
Posts Tagged: 'alyssa+hamilton'

Apr. 12th, 2014




Apparently even when it's not all that hot out, sitting outside all day will still result in a sunburn.

I had no idea.

I've never had a sunburn before! I mean, I like pink as much as any girl, but c'mon.

Apr. 9th, 2014


(Pretend was posted on 4/6, Sunday)

Logan, Eli and I are happy to welcome Amy Alyssa Howlett, born at 7:09 PM last night - 7 pounds, 1 ounce. She's happy, healthy and so far, no claws. Logan was nice enough to let me sleep for twelve hours after going through it all.


We're going home later today, so after that, the visiting can start.

Apr. 6th, 2014




My big mouth gets me into trouble. Get a phone call and I think to myself 'haven't heard from him in awhile, wonder what he wants.' And he wants a favor and I'm thinking 'brother owes me that favor since I saved his sorry ass' but then he's good at pleading his case and I'm a dumbass so here I am.

In other words, Summers, you owe me a goddamn drink.

Apr. 4th, 2014




Cut for TW for death and loss, but viewable publicly. )

Apr. 2nd, 2014




Thank god I didn't get be-toddler'd or be-elder'd. Mum's out of town still and I'd have nobody to help me open jam jars.

Apr. 1st, 2014




Okay this is screwed up!

Mar. 31st, 2014




cut for recent events, open to all )

Mar. 30th, 2014



Hello! I'm Andre Courfeyrac, and I go to UCI for theater. Theat-uh. I'm new on this network but not new to the OC - I've lived here for a year now and it's rather wonderful, I think.

I look forward to making lots of wonderful new friends on this network; I like making friends. I'm told I'm good at it.


So. Giant penny.

First: the Penny Plunderer used it to try and kill Batman and I. Yes, the Penny Plunderer. He stole antique pennies from a museum, so the name is justified, if completely lame.

Second: as a death trap, a giant penny is ineffective but surprisingly intimidating in the moment.

Third: I am awesome at talking Batman into bringing crazy things home. We have a rather impressive trophy collection now, but nothing else quite measures up to the giant penny and t-rex-bot so far.

Mar. 26th, 2014





Because Eothain has no language (or anything) filter and obvious weed references are obvious. Steer clear if you get easily offended. )

Mar. 24th, 2014



So in last night's dream, B and I ended up on this island with a dinosaur-themed theme park that was actually mega impressive - it was seriously Jurassic Park. The robotic dinosaurs seemed seriously real. Problem was, this gang took it over while we were there! They turned the whole park against us.

We got head butted by a triceratops into a lake, where a brontosaurus threw me a good fifty feet (thank god for convenient tree branches) and tried to kill Batman. Then we were attacked by robot-cavemen, and we'd just about beaten them when the remaining 'bots suddenly backed off. Weird, right? More like downright mean. It was getting dark by then, so Chase - the guy in charge - had trapped us on the island overnight so he could keep "hunting" us for fun in the morning. No one beats Batman and Robin, though!

Batman and I scrounged up some useable weapons, roped us a pterodactyl, and got to work: by the time Chase showed up to take up the chase again, we were ready for 'em. Batman went out and played bait, signaling me when Chase and his gang were in position. I swooped down on the glider we'd turned the pterodactyl into and pummeled 'em from above! Batman came in from below while they were distracted, and BAM! Bad guys go straight to jail - do not pass go, do not collect $500!

The park, unfortunately, couldn't reopen. But I totally talked B into taking the T-Rex. It took some finagling, but we got it into the Cave while it was dark and rainy and stuck it into the big empty area.

So now we have a robot T-Rex. It is awesome.

Mar. 23rd, 2014




I was stalked last night by a creepy, nerdy stalkery evil ghost.

It was kind of disturbing.

In better news, I have a fashion line coming out soon. Well I mean I made some of the drawings for it. And helped at least. It's not totally mine, not completely anyway. [link] For anyone who wants to see. Maybe buy something.

Mar. 22nd, 2014




Okay seriously someone needs to smack Hank. Who's bright idea is to snatch the Xavier's first class from the past and bring them to the present. Like that'll somehow make Scott not crazy.

Mar. 19th, 2014



So. I had an American ask me today, upon hearing I was from Norway, if that was where the penis museum was.

After spluttering and making sure I understood his English, I told him no. And then did some googling, and found out that the Iceland Phallological Museum is in fact in Reykjavik, in Iceland. I do love that there will always be something I can learn about the world. And I admit to having a good laugh, as well.


Breaking news!! Damian scored a 790 on his GED ! That's better than most traditionally-graduating valedictorians do on the same tests! Isn't he amazing? ^____^

Mar. 18th, 2014




I should be more concerned about the nosebleeds than I am.

Mar. 16th, 2014




So, I took Nymeria for a walk along that one hiking trail where two different people have tried to shoot her before, no offense Katniss, and so, we're walking and I couldn't help but notice some pretty sickly looking squirrels and things. Maybe some of the vets here should check on that or something.

And yes, I have heard about the missing hikers. I figured that if someone tried to kidnap me, Nymeria would have just attacked them.

Mar. 13th, 2014




If anyone needs me, I'll be sleeping until the 17th is over. Honestly, you lot don't need to disrespect my homeland to get shit-faced; you'll take any excuse.

Mar. 12th, 2014




Just because I'm a feminist doesn't make me a lesbian, or a man hater. Just because I turned you down doesn't make me either, either. Stupidity, now that's something I hate. Come up with a much more clever insult and maybe I'll raise you from pond scum to something with a few more braincells. Like a tadpole.

And then, after all that you have the bright idea to touch me.

One day out without someone thinking I want them in my personal space, that's all I ask.




The next Yank that tries to do my accent is going to get shot in the eye with an arrow.

Mar. 8th, 2014




It's been just over a week now since I began to ween myself off of drinking blood. This means I've been eating more, because food helps with the cravings. It's a good thing I can't gain weight now, because we've been ordering out almost every night since. I am worried that I might hurt Annie if I can't handle this, but if I can abstain from drinking blood in the dreams then I can do it here too. I don't want my life ruled by blood.

On another note, St. Patrick's Day is coming up and I wouldn't be a good Irishman if I didn't go pub crawling next weekend. Who wants to come with?

Mar. 7th, 2014




Things in life have calmed down for me somewhat, and as a result, I got an idea the other day to do something I haven't done in ages: archery. I love shooting, and I always have. I have a beautiful hunting bow that was a gift from my Da, but I also got a bow from my dreams - an absolutely stunning longbow that feels like it's been in the Starkhaven family for generations. I'd like to try it out.

Anyone have access to a range? Stark Industries doesn't have one, does it?

Mar. 6th, 2014




Well, I've been bothered by a few people to come on here. Apparently it's the best way to communicate with other citizens of Orange County. As though I can't just go down to a bar and meet people there. Doesn't anyone talk face to face anymore? Too much technology, I say.




There had best not be anyone called Anastasia Steele on this network.

And who the fuck gives a copy of Tess of the D'Urbervilles as a romantic gift?

Mar. 5th, 2014




I almost can't believe that my birthday is next month. Well, mine and Bran's birthday. Yeah, my best friend and I just happen to have the same birthday. What're the odds of that? It's hard to believe I'll be eighteen. It just doesn't feel plausible somehow. Maybe it's cause I dream about being ten or maybe it's cause I feel like I've also bad to grow up quicker than most kids my age. Whatever it is, it feels strange.

In other news, I finally set a date to take my GED. I've been meaning to do this for so long and something just seems to come up every time. So, nothing ah better get in the way this time.

Feb. 28th, 2014



My party days are so far gone. I feel like an old guy going out. Of course, I'm not old, but still.




The best feeling in the world is laying in your own bed after being in hospital for a while. I think I just rolled around for a while. I'm not single, damn it all, I'm in a steady relationship with 1200 thread count sheets.


I was in a hotel bar waiting for a client, and this "Bridezillas" show came on. It freaked me the fuck out how much the chick in the promo credits looked like me. Mama doesn't do marriage, and if I did, I wouldn't do any of this frilly patriarchal horseshit. Nightmare time.

Feb. 25th, 2014




I don't regret leaving my flat to get to a mate in the hospital. I do regret that I didn't apparently do a better job covering my face. I did inhale a bit of ash. They discharged Alyssa today, and now they want to keep me overnight to make sure I don't in fact have consumption. Bloody annoying.

Feb. 22nd, 2014




I can only assume that most of you by now have found a place to stay while this plays out. If not, there are plenty out there who are opening their doors, but if you plan on going somewhere you'd best decide if it's worth going outside or not.

However, don't despair. To get us all through being stuck indoors and to keep our minds distracted, Logo's facebook page has the first episode of season six of RuPaul's Drag Race up. It's as delightful as you would expect it to be.

Feb. 16th, 2014



I am now 30 weeks pregnant. Seven and a half months. I'm starting to get that sticky-outy belly button thing.

By the way. If anyone ever says any one of these to me, I will cut your throat with the heel on my Louboutins.





I have to say, I'm delighted to finally be spending an extended amount of time in California. It's a beautiful state, and, if I'm going to be honest, the women and the men are just as nice to look at as the scenery.

My name is Aramis, and, as it's been mentioned I'm going to be here some time, I felt it would be best to really get to know the community. This network seems the place to do that, so here I am, and I hope I'll be welcomed with open arms. In most cases, I will not object to actually being welcomed that way, should it come to pass we meet in person.

(It also happens to be my birthday today, if that makes anyone feel more inclined to open their arms to me.)

Feb. 15th, 2014




I'm not even close to emotionally prepared for this weekend. Tomorrow would have been my one-year anniversary.

Feb. 14th, 2014




My best friends' names are Damon and Damian. I don't know what that says about me.

Valentines Day is the funniest holiday because people are either really happy or really upset that other people are happy.

I wonder if my ex is spending Valentines Day with a hot girl? Those are not very Princely thoughts. Did I ever mention I'm sometimes a Lord and sometimes a Prince in my dreams?

Sometimes, when I have dreams, I wake up thinking I'm my wolf and it takes me a few minutes to readjust to being human. I miss Jojen. Is Jojen Reed out there?

I might be a little tipsy.




This is the best not-real advert I've ever seen.

Cut for NSFW image, open to all. )

Feb. 13th, 2014




I was unaware that this was being tested in Orange County. I'm rather pleased to hear it. It's a very smart marketing idea, and I'm sure it's already come in handy for quite a lot of people.

Alyssa, can you get your mum to bake again?

Feb. 6th, 2014




I'm not a super romantic girl, but I must say this: I will marry and bear about five thousand children to the man that takes me to this event:

Cut for image, open to all. )

What's more romantic than that? It's allegedly in North Carolina, and I have no idea where that is. Someone's going to have to start driving. I'll pay for petrol.

Feb. 4th, 2014




So dream me is dating Tim Drake now. Only dream me doesn't know that he's Tim Drake. Dream me only knows him as Robin and has never seen him with his mask off. Am I old fashioned in thinking that you should probably know a guy's name before you start dating? I mean how do you make a relationship like that work? He can't take off his mask or tell me who he is because he has to protect himself and Batman and I'm all 'that's enough for me, I've been trying to get you to do me since I hit you with that brick'.

I think my forehead is permanently red from facepalming. I'm sure somehow this is Damian's fault.

Jan. 29th, 2014




So, I still have the robes that my grandfather dressed me in before trying to ritually sacrifice me. Uni here has far fewer toga parties than I was led to believe by telly, so I've not used it yet.

I wonder if it's worth keeping.




Caspian once taped a sign like this to our door when we were at school. I didn't notice until the next morning and he thought it was rather hilarious. I wasn't as amused.

Cut For Size - Viewable to All. Slightly NWS )

Jan. 28th, 2014



Holy fuck, Amy just kicked me so hard I'm awake now. I was napping on the couch and then WHACK. I'm not sure whether to be a little freaked out, excited as hell, or both.

Jan. 23rd, 2014




My mum's at it again. Now that I'm single, she says, I need a little bit of help being "inspired to wake up".

So she got me this bloody thing. That's not worksafe, by the by, and also incredibly mental even for my mother.

Does anyone wish to swap parents for a month or so?

Jan. 20th, 2014




George Sands, where the fuck are you? If there's ever a time for you to show your ugly mug, it's now.

Annie is a ghost and only I can see her right now. I need to find a way to fix this. She doesn't deserve this. There's got to be someone who can help us!

Jan. 19th, 2014




Nothing good lasts forever, right? I honestly don't know how to handle these dreams anymore.

I haven't been solid for days now. No one on the street can see me. I'm dead. If you were wondering where I've been, it's because I can't pick up the phone. I'm only 'typing' this because I have voice recognition software.

I'm not sure I'll ever go back. I hate this.


Hello, everyone.




So I'm back. The real me, not the creepy other me.


I'm so so so so sorry.

Jan. 12th, 2014



There are officially 100 days to go until my due date. It feels like I've been pregnant for like six years.

Jan. 11th, 2014




It appears that anyone who is associated with Batman, whether it's my father or Dick, really doesn't have a life full of sunshine and puppies. Or maybe that's just me. So, when I found out that my father had named Tim is heir, I was not happy. To say the least. I went so far as to file an injunction against it. Now, remember, in my dreams, I'M TEN! I'm ten years old and I filed an injunction. What other ten year old would know to do that? I also became involved with Wayne Industries. Again, what ten year old does that?

After that, someone decided to steal my father's skull from his grave, so Dick and I decided to take the rest of his skeleton as well as my grandparents' to our base for safe keeping. It was kind of creepy and I was pretty shaken by seeing the bones of my family like that. So then, someone named Deadman possesses not only Dick, but me as well. When he left my body, he left me with knowledge of an attack caused by The Black Lanterns. Me, Dick and Tim go on and save Commissioner Gordon and Oracle and some other officers from some reanimated versions of some of my father's deceased villains. Do we get a break after that? Nope. The Black Lanterns then decide to reanimate not only Dick's parents, but Tim's as well. So we have to fight them then Dick tells me to send in Mr. Freeze's Freeze Ray and he winds up freezing himself and Tim so that the Black Lanterns can't get any life signs off of them. Deadman helped the revive them after that.

And if all of that wasn't enough, I went to see my mother sometime after that and found out that she had cloned me and was making a replacement, because I had completely sided with my father's side. I told her that becoming Robin had been the best thing that ever happened to me and that she didn't need to save me from something that I chose. She said I was no longer welcome and was now an enemy of the House of al Ghul. I told her that I hoped I'd be a worthy one.

[Filtered from Stephanie Brown]

Oh yeah and I started to take an interest in Stephanie. Well, I sort of had an interest in her before, even if it was mostly hatred with a little bit of respect. I was actually really mean to her a lot of the time. Once I had called her fatgirl, only to be reprimanded by Supergirl. So, I don't really know if it was so much as took an interest in her or went out of my way to make her life miserable whenever we happened to work a case together. That and it's so obvious that dream me has a crush on her.

Jan. 6th, 2014



Wow, I had no idea moving was so hard. At least the renovations and stuff were taken care of by the time I got here - all I have to worry about is my apparent lack of furniture.

And food. Food is really important.

Jan. 5th, 2014




Text to Kitty Pryde

>> Oh god, I did a bad thing.
>> Well.
>> Not inherently.
>> But Logan's going to kill him.

Text to Velma Kelly

>> I have done something awful.
>> You must never tell Logan.