
November 29th, 2013




I spent most of yesterday as part of a company volunteer effort. I hadn't been expecting anything but some reheated leftovers when I got home, but my housemate surprised me. taking that girl in was the best thing I ever did




Those awkward family holidays where your step-mother gives you the stink-eye for showing up wearing a tie and slacks. I was told business casual. I kind of miss it when it was just dad and us. Was a lot less fancy.




The things you see in the supermarket tabloids. Lara, is there something you and Sam need to share with us?

cut for picture )




Generally, I find working with casts and molds to be the more annoying part of creating jewelry. But I've gotten a lot better with carving the molds than I used to. I guess I can thank my sharp new eyesight for that.

It's been nice to have people to make christmas presents for this year. I've got a new line I'm working on for spring, too. I might need to hire a helper again.

Of course the best part about living here in the states is taking advantage of all of these "Black Friday" sales on beading websites. I've replenished my stock of natural cut gemstone beads, wiring, and even picked up a few new charms and bead types that I've never worked with before. I'm actually a little excited to get started. Maybe I'll even buy myself this shiny new set of jeweler's tools. It seems about the right time to replace them.




I don't really want to talk about yesterday.

Today, however, I'm considering starting a sitcom called Four Angels and a Hunter.

Some highlights include:

Dean and Gabriel fighting over the kitchen.
Dean attempting to be territorial of said kitchen and actually growling at Gabriel, before it was pointed out to him that it's not his kitchen and he doesn't get to claim it.
Our host hiding in his office and wearing his reading glasses while he pretended absolutely none of this was going on downstairs.
That one time someone threw blackberries at someone else's head because someone was monopolizing the stove and snarling obscenities.
The great stealing of Castiel's book.
Finding out why Gabriel got into candy-making somewhere during Castiel's impromptu lecture on how the insurance system actually works from an economic standpoint.
The reading glasses.
The way Castiel watches Dean
A narration in the style of Richard Attenborough of the mating habits of Hunters. (side note: I'm still not sure about Dean's alleged plumage, but whatever.)
Indignant angelic feather ruffling
The reading glasses.

And most importantly, spending time with family even though this is a new family for me and not everyone could stay for the whole time. It was far better today than any Thanksgiving I've had before. I'm beginning to get the idea that this is exactly what things should be like, and I'm glad to have all of them, and a good number of you as well.




Okay it's official: I've had too much turkey. And too much leftover turkey.

And probably too much spiked Egg Nog.

I had this crazy dream I was talking to an old computer. Like, the great-grandaddy of Siri or something. Then there was a flash and I was inside the computer. Like, a whole 'nother world with funky glowing grid lines and weird glowing outfits.



[Filtered Away From Elena Gilbert]

I don't even know what to think about my dreams anymore. I've been trying to figure them out, but it's so confusing. Elena isn't really my sister in the dreams. She told me that she was actually adopted, but as far as I'm concerned she'll always be my sister. But it has me wondering now if maybe her and Katherine are really adopted in the waking world. I'd ask her except I don't know if she's had any dreams and if she hasn't then I have no way to bring it up. And if she doesn't know if they are or not then she'll just think I'm being a jerk.

Speaking of being a jerk, I've started being a real jerk to her in the dreams. After she told me she was adopted, I read her diary to find out if she knew more then she was letting on about vampires and it turns out she knew a lot. She knew what really happened to Vicki. What I'd suspected and apparently I witnessed it, but she had Damon wipe my memories or something. I knew there was something strange about that dream when they told me she left. Something I felt like I should have remembered, but couldn't.

Other highlights of my recent dreams included Anna enrolling at my high school, which I was surprised about. We also got pretty close. My uncle John showed up randomly, which I kind of wish he would here. I don't really trust him in the dreams. Then in the last one Anna showed up at my house after I was trying to find her for an entire day and said that her mother had been killed. Her mother was a vampire too and someone had killed her.


I am so relieved I made it through my first American Thanksgiving. I never used to bother with it, since Father always thought it was a silly excuse for gluttony. But now I have married an American, and I did not make a fool of myself with his family. I am very pleased.