
Posts Tagged: 'nux'

Oct. 13th, 2015




Well fuck )

Cut for discussions of cancer, in the post and in the comments




Hello, everyone my name is Christie McCawley, and I'm new to this network but not to the area. Hopefully your Tuesday isn't that bad, or at least better than Monday. I'm hoping that mine is better, since it was one of those days when Murphy's Law reared its ugly head. It's okay, I'm trying to go at today with a positive attitude and if that doesn't help I'm going to curl up in bed once it's over with and watch puppy videos.

With that, I'll leave you one of my favorite puppy videos.

Oct. 12th, 2015




I have decided to start playing football; and no, not that silly game Americans play that they call football because you play mostly with your hands (I mean, really, were people just confused?).

But yes! I do intend to play real football. It turns out I'm quite fantastic on it, and apparently did a bang up job the other day making someone 'break their bank'. I don't really know why my footwork would do anything in regards to breaking one's financial institution, but still I took it as a wonderful compliment.

Sep. 18th, 2015




Whoa! Weird dreams?? I guess this is what people are talking about!

So in mine I'm in this desert? And I'm still sick but I get blood transfusions and stuff to help. Except the guy giving me blood they caught him wild in the desert? He's got a thing on his face because he's feral and dangerous.

And then!!! Then I can hear these drums which in the dream means I know we're going to ride out and fight! And my friend or someone (he kind of looked like one of my brothers?) told me that one of our leaders was rebelling and we had to go fight her!

So we grab the guy in the muzzle and take him with since I'm still getting my transfusion and head out to battle!


Sep. 11th, 2015




I've got that itch to get another tattoo, but I never know if I should or not. I'm thinking of getting something from my dreams, but it's hard to describe, and I'm not much of an artist.

Sep. 6th, 2015




So it's National Read A Book Day - I hope you all have something good to read.

If not you should come see us at Much Ado About Books - we can help you find something great.

Sep. 1st, 2015




Apartment is get! Apartment is also hella tiny and in a shitty part of Lake Forest, but it's my hella tiny shithole.

Nux, I'm gonna cook you and your brothers dinner to thank you for letting me crash. No arguing.

Hey, Max, wanna have a sleepover like we used to? I've got the horror movies if you bring the snacks.

Aug. 21st, 2015




So I think!!!

I think before I get bad and maybe need chemo or something I really want to get a tattoo?

Because you can't get one if you're getting treated cuz it's an open wound and you have to be careful!

But I really really want something before that happens, and I think I found the perfect design (but for my back maybe?)!! Oh and with like a car speedometer instead of a clock.

cut for image, viewable to all )

So what do you guys think pretty badass right? I think I'm going to change my "saving for a car" money to "saving for a tattoo" money cuz a tattoo is actually maybe less expensive I think that would probably be like six hundred maybe?

Aug. 7th, 2015




Question for the network. What is your favorite song?

Aug. 4th, 2015




I have possibly, on occasion, been told I work too much and I should try having a better social life. No, Jess, I'm not looking at you at all. This is going to be my attempt at that.

Now, to avoid making this sound entirely too much like a personal ad, I'll just stick with...

Hi, I'm Sam.

Jul. 20th, 2015




Well folks, we did it. Damon and I have been approved to open a three story club called "Purgatory". The basement is going to be a teen hangout with zero alcohol, the main floor is going to be a night club and the third level is going to be an upscale jazz lounge. We are very excited to be starting on this project, but Ciao Bella will always be my baby.

Jul. 11th, 2015




Well, Gram's back to as normal as she's going to get going through chemo. The attack of the giant spider didn't help, but she's calmed down some.

Me? Not so much.

Jul. 7th, 2015




Hi! My name is Nux!

I work for Dean Winchester so you may have seen me mowing your lawn or working on your car! And then he mentioned this network thing so I decided to check it out?

Cars are kind of my thing, I guess. I love working on them and I love driving them! I want to try being an Uber driver but you have to have your own car and I don't I just borrow my brother's car when he's not using it so they won't let me :(

But maybe someday :)!

Jun. 17th, 2015




Jurassic World was pretty sweet. Kind if wish I had a raptor.

Jun. 14th, 2015




Absolutely the worst nightmare I've ever had. And it was a Dream, no less, so it had that feeling that accompanies all Dreams. That nasty very realistic feeling.

There I was, picking apart a really rather well done bit of encryption. I'd managed to get all the way through and into the data when bang. The data I was hacking started hacking me back.

It shut down our entire system and got into everything. I nearly had a heart attack and died in my sleep. I'm very delicate, my heart can't handle this sort of thing.
Tags: ,

Jun. 11th, 2015




So this is the thing, is it? Tink's been on and on about it forever. This is the place to go to keep up with all the weirdness. Yes? Good, I can't wait to hear all about it.

Oh. I'm Nux. That's not my name, it's just what people call me, but it's practically my name. I work with Tink. Obviously.