
Posts Tagged: 'nathan+summers+%28cable%29'

Jan. 14th, 2016




I woke up with a broken arm this morning after getting shot in my dreams. Every time I dream it sucks ass and I wake up injured. Domino (or whatever she fucking calls herself) needs an adult to stop her from doing dumb ass things.

Then I got healed by a wizard. Which almost doesn't even faze me at this point. Thanks, Doc, for helping me get better.

Jan. 12th, 2016




Day two of sobriety. It still sucks. Yesterday we cleaned out all the cupboards and ever since I've been opening and closing them like booze is magically going to appear.

I have support but it's one of the hardest things I've ever done and I'm only two fucking days in. It gets easier, right?




Fuck, I never post on this forum, do I? I think the last post I made I was a woman, then before that the bearer of bad news. It feels odd to not have anything catastrophic to say.

I've always hated that 'pink for girls, blue for boys' shit so imagine this in orange font or something. Anyway, according to the doctor's poking (which looked uncomfortable) we're having a girl and I unfortunately didn't get any 'it's a girl' biscuits or cakes or cigars, but if anyone wants to drink with me tonight, I'll be at [insert name of bar] and I'll buy you one.

Names are still being brainstormed. That one's tough, isn't it?

Jan. 9th, 2016




Well, seems like I've joined the ranks of those who Dream, or I'm just going crazy. Dreamed I was a baby, being taken care of by mutant superheroes, who kept getting attacked by bad guys. We lived in a giant alien spaceship which was parked in Manhattan.

Man, this thing is just plain weird.




I don't understand this. In these goddamn dreams, after everything Project Freelancer did to me and put me through, used me and turned me into a guinea pig and even though I have all of Epsilon's memories and I know what they did, I'm still with the program. York, North, even South, were smart enough to leave. I'm the only one left. I thought they would have come back for me, but no one has. So now I'm stuck there, being used again to pick up the pieces of a broken project.

Jan. 8th, 2016




These Dreams can seriously end now. I'm just getting repeats of the same stuff over and over--that I can tell, anyway. It's hard to figure out how much time has passed, or when they end and something else begins. I think I've started hallucinating, having conversations with myself.

I just want this part to be over. But I fear it may never be. What will that do to my sanity?

Jan. 5th, 2016




So my dream boyfriend exploded last night. To be honest I'm not terribly broken up about it. He became even more of a jerk as time went on. I guess planes aren't the safest way to travel after all in the dream universe.

Is it wrong to laugh at things like this? I feel like that's the only logical response anymore.

Nov. 9th, 2015




This place has definitely gotten more interesting since I was last around regularly. Seems like something is always happening here.

Might stick around for awhile and see if I can make work here, instead of abroad.




I saw someone at work looking at this forum and it looked like fun so I thought I'd join too. I'm new in town, but not new to California as a whole. I recently got my masters, so it's been such a relief to have some downtime.

I'd like to fill that downtime with friends, if I can. Would anyone like to go see a movie with a complete stranger? I'll buy lunch.

Nov. 7th, 2015




Magic Guild Members
If anyone needs herbs for potions, let me know, I've got my garden going rather well and it seems to be producing. If I can assist anyone with potions or charms, please let me know.

Next scheduled work trip - Yellowstone in the winter. I've got a few months to prepare, but am I ever looking forward to it. And if anyone wants to come with, I've been given a space for someone to join me.

Nov. 5th, 2015




Well, I'm back in town again and one of my friends said I should check this network out. So far seems like a bunch of regular folks, anyway.

I'm Nathan Summers, bounty hunter and investigator. I work for Greymalkin, Inc.

Dec. 18th, 2013




My fangs are gone! I saw the sun rise!

Dec. 16th, 2013




I swear to God, my mom is like a teenager right now. People probably see us in the mall and think we're sisters. It's crazy.

Dec. 9th, 2013




I love all the holiday specials that come out this time of year. I wonder if ten, twenty, thirty...fifty years from now, kids will be watching Dexter Butterfingers' Holiday High-Jinx alongside Charlie Brown. Wouldn't that be something?

Dec. 3rd, 2013




The end of the year always makes me look back and reflect on what's happened. This year was a lot busier than normal ones. I moved, opened my own business, met my husband and got married, time traveled, fought a robot, lost my parents, and a million other things. This year has been insane.

I think I came out ahead in the end, despite it all.




There are some pretty sweet perks to marrying into a family of wizards. I finally feel human again. Sleep enhancing magic is the best kind of magic. I managed to pick up my 3ds again yesterday, which was a nice way to spend naptime.

Dante isn't sure what to make of Luke, yet. He's good with kids, but too old and grumpy to deal with a baby. I'm hoping he'll be okay again when everyone's sleep schedule goes back to normal.

Dec. 2nd, 2013




I feel like I owe a lot of people an apology for just disappearing. I just ... needed time to myself, to get myself sorted. It's funny how it didn't help at all.

Nov. 27th, 2013



Locked from people under 18

The oddest part about having your own place is that when you go on cooking sprees, you actually have to invite people over or take the food places to share it. Yep yep.

That and the quiet. Its very odd.

(ooc: Contains sexual references and inferences in the comments, as well as a discussion of nursing, and such.)

Nov. 14th, 2013



Locked from Rogue

Bad mood. Actually gettin' tired of sittin' at home waiting for my brain to mouth filter to come back. And sure I'm drivin' ma femme completely nuts.

Had more dreams. Dreamt me an' Rogue got our powers taken away. Were makin' a nice life out of it. And then we was needed - fuckin' Elias Bogen - so Sage jump started us both. Merci bien, honey. I think. Starting to fuckin' bug me that Anna Marie don't even remember me. I don't want her back or nothin' - but it'd sure be nice to have somebody else who was right there, who gets me.

At least we ain't shooting my part for a few weeks yet.




While I don't find this strictly necessary, the board seems to think registering for this network is. Since there's no reason not to, here I am. It's not like I have anything better to do. Wait. I do.

I'm Teresa.

Nov. 13th, 2013




We've been having so much fun talking about the dreams and what they could be that we completely forgot about our own birthday. It's quite silly, in retrospect.

I suppose we can't fall back on our old standby as far as celebrating goes. What on Earth is there to do here? It's all so. . . horrifically American here. We're at quite a loss.

Nov. 11th, 2013




Well that... was interesting. Let's not repeat that, hmm? I suppose I finally had one of those Dreams. How dreadful.

Nov. 10th, 2013


Locked to members of the X-team

Who is Charles Xavier?

Nov. 2nd, 2013




Neena and I officially welcomed Luke Alexander Raith into the world yesterday afternoon. He's healthy, and we're recovering. Going to get some food and pass out again while it's quiet.

Oct. 30th, 2013




And just when I thought I was free of dreams.

Oct. 29th, 2013




Lucky for me, I'm between shoots, and don't really need my voice to model for print adds. Though it does make me consider taking a sign language class at some point in the near future. Could be useful when the baby comes, as well, or so I've been reading.




So, as long as this keeps up, I will be posting silent films on my blog every day until further notice. Submissions and video responses are absolutely welcome. Enjoy!

Oct. 22nd, 2013




Cut for violence/child abuse/penal system, but viewable to all. )

Oct. 21st, 2013



I believe that last night has heralded my entry into the so called Dreamer's club. At first it was very charming, actually - I dreamt of my own birth into a wealthy family, in what I think in English is called Renaissance times. Leonardo da Vinci was a friend of my dear mother's. I even had two brothers and a sister, as I do here.

cut for nsfw/gore, still visible to all characters )

I am not too proud to say I was terrified as I awoke.

Oct. 17th, 2013



I'm beginning to wonder how this place isn't swarming with men in black suits taking in everyone who's had one of these dreams. I know I've only scratched the surface and-

You don't see things that are right in front of you. I see it all the time in my clients, but I never thought to ask why someone would bother to dye their eyelashes. I wonder what else I've seen and rationalized away, and how close to disaster all the dreamers really are.

It's funny think that people who've had these dreams call themselves that. It feels like everyone else must just be in a dead sleep not to notice them.

I apologize for rambling, but I feel like this is a sentiment other people might share.

Oct. 15th, 2013




I kind of want to throw a Halloween masquerade for my birthday. You know, a completely over the top monster-movie-monster's ball. Is that too cliche? I'd just have to find a ballroom somewhere...

Oct. 11th, 2013




Is anyone throwing a halloween party that doesn't involve a lot of drinking?

Sep. 16th, 2013




Being back in full health is nice, and so is having those I know and love back in full health. It seems like things are better now, which is really good. There've been a lot of changes around here and I hope people are getting through them okay!

Working, and helping out, and just having time for friends and family is making for a very good life, and I like it!

Sep. 11th, 2013




Hospital food sucks and Shepard's one of the worst patients I've ever seen. Thank God for Angry Birds, I guess, or I'd be going completely insane.

I don't even want to think about the mileage I've put on my car traveling back and forth between the ranch and the hospital.

Have you had to deal with three flying cats and a squirrel with laser beams that can bench press a horse? Believe me, you don't want to. This week can be over any time now.

Aug. 13th, 2013




I'm looking forward to being a father again. For real with getting to raise them in a normal god damn life

Aug. 11th, 2013




Aw, man, we're back to this again, huh.

Well, it was cool seein' the sights while I could, anyway. I guess I missed my earthbending anyway.
Dear Gwen, eat more sandwiches.

Aug. 8th, 2013



Don't really see what the big deal is with all this body swap business. It's really just kind of fun.

For us, anyway.

Aug. 6th, 2013




Well, it seems I've planned my vacation, no, retreat for the perfect week. I do hope things are peaceful again, soon. On all fronts.

[Locked to Faiza]
I'll be in touch. I'm heading north, hoping for some wide-open spaces, to give my mind the room it needs to de-clutter. My heart stays wherever you are.




Day Two. Still Male. Not loving this. This body sucks to play pool in. Jes for the record, ah ain't shaving this face. Ah'm pretty sure ah'd start laughin' and cut meself.

Ah guess the guy who has me should be glad it's not that time o'the month, yea? Ah might 'ave actually died laughin' if it were. No one can say ole Rogue doesn't 'ave a sense of humor. Ah'm gigglin' jes thinkin' bout it!

Aug. 1st, 2013




I knew that it would come, eventually, but it's still surprising to actually see it and feel it. My first dream. It would appear that I'm some sort of shinigami.

So how often do these dreams occur to most of you?


I'm not sure how different you and I are in that...form, I suppose, but we shall see as I dream more.

Jul. 30th, 2013




Never been to Boston before, it's pretty interesting so far. Think the most interesting thing is Ms. Hazel's guest room. Feels like I'm sleeping inside a little girl's brain. I almost broke these little porcelain dogs this morning, because I was bleary and the eyed freaked me out.

Other than that, this trip is pretty fun! The Boston office of Frost Enterprises is a lot more phallic, and the people scurry a lot faster when Mr. Frost walks through the place. Have to admit, it's entertaining as hell.


Just under two weeks until Mac and I get married and everything seems to be going to plan.

I'm a little worried since things have been quiet around here that something disastrous will happen to throw a spanner in the works but that might just be my pessimistic side showing ;) Other than that I am getting very excited - especially as my dress was delivered yesterday!

Jul. 25th, 2013


Locked from Turin Turambar and Logan Howlett

My name is Oyama Yuriko. Some of you may know me from your dreams. In my dreams, and in some of yours, I may be known as Lady Deathstrike.

Deathstrike did terrible things. I can only imagine what I have not seen yet. But I am not Deathstrike, and I will not be Deathstrike.

I don't know if it matters to anyone, but according to a doctor I have seen, I may die soon from the metal that is now in my body. If I do, I wanted anyone who would care to know that Deathstrike will die with me. If I don't, I will work to keep her as nothing more than a nightmare.

I don't expect sympathy or forgiveness or anything, especially from those of you who already hate and fear her. But I have nothing to lose at this point by being honest. So, honest I have been.

Jul. 23rd, 2013




I had a strange, scary moment today at the coffee shop. I sort of... blacked out. Kinda. I had this moment where I was in a different place or time, it was weird. Like I was dreaming, but I was awake? And I knew what was going to happen next. It was brief, and I think I may have been hallucinating, or something, but I could tell what the person in front of me was going to order. Right before it happened. She ordered a skinny vanilla latte and a blueberry scone. And I knew she was going to. I just... knew.




I'm curious about something. Has anyone ever made a significant life change based on these dreams?

Jul. 22nd, 2013




Filming on my latest movie is rapidly moving forward. We've shot in Prague, London, and in Death Valley. One more trip afar looms next month, to Tokyo, then it's back here to Orange County to shoot the rest of the scenes. It's weird filming a fictionalized version of part of my own life. And weirder yet knowing that the science fiction put in it is not even close to how crazy the real events were.




It's been a month, and I feel like just being honest.

TW for Alcoholism )

Now you all know. I like fake margaritas, but if you come near me with that non-alcoholic pisswater beer I will glare at you.

[ Filtered to Obi-Wan ]

Your face is in every corner of this house, and etched on every surface. I can't even look at my roof without seeing you. I can't even lie on my own grass without thinking about you.

You don't have to forgive me and I'm not going to ask for it. I owe you an explanation in detail beyond what I just posted, and I think I'm finally strong enough to give you that, if you want it.

I hear you've moved on, and I'm glad for you.




Summer is going by too fast. Can we just live at the beach until school starts?

[Harry Dresden]
Dad, would you teach me how to drive? I know it's weird, and my birth certificate says I'm not old enough, and I don't really even want to drive yet, but you never know when I might need to know how.

Jul. 10th, 2013




I've learned so much colorful Scottish over the past week.

Jul. 9th, 2013




All things considered, I don't think the Serenity prayer is going to cover it this time.