranks. (It is nice to know he gets what's coming to him, in the end.) We're exiled and moving, I think, to the Alps. But the winter where we are is unforgiving. I do not think many will last through the days, especially with Romans at our heels.

And here I am, in waking world, moving into a big new place with my favourite person. I probably shouldn't feel bad about it, since they're just dreams, but I feel my dream counterpart would be not so pleased.

Jan. 9th, 2016




So me and my girl are gonna make things official like. With paperwork an' everything. That ain't gonna change our open arrangement or nothing but it felt like the right thing to do!

Dec. 23rd, 2015




Has anyone else seen someone die in their dreams?

Last night I dreamed that Cynthia, the woman who was with me in the abandoned subway, died. I don’t really understand what happened. She was in this little office on the upper floor near the turnstiles while I was doing something down on the platforms. I don’t even remember what it was I was doing down there now. She paged me over the loud speakers that she’d found away out. But before I could get back up stairs again someone broke into the office and killed her. Whoever did it was gone by the time I got there. I’ve never seen so much blood, it was literally everywhere and Cynthia…whoever did this had to have been insane as fuck. They sliced her up and carved “16121” into her chest. INTO HER CHEST?! Who the fuck does something like that?!

The worst part of it is she wasn’t dead when I found her. She asked me if this was all part of the dream. She was dying, so I told her, yeah, it was and that she’d wake up soon. Then she…just died in my arms. I’ve never seen someone die before. It was like the light inside her eyes just turned off.

Then I was back in my apartment again, like I’d woken up from some kind of nightmare. I heard sirens outside. I looked out my bedroom window and saw an ambulance by the subway station’s entrance and watched the paramedics wheel a stretcher out with a body bag on it.

I feel…I feel awful. I keep thinking that if I had gotten back up to the office quicker, I could have saved her. Maybe if I hadn’t taken so much fucking time killing the monsters coming out of the walls on the escalator back up, I could have gotten to her in time.

I just can’t get the look of her lifeless eyes out of my head.

Dec. 21st, 2015




Tas' Christmas adventure, cut for length, viewable to all )

I guess there are some downsides to living here though. Living in a bouncy castle was a lot of fun for a while. Even when I popped my bed it wasn't so bad because the floor is still nice and squishy. But I popped the couch today, and I kind of really miss walking on solid ground. And I miss not needing to worry about accidentally popping a hole in the furniture. I wonder if I popped a wall if the ceiling would fall down. That could be kind of interesting, I guess.

Anyway, does anyone know how I can turn my apartment into an apartment again instead of a big bouncy castle?

Dec. 17th, 2015




I never knew going out dancing could be so much fun! I want to go out again!




So, what are the rest of we family-less bastards going to do on the holidays? it's my first christmas alone ideas are good.




I feel like this is a bad omen for the rest of the holidays.

Or the new year.

Or both.

Dec. 7th, 2015




This is very important.

But if anyone comes across Mr. Hanky, I want to know.

Dec. 4th, 2015




Ice cream for breakfast! Completely acceptable, if only to show off the food porn in this really cute bowl. But if you're curious, no, I'm not seriously going to eat the pickles with it.

image behind cut )

Obviously, it's safe to say that ice cream for breakfast isn't going to be the one responsible for making me fat in the next couple months. That's a blame that'll go right to Pete. Thanks, babe! Womb lease ends sometime in early June, but it'll probably be here faster than we think.

We're also not naming it after any of you assholes, so don't even suggest it.

Dec. 1st, 2015




I got Flower to sit still long enough for a Christmas photo.

Cut for large image, viewable to all. )

Yes, he was purring when I took it. He just always looks angry.




I'm not gonna mention the snow

When is it an appropriate time to start dating again after a divorce? Legitimately asking for a friend.

Nov. 23rd, 2015




I think I finally had one of those great dreams everyone's always talking about! I was worried my dreams were going to be really boring but this one wasn't at all! Someone dropped this ring, so I picked it up and put it on but I couldn't take it off again no matter what I tried to do! And then it teleported me. Right into the middle of the ocean. I almost drowned, but then, right before I did, it transported me again into the middle of this scratchy briar patch! And then it kept teleporting me, and then I realized that it was taking me to this big creepy tower on the top of this hill that was surrounded by storm clouds and lightning and I just knew it was the tower of some mage who was probably evil, but I couldn't stop the ring from teleporting me and then I ended up inside the tower and was captured by these two automatons!

And then they took me to this Magus and he really was evil! He was wearing black robes and everything. And he was so tall. He must have been at least twelve feet tall! And he tried to take off the ring but he couldn't and then he tried to take it off with magic but the ring blasted him away!

He locked me up in prison but the ring teleported me out of the cell into this air vent where he summoned a demon. And the demon had tentacle arms and two no, wait, four no, wait six heads. And he asked this demon who called himself the Prince of Demons about my ring and the demon didn't really seem all that pleased about being asked about it but didn't have any answers, but he looked right at me and I thought for sure he was going to tell the Magus and eat me but he didn't. And then I snuck away into the Magus' library and found a book about the demon, and let me tell you, he's not a friendly demon. In fact, he sounded like bad news.

But then the Magus captured me again and told me he was going to feed me to the demon, so he dragged me into the summoning room and summoned the demon and commanded him to eat me. But I threw a rock at the Magus and it screwed up his summoning, so the demon turned on the Magus instead.

"I created this ring as a failsafe in case someone abused their powers," the demon declared, as he snatched the Magus up in his tentacle arm. "Thank you, little kender, for releasing me from this Magus' hold. I owe you a lifetime of debt. You are my hero and my saviour," he said, and as he dragged the Magus kicking and screaming into the Abyss, he removed the ring from my finger and sent me home.

And then I ran into Raistlin's older sister, Kitiara, and some other guy. And they were both really tall too! Kitiara must have been at least ten feet tall. I wonder if she's part giant. I bet giants exist in my dream world, since Demons and teleportation rings do. Kitiara must be part giant. I wonder if it's on her mother's side or her father's side. Maybe Raistlin is part giant too! I could believe it of Caramon. He's really big. It would sure explain a couple of things.

But Kitiara and this other guy, Strum, and I all went for drinks and I told them all about it but they didn't believe me. =( But it's true!

ANYWAY! That was the best dream I've ever had! I hope they're all that exciting.

Nov. 20th, 2015




I dreamed something that didn't make sense, but then makes sense once you think about it.

There are legacies in my dreams. People who take on the mantle of others to honor those who have been lost, and to then make that legacy their own.

I just hope I live up to it.

Nov. 16th, 2015




How do you tell your dad that you don't wanna do Thanksgiving with him and his new girlfriend without having to explain that it's not actually about him dating another woman only just older than his daughter and really because you're mad at him for ruining the Nation that you'll one day rule in a mystical dream world that potentially doesn't even exist?

I need to give him an answer by Friday. My brain hurts.

Nov. 15th, 2015




Well, I wanted to do this last week but our apartment needed a little more work than I expected before we could have guests over, so I guess I have to push this to this week instead!

As some of you know, Raistlin and I just moved into this great county and it's absolutely wonderful! And all of you seem like such great people and we'd really like to get to know all of you, so Raistlin and I are going to have an apartment warming party this Friday and all of you are welcome!

We live at [address] an address someplace but I guess you'll have to ask for it and I always leave the door unlocked so just feel free to start coming by whenever you want! Though preferably not before Friday because I haven't finished decorating yet!




People are confusing, but I like them.

Nov. 13th, 2015




I'm selling Mum's house. It's just got too many memories associated with it at this point.

Does anybody have any recommendations on neighbourhoods or townhouses and the like? I want a pool, for strategic night swimming purposes.

Nov. 2nd, 2015




And here comes the Christmas music.

Oct. 31st, 2015




I have possibly been watching too many Halloween movie marathons and eating too much candy, because I had the weirdest litte dream last night. I was very young and got attacked by what I'm assuming was a werewolf. And I woke up feeling a bit nauseated. Hopefully that passes soon so I can eat more candy.

Oct. 26th, 2015




Nice to know that regardless of where you are, blokes will still decide it's perfectly acceptable to harass you on the street by leaning down towards your chest, shaking their head and growling. Really. Just how I wanted to end my day.

Oct. 25th, 2015




This is a global crisis, everybody. I have no idea what to do, but I know that I am legitimately concerned.

Oct. 21st, 2015




Today, in my first period shop class, a boy asked me out.

He, then, proceeded to look over my work for class and said that I was pretty good..."for a girl." I rolled my eyes and without a word continued o my work.

Why are boys so dumb? At least, my teacher has the common sense to say that I have done some of the best work he's ever seen. Not "best work for a girl," but best work. Period. I feel that this kind of work will warrant many comments like that and I wish it wasn't this way. However, I'm ready to prove everyone of what I am capable of.

Oct. 19th, 2015




If I turn up the air conditioning and wear my sweaters inside, I can pretend it's fall.

Oct. 16th, 2015




I am pretty sure the 16 year old time displaced version of the 32 year old leader of my people has a crush on me.

Oct. 8th, 2015




Locked to anyone who is friends with Peeta or Alyssa. If you think you are, you probably are. )

Oct. 4th, 2015




I always thought meeting people on the internet was a bit odd, and I don't see the point with my lack of ability to form a healthy social life, but this skinny little bar manager I know said this was a good thing to dick around on via the mobile while business was slow.

Name's Hawke. I may have served drinks to some of you, but I only remember the ones that actually made the bloody effort to tip me accordingly.

I enjoy long walks on the beach and cuddles. I like to be the little spoon. It makes me feel safe.

Sep. 25th, 2015




Son of a bitch.




You have got to be kidding me! Again!?

Sep. 24th, 2015




It's officially Autumn as of yesterday, which means the weather and sun are finally mild enough for me to feel like going to the beach. Who wants to come with me?

Sep. 21st, 2015




I just....

This is funnier than Trump.

Wisdom, I don't care if you voted for him or not I'm never letting your country live this down.

(ooc: the headline might be a little nsfw)

Sep. 14th, 2015




So I guess after the world wasn't destroyed, and everyone in my dreamworld who died was miraculously resurrected (except for the douchecanoe responsible for the 'let's make you destroy the world' drama), killing two demonlords means this demonically created barrier keeping our specific continent away from the rest of the world is down. Every kingdom wants to send explorers out (probably to conquer, let's be real), and I'm just interested in going for magical studies.

Then a golden dragon decides to attack the port city the day everyone's launching off, a tsunami is accidentally created HOW DO I KEEP DOING THIS and everything's destroyed. To avoid blame I convinced my people to help me steal a ship and sail off.

And starve.

It seemed like a good idea, I guess. But the tsunami really was an accident.

On the bright side, there's pumpkin spice everything practically available, so it's time to indulge in 'basic bitch' tendencies.

Sep. 8th, 2015




I dreamed someone close to me was possessed by demons. It is my understanding that this is a common occurrence for us. Possession and mind control. It is not easy being a mutant.

Sep. 5th, 2015




For sale?

Twenty year old neurodivergant girl seeking potential partner.

Great patience required.

Must be willing to run barefoot through the grass on sunny days. Dancing in the rain optional but delightful.

Contact Alyssa Hamilton for references.

Sep. 2nd, 2015




Okay, I'm new to this whole social media thing, so don't laugh too hard if I screw up. I figure it's time to meet some new people, and it was this or okcupid... and I don't think I'm ready to visit that side of the internet just yet.

Where do I start? The name's James, but most people call me Bucky. I just moved to the OC a few months ago-- I'm from Brooklyn, originally. Thought the change in scenery would be nice. I work at the VA doing social work.

Is that enough information? Or too much? I can never tell with blogging.

Sep. 1st, 2015




I know that one day I want to have children with my fiancé. We've discussed it, and a small family will be ours if all goes well. However, I'm kind of terrified at the actual process of labour. My mum was really very... insistent upon me giving her grandchildren, so she made me watch a lot of labour and delivery videos on the internet. (Among other weird things.) It's one of the things I don't miss about her.

All that being said: I wish Mum were around to watch this video with me. Don't worry, if you click it takes you to an article about a woman who is going to have a dolphin midwife. Yes. I said dolphin midwife. There's a video of another woman included as a sort of footnote. She had a human midwife, but a dolphin attending. The dolphin looks suitably confused, as would anyone who had a person randomly come into their house, plant their arse down, and start birthing a child would look.

So now I am equal parts nostalgic and homesick for my mother, as well as grossed out.

Aug. 31st, 2015




I'd gotten used to having some time between my dreams to kind of process everything that happened in them but no such luck this time. So let's see things I've learned are true in my dreams:

1 - Vampires are real and run my hometown.
2 - If your the mayor's daughter you can set people's houses on fire and no one will say shit to/about you for it
3 - My grandfather has the power to arrange for people to get out of town even though nobody is supposed to leave town because no one outside of Morganville can find out that vampires are real

And now to add number 4 to that list.

4 - Ghosts are real and I've come back as one.

Aug. 30th, 2015




gif behind cut )

Aug. 28th, 2015




While of course I would prefer to compete on something more prestigious such as Masterchef, watching Food Network with my partner makes me think I would do very well on Cutthroat Kitchen.




I have to say that I know my dreams are coming to an end, but I'm still constantly surprised by them. Dreaming about basically a real life Hunger Games on the streets of the Capitol was not something I wanted to experience. We lost a lot of good people, but justice (for the most part) has prevailed. I just -- I just wish there was a better way to go about this.

But I will say that the people that deserved to die did, but I'm still upset about the ones that didn't deserve it. The only thing about trying to take our freedom back is wondering if we're actually going to do good with it.

Aug. 23rd, 2015




I don't know what this is.

I don't know what it's for. I don't know what to do with it.

All I know is that everyone and their mother's got one, so now I've got one too. It feels wonderful to have my finger on the pulse of technology. I am a changed man.

I remember when phones had cables...

Aug. 20th, 2015




Oh man, we were out food shopping and what did I spy at the checkout counter? Pumpkin shaped Reese's. Reese's cups shaped like things are just one reason I love Halloween, Christmas and Easter. I mean who doesn't love Reese's cups shaped like pumpkins, Christmas trees and Easter eggs? So I might have bought a couple packs, but they're not all for me. I'll be sharing them with Lian too of course.

Aug. 18th, 2015




Oh my god

(OOC: Link very NSFW)

Aug. 12th, 2015




Whenever the Cubs have a winning streak I get an ulcer.

Aug. 11th, 2015




Whilst watching Bridezillas, I have to wonder if these women have simply Hulked out and are absolutely unlike how they are normally, or if the men they've found are simply mental.

Am I so odd for wanting to get married in my garden and then have some people over for food? I don't want anything huge and stressful. That sounds like the opposite of fun.