
Posts Tagged: 'peter+quill+%28star-lord%29'

Jul. 11th, 2020




I forgot how exciting it is to open boxes packed for moving, and finding things you forgot you had.

Jun. 21st, 2020




Most kids serve their parents breakfast in bed or somethin' for Father's Day. Give em a cool gift or leave 'em be for the day to drink some cold ones and have some peace of mind.

My boy thought it'd be funny as hell to trick me into goin' to the mall an' do shit I'm pretty sure teenagers in the 90s did.

Jun. 2nd, 2020




Holy eff bomb.

Is it just me or did that hangover last days? Just me? Okay cool.

Thanks again to my amazing babe who planned me a kick ass party for no reason other than she knows how much I love to dance. To all my friends who came .... I wish I remembered more of that night. Wanna fill me in? Give me some memories? Because wow. I got shmammered.

At least I came home in my own pants! I think ... I also feel Wanda definitely had something to do with me getting home safe...

Frick. Who wants a smoothie? I think I need to eat healthy for a week now to get over this. Where are my sunglasses...

ooc: for those that were at Peter's party, feel free to make up whatever he did that night. I will happily play along :)

May. 24th, 2020




I woke up this morning with my whole room rearranged. And it wasn't in a good way.

My hands are still tingling, so I'm sure it was because of the dream. Over exertion of my powers there probably bled into my consciousness and then... out again, I suppose.

Has anyone done a study on this stuff? The effect of dreams and our waking up process I mean?

[ Filtered to Friends of Peter Quill ]
I know it's a little late, but I want to sort of have a 'welcome home' party for Peter. I was thinking we could all meet at Lux, he's partied there before, so it won't be like a 'surprise' party or anything. Just all his friends hanging out together.

I was thinking early June, if anyone was interested?

[ Filtered to Kara Danvers & Billy Kaplan ]
If I invite you both to a party for my boyfriend, you'll come, right?

Apr. 28th, 2020




A question you never wanna ask yourself

it's four AM do you know where your hyenas are?

Apr. 27th, 2020




I can't believe I'm going to say this, because I know it invites certain doom.

But I'm really bored.

Apr. 4th, 2020




So all this stuff going on, and me being in side more than usual...I realized something very important about myself.

I am so fucking boring when I don't have other people around. Like daaaaaamn. I don't really have hobbies. I thought at first, cool, I can build things ...but I build things for a LIVING so that's not a hobby. Then I thought okay, I can paint. Again, work stuff.

I have no legitimate hobbies. I don't really read. I play video games sometimes but that's like a 'get high/drunk' activity ...

I need suggestions. And it can't be complicated or involve reading.

Apr. 1st, 2020




What n'the hell??


Mar. 29th, 2020




Tonight, cuz I feel like it, the Nightcrawler is offering $1 beer off the tap.

Mar. 18th, 2020




Think I'm gonna spend the next coupla weeks up on the Quadrant till this pandemic stuff blows over. Got everything I could need up there anyways. 'specially booze.

Peter, Anakin, Clint - you boys comin'?

Mar. 11th, 2020




Good thing the Ravager in me had the sense to bring as many of them coins from those mystery boxes to the local pawn shop 'fore the day ended yesterday. I mean, I kept a couple at the house thinkin' I might have 'em melted down for somethin' but turns out those things turned into chocolate.

Jokes on the pawn shop hehe.

Mar. 10th, 2020




I found random mushrooms.

I totally ate them.

What a fucking triiiiip.

This is the welcome home I needed after three months of non stop work.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go fold my dishes and iron my floors... daaaaaang.

Dec. 15th, 2019




Well damn. Guess wishin' on a star ain't so bad after all.

Woke up this mornin' feelin' pretty damn good - no aches or stiff joints. Took one look in the mirror an realized I lost about twenty years - and some weight too. Haven't been this lean an' mean since the Corps.

Cut for image )

Dec. 3rd, 2019




Note to self: next year put the Advent calendar somewhere your kid can't reach it.

She ate the whole month of December in a matter of minutes.

Nov. 3rd, 2019




So...I've been back in the area, for about a week.

Now, that I've explained things to my dad (aka calmed him down), most things are starting to feel normal again...mostly. I'm ready to start socializing again but I have to minimize how much I put myself out there, even with the fitness classes. The latter may prove to be quite difficult but it's for the best.

Oct. 16th, 2019




Looks like I'm losing my mind along with the rest of you. I even woke up with a cold gun after dreaming about it.

Oct. 14th, 2019




Well, finally got around to buyin' some Halloween candy for the little runts in the neighborhood - but not for the not so little ones that think they can get some free candy. My cutoff is ten years old ya' freeloaders.

Just wonderin' how long I can hide this stash before Peter tries eatin' it all.

Sep. 26th, 2019




if you die in the dreams, do you die in real life?

asking for a friend.

that's never true, but still.

Sep. 19th, 2019




I figured it was about time to clear out the last of Sam's stuff from the attic since I'm going to be doing some remodeling on the house here pretty soon. Finishing up the process of making it mine. Putting in new windows on the backside of the house to keep some of the sun out while not obstructing the ocean view that I'm never getting tired of. I got off topic I know - anyway while I was going through the boxes I found some old Christmas decorations that he'd held onto for who knows what reason since he never decorated this place and one of them was something called the Christmas Pickle which from what I found online is a tradition that gives the person who finds it a very special Christmas present. I still haven't decided if that's creepy or sweet. What I do know is that damn ornament is going to be out of my house before I go to bed tonight.

Sep. 15th, 2019




I walked into Olivia room this morning to find her stuff bear in the corner.

He was in time out for robbing a bank this morning.

I'm not crying from laughter.

Sep. 9th, 2019




Something is very wrong today. I cannot... access my powers, nor locate my hammer. It is as though I am no longer Thor, God of Thunder, but merely Thor, Odinson.

Aug. 28th, 2019




Well shit. I haven't been this drunk in years. Great celebration on Monday with the boys, a lady friend, and some of my old Marine and PD buddies showed up! Lost count of how many whiskey bottles everyone got me. I was hungover all day yesterday, slept most of the day. Still feelin' it a bit today.

...what day is it exactly?

Aug. 20th, 2019




Today, a man from a generation twice removed from me tried talking to me when I had my headphones on. And then, became upset when I asked him to repeat what he'd said because: I HAD HEADPHONES ON.

It's true having the Force means I could technically understand him if I put in the effort. But why do Boomers not get the concept of headphones?

And I have other questions. Cut for length )

Aug. 7th, 2019




After being forced to go to WalMart in the middle of the night, I've learned I never want to have to go to WalMart in the middle of the night again.

Jul. 24th, 2019




Well how about that. Came home to a house cleaner than barracks during inspection. Hell, even the yard was trimmed.

Not bad, kid. Not bad at all.

Jul. 21st, 2019




I just saw a suggestion on facebook to add your own hair to your potted plants as free plant food. And you know, even if I've probably accidently killed every plant I've ever touched, I'm good. If it comes down to it, I'll just get a fabric tree or something, because I've seen this movie. Today you feed your plant hair, next week you've got a venus flytrap yelling "feed me Seymore". And I just don't need to deal with that.

Jul. 19th, 2019




I'm feeling the 80's today. I need a great 80's playlist for my salon.

Give me all the greatest hits - GOOOOO!

Jul. 18th, 2019




Trish called me this morning to wish me a happy birthday, which would have been nice I guess, except for the fact that she was apparently with Dorothy. That, and Trish apparently forgot about the time difference.

Nothing to say 'happy birthday, Jessica' like being woken up at 7 am and listening to your adoptive mother going on for ten minutes about how you're throwing your life away. I need a drink.

Jul. 7th, 2019




Have you ever wondered Why is Anakin? Do you find yourself asking Why does Anakin?

Now there's a YouTube playlist.

Jun. 13th, 2019




It appears my assessment of my allegiance were correct. As confusing as it might be to me, the dreams are at least allowing me to understand the consequences of actions in a way few people can say they experience. Anger and vengeance are a poison, and I will not let them cloud my mind like my counterpart has.

Thankfully I have completed my course for the year and will not return to school until the fall, thanks largely to a very generous scholarship allowing my completion of learning here in America.

As this is my first time having a summer break, I am looking for suggestions for things to do while I'm off school. What kinds of things to people do on summer break?

Jun. 11th, 2019




I just had my first wreck in years. I swear that rock came out of nowhere.

Jun. 10th, 2019




Well. It finally happened.

I got a gift from my dreams and what do I get?

A mo'fo Zune.

Yeah. That's right. A Zune.

Apparently dream!me is allll about the vintage-ness of life. I mean, hey, it's pre-loaded and has a million cool old songs (okay like 500 but WHO'S COUNTING?!).

I wonder if this means my next dream gift will be like moon boots or maybe some Chia pet...

Anyways, if you're wondering where I am, I'm trying to ebay myself a Zune charger because the universe has a sense of humour.

May. 27th, 2019




Something, not law related to binge on Netflix.





I had the funniest dream ever last night. I don't usually dream about people I know and things like that, but it was pretty silly.

I guess I need to cut back on doing so much and get a proper sleep cycle again. I shouldn't have funky dreams when I have class in the morning. At least I have the summer to fix that up well. Hopefully that means no more dreams about mind controlled dogs, haha. And by a monkey. So silly.

May. 13th, 2019




This was the first year in maybe 10, 15 years that I actually felt like I could celebrate Mother's Day.

My mom passed away when I was about 10 (#fyoucancer).


What 10 year old is prepared to be without their mom? I mean, sure she had her moments and she yelled at me and probably was a total b-word, but she was my mom. She was the one who taught me how to sing, how to dance, how to just let loose and live in the moment. She painted all the time, and she made the best grilled cheese sandwiches and goddamnit do I ever miss her.

So yesterday, Yondu and I just listened to some of her old mixtapes, drank beer, swapped stories.... it was frickin' hard but you know what? Glad I got the old man around. This way, she's never really gone, not when there's at least two people who still think about her and miss her.

Thanks, Yondu. For an old, cranky, ugly man, you're pretty okay sometimes.

But only sometimes.

May. 11th, 2019




Just when I think I've finally gotten used to the way normal everyday life is here in California, minus our regular area apocalypses of course, I find out something new that just has me wondering what the hell is actually going on out here. My roommate and I were feeling a bit too lazy to cook tonight so decided to go online and see if there were any new restaurants added to the list that deliver to our complex. And there's a Sno-Cone place that delivers here. In what universe do you need to have a Sno-Cone delivered to your house? Wouldn't it be practically melted by the time it got to you anyway?

May. 7th, 2019




Old job done. New job starts in two weeks.

Biggest test of my life starts now: staying out of trouble for two weeks.

May. 5th, 2019




So my dreams went from me being six years old to me being sixteen and attending school on the Isle for the first time, instead of being castle schooled. The first day was fine until I ran into the girl who caused me to be banished in the first place. Outside that, my dreams don't seem to be as crazy as some that I've read, thankfully.

Side note, I did wake up my mothers spell book on my nightstand, so that's interesting and one of those adorable little creatures in my living room making itself a nest on my bookshelf.

May. 3rd, 2019




I can’t believe how many cases of the measles have been popping up in the United States… in California… in the 21st century. We almost eradicated the disease, but now thanks to science disbelievers… here we are. If you wanted to take a gamble with your own health, that’s one thing. But these people who refuse to vaccinate their kids are saying they’d rather their kid risk death than risk the very much disproven theory that their kid be “different”. They’re also bringing down the herd immunity that those who CAN’T vaccinate for medical reason depend on.

And even if you survive the measles, one of the worst things about it is it rewrites your immune system back to factory default. Anything you have built up an immunity to, your system forgets. Making it easier for you to to succumb to other viruses. So a measles epidemic? Is only a start to other epidemics rising after it.

Apr. 23rd, 2019




And another happy doomsday survival to you all!

Like before, I offer heavily discounted repairs for one and all.

Think of Peter when your shit is all f*cked up.

Apr. 18th, 2019




This is a bad time to own a bar called Purgatory.

Apr. 16th, 2019





If all these losers are telling the truth, the end is nigh and all that crap.

Eff hoarding or stocking up on stuff. I'm going to take up juggling. That way, when we're rebuilding our society, I can perform tricks for food. Screw foraging! Who has time for that? Not me!

Or maybe I'll learn how to milk a cow. That's a good skill to have, right?

Apr. 15th, 2019




Could've done without my neighbour screaming about the end of the world at five am this morning.

Crazy old kook.

And now I'm nursing a headache born of high pitched wailing and little to no sleep.

That bottle of bourbon sitting on my kitchen counter has never looked so tempting.

Apr. 8th, 2019




Hey, it's me again. Your guy, Tony Stark. I have to stick the name on there because everyone on here is always all 'who are you again?'. Seriously, youtube search me, you'll even get videos with my clothes off. If you're into that.

So I need a person. I had a person, but she did such a great job that she got a promotion. Now it's your turn! General you. The person has to be able to handle things like: Kicking one night stands out of my apartment if I end up too busy to see them out, remembering important details like my birth date and my social security number, buying stuff when I need it, procuring me rare art, and being available for random trips to places at that last minute. Plus, I'll probably text you at 3am at least a zillion times. Very importantly, I've been told it's like babysitting. So someone with enough of a spine to tell a guy like me "Tony, No, it's 4am, get pizza at a normal time of night" is uniquely qualified to professionally babysit one Tony Stark.

There's awesome benefits and compensation for being forced to work for such a gigantic asshole as me. Hit me up.

On another note? I'm totally Iron Man, apparently. Like, super hero gig stuff. And Pop Tarts? You're on my naughty list.

Apr. 1st, 2019




I forgot how much fun it is to prank someone on April Fools.

Hope you enjoyed the new 'deodorant', kid.

Your move, Quill.

Mar. 23rd, 2019




Kinda fell of the radar for a bit...

Needed some time with my father after I had a bad batch of dreams.
I can deal with being chased by aliens after they invaded our home planet.
I can even handle the scar that I got from One dying.

However, having to witness my dad getting tortured since I couldn't be wasn't pleasant.
What made that even worse was when I managed to break out of my own bindings, I had to be the one to end his life cause it was the compassionate thing to do.

Think he got a little sick of me hanging out with him, even if he would never say so.

Mar. 14th, 2019




I got a lighter, a surfboard, and apparently, I joined the Navy. I didn't see the Navy thing coming, but I can say the dreams came full circle.

It's funny that it's been a long time since new things happened. I'm not surprised about some of it. It's always a murder mystery of some sort, always the ups and downs. My girlfriend doesn't trust me. We makeup and break up. If I don't do all the right things, we just don't work. I had totally forgotten about Dick though. He lives up to his name, but there are times that I wish the guy was really around. I need his sense of humor.

After all the stops and starts, and one more mystery - the girl and I end up together. I flew into the sunset and back to finish up my tour in the Navy.

Thank me for this cliff notes version.

Mar. 11th, 2019




In all the excitement of getting off my...house arrest I forgot to check in on here for the last few weeks. I've been out there actually getting to enjoy the beach right behind my house and going to the grocery store. Just all the little errands and things that I couldn't do for the past year. I still can't do much during the day but that's what all night markets are for. I never thought I'd actually be grateful to Amelie for something in the Dreams.

Feb. 27th, 2019




Welp, survey says: It's shrapnel. The kind that's so tiny it doesn't even show up on traditional scanning equipment. Fun times, fun times. My dream self is in the process of creating a battery alternative, because of course he's memorized old blueprints and is an engineering badass. We'll see how that goes. Maybe I'll get lucky and the dreams will send me a present.

Then I, too, can glow in the dark. Bonus: Easier for wireless charging!

Edit: I am not radioactive. The glow is part of the new battery thing. It isn't nuclear powered.

Feb. 26th, 2019



Private to Katherine

(1) Doing this as a network post because I don't have your cell. I have two things to say to you.
(2) Number one: Gimme my shirt!
(3) Number two: [insert picture] Look at my toes. Aren't they adorable?