
Posts Tagged: 'oliver+queen+%28green+arrow%29'

Jul. 9th, 2013




Well that was..terrifying.

It's over. There's only the clean up.

Jun. 26th, 2013




That moment you work out that your family members aren't the only ones in need of therapy. Hello, Valarnet, today's been AWESOME, why do you ask?

Jun. 25th, 2013




Is it common to start getting migraines when you're a. a guy, and b. 20? I've never had this happen before and I'm confused. Also, what do you do when you appear to have been replaced by your family? I was dealing with it before but now I've gotten another new "sibling" and it feels like shit on top of everything else cause I have issues not being the only child, I guess. Advice on either topic?

Jun. 21st, 2013



I am wondering if anyone has ever come across a girl called Mary Eunice McKee.

She would be in her twenties, I think; Caucasian, blonde, with big blue eyes.

She would be sweet and willing to learn, most likely. But there might also be a chance that she would be sly. Manipulative. Disdainful of authority and even crude.

I hope she isn't real. If you have ever met her or know of her, would you be willing to send me a message? It may be very important.

Private to Oliver Queen: I'm going to be late coming over today. I'm going to do something I haven't done in a while - go to Mass.

Jun. 13th, 2013




I miss them already. Beth and Alma and Elise. I know they're safer where they are, and I can 'skype' them, whatever that is, but it's not the same. Almost wish I could go with them, but I got a lot of kids I got to take care of here, too. The Ranch is too important.

Maybe next time I'll adopt a kid a little younger so I can hold on longer.

Jun. 12th, 2013



Umm...hi, total noob here, just moved here and got settled in and while I was surfing I found this network, and although some of you seem to be having really weird experiences you seem cool, so figured I'd introduce myself.

So...yeah...I'm Felicity Smoak, moved here from Massachusetts looking for a new place to do...techy, computer-y stuff for cash. Basically a job. Any recs?

Jun. 7th, 2013




Holy shiz I've never been this hungry in my life but this is awesome because I'm hungry and it's for real food and holy shiz holy shiz I can feel my pulse THE HEART OF THE HOTNESS BEATS MIGHTILY!

...imma get morecandy.

May. 27th, 2013



[Still possessed. Written by Sar AND Ummie as Ollie and Tate Tatover? Tollie?]

cut for implied threats of violence, but no violence itself )

((Poem via Tate!))

From childhood's hour I have not been
As others were; I have not seen
As others saw; I could not bring
My passions from a common spring.
From the same source I have not taken
My sorrow; I could not awaken
My heart to joy at the same tone;
And all I loved I loved alone.
Then - in my childhood, in the dawn
Of a most stormy life - was drawn
From every depth of good and ill
The mystery which binds me still:
From the torrent, or the fountain,
From the red cliff of the mountain,
From the sun that round me rolled
In it's autumn tint of gold,
From the lightning in the sky
As it passed me flying by,
From the thunder and the storm,
And the cloud that took the form
(When the rest of Heaven was blue)
Of a demon in my view.

May. 24th, 2013




So that was weird. Go to sleep because you have a headache, toss and turn, and dream of being homeless and alone, parents dying horribly, and then becoming a superhero, given powers by a wizard. I don't know whether to think this is good, bad, or just plain weird.

Work is calling, and my headache is still trying to kill me.


Dear Asshole at today's work party:

Yes, that is a one-year coin from AA. That does not mean it's fucking funny to swap your bloody Mary for my virgin Mary. I'd about finished the Goddamn thing before I realized there was vodka in it. It wasn't easy to put down the last of it, either. That doesn't count against my sober date, either, because I didn't drink it on purpose, so screw you.

Enjoy your trip to HR - Love, the old bitch in the corner office

Flemeth, Thea, any of you girls, you know anybody who could maybe make a necklace out of this thing? It might be nice to always have it nearby. Especially if the dreams keep getting worse.

May. 23rd, 2013



My husband has, in his own way, mentioned this, but I wanted to confirm the fact that we are, indeed, considering the idea of fostering a child. Preferably a little older, perhaps a teenager?

It's something we've been discussing for quite some time now, but the time just feels right. We're all nice and settled in here in California, Anthony's doing quite well in his business and I can set my own hours, so I'd be able to be home whenever possible.

If anyone has any advice on raising older children, it would be much appreciated. We're both very much looking forward to this new chapter of our lives.

Arthur Fell-Crowley

May. 22nd, 2013




For the record, I had nothing to do with the Spanish Inquisition (but the M25 is a personal stroke of genius).

Oh. And also, Arthur has insisted we take in a child teenager. So there's that. Advice and consolations are more than welcome.

May. 12th, 2013




Got me a bit of a pet today, too, since it's a bit of a trend, lately.

Cut for image )

Just dunno what to name her, yet.

May. 11th, 2013




I know this is really belated but thanks to everyone who helped me move. It went smoothly and I didn't have any problems with the ex.

I got a new phone number too if anyone needs it.

Oh and I need a new job. He found me at Target, but things didn't get too heated, he was scared to get the cops called on him. Imagine that.

I'm a pretty good typer? And I was good at working the register.

May. 9th, 2013




Oh, son of a bitch.

May. 8th, 2013




As a pregnant woman, I'm fighting the urge every day to EAT ALL THE THINGS. So instead, I've been COOKING ALL OF THEM.

No really.

I made a meat house the other day, and today I made PB&J scones with brie. So good.

Cut for picture! )

Seriously, if I make myself cook something really elaborate, it keeps me from eating the whole house. Because I need my house. That's where my cats live.

May. 6th, 2013




I've promised my daughter to take her dress shopping soon, in anticipation of either prom or a formal dinner, and I must admit my first findings are shocking.

Having tentatively embarked on the grand adventure that is prom dress shopping on the internet, I've found that most of the options for young ladies these days are either incredibly revealing or have enough rhinestones to satisfy any Vegas show girl. Or both.

Perhaps my tastes are simply too old fashioned, being a three piece suit and pocket square man myself, but I'm looking for something simple and elegant. Is this entirely out of the question for girl's fashion, these days?

May. 5th, 2013




Oh, Mother's Day! Whoever thought up that holiday should be kissed. Preferably by an attractive member of the opposite sex. Or, you know, of the same sex if they swing that way. No judgement here.

I'll just leave my list of demands here where Harry and James can read. If anyone else wants to send me random letters of love or presents to show they care I wouldn't be opposed.

01. Breakfast in bed (duh. And a real breakfast, not just cereal and milk you wankers)
02. A bouquet of flowers to show you care
03. A Kindle Fire and a amazon.com gift certificate so I can buy books (it's not much of a present without that last part amirite?)
04. Expensive jewelry, but nothing that says "Mom" or "Mother" on it. I don't want people knowing how hard I had to work for this body.
05. An expensive candle that smells like French Oak so I can take a really nice bath.
06. Throw some nice bubble bath in here too.
07. Fine, James. You can get in the bathtub too.
08. But only after you buy me dinner.

May. 1st, 2013



I've really put off this for too long, haven't I? Everyone's always talking about this network, and I hate being out of the loop.

Jay Gatsby, and it's a genuine pleasure.

Apr. 30th, 2013




Watching Abigail prepare for her first year at university, I can't help but reflect on my own experiences.

I graduated pre-med in France, but it was my graduate studies I remember most fondly. I was nineteen, and was traveling to America for the first time in order to pursue a medical degree at Johns Hopkins. I remember being like a duck in a pond; calm on the surface but paddling furiously under the water.

I see so much of myself in my daughter. She's very mature for her age, but I can tell she's nervous about going off next year. At least she won't be going too far, and I can keep her under my wing a bit longer.

Having a child, I've found, makes me very nostalgic for my own childhood. Has anyone else found the same?

Apr. 29th, 2013



Today was the day!

here's a llama, there's a llama, and another little llama. Funny llama, fuzzy llama, llama llama duck )

Anybody who wants to sing the rest of the song with me? You totally CAN! This is Marguax and today she finally was able to come home! The trip was kind of awkward because I'd tried to force a resolution on an issue that has nothing to do with me, so, as far as family trips went? Weird city. But I'm pretty sure that it was worth it, and she's settling into her new home quite nicely. I can't wait until she's able to show!

Apr. 28th, 2013




Hypothetically speaking, how much is too much of an age difference, for a relationship? I've been having some pangs of morality lately, and I wanted the opinion of you fine folk to put my troubled mind at rest.




I've been thinking of taking a cooking course, in my free time. Less to learn how to cook and more to meet other people who share my passion, so I'd be looking for something fairly advanced. I'm something of an epicure, I suppose, and I would love to be able to share my love of cooking with someone other than my daughter.

Perhaps if there are others in the area who enjoy food as much as I do, we could start a little group of some sort.


My boss officially sucks, let that be known. Would anyone happen to know of a place that could use a lounge singer with a very flexible schedule?

Otherwise, I might have to take my talents to Disney... The parks or something? I just have the feeling they would not appreciate my... personality? I do believe that's the most delicate way of phrasing it.




Mentions of dream violence )

Honestly, how much crazier are these dreams going to get?

Apr. 27th, 2013




So, I've been thinking about it and I think once I'm free of this sling, which should only be a few more weeks, I'm going to start taking kickboxing classes. I see the things I can do in my dreams and while I can do the acrobatics, I know nothing about the fighting part. Besides, I want to be able to protect myself if anything happens.

I'm also going to be talking to my coach soon about the possibility of me coaching. I just don't feel like competing again, in the Olympics, is what I should do and I don't think it's fair to all the other girls out there who had the dream that I had. My dream was to win and Olympic medal and last summer I won two. I'm satisfied. It was my father who wanted me to go back.

Besides, I like actually having a social life and friends and a boyfriend someone who likes me. I don't want to give all of that up to be in the gym 24/7.

Apr. 24th, 2013


Locked to Oliver Queen, Candy Quackenbush and Andre Courfeyrac

It's my one year sober. Today. Have a meeting tonight. But dreamed ... Demons.

I have never wanted a Bloody Mary so much in my entire life.

If you're there, please just ... I don't know. Come get me? Don't let me go out, I don't have any alcohol in my house. I don't want to lose this.

Apr. 21st, 2013




So, uh, Logan? You're not allowed to sneak off and shag Remy anymore.

You guys, the impossible happened today. Remy LeBeau proposed. (I said yes. I'm not stupid.)




Hey, anybody on here want to come on a farm field trip with me this week? If you know your way around animals, that'd be even better. Or like...have a trailer I can rent... You would be my new hero and I would be willing to pay you in whatever you wanted really.

Either way? This is gonna be amazing!

Apr. 14th, 2013




Whatever idiot thinks "Cajun spices" is some stupid packet of powder, I got a bone to pick with you. They was havin' a "Cajun fish fry" up in Long Beach, and I ain't never been so disgusted. C'est wrong.




Is anyone else watching that new show "What Would Ryan Lochte Do?" They're still in the middle of filming the first season, but I've already been on it a couple times. Ryan and I are good friends and still teammates so I bet I'll be on it even more. It's good for me, I think. My agent says it's good to be in the spotlight... means more commercial deals and stuff. I don't know. I'm not too worried about commercial deals. I just want to go to the 2018 Olympics.

It might be a good opportunity for us to show off a little, don't you think?

Apr. 9th, 2013




One of the kids just called me mom. I don't the feels ..I can't..what?

Apr. 4th, 2013




Good day, good people of the valar net! I'm Beleg, and I'm new to the network and to the area. I don't expect that people will know or remember me hi Turin, but I also star in a on-again, off-again web series: Beleg Cuthalion - Big Bow Hunter. It's chronicling my outdoor adventures tracking and hunting with various really big bows and how I have fun cheating death. I firmly believe that hunting's only fun and truly sporting when it's equally dangerous and your prey can run you down and eat your face off!

Alas! It would be on more of a regular schedule, if I could only stop bleeding.

If there's any sort of good hunting grounds or other archery enthusiasts out there, let's meet up and try to get our faces eaten off, together!




Okay, so that's a problem.

That wardrobe thing that we've been seeing? Yeeah. Turns out I can't keep pants or a shirt on. What I CAN keep on, however, are a pair of green and orange boxers with gigantic flowers and a matching bowtie. Which has sequins.

Thank FUCK I own the charity and can give my secretary the day off. My little sister's running around shrieking enough as it is.

Mar. 6th, 2013




The fucking bitch. Teach me to try and show affection. Or put any fucking effort into a relationship.

I wish I were 21 and then I could drink.

Thankfully I have more class and honesty than to fucking name names. Cheating asshole.

[TW: in comments for mention of their father and what he's done]

Feb. 28th, 2013



Okay. So, the big mushrooms and all that are gone. But now I'm dreaming about becoming a nun, and running an insane asylum? Full on, black floor length habit, sniping at underlings, and freaking caning patients? In one dream I had a young man who'd done something, and he bent over my desk, trousers down, and Mother Superior here was whipping the hell out of him. I'm ... kind of creeped out, honestly.

Oliver, I can hear you laughing now.

Feb. 19th, 2013




So whose amazing week so far got ruined by a night time bailout request? That'd be this guy.

Not impressed.

Yes, there were fuckwords.




I have to ask.

Has anyone else had... changes because of their dreams? In terms of things like skin colour and texture, I mean.

Feb. 13th, 2013




Best Mardi Gras party ever.

I may have had my watchdog big brother trailing me all through the complex party so I couldn't do the drinking, try to score anyone's pills or anything else. This sober shit is killing me, by the way, so it's when a drink would REALLY help but I guess people don't want me to end up hooked on booze or something on top of everything else, so I get it. Sucks, but I DO get it.

I did, however, end up with a shit ton of beads. Like seriously, 22 of them. Not a bad night, actually. His horrified faces as I made my way through the party, and possibly ended up screaming through his window to give me beads made the whole thing even better. I mean, not like he's gonna get a heart attack any time soon, so it was pretty much hilarious.

And I guess waking up sans hangover wasn't the worst deal ever. Probably.




Last night was fun, but I think I'm giving up drinking for Lent. The dreams ... they're terrible, but I have a purpose in them, and I don't really have one when I'm awake. Maybe I can make them merge together. If I'm meant to protect people, I'm going to really put forth an effort to do so.

I've already signed up for a bunch of training classes and stepped up my jogging. Instead of being silly and stupid and ... me, I'll practise with my bow, I'll go kickbox.

I miss home so much I could die.

Edit; posted later, locked from non-puncturable HP people: What does "imperio" mean?

Feb. 8th, 2013



An Open Letter To Whoever Is Dating My Godfather:

Dear woman who has somehow been suckered into dating Oliver Queen,

I am so so very sorry. ...No that's unfair to him and you, I mean you probably got sucked in by the charm, a lot of people have over the years and he's not that bad, really, just...

Ollie and relationships are just one of those things. It doesn't tend to go well in the long term mostly because he manages to somehow fuck them up for himself a few months down the line. I mean, he doesn't do it on purpose but he sort of self sabotages and you'll end up incredibly annoyed and disgusted before very long.

It isn't that he's not a good man. It's more that he's, well, you know the term manchild? I think that it was actually invented for how he approaches personal relationships. You know the bull and china shop cliche? That's Ollie in relationships.

God knows, I don't want to know about whether or not the sex is good, I'm assuming it is, because most of his relationships tend to feature awesome sex, according to him, but uh, be warned that outside of the sex, you're dealing with a whole new set of issues you might not be aware of right now.

I'm sure you're really an awesome gal and all, but uh...from someone who has known him for 20 years now ,and lived with him for six of them...

I just thought it was fair to warn you.

-Roy Harper

Feb. 3rd, 2013




Loving that my first week back on duty is one of the worst for DUI amateur nights.

If we pull you over for driving drunk, there won't be warnings. That shit is unacceptable when you could come on here and there's seven people who would offer you a ride home. Don't.

Feb. 2nd, 2013



Why do some people insist on getting so drunk before boarding an aircraft? I mean seriously? They may have let you past check-in but there is no way you are getting onto my plane and harassing my staff when you smell like a brewery and can barely walk straight.

Oh, yeah, I guess I should introduce myself. I'm Serafina, newly settling in OC after a promotion. I'm a Cabin Crew Supervisor so if any of you travel you may have seen me. Or not. I mean there are lots of airlines. But anyway, that's me.

Jan. 30th, 2013




...Why does my homelife seem to consist of the same shit with a different name every single time? I need a babysitter Friday night if anybody's interested in some cash. Must have the ability to keep your charge from breaking the locks on the booze closets and I'm not sure what time I'll be home, but I'm offering five hundred bucks starting from about six if you're interested.

Or it doesn't have to be at my place and I'll throw in extra if it's not.

Let me know?

Jan. 27th, 2013




So Valentine's Day! It's coming and we can't stop it but thanks to my wonderful new friend, Glimmer, who had an incredible idea we have come up with THE ultimate Valentine's Day plan.

I have hired a movie theater [address] and we are going to be screening horror films all day - no tickets needed just turn up! And there will be free ice cream, popcorn and the usual goodies too!

So if you want an alternative to the lovey dovey mushy crap that we are all bombarded with then come along!

Jan. 24th, 2013




I really really want a drink right now.

Jan. 23rd, 2013




He's getting married. Somehow, right in front of me, without me really noticing it, Roy's grown up. It feels a lot of the time like he's still the eleven year old who came to live with me when I had no clue what the fuck I was doing and it showed. I mean, we got through those awkward first couple of years, and middle school and everything, but still. It doesn't seem possible that he's actually seriously going to be somebody's husband. I'm happy for them, oh fuck, I'm really happy for them both, but it's like that thing about time going fast is suddenly true.

And my little sister is eighteen and sleeping on my couch until she figures out her next step. That one is even weirder. I just met her a couple months ago, but she's still my little sister who I should be giving, I don't know, unicorns and riding lessons instead of taking clubbing so I can make sure she's not drinking or getting drugs off somebody.

It's really weird with both of them standing there as real, actual adults with adult type stuff going on, and shows me that I'm...old and washed out and kind of incredibly pathetic. Is this how midlife crisises start? Are you allowed to have one of those at 36?

Or is the last couple of years my midlife crisis? Either way, I suddenly feel really old and off my game and everything else. ...I'm confused.




That thing where someone knows you, knows you ENTIRELY, your past, the horrible stuff you're prone to doing, and the things you do that nobody understands, along with the good stuff, and still loves you anyway?

I finally get what it's like to have that person, to be with them, and to be wanted by them and...

I don't know. I guess I assumed after the dreams started happening, and hell, even before that, back when I'd first run away, that I was never going to have that, at first because I was convinced I was a horrible person, and then, when the dreams hit, because I was convinced I'm not a person at all.

Those things change. Those things change amazingly and fabulously and perfectly, and I finally get what it's like, for the first time in...well, ever for somebody to want me not because they promised someone else, or felt bound by screwed up circumstances to stick around, but because they genuinely want me. It's amazing.

It's amazing, and it's wonderful and incredibly scary and perfect and I have no idea what I'm doing but I know I want to try to know. He's already made me a better person, and I'm pretty sure that being married to him is only going to make that keep happening in the future.

I sort of wonder now if, God, it's like that thing you're into, Ollie, Gibran and what he had to say about love and everything that it entails. That whole 'as love is for your growth he's for your prunning' deal. Maybe last winter, this summer, the way I started out this fall before I met him was all a way of love starting to do its thing. To get me ready.

It's right. I know it's right and if I consider that everything up to this point had the reason of bringing me here and now? I can live with that, with everything that's happened.

It's kind of overpowering, I think....

Jan. 21st, 2013




I'm in so much pain. Now that the gym is open again, my dad had me up before the crack of dawn to make up for the training I missed out on during the flu outbreak. I've been training for the last fourteen hours, almost, non-stop. I just spent the last half hour soaking in an ice bath and it made no difference. Even my coach thought my dad was pushing me too hard and he's one of those Russian coaches who usually don't know what too much is. I just wish this would end. I don't want to quit gymnastics, but I don't want to be forced to train this hard. It's not fun anymore.

Jan. 20th, 2013




Ah, yes, back to the old grind. (Yes, I intended the pun.) The studio is not going to let any of us work in Orange County proper, so they are flying some people to San Fransisco (where I am currently) so we may film in historic places.

I hope I do not get arrested again. Is anyone on here a lawyer? I may need bailing out on a public indecency charge on Tuesday.

Edit; I am very lucky. I accidentally proposed and he said yes. Do not tell me I am stupid for accidentally proposing, I know!