
Posts Tagged: 'nathan+summers+%28cable%29'

Jul. 9th, 2013




If anyone needs me, I'm afraid you'll just have to suffer through without me. I'll be in Rio for the next week or so, reacquainting myself with my husband.



[private post accidentally left unlocked]

Oftentimes, the dreams become nightmares. Terrible visions that plague us even into our waking hours and make us wonder what cruel gods haunt us. The thing about these nightmares is that they only end because we make it so. We wake up, we crawl and scratch and dig our way through the darkness until we find that light on the other side.

And when we find that light, we don't let go.

God knows it's a heavy weight. God knows the despair can be endless. Seeing that terror come to life, cutting down people like a slaughterhouse. You wonder how you can hold up. You fear another endless campaign of suffering, of choosing to sacrifice tens of thousands to save tens of millions. That's blood that doesn't just wash away.

Then it's over in an instant, and you feel this relief. But it's empty. It's hollow. Because tomorrow could bring another darkness. And the day after. And the day after that.

Without my crew, my family. Without their support... I'm nothing. Just a marine who stumbled into something big, something world shattering, and did the only thing she could do - try to stop it. And in this waking world, there are others. Many like me, thrust into their own respective situations that defined and altered them. Earth would be piled high with seven billion corpses without them.

A hero is someone who doesn't walk away, when everything is telling them to. There are more threats out there. I'm not going to walk away.




Cut for language and anyone who doesn't want to see it, as well as mentions of character death. )

Jul. 10th, 2013




I never want to have to go through that ever again.

Jul. 9th, 2013




Goddamn it. It's never right.


Somehow, I think it must always end this way.

Jul. 6th, 2013



Direct message to Everyone on his contact list

Cut for language, conversation about war, death, and so that anyone who wants to ignore it can say they did not get it. )

Jul. 5th, 2013




OH MY GOD! I love things like this!!


Jul. 1st, 2013



[filtered to active members of Valarnet]

I will protect you all if it kills me.

These blue things you're seeing are called Husks. They're dangerous, they're deadly, they have no emotion, no feeling and no individuality left.

If you're reading this message than you're probably a dreamer.

If you're not a fighter, run. If you are, don't feel any remorse when you defend yourselves. You're doing them a favor.

Jun. 29th, 2013




After all was said and done, I needed a day or two to rest. Now that I'm feeling a little less like I'll sleep forever and eat everything in sight, I should say hello again. Seeing as the Dreams have deigned to age me up, yet again, and I look rather different.

This is going to make life a little annoying.

Nonetheless, hello, all! Meet your new and improved Nate Summers!

Jun. 28th, 2013



Milk for Sale

Okay, so for the past few months my cows have been giving this.... special milk. There's nothing wrong with it. It's just that it sparkles. And I can't sell it as it is. Would anyone out there be interested in purchasing it to make baked goods? It's the only thing I can think to do with it, otherwise it is just going to be wasted. It's perfectly fine, other than the fact that it sparkles. It won't cast a magic spell on you or anything.

Jun. 23rd, 2013




I leave for eight months and when I come back it's just in time to get bitched out in real english by my cats. Why the hell does Doom sound like Samuel L Jackson?

The more things change, the more Orange County stays the same, I guess.




I spent the better part of a weekend unable to move, and had to spend some time recovering from that. I suppose there's a downside to everything. You do a lot of thinking when that's all you can do. It wasn't really sleep - my mind was still active.

Come to think of it, I don't really sleep anymore. Not in the traditional sense. There are times my mind is less active, and when I'm going through maintainance but it's not traditional sleep. I should implement a sleeping pattern for my own sanity

I still dream, though. It's the strangest sensation. Almost like dreaming while awake.

Jun. 21st, 2013





(Seriously, he's the best ever and getting a second honeymoon is awesome.)

Jun. 19th, 2013




Brilliant. Now I'm hallucinating.

Zora was perched on my shoulder and I was idly scouring the internet, minding my own business? And she just coughed out that if she had a knife, she'd "cut a bitch", all over some true crime report that I was idly reading. Then she asked for a cigarette.

Who was I to say no?

Jun. 18th, 2013




fuck relationships

What's the best way to heal a broken heart? Because I don't think ice cream is going to cut it, all things considered.

Jun. 16th, 2013




I am obsessed with lavender lemonade. It's so simple to make! And whoever thought of freezing lemonade in ice cube trays so they don't water down the beverage as they melt deserves a medal.




Swimming with dolphins today. Anybody want to join me?

Jun. 11th, 2013




It was nice to see a sunrise, even for a little while. But I suppose being very strong and fast is more useful in the long run.

And Papa? I am still mad at you, for the record.

Jun. 10th, 2013




Someone once told me it's creepy to lurk here but never post, so in the interest of not being a "troll"...here goes.

Hi, I'm Ben. I'm a taxi driver. I spend my free time volunteering at the community center, and looking after my foster-family. I'm really very boring.

Jun. 8th, 2013




Wow, this full time job stuff is sort of amazing, isn't it?

I can't believe how much fun I've had already. And I don't even have to get up early in the morning! I've met so many people already and the stuff we're researchin' here is... Well, it's classified, but there's researching happening and it's really brilliant.

I might have had too much coffee tonight.

Anyway, hello! I've just got off work myself and thought I might finally register in on this 'net' thingamajig. I hear you can meet all kinds of people on this thing.

Jun. 7th, 2013




Finally something good happens around this place.

If anyone needs me, you're probably SOL, just so you know.




Alrighty then. No superpowers. No changed life-force. But still all the memories and skills.

Man, this had better be a short thing.

Still and all, I think I got off easy with this one. Everyone okay out there? Looks like the O.C. is up to a new kind of fun.




Of course it figures that the first vacation I'm taking in a decade, I wake up feeling sick the day I leave. Well, not sick. Just off. It's odd and difficult to describe.

The good doctor and I have decided to be spontaneous and fly somewhere tropical for a few days. Or maybe a week. I'm not sure how long we'll be gone. I'm also still getting the hang of being spontaneous.




My biotics aren't working.

What in the name of the Goddess is going on?





But no really. I mean I was before but I had the thing and -- fuck fuck fuck--

Private to Aang

Please come over.

Jun. 6th, 2013




Only 85 days left of being pregnant! Which is fantastic, because I think my ankles are missing. If you see a pair of ankles wandering the streets, let me know. I have dibs.

Jun. 4th, 2013




Next week my first album on US soil will be released to the public! It will be available online as well as several local stores. I wanted to support small businesses. I hope people enjoy it, I don't know if it's the sort of thing the American Public will enjoy, but I enjoyed making it.

Jun. 2nd, 2013




I'm going to have a beach party on Friday evening before I leave town. Anybody want to join me? Say, around sunset?

Don't worry, I don't think I'm leaving for good. Just a little working vacation to kick off the summer.

May. 31st, 2013



hi, I'm cora, I like magic and musicals...

Wise men compose books of spells
They collect strange, mystic tools
But ere thou speak the magic words...
You have to learn the rules!

A staff in the hand may be quite continental
But potions are a girl's best friend
A wand may be grand but it won't pay the rental
Or make car payments
Or feed you more than cheap ramen
Wizards old and wizards bold
They all have their charms in the end
Even young magi grow weary, but dry those tears, deary
Potions are a girl's best friend!

Magius! Gandalf the Grey! Zedicus! Merlin!
Talk to me, Harry Dresden, tell me all about it!
There may come a day when a lass needs a lawyer
But potions are a girl's best friend!

May. 29th, 2013




Can we go back to last week? That would be great.

May. 28th, 2013



I am curious about something. Do Western people celebrate their birthdays once they are no longer children? Because we always have, and my father forgot mine, and I am more hurt than I should be.

May. 25th, 2013



Oh God Oh God Oh God

trigger warnings: suicidal thoughts )

He doesn't want me either. He said that I'm a junkie and a failure and it's no wonder my parents didn't want me...that my sister would be ashamed if she'd lived that I'm gonna end up being a junkie on the streets. I don't...

I need a pill. SO badly.



Heey Valarnet?

Got your TOWEL?

We are going on an ADVENTURE perfect for all the hoopy froods and froodettes out there. And we might turn into penguins, but we'll very well have tea.

Who's in?

May. 22nd, 2013




Would anyone like to go get drinks with me this evening? and possibly light things on fire?

May. 21st, 2013





Here I am, hanging out and checking my email 'cause that's what I do, when I get an email entitled CROTCH CARE 101: POST BABY which is basically just this long DOOMOGRAM about how my vagina and bladder are going to be devastated by BABY NAPALM when I have the little one.

At first I was scared, but then I realized: I'm a hoss. So bring it, Babypocalypse. Vaginageddon isn't going to happen to me.

May. 17th, 2013



I suppose I'm feeling a little better. Getting to use my powers on that kind of scale helped, I can't lie.

I'm sorry I've been so blue lately. I know I worried some of you. For very legitimate reasons.

May. 15th, 2013




I may have dyed my hair again. Don't tell my wife.

May. 10th, 2013





Seriously, I'm so lucky to have such wonderful friends, and the world's best husband and ... I'm just so grateful for everything I've got.

May. 9th, 2013




Getting shot sucks. At least it wont take long to heal. Stupid teenaged reflexes. Who robs restaurants anyway, anymore? Don't robbers have more style? Or is there no pride at all? Meh.

Being shot in this life really trumps the memory of being shot in a dream. In a bad way.

Also, hospital food and television programming sucks. I think they want to encourage people to get better by sheer will alone, just to get away from it.

May. 7th, 2013




I've had terrible interrogation dating luck lately.


You get one thing taken care of and three more take its place. I am sick to death of injury and mayhem hounding my family.

Apr. 29th, 2013







i need to go running

Apr. 26th, 2013



[Everybody except Wanda]

So it is my sister's 19th birthday next Saturday and I am arranging her party.

Many of you will know Wanda - you may be her friend, you may have a child she reads to at the library, you may know her from volunteering, however you know her you are invited to her party.

I would love to show her how many people care about her and want to wish her a happy birthday.

The Fullerton Library have allowed me use of their events hall to host the party, please let me know if you can come along.

Apr. 24th, 2013




Now that I've got living arrangements settled, I wanted to introduce myself. I'm Maia Amell, and I'm the new librarian at UC: Irvine (for all intents and purposes). I'm taking classes there, as well, as they seem rather interested in getting me a teaching position there for ancient studies.

It's almost like they think I'm an expert in my field.

Apr. 23rd, 2013




Hey. Hey. I need an Avenger! I want to join your boy band!

Apr. 21st, 2013




Three weeks to mother's day, Valarnet! Still plenty of time to nominate your favorite mother figure for a chance to win a complimentary massage over at evergracemassage.com

Apr. 18th, 2013




Oh, hey! I think I know some people here already. Hi! I'm Mavis, and I'm gratuitously perky, and vegan. Sadly, no, it doesn't give me any superpowers. Unless perkiness counts.

Okay, I'll stop now.




Right. Should probably introduce myself.

Name's Clara. Rubbish with computers. Going to travel the world one day. If I ever leave California, that is. Was only meant to visit.

Apr. 17th, 2013



Trigger Warnings: Sexual Assault in Comments

oh god my dreams

i did not think they could get worse