
Posts Tagged: 'alyssa+hamilton'

Apr. 1st, 2015




I love my work, I truly do but sometimes the people I work with I don't love so much.

One of the bright eyed new nurses thinks it's a great idea for us to wear bunny ears and cute tails around the wards over Easter weekend. And of course I'm down to work it.

Mar. 31st, 2015




Alright, folks - I'm running away to Scotland for my birthday next month, and if you want some neat foreign crap, speak now or forever hold your peace. I might want to stay forever because I'm really tempted to just take over a castle and retire, but I'm still contemplating that. But I really was meant to live in a luxurious castle so debating's pointless when I know the answer.

AKA, adios, fuckers.

Kidding. Mostly.

But seriously I don't know what stuff is there, but if you always wanted stuff from there--and London, because adventure--let me know.

Mar. 28th, 2015




I found what is probably the best use ever for those hollow chocolate bunnies - Easter Bunny Jello Shots. It's far enough from Easter that I should still be able to get some at the grocery store pretty easily.


I realized the other day I hadn't thanked you for suggesting that other video last month. It's been a big help in deterring that one coworker from hanging out in my office bugging me.

Mar. 27th, 2015




I haven't been on a proper date in ages. I feel like this calls for shopping. Maybe a new dress. Or is that too keen? I'm just excited to go out and do something.

Mar. 24th, 2015




I found a motorbike that Logan doesn't have yet.

Something something beer eh?

Mar. 21st, 2015



not locked in the slightest

Hey Neena.

It's you as a chicken. Lucky.

Mar. 16th, 2015




That was a vacation I never signed up for. I owe some people a lot of drinks!




It's always so nice to be sent somewhere with a beach. Sometimes business takes you to such shit-holes, but this just about makes up for it. I do believe you Americans have your Spring Break soon, yes? That's marvelous timing on my part.

I try to keep up with the goings-on in the world and was promptly informed that this was the place to go for all things Orange County related. I do hope I won't be disappointed.

Mar. 13th, 2015




Gather around, children. It's time for an illustrious tale about what happens when your 'good luck' powers fail.

Your typical morning convenience store run, right? Eggs, some beer, a pack of smokes. I get there and the place is being held up by some mook. Easy enough to intervene when you're me, only... my gun jams. And I end up taking him down with a can of beans. Don't even ask.

The eggs broke on the way home when a yellow light went red too fast and they slid off the seat.

Back to the store to get more goddamned eggs and some freaking moist towelettes, another mook is trying to shoplift. I wield my trusty can of beans against the guy, slip on a leaky fridge spill (that wasn't even THERE the last time), and in the end the cops almost arrest ME when I hand the kid over.

And I forget the eggs and had to go back. Again.

I am so ready for the victory party.

Mar. 12th, 2015




guess who won the hunger games.

22 other teenagers are dead for the amusement of the capitol. katniss and i almost killed ourselves in rebellion to get back at them, buat instead they named us victors.
fuck this.

at least the bartelnder at this place doesn't ask questions otbua why i'm here by myself.

Mar. 10th, 2015




Thank god Mum's liquor cabinet is still stocked.

I'm going to drink everything.

Mar. 6th, 2015




I'm pretty sure that I'm fantastically immature for laughing at this, but hilarity ensues when you put price tags in poorly chosen places.

I can't breathe.




You know, when I said a few days ago that I had been hoping that somehow my dreams were over, I was stating a fact, not complaining. I wasn't trying to test fate.

At least the explosions have stopped. Instead I'm trying to build a factory to produce Jaffa Cakes of all things with a bloody spaceman and a dwarf. A dwarf who would rather eat Jaffa Cakes and be an insane dictator with a poking stick than live underground doing typically dwarven things, apparently.

I'm starting to think I've gone mad again. These dreams have gone right round the bend from somewhat disturbing to outright stupid.




I learned today that you really shouldn't take a nap while at work.

I fell asleep for maybe 20 minutes at a max, but it felt like forever because I dreamt about my interview with Caesar Flickerman and divulving my secret crush on the girl that I am enemies with. It didn't go over well with her, but apparently my mentor thought it was a great tactic.

I ran off and decided I was done training with them and just steeled myself for the inivitable and having to figure out how to kill people and still manage to be me. I wasn't going to let the Capitol take control of me and use me as one of their pawns.

And then things moved faster to me being sent up a tube onto my starting block for the Games. And the moment I woke up was when the horns sounded.

Let the games begin.

And now I've been all twitchy all day. Great.

Mar. 3rd, 2015




Does anyone ever wonder what happens after they stop dreaming? Does my crew find me before I stop breathing? Do I get my little blue babies? How does the galaxy recover from a hundred billion dead and civilization nearly collapsing? Did I do the right thing in how I ended that war? Was it worth the people I lost? How many more millions of people would have lived if I'd been faster?

It keeps me up at night.




If there's one thing these dreams love to echo, it's this: villains don't get happy endings, even if they're no longer the villain.

Mar. 2nd, 2015




Fine, Taylor Swift, you win. I know all the words to that one song and identify strongly with it.

Ugh, I hate when I bow to pop culture, but she's like some sort of adorable southern siren.

Mar. 1st, 2015




I love that I've got Mondays and Wednesdays off. Means my Sunday nights are free. Sunday nights, I might add, are one of the best nights of the week for going out. It's not crowded, there's never a wait for a pool table, and I don't have people grinding up against me on the dance floor using the excuse that it's crowded to justify attempting to cop a feel.

Haven't had that much time to go out dancing lately. But now that crime has dropped back down to normal levels things have calmed down a bit... it sounds like fun tonight. I think.

Feb. 28th, 2015




Sometimes I forget I'm only nineteen and I'm supposed to go out and have fun. So that's what I'm doing tonight.

Anyone else want to dress up and go dancing? I'll go by myself, but it's always more fun with friends.




I'm gonna start this off by saying that this question comes from the single father of a ten year old girl so that no one thinks I'm super weird. What age do girls usually start wearing bras? Okay, so that might still come off as super weird, but there's nothing super weird about it. I promise.

Feb. 25th, 2015








Sweet mother of god, I thought I was done dreaming. Has anyone resorted to Nyquil addiction just to avoid all this? It almost seems more preferable at this point.

I just...there are these mountains and a magic urn and snow and so much with the snow and the things and the stuff and fuck this Nordic fuckery, I can't.

Feb. 24th, 2015




so i keep hereing about this about this thing around at skool and thot id give it a shot since my fucking drummer is useless. yo. im katou. figured this was a good as place as ne to advertis. my band teh Drugnaughts are playing there 1st show this friday at [Venue]. good old fashiond hardcore punk rock. 70s hardcore punk not this new shitty hardcore punk. so come out and have a good time and by my band sum beers.

Feb. 23rd, 2015




It may only be Monday night but I think that a night of some LGBT Netflix films is in order!

I'm starting off with "Geography Club." Any recommendations of what to watch next?

Feb. 22nd, 2015




Punching muggers in the face is like free therapy!




So, Buffy update, round 2! I'd come up wither another game like twenty questions, but all the ones I can think of are kind of difficult to fully accomplish in text mode. Kinda sucky, 'cause that was fun-like! Making internet friendsies, I'm totally living in the now... which is good 'cause... In my dreams I'm pretty sure it's still the nineties and I actually went to school sans a cell phone. Horror of all horrors.

I kid. Mostly.

Oh hey, I know! Challenge! Tell me one good thing that happened to you today. Think a roundhouse of positivity could go a long way with all the bad going on.

Feb. 21st, 2015




How the hell is it that practically every cheap and trashy bar I can walk to is closed due to fire damage repairs?

These are dark times.

Feb. 20th, 2015




I learned from last year's mistakes and ordered about a thousand dollars worth of Girl Scout Cookies. You should have seen the look on the troop leader's face.

Now they're using a mini-van to deliver my cookies into the loading bay at Stark Tower.

Feb. 18th, 2015




I had to call in sick this afternoon. I've got some sort of plague cold. Flu? Whatever it is, it's miserable and I feel like I'm going to die.

I need chicken soup and thirty or so hours of solid sleep. Nyquil. Drugs. I need lots and lots of drugs.

Feb. 17th, 2015




I am thinking about giving up my internship to become a professional cuddler!

I love cuddling and it makes people feel good, so why not get paid to do it? I think that there's a good market for this kind of service. And before you even think it, no...it will not be more than cuddling. Just a standard pay by the half hour, cuddle session.

I think it sounds like a great business to open...anyone want to invest?

Anyway, in all seriousness, I will not be giving up my internship. But it would be nice to just lay in bed and get paid for it. Haha!

Feb. 16th, 2015




The last few days, I've woken up with my fridge open and Sir Pounce-a-lot's dinner lying half eaten on the floor. I've just assumed that I hadn't been closing the fridge properly.

But I think I'm in the process of watching him attempt to get it open himself. I will keep this riveting tale of the Cat that Could updated as details emerge.

... I don't know what I'm going to do if he has figured out how to open the fridge.

Sir Pounce-a-lot is such a smart kitty. The smartest kitty in the whole wide world.

EDIT: Yes. Sir Pounce has indeed figured out how to open the fridge. Knickerweasles.

EDIT #2: Photographic proof )

((OOC: In the interest of consistency, please ignore the black cat in the last photo, and pretend the kitchen is much smaller. ... For anyone who isn't already aware, Sir Pounce-a-lot is played by my kitty, Yue, and this is totally an excuse to show off my cat.))




As a native New Yorker I have to admit it chafes a little bit when your boss decides you have to move to Southern California. Even when your best friend in the world is here. (Hey, Buck.) There are just so many things that California does not have. Public transit. Seasons. And no disrespect, California, but you wouldn't know a good pizza if it bit you on your ass--and good pizza definitely bites you on your ass.

Also, I still haven't forgiven you for stealing the Brooklyn Dodgers. I don't care if it was 70 years ago. What kind of Brooklynite would I be if I forgave a thing like that?

Anyway. It's that other Brooklyn guy's fault that I'm signed up for this thing. What self-respecting 20-something guy needs to talk about his dreams in some online community? This one, apparently.




Wow, this network is still active? I don't know what I expected.

My name's Alyssa, I used to live here a while ago. It's nice to meet everyone (again). I missed a few people who used to live here, so I hope you're still here? That doesn't sound pathetic.

Jun. 22nd, 2014




I've recently moved to the area and stumbled upon this place, and it seemed a good idea to join up. My name is Lance du Lac, just moved from London. They say America is the land of opportunity and so I'm here to test my own fortunes. I run my own private security firm. This is really the ideal place for it, I think, with so many parties and rising stars and the like. I'm rather looking forward to my time here.

Jun. 20th, 2014




My head really hurts, and I can't shut off the Heaven Glowies. Guess no going out for me today.

Jun. 10th, 2014




That moment when you go to the bathroom and a roach is swimming in your toilet.


Jun. 8th, 2014



Everyone come tell my little brother how cute and handsome he is. I do it all the time, but I think he's starting to not believe me as much. People of the O.C., I need back up on this!!

If he gets it from a lot of people, he can't doubt me anymore. )

I really know some of the greatest people, both in-dream and out. Hey, Roy, should I figure something out for you next? I bet if Lian helps me, we could come up with a really great post!




I know you totes missed me. Its okay. I'm back. Celebrate and shiz.

So I got up to some stuff. Had some fun in Paris. Partied. Blew up something in the catacombs. Clubbed a lot. Found a baby.

cut for picture )

So what I miss?

May. 27th, 2014





The last thing I wanted to cope with this morning, was waking up with tits. That's why I'm smoking. Copiously. While wearing a spook suit.

The entirety of Orange County can sod off and die. Preferably in a fire.

May. 19th, 2014




I don't understand that new reality/dating/whatever show, I Wanna Marry Harry. These woman don't realize that isn't actually Prince Harry? Has anyone else seen the commercials for this show? I just don't get it.

May. 18th, 2014





I can't believe I'm expected to make nice and normal at everyone, over the bloody internet.

There's not enough scotch on the planet for this.

Fuckedyfuckfuck Fuck-a-Duck fuckIT.

Hello. I'm Pete Wisdom. I work for a overseas company that sells plushies and things with tiny plastic chokey bits to toy stores, for all of the world's ankle biters to gnaw and drool on. I'm here because my bosses think that I'd be the perfect regional sales representative. How kind of them.

I am so happy to meet you all. So, so happy. With all of the absolute...happiness. Rainbows and baby fluffy animals.

Where's the nearest pub?

And show me all of your weird so I can write a sarcastic report and then go light myself on fire.

May. 14th, 2014




Oh my god. This. This is priceless.

I can't even pick my favorite one, they're all golden. The skeleton one is good, the mother ones are hilarious. Okay, probably the ice cube one. Definitely the ice cube one.

May. 11th, 2014




Mother's Day, that day where I won't call my mom, and she won't call me, and that pretty much sums up our relationship at this point.

I think the last time we talked was mostly yelling and her demanding I get out of this "lesbian phase" I'm apparently in.

May. 8th, 2014




There's only one question that annoys me still, after almost ten years and that's from people who know mine and Lian's situation and ask, especially around Mother's Day, if Lian gets upset on Mother's Day cause she never knew her mother. I mean, I get why they'd ask, but the answer is, no. She's known what went on with me and Jade since she was pretty young. Some people told me that I shouldn't tell her until she was older, but I didn't want her to get to preschool or daycare and then come home and ask me why she didn't have a mother or anything. So, for the record, no, Lian does not miss her mother on Mother's Day.

May. 5th, 2014


Locked from non-puncturable Marvel characters

So. I found a list of "how to properly pet animals." I have found that #15 is pretty much true.

May. 4th, 2014



Possible TW: bite marks, blood.

I'm so glad that Mum's in the Bahamas this month, otherwise I'd have to explain this to her. Not how you're thinking; she'd be thrilled and want details. I'm also thrilled, but don't want to provide her with them.

Apr. 27th, 2014




This cartoon illustrates why I carry a parasol everywhere. Not that I'm a sexist ginger bloke, but nevertheless. The struggle for we pale folk is real.

Apr. 26th, 2014



Did anyone perhaps leave a costume hat in my apartment? I had the most interestingly vivid dreams last night - I dreamt that I was, I think, one of my ancestors. I was Courfeyrac - and had dropped the 'de', as my father did, due to strong Republican ideals. Not like ... American Republican. I mean, like, living twenty years after Napoleon's defeat Republican. French Republican.

I was a student, living in Paris, though I didn't seem to study much. In my dreams I mostly hung around with my friends at this cafe, the Musain. Flirted with the pretty boys and girls. But in the dreams, I was wearing a marvelous hat, and when I awoke ... there it was.

Apr. 15th, 2014




[Pretend this was posted this morning]

It feels like only yesterday by little brother Bran was born and now he's eighteen today. This means that Rickon is getting close to eighteen too, which is unacceptable. Only one of them can turn eighteen and it looks like it was Bran.

Oh and happy birthday to Damian as well. It still boggles my mind a little bit that they have the same birthday.

Apr. 12th, 2014



Oh my god, I am so excited I'm bouncing. The next theatre production is Romeo and Juliet, and guess who was cast as Tybalt, Prince of Cats!